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Okay...I don't think I'm very good at Yandere stories.  LMAO  Whatever this thing is I still want to finish though.



“Yes Benjamin?”

“What’s wrong?”  I raise my bound hands to embrace him   “Why are you acting like this?  You’re really scaring me now.”

Blinking his eyes he looks as if he is waking up from a dream.  “Ben.”  He whispers.  “Don’t be scared of me.  You never have to be scared of me.”

“These things you’re saying.  That look in your eyes.  Why are you so angry?”

“Why…are you pretending that nothing is wrong?”  He shoots back.  “Why are you pretending that they didn’t hurt you?  You don’t have to protect them you know.  They’ll get what they deserve one way or another.  I promise you.”

Muttering under my breath.  “You’re…such an asshole.”

“What did you say to me?”

“You’re an asshole!”  I say again more boldly.  “You’re alive!  You’re here.  We’re together again.  This is our night, our special night, and you’re…ruining it.  Your anger and jealousy is killing the mood.  We dreamed of this night!  This isn’t how it was supposed to be, remember?”

“Benjamin…but they hurt…you…”

“They didn’t though!  I don’t need to be protected Sacha!”  I exclaim.

“You don’t need…me!”

“No, yes, no.  I’m confused.”  I lay my head on his shoulder and saying more softly.  “I need to be held.  I need to be…fucked.”  I nuzzle into his soft slender neck to kiss it.  “Yes I slept with women.  But only women.  Because…because there is only one man that could have me.”  I smooch him again and rasp my stubble against his silky flesh.  “In the way that counts I did save myself for you Sacha.”

“You…you saved yourself for me?”

“Of course.  You are the only one I’d trust inside of me.”  I say.  “I would have waited until heaven to see you again.”

Pushing me back he looks at me with a troubled look.  After a moment it fades and a smile brightens his pretty face.  “You really are an angel.”


We share a quiet moment of connection before he straightens up tall.  “Soooo, you wanna be fucked, do you?”

“Mmm hmm.”  I nod.

“Like we used to talk about?”

“Mmm hmm.”  I squeak.

“He he he.  Be careful what you wish for my friend, you might just get it.”

Gulp!  With a lightning quick motion he grabs my hair roughly and yanks my head back.  “Hahhhh!”

Sacha tilts his head up to look down on me with a cocky smirk.  “A virgin where it counts, eh?”  With his free hand he collects a few of the other ties that had fallen from his clothes then stands, still holding my hair in an iron grip.  “Bout time we took care of that.”


Stepping out of the circle of my arms he turns and begins to drag me behind him!

“Hnngh!”  I whimper as I struggle to crawl behind him.  Not an easy task with my wrists bound as they were.

I thought he might rip my whole damned scalp from my head as he leads me to the kitchen like a cowering dog.  Once there he suddenly turns back on me.  Forcing my head back against the wall he slaps my across the face with his hard cock before jamming it into my mouth.

“GGLLNGH!”  I gurgle as he buries himself down my throat.  With the wall behind me I had nowhere to retreat.

Looking down on me like some wrathful god of old Sacha fucks my mouth with all the gentleness one would show a pocket pussy.  “Is that what you want?  Hmm?”  He grins as he watches the tears flow down my cheeks.

“Gmm!  Glllnngh!  Mmm!”  I moan like the wanton slut that I was as I suck and feel his long schlong ram down my gullet again and again and again.  Thump, thump, thump.  The back of my head is forced against the wall which each hard choking thrust.  “MRRMMM!”  He traps me, pubes mashed into my nose, balls on chin, and cock deep inside, then holds there for God knows how long as I squirm beneath him.  He stares down, straight into my eyes with that wild fire I found so fucking HOT.  “Mmm.”  I mewl in submission.  The lights are starting fade before he at last pulls out all in one swift go.  “GAHHHH!”  I gasp for air.

He lets go of my hair and turns toward the stout wooden kitchen table my father and I had built.  With a single great swipe of his arm he sends the table cloth, centerpiece, and various papers and gewgaws scattering across the floor.  I am at his feet, kissing them and licking them and begging for attention.  Peering down at me, his dick dripping my copious spittle, he grabs my hair again and lifts.  Scrambling to my feet I am brought up into a fierce kiss and then immediately slammed forward, my chest thumping down onto the table forcing a grunt from me.

“Ohhh Sacha!”  I sigh.  

Smack!  A stinging spank cracks across my ass.


“Didn’t I say I’d treat you good?”  Smack!

“OHHHHH!  Yessss!”  Good didn’t even begin to describe it.  He had taken full control, control of the situation and control of me, just like he used to say he would.  I yearned to be used like this, a desire I had never found the courage to confess anybody but him.  “Mmmm.”

He kicks my legs apart then, moving with incredible swiftness and efficiency, I feel as one of the zip ties are wrapped around both my ankle as well as the thick table leg.  Ziiip, the band tightens.  This is followed quickly by the other, ziiip.  The next thing I knew I am bent over my kitchen table with my legs bound and spread and my wrists cuffed in front of me.  My rock hard cock stuck down over the lip of the table and my ass stuck straight back, completely at my femboy buddy’s mercy.  “Hah!”  I gasp as I feel his manhood brush up my crack.  I was still reeling from that brief contact when he is gone and I spot him to my right grabbing a drying towel from near the sink he flips it over his shoulder then starts looking through my cupboards.  I might have been more curious if I wasn’t so distracted by his lithe sexy body and cute tight ass.  

He hums a cheerful tune, waving his hot tush my way, as he rummages before saying.  “Mmm.  Olive or coconut?”


“Both.”  Reaching in he grabs the tall bottle of olive oil in one hand and the tub of coconut oil in the other the return to set them on the table beside me.  Without missing a beat he takes the dish towel and gives it a deft spin between his hands.  “Open.”  He commands.  Guessing the only thing he could mean was my mouth I open it up wide.  Leaning in over me he stuffs the thickest part of the roped cloth into my mouth.  “Bite.”  I bite down then, lickety-split, he has it tied behind my head so that I wore it like a horse’s bit and bridle.  With a tilt of his head he grins as he admires his handiwork.  “That’ll do.”

“Hnnff!”  I mumble through the cloth gag, my big body shuddering with lewd anticipation.

Running a slender finger down my body as he goes he strolls back behind me.  Looking back over my shoulder I watch him round the corner to come in right behind me.  Without even conscious direction my body readies itself, my ass tilting toward him.  He presses in tight, the length of his erection running up the cleave between my muscular butt cheeks, and leans forward to grab the bottle of oil.  He removes the top with a flicking spin and lets the cap tumble off to bounce away on the floor.  With a careful pour be starts to drizzle the golden liquid down over my butt.

“Hmmmm!”  I groan with rising lust.

“He he he.”  His green eyes glimmer.  “You want it so bad.”

“Mmmm.”  I nod.

He ends the pour and sets the bottle down.  And then he begins to rub.  He rubs himself, cock and balls both.  He rubs my ass, stroking his fingers up and down the crack and coating the oil everywhere.  He then uses that which dribbled down to coat my dick and scrotum too.  His soft hand contrasts with his steely strong grip.  The massaging of the olive oil into me felt warm and slick and wonderful.  With a grip three times as strong as any of the ladies I’d been with he milks my dick for a minute or two as I squirm and whine.  A finger from his other hand tickles and teases my anus as he stroke, stroke, strokes with with hard quick tugging motions.

“Rrrrrmmm!”  I growl as it isn’t long before that was really starting to feel good.

“Don’t you cum Ben.”  He warns me.  “You had your chance for that already.”


Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.  “You said you didn’t cum quick anymore, remember?  Not for your friend Sacha at least.  You don’t need crazy ol Sacha looking after you anymore, mmm?”

“Hmmmm!”  I sigh as I see the jealousy come out again.  Not again!  It was like he could only contain these ugly feelings for so long before they came out again.  “Mmmmm.”  I murmur softly, pleadingly.

“It’s okay.”  Stroke, stroke.  “I understand.”  Stroke, stroke.  “You’re a man now.”  His grip tightens.  Stroke, stroke.  “A big honorable man.”  Stroke, stroke, stroke.  “Chivalrous to a fault.”  Stroke, stroke, stroke.  “A real sex machine.”  Stroke, stroke, stroke.  “You don’t need anybody, do you?”

“Hmmmm.”  I moan.  With his wrist he spreads my ass wider, his finger tapping and probing at my clenched hole.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.  He watches me intently as I writhe and huff at the rising nut he was coaxing with ruthless efficiency.  “Don’t cum.  If you cum I won’t fuck you.”

“MMM!?”  I mewl.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.  At my sphincter the finger now rubbed it firm slow circles, juuuuuuuust barely light enough not to penetrate.  “You are looking so good back here.  Feeling so good too. Mmmm.”

“Rrrrrmmm!”  I bite down on the towel as I fight back my orgasm

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.  “You have such a beautiful cock Ben.  So thick and strong.”  Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.  “Fucking beautiful!”

“HMMMM!”  I shudder and start to buck as my toe curling efforts to hold back begin to crumble.  “MMMMM!”

“Come on man, not yet.”  He titters as his hand goes into overdrive, the slipping and slapping of my oiled wang being milked filling the kitchen.  “You said you could last.”


“Hold it.  Hold it Ben.  Not yet.”

“MMMMMMM!!!”  My vision goes hazy as I feel the swell upon me.  “HMMM!”

And then he stops, at the last possible moment.  My cock bounces with hard twitches as I ride the very edge of orgasm but somehow keep it contained.  Grabbing my balls he squeezes them hard.


“That was close!”  He giggles that girlish giggle of his as he watches my cock dance from behind.  “You don’t last THAT long!  Ha ha ha.  That was barely a few minutes.”  He pats my throbbing nuts.  “You tease.  Acting all tough and independent and stuff.  Like I don’t know everything about you or something.  He he he!  You aren’t so different from the old days.  It’s still you.”  He strokes the cheeks of my butt with a gentle hand.  “It’s okay Ben.  It’s okay.”  He looked so weirdly happy.  “I bet those…those women teased you unmercifully, didn’t they?”

“Mmmff.”  I huff, still recovering from my near nut.  

“Yeah.  They did.  I know.”  He shakes his head, then shakes it again.  “Nothing is ever good enough for those people.”  He glances toward the nearby curtained window.  “Those people out there don’t understand.  They tell us what to do.  They tell us how to think.  They tell us who to be.  They don’t know you.  They don’t know me.  They don’t know what is in our hearts.”  He looks back down to me.  “They won’t tease you again Ben, not ever, ever, EVER again.  They won’t hurt you again.”  I go to talk but leans forward to clamp a hand over my mouth.  “Shhhh.  It’s okay.  It’s okay.”  He smiles warmly as he gazes on me.  “You have always been enough for me.  And you always will be.”  Running that same hand up through my hair he whispers.  “I love you Ben.”

Time stands still.  Did…did he just say…?

“I love you.”  He says again with feeling.  “I love you Benjamin.”

He did!  The L word.  That little word we had danced around since the moment we met each other at last given voice.  My beautiful precious friend wasn’t right inside his soul.  I knew something was wrong with him.  He was still sick or something.  I don’t know.  But the raw emotion in those three words were true and pure and overwhelmed all my worries.

“Rih hof ooo.”  I say through my muzzle as my heart cried out.  I LOVE YOU SACHA!

“I know.”  He kisses my back.  “I’ve always known.”  Standing back up he asks.  “You need me as much as I need you.”

Somewhere in there ‘love’ had turned to ‘need’.  Ah well, I knew what he meant.  Besides, were they really so different in the end?  Bound and bent over I beam back at him, the love in my heart flooding through me as the dam of denial burst once and for all.

“Now.  May I fuck you buddy?”

I nod like I have never nodded before.  

He rises up to position himself for entry, knob snug against my back door.  “Ready Ben?”


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