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Keeping her eight inch dildo deep in my ass Evelyn continues to spoon me as she removes my gag, wipes my wet lips, then pulls the velcro bonds free one limb at a time.  My butt felt like it had been through hell and back, but in the most glorious way imaginable.  Not only had been reamed by the thick new toy it had orgasmed so hard and clenched with such power that my anal muscles were actually sore from exertion.  It left me sore and with no doubt at all that I’d been fucked and fucked well.  My jaw too ached having been held open for so long on top of the fatigue already there from my blowjob to her in the bathtub.  My dribbling dick continued to lurch and spasm even though the intense climax had long since passed.  All in all I felt like I’d been used as a pleasure doll in every way there was to be used.  God, it was wonderful!

As the cuffs are removed I ball up smaller and snuggle back into my Dommy-Mommy’s soft body and hard strap on.  I might be free and unmuzzled but I was just as powerless against her as ever.  I would do anything for her…anything.  She wraps her arms around me and holds me as she kisses and nuzzles the back of my neck.  “Ready for more?”

“Ohhhhh…yes Ma’am.”  I sigh happily.

“That’s my boy.”

“I’m pulling out now.  Get ready.”  She backs away and her right hand cups my ass and she very gingerly pulls long hard phallus from my tender tunnel.  As the cock leaves my ass her own hard cock, covered in my creamy seed, slides back through my inner thighs and along my balls.

“Hahhh.”  I moan, my tired sphincter clenching with trembling strength as the shaft slides out in a smooth easy motion.  A strange mixture of relief and a regretful yearning fills me as my bum suddenly feels empty and hollow.

“Ohhhh, you gape so beautifully my love.”  This woman, she could make the nastiest shit sound like kittens and rainbows.  “You tushie is winking at me!  Ha ha ha!”  She pats my bum.  “Saucy little scamp.”  Her hand gently rubs my bottom in a slow circles.  “How’s it feel baby?”

“Good…soooo good.”

“My boy.”  She spanks me.  “Alright.  Up on your knees.”

I let out a breath then roll to my hands and knees then sit back.  Meanwhile she shifts over to the edge of the bed to begin removing her strap-on harness.  Out of the corner of her eye she catches me looking at the purple goodie bag.  There was still other stuff in there.

“Mmm mmm.”  She shakes her head.  “No peeking.”

I giggle and lower my head guiltily.

She motions to the bottle of lube.  “Stroke yourself Donald, don’t let yourself get fully soft.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  Going full soft was not going to be an issue, hell I was basically still full mast, but I hear and I obey.  I put a dollop into my palm, rub it around my hand, then grab my cock and start to stroke.

Evelyn places the glistening strap on and black harness on the edge of the bed.  “You’ll take the dildo with you baby, that will your new trainer.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“I want you to use it a few times a week, at least.”

“Yes Ma’am.  Thank you Ma’am.”

“You earned it baby.”  She leans back and kisses me.  Crawling up on the bed she comes to kneel and sit so that we faced each other, our knees touching and our two cocks in the diamond shaped space between our legs.  Her mighty lady dick laid like a waiting python, reaching past her knees.  Mine…did not.  Seeing my cum smeared along the top of her shaft and knob I lick my lips.  “You want to clean me up?”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I nod.

“Ask me nicely.”


She melts, her face beaming with love.  “Yes my sweet Prince?”

In my most submissive voice I beg.  “May I clean my mess please Ma’am?”

“Yes you may.”

I lean down and hunch in and quickly begin to lap at the jizz covering her cock with my tongue.  I continue slowly stroking myself as I go, having not been told to stop yet.  With licking tongue and sucking lips I soon have the warm soft skin of her penis as clean as she could be, not that that stops me from sucking more.

She laughs and pets my head.  “That’s enough my pet.”

I sit back up, smiling proudly.

She points at me and shakes her finger.  “If I didn’t know better I swear you were playing for time.”

“Me?”  I coo, my batting eyes big and innocent.  “Did I do something wrong?”

She continues chuckling and shakes her head, her Mommyness cracking for a moment as she marvels at me.  With a hand she smooshes my cheeks, forcing my lips out, and gently shakes my face.  “I always said, you are wayyyy too good at this Donald.  It just ain’t fair!”

“He he he!”  I turn and kiss her hand.  “The feeling is mutual.”

She uses this momentary recess to check in with me.  “Still having fun?”

“Oh my GOD yes!”  I swoon.  “You?”

“Yes baby, I’m having fun.”  She she takes in a breath and slowly lets it go.  “You bring me such joy.”  She then laughs.  “The milk surprised me.”

“Me too!  It was amazing.  Sweet and tasty.  Mmmm.”

“I never expected it so soon.”  She giggles.  “I guess my old body isn’t as past its prime as I thought.”

“You are NOT old.”

“Thank you baby.”  She cups her big breast.  “There will be more where that came from.  I hope you’re ready.”  


With a tilt of her head.  “The bondage?”

“The best!  I never appreciated how good it could be.  I…I loved it.  I really, really…loved it.”

“Good, we’ll do it again soon.”  She runs her hand down my cheek, her voice is soft and full of warmth.  “You did really good my boy.  In my bondage I will always protect you Donald.  Always.  I will not let anything happen to you.  I swear on my soul that I will protect you Donald Garcia.”

I bow my head, utterly humbled by her devotion.  “Thank you Evelyn.”

“Thirsty?  Tired?  Do you want to be finished?”  

“No Ma’am.  I’m okay.”

She was looking hard into my eyes, keenly checking on me for God only knows what.  Maybe to see if I was going to cry again or something.  She brushes my hair back with her fingers.  “Anything feeling off?”

“No Ma’am.”  I smile.  “I’m ready!”

“Okay.  Tell me you love me.”

“I love you!”

“Tell me you need me.”

“I need you Mum.”

She pats my chest.  “And whose my good boy?”

“I AM!”

“Alright!”  She snaps us back to the moment.  “You’ve had a long enough break mister.  Sit up!  Chest out and chin up.  Sit pretty for Mommy.”

“Yes Ma’am!”  My back shoots straight, my chest tilts higher, and I raise my head to sit for her like a well trained dog.

She pulls the cloth back to her side and starts to rummage around.  “Let’s see what Mommy’s got in store for you next.”

Chapter 88 


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