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“Hmmmm.”  Evelyn lets out a soft sigh as her cock comes to touch my belly and chest.  With a small tilt of her hips she has it slide up, it’s huge tip tickled by the bit of hair between my pecs, then back down again.  She flexes it hard, it’s stiff girth pressing against my tummy.  “Ohhhh.  I can’t remember the last time I was touched like this.”  

Alan was a god damned fool.  To have a woman like this and not treat her right?  It was crazy to me.  But his foolishness had gifted me my opportunity.  I give her a pretty grin as I rub my bare torso against her while also holding and lightly stroking the other side of her cock with my hands.  Just to be cheeky I then bring my hands to my chest in a feeble attempt to push my pecs in around the end of her dick just I had just done with her.  The best I can do is create a couple of small mounds to push against the front side but she appreciates the attempt nonetheless.  

With a little shake of her head she says.  “You make me smile, inside and out.”

My grin grows.

Leaning back again I hold her member in my hands to stroke it slow and light.  I loved the velvety softness of the taut skin and how the veins gave it a lovely subtly marbled appearance.  I loved the neatly trimmed nest of red hair it sprouted up from.  I loved the natural musk mixed with her perfume.  It strikes me as I admire it just how far I had come in the short time I had known Evelyn.  Before her I would have found such a penis threatening to both my ego and sexuality.  Before her I would have recoiled at the mere thought of sucking dick.  But now I saw it as another perfect piece of this beloved woman, every bit as beautiful and desirable as the rest of her.

“You can do it baby.”  She whispers supportively.  “It’s just you and me here.  Be the boy that you want to be.”

Holding it by the shaft, one hand atop the other, I lick my lips, bend forward, and start…with a kiss.  I soft lingering kiss right to the tip.  Her cock hardens, her head swells, and her slick precum wets my lips.  I happily slurp it away as I pull back again.  Evelyn’s fingers were now in my hair, rustling and twirling through my locks in that magical way she had of saying ‘I love you’ with only a touch.  It was a mystery to me how she did it, but I was happy to feel it.  It couldn’t have been more different from the hard cruel hands of the woman who…no, this wasn’t the time.

Opening my lips wider I lean down again.  I cinch my lips around the top half of her tapered glans to give it a more sucking kiss.  Very slowly I slip back to that my lips were pursed once more at the tip.  “Mmmm.”

“You’re doing so good.”  She assures me, despite the fact I had barely even begun.  She was such a Mom.  A proper Mom that is.  My own mother only belittled and insulted.  I pull away and shake my head to banish, or at least suppress, the unwelcome and unexpected thoughts of that woman from my mind.  “What’s wrong baby?”

“Mom.”  I whisper.  “Am…am I a good boy?”

She pauses, leaning down to try to look me in the eyes.  “Of course you are.”  She pets my hair.  “Are you okay my prince?”

“I’m okay.”

Before I can ruin the mood any more I get my head back in the moment and open wide to nom down on my beloved’s big cock.  Her whole bulky knob fills my mouth, my jaw strains as my lips wrap tightly around her pole.  It takes a second to register.  I actually had a dick in my mouth!  HER dick!  I try to push deeper but her sheer bulk only lets me go so far.  She was a lot of woman to take!  Getting as much as I could of her inside of me…I suck at her greedily, trying to keep things tender as she liked but impatient to experience everything at once.  

“MMMRRRMM!”  I growl with lust.

“Hohhhhh!”  She moans as she arches back at the feel of my warm and wet suction.  “God baby, yessss!”  Gripping my hair in a light grasp her hips buck once with a mind of their own.  Hearing my Domme’s moan of pleasure is a joy and a privilege that hits my subby soul DEEP.  “Ohhhhh.”

“Mmmm.”  I slurp back up on her massive schlong then slather the end with a swirling tongue.  “I love it.”  I whisper between swiping licks.  “I love your cock.”  I go down for more.  “Mmmmmm!”

“Ohhhh my boyyyy.”

Opening my eyes I see Mommy’s big boobs staring back at me.  A real live female cock in my mouth and huge set of knockers in front of me…could life get any better than this?  I smooch all around her head then stroke her with both hands, allowing my spit to be the lube, as I let my jaw rest for a second then go for more.

“Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.”  I hum as I bob up and down.  One hand continues stroking as the other slides down to tuck inside of her panties to fill my grip with her enormous balls.  God, they made mine feel like mere marbles in comparison.  How much cum could these babies store!?  I had a feeling I was going to find out.  

“Ohhhh Donald.  That’s good, that’s really good.  Good boy.”

“Mmmmm!”  This might be my first time pleasuring a penis but as a life-long member of the cock club I knew oh so well what felt good and what didn’t.  “Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.”  It is a hell of an effort to keep my teeth from scraping the flared edge of her bell end which causes the muscles to start to cramp.  “Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.”  

“Oh baby, your mouth feels so nice on me.”

At her encouragement I bob and suck for as long as I possibly can before being forced to retreat.  “Ahhhh.”  I gulp in a breath.  Extending my tongue I side her back and forth on it then pull away to swallow and rub my aching jaw.  I kiss and nuzzle at her dick letting out lilting little coos as she pets my head and shoulders and back.  Like a playful puppy I lick and lap at her, not just her cock but also move about to slurp her soft titties as well all the while making my cute mewling sounds.

“Happy boy.” She giggles with a rustle of my hair.

“Oooommm.”  I chortle happily back between rapid slurps.

I never knew going down on someone could feel this right or this wholesome. 

Thankfully it isn’t too long before the cramps subside.  I dearly wished I could go deeper and longer.  Perhaps with practice I could get better.  If Evelyn had any complaints though she didn’t voice them.  She was loving every second of this and seemed to understand better than I the limitations her great size forced on us.


“Yes Ma’am?”

“It’s your first time.”  She leans down to kiss my head.  “Ease off a little.  Not so deep.  Not so hard.  That will come with time.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Once I was ready I go again.  This time I only get her spongy knob in my maw and there she stops me with a gentle guiding touch to my chin.  “Right there.”  She whispers as her other hands comes down lightly on the back of my head.  “Be still now, breathe, go at your own speed.”

With a hand on my chin and another at the back of my head I am left with just one option.  I begin to suckle.  “Mmmmmm.”

“Ooooo, that’s nice.  Isn’t it?”

“Mmm.”  I confirm.

“Why don’t you try that for a little?  Mmm?”

“Mmmmm.”  I am only a few suckles in when my body naturally reverts back to the same gentle rhythm with which I nursed on her.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  I burble as an echo of that sensation of peace washes over me once more.  “Mmm.”

“So nice.  Good boy.  Goooood boyyyyy.”  Evelyn comes to cradle my head and pull it into her pillowy bosom.

I let my muscles go limp, trusting her to hold me in place.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  My ear against her chest I feel and hear the familiar thrum of her heartbeat.  I close my eyes and focus on that steady thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  Flavorless and slippery her precum is draw out to mix with my saliva before being swallowed.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  This was sooooo much easier.  My jaw was stretched but not quite straining like before.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”  Rhythmically, steadily, hungrily I suckle for mother’s milk.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

“Hohhhhh!”  Her hot breath washes down over me as the good feelings flow through her.  Almost imperceptibly her pelvis begins to rock to pace of my steady sucking.  “Goooood boyyyyy.”

Holding me close she cradles me and caresses me and begins to hum a wistful rendition of ‘You Are My Sunshine’.

Chapter 41 


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