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“Dot, he was joking.”  I assure her.

“If she wants to do it…”  Prince says excitedly, undermining what I’d just said.

“You shush!  Troublemaker.”

Dot spins up onto her hands and knees to face me, her golden brown eyes wide and twinkling as she nervously chews at her plump bottom lip.  “You don’t want to kiss me?”

“I…I never said that Dot.”

“She never said that Dot.”

“Would you shut up!”

Dot giggles at Prince and I.  “I always wondered what it would be like.  The other girls seem to like smooching a lot.”

“You hear that?  The other girls like it Jo.”

“I am hanging up.”  I reach for the computer.

“I’ll be quiet!”  Prince slaps a hand over his mouth, desperate that I not end this call.

I roll my eyes and pull my hand away.  “I won’t forget this.”

He lowers his hand and gives me an encouraging smile.  This guy of mine was something else.  I swear he wanted me to kiss someone else more than he wanted to kiss me himself.  It was funny that I only had to move thousands of miles away to learn this about him.  And Dot!  What a stinker.  At my boyfriends prodding she was all in on this idea.  And the adorable way she looked at me with such open and honest anticipation and with such big puppy eyes made it very difficult to say no.  Had I been less tired and less horny I might have resisted, as it was I stood no chance against their combined power.  I couldn’t deny that I was a wee bit curious too, especially after today.

“You two are the worst.”  I shake my head, a bit flustered.  “I can’t believe I’m actually…”  I let the words fade though my expression told the rest.

“She’s doing it!”  Prince cheers.

“He he he!”  Dot bounces.  Had Prince been here I swear the pair would have high-fived their victory.

I point to the screen and reach for the keyboard with my other hand.  “I warned you.”

“No!”  He says horrified at missing the moment.  “No, no, no, no!”  He waves his hand.  “I’ll be good!  I’ll be quiet!  Don’t you dare hang up now!”

Dot and I laugh.  “What do you say Dot?”

“Please Dot!”  He begs.

“I like him.”  She states with a firm nod.  “Even if he doesn’t bottom.”

It takes a second but Prince’s brows furrow at the odd comment.  “If he doesn’t…what!?”

“No talking!”  I warn.

“Yes Ma’am!”  He bites his lips.

“Dot.”  I say, then lean in to whisper.  “I told you that in confidence.”

“Sorry!”  She peeps with a guilty grin.

Dealing with these two was like herding cats.  “Alright sugar lips, square up and let’s do this.”

“Sugar lips!  Ha ha ha ha!”  Her pure lively laugher was like the best kind of music.  Hands on knees she leans forward with glossy pursed lips pointed right at me, at the ready for a big old smooch.

I smirk.  They wanted a kiss…I’d give them a kiss they wouldn’t forget.

My smile fades as I gaze deeply into Dot’s beautiful golden eyes.  Instantly she picks up the change in mood, her eyes widening as I shift closer to her.  I had captured her in my sizzling sultry gaze, and there I hold her.  For the first time since I’d met her Dot’s tumultuous and quixotic attention had been captured completely.  I lightly nibble at my bottom lip as I continue the long quiet stare into her soul.  Her pursed lips relax as she takes in a little gasping breath.



Slowly I bring my hand up and, with a feather light touch, slide it up along her smooth jaw.  I thought Prince’s skin was soft but Dot’s flawless tan flesh was far softer, not even a hint of the wispy stubble of my boyfriend.  Every bit as soft as my own.  Like warm living silk.  My hand glides across her cheek and over her earlobe, my fingers comb up into her dense healthy hair.  Ever so subtly she leans her cheek into my palm to welcome the tender physical contact.  Her eyes are as round as saucers, her body as stiff and still as if it was frozen in time, and her shallow breath only coming sporadically I hold her in my eyes and loom closer and closer.

Though I couldn’t see him I could feel Prince watch us.  He was as mesmerized by what was happening as Dot.  This wasn’t some friendly peck I was giving my housemate, this was a lover’s kiss.  The kind of kiss that was sure to make my randy boyfriend feel the stinging burn of jealousy.  This would teach him to play with fire.

I was so close to Dot now that I could smell the sweet fruit aroma of her shampoo and lip balm mix with the pleasant mint of her recently brushed teeth.  I let out a long hot sigh, letting my steamy breath wash over her face.  Hesitating I linger a moment to let the heat of passion and the depth of my hunger come out in my wanton expression.  “…ohhhh…”  She mewls softly.  Completely under my spell she was putty in my hands.  Reaching up with my free hand I take her by the shoulder and grip it firmly while my other hand hooks in to hold her head in place.  As I lean in the last few inches her eyes close and her rosy lips open just slightly.  My nose slides alongside hers.  And then I kiss her.

Our supple lips meet.  Softly, sweetly, tenderly I kiss Dot once, twice, three times with a gentleness I’d never even shown to Prince before.  On the last I suck slightly at her bottom lip.  Thanks to her flavored lip gloss she quiet literally tastes like strawberry candy.  On the fourth I press my mouth firmly into her pillowy lips to kiss her properly.  The little genius’ stiff body then melts into me like shaved ice on a Savannah summer sidewalk.  Ohhhh, this is nice!

I had never kissed anyone who was so soft and so completely yielding to my will.  Simply put, this was the first time I took the more dominant role in a kiss of this nature.  With the guys I’d kissed, even my pretty boy Prince, dandy that he was, always took over when things got to this point.  Not so with Dot.  She gave herself over to the moment.  Though she savored it and yearned for it she was content to follow where I lead.

“Hmmmm.”  She moans softly as our kiss goes on and on.

I intended to kiss her for just a moment but the longer I we kissed the better it got.  Not so crude or forward to just jam my tongue into her mouth to french her, as had happened to me more times that I could count, instead our tongues dance and play at the border of where lip met lip.  Turning my head I kiss her from another angle.  I suck her lip, she sucks at my tongue, our wet lips smack quietly as we kiss like first time lovers just learning about the pleasures of the flesh.  Kissing another girl was…amazing!  At least this particular girl.

“Mmmmm.”  I hum with rising passion.

Slipping my left hand down around her waist I pull her closer into me.  Our breasts meet, reminding me again of the sex of the person I was kissing, as against my knee I could clearly feel her erection straining against her pajamas.  The sure signal of arousal only makes it all the hotter, though it was also a good reminder that I had to keep my crotch away from her touch.  The new sensation of feeling the combination of both her soft feminine body and her hard throbbing penis was a heady one for this boring Northern girl.  My pulsing pussy warms and my clit tingles and soon my whole body was alight with passion.  I kiss her even harder and more passionately, my tongue now beginning to probe deeper.


A hushed voice from a presence I’d almost forgotten about comes through the speaker of my laptop.  “Oh my God!  Yessss.”

All at once I take Dot by the shoulders and push her back off of me.  Her eyes still closed, her mouth reaches out for me as our kiss parts.

Flushed and blushing I let out a lusty breath and fan my shirt.  “Whooo!”

Dot slowly opens her eyes, her mouth curling up into a drunken grin.  “Ohhh wowww!”  I was flattered at her adorably dopey response, though even I had to admit that was one hell of a good kiss!

Shifting back away from her I slide my hands down her arms to hold her hands.  “There, you two happy now?”

“Yes!”  They say as one.  All three of us laugh.

“That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”  Whispers my incorrigible boyfriend.  “It was better than porn.”

“What!?  I thought you’d be jealous.”

“Jealous?  No way!”  He says.  “In fact I’ve never wanted you more.  If you two want to keep going…don’t let me stop you!  I’ll just sit and…watch.”

“You perv!  You are the worst!”

Dot is a bundle of giggles.  She looks to Prince.  “You’re so cool!”

He sits up and puffs his chest out at the compliment.  “I think you’re pretty cool too Dot.”

“Oh Dot, don’t encourage him.  He’s bad enough as is.”

“I think he’s great!”

“Hear that Jo?  I’m great.”

“I think it’s just wonderful how you love Jo just the way she is.”

“Well, she is pretty lovable.”

I roll my eyes, even though what they said made me feel pretty darn good.  He hadn’t denied that he loved me when Dot said it, then he went on to say I was ‘lovable’, innocent as those statements were it was as close to either of us saying those magical three little words as we’d ever gotten.  “Would you two stop already.”

“So…how was it Dot?”  Prince asks.  “Kissing a girl?”

“Amaaaaazing.”  She swoons and stares at me all dreamy-eyed for a moment before remembering the other half of the bargain.  “Now you have to tell me how it was kissing a man!”

“Disguuuusting.”  He answers in the same tone of voice she’d used, which gets her giggling all over again.  “I think gals are just naturally better kissers.  Guys suck at it.  We definitely get the better half of the deal.”

“No argument here.”  I quip.

“Hey!”  He retorts.  “Present company excluded!”

“If you say so babe.”  I laugh and squeeze Dot’s hands.  “You’re a very good kisser.”  I wink.  “I’m sure those Hawaiian boys are missing you.”

She smiles bashfully and shakes her head.  “I never kissed any boys.”

“You never…wait, Dot.”  If she hadn’t kissed any girls nor any boys…  “Was that your first real kiss?”

She nods and giggles.  “Uh huh.”

“But…oh geez!  I didn’t realize.”  I suddenly felt guilty at stealing Dot’s very first kiss on a silly dare from Prince.  “You’re so pretty!  How did you never kiss a boy before?”

Dot looks down at herself then back up to me.  Without saying a word my tired mind finally clues in.  Of course, she had a secret to keep.  Being a sister meant that real trust needed to be established before intimacy could be had.  The poor woman.  As if the dating scene wasn’t tough enough without having to worry about that.

“You’ll find a guy Dot, if that’s what you want.”  I say.  “Don’t you worry about that.”

“That’s right.  A hot girl like you will have no trouble.”  Prince says.  “And hey, if you want any kissing practice with a dude I’m planning on visiting around…”

“If you finish that sentence I am ACTUALLY going to come home just to kick your ass!”  I exclaim.

The three of us laugh again.  “I really like you guys.”  Dot says.

“We like you too.”  Prince smiles.

“My bestie.”  I smooch her cherubic cheek.  “I am honored to be your first kiss.  Buuuut, it’s getting late and I’m…”

“Awww.”  They whine in unison.

“We can do something else if you want.”  Dot pleads, her big eyes gleaming.  Having gotten riled up by the kiss Dot was as horny as Prince and I.  “We could kiss some more.  Or something else?”

“I definitely think you should.”  Says my boyfriend.

“I think you should check yourself bub.”

“OOOO!”  Dot squeals as her eyes light up.  “We could let Prince tell us what to do and we get to tell him what he has to do!  It could be like a game of Simon Says but back and forth.  Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“YES!”  Prince nearly jumps through the screen at that suggestion.  “That is a great idea Dot!”

“Hee hee hee!”  She titters.  “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”  She goes to reach for her cock but I hold her hands firm.

“You’re on!”  He hoots thinking his wildest dreams were coming true right before his eyes.

“Stop it!  I don’t think that’s a good idea.”  I say.  As much as that actually did sound fun I couldn’t risk revealing myself and my lies.

“Don’t be jealous baby.”  He says.  “I don’t mind if we involve someone else.  In fact…I love the idea!”

Too late I am realizing getting these two frisky teens together had been a big mistake.  Dot was a virgin and starved for amorous attention, particularly the attention of a cute guy her own age.  Prince was…well, he was Prince.  Horny as a dog in heat at the best of times.  And neither of them listened that well.  I needed to cut this off now before I completely lost control.

“I’m not jealous.”  I say sternly and give him a pointed glare.  “It’s just…we can talk about it later.  Okay?”


“Okay?”  I press.

He sighs.  “Okay.”

Sensing she might have done something wrong Dot shrinks, her big bottom lip pouting slightly.  “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have…”

“It wasn’t you cutie.”  I hug her then gently pinch her pouting lip.  “We’ll have to do this again sometime, sugar lips.”

Her smile returns.  “Promise?”

“I promise.”

Turning toward the computer she leans in close.  “It was wonderful to meet you Prince.”

“That goes double for me.”  He leans in to get a really good look at her up close face.  “Thank for looking after Jo for me.  It’s good to know she’s got a friend down there.”

“My pleasure.”  She says.  I was just letting myself relax when she then has to go and ask just one more question.  “Hey, before I go, if you don’t mind me askin, how big are you Prince?”

“How big am I?”

“Yeah, your measurement.”

My heart sinks.  “Dot.”

“Uh, like five-nine.”

“No silly!  I mean your penis.”


This takes him aback…though he was keenly curious at the line of questioning.  “My…penis?  Excuse me?”

“Mmm hmm.”  She nods.  “Jo just said that she was smaller than you and that I was close.”

“She…she did?  She said that?”


“One sec.”  She holds her hand up to me.  “If you’re under six inches I just wanted to add you as an honorary member of Team Little.  Honorary because you aren’t a sister, no offense.  But we need all the members we can get around here.”

“Team Little?”

“We haven’t actually settled on the name yet.”  She lowers her voice.  “If you’re a bit bigger that’s okay too.  Nobody needs to know.  But over six and half inches and forget it.  Too big to be little.”

“Sorry…what!?”  Prince laughs at what he was sure must be a joke and shakes his head.  “What am I hearing right now?”

Dot tilts her head.  “How big is your dick silly?  It’s a simple question.”

I’d done so well thus far, something in my tired mind just snaps.  I spin Dot my way I hiss.  “Dot!  I told you not to talk about the secret!”

She looks at me, afraid and confused by my sudden anger.  “But…y-you said the BIG secret.”

“Yes, exactly.  The big secret!”

“I…I don’t understand.”  She says.  “I never said any…you meant our dicks?”

“YES!”  I glance to Prince.  “I mean no, I mean…God damn it.”  We’d almost made it.  Why oh why had I let her in to say hello?  And what in the hell counted as the ‘big’ secret if it wasn’t this!?

“I’m sorry.”  Dot bows her head.  “I misunderstood.  I’m sorry Jo.”  She touches my cheek.  “But…you shouldn’t be ashamed of your body Jo.  Not with him of all people.  He’s your boyfriend.  He’s supposed to love you.  You are beautiful Jo!  It doesn’t matter if you’re different or a selfie or small or anything else.  Real friends don’t care about that stuff.  Real friends accept you just how you are.”

I sigh, touched by her kind words even as misguided as they were.  “Dot…”

“Does somebody want to fill me in on what is going on.”  Prince butts in.  “Did she say ‘our’ dicks?”

She turns and glowers at the screen, her slender fists shaking.  “You are a bad man!  BAD!”


“You don’t bottom for her, you don’t even let her talk about her own body!  I was wrong about you.  You’re not cool Prince, you’re not cool at all, and she deserves better.”

“What is happening right now!?”  Poor Prince’s head is spinning.

My face is in my hands as I listen to Dot chastise Prince and Prince babble in bafflement.  It had all fallen apart so quickly.  Reaching out I lay a hand on Dot’s shoulder in an attempt to calm her.

“Dot…it’s not his fault.”  I say.  “He never made me feel ashamed.  He’s only ever been…incredible to me.  If it wasn’t for him I never could have gotten here.”

She looks at me, her body relaxing.  “Oh.”

“Jo, what in the heck is this all of this about?”

I look to my boyfriend.  “Prince…”  I ponder how I could tell him in a way that he would believe me.  “…you know what?  It’d just be easier to show you.”  I look to Dot.  “You still want to play that game of yours?”

Chapter 11 



This is getting amazing 😄