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“Oh!”  I chirp as the meaning of her words sink in.  “You mean…?”

“Yes my boy.  I want to feel your mouth on me in that special way.”

“Ohhh thank you!”

Her finger traces the edge of my top lip, her eyes focused on my mouth.  “Ask me nice first baby.”  She says in that wonderfully motherly way of hers before offering some good old homespun wisdom.  “If it’s not worth asking for it’s not worth having.”

I lick my lips and swallow as I prepare myself to say something I never thought I’d hear myself utter.  “Mom…can I suck on your huge cock?”

“Ooo, so crude.”  Her face twists.  “You make it sound so tawdry.”


“Is there a nicer way to ask?”  She taps my lips with a finger.  “Hmm?”

“Um.”  I think, then try to hide my mischievous smirk.  “May I blow your dingus?”

“Dingus?”  She chuckles.  “What is a dingus?”

“May I lick your big fat wing-wang?”

“Fat!  Excuse me!?  Ha ha ha!”

“Lady dingle?”

“I do NOT have a dingle!  Ha ha ha!”

“Woman weenie?”

“Weenie?  He he he.  How dare you!  Impudent boy!”  She says aghast.  “You’ll be punished for this you know.”

I titter and wiggle beneath her.  If I was going to be punished I might as well make the best of it.  “Can I fellate your fenis?”

“You are ridiculous.  You’re just making words up.”  Her laughs escalate.  “Ask me nice!”

I giggle along with her.  “May I slurp your Mama-mamba?”

“Mama-mamba!?  Ha ha ha ha ha!”  She bounces on me as she laughs a good honest belly laugh.  “Would you stop!”

Slowly our shared laughter fades.  I kiss her finger and ask in my high pleading sub voice.  “Mom.  Let me make you feel good.  Please?”

Her expression goes tender and she strokes my cheek.  “That’s better.”

“Please.”  I coo.  “Please.  Please Mum.”

“As if I could ever say no to you.”  She beams.  Shifting back to sit on my thighs she holds her arms out to me.  “Come here my boy.”

I sit up straight into her loving arms.  She hugs me into her bare chest, her thick soft body almost melding around me as she embraces me.  At some point in our nursing her bra had been completely removed, I’d been so in the zone that I don’t even have a memory of that happening.  I hold to her, soaking up her care and attention as well as listening to her heart beat, before giving her a wet kiss to just below her neck.  I look up at her and smile.  She smiles back and lets the embrace ease.

“I’m not too heavy?”  She shifts and twists as she tries to find the best way to rest upon my legs.  “Are you comfortable?  I’m not hurting you am I?”

“No Ma’am.”  I say.  “I’m fine.”

“Good.”  She strokes my chest.  “Take off your shirt Donald.  Let me see your sexy body.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I say as pull my shirt off.

“Mmmmm.”  Her smile grows as she runs her silky smooth hands down my chest and stomach.  Tenderly she explores every curve and crevice of my flesh.  Even now she does not rush things, taking extra time to feel me with her hands and admire me with her eyes.  To have a beautiful older woman look at me and touch me like this…well…it sure makes a boy feel loved.  “Whose my sexy little man?”

“I am.”  I sigh.

“Good boy.”  She caresses my sides and arms and shoulders and neck before bringing both hands up over my head then down my back.  “Gooood boyyyy.”  She kisses the top of my head.


“Make me feel good and you get all those presents AND your special sweetie too.”  She says sitting back again but not breaking her touch.  “Would you like that baby?”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I nod demurely.  “Thank you.”

I knew darn well I was getting that stuff regardless of what happened and she certainly did not have to sweeten this deal to make me go down on her but it did feel nice to have rewards to work toward.  Though the real prize lay beneath the skirt of her dress.  I had been wanting to do this for so long now.  The last time we were together had been such a tease as she let me lick her clean but denied me from actually giving her head.  I wanted it and she knew I wanted it.  With agonizing slowness she teases the hem of her skirt back higher and higher, giving me a few tantalizing glimpses of her big throbbing bulge before at last drawing the dress back like a stage curtain to reveal herself.


I would never get used to the sheer mass and length of Mom’s monster.  Dear lord, it made the erection tenting my pants just a short distance away look like a damned pinky finger by comparison!  After our long bout of nursing she was at full mast and then some.  Her pastel pink panties strained to contain the beautiful beast, the fabric so thin I could make out every detail and contour of the cock within.  The globe of her huge heavy scrotum filled the space below the root.

“It’s all yours my prince.”  She whispers as she tucks the hem of the skirt up into the top that hugged her belly to keep it out of the way.  “Show me your love sweet man.”  She straightens up, pulls a few locks of her long luscious red hair over her shoulders, and arches her back as invitation to touch her body.  “Make Mommy feel good.”

For a moment I can only stare at her in awe.  By God she was gorgeous.  With the tips of my fingers I slide them beneath the edge of Evelyn’s pantyhose and begin to peel them down.  She lifts a bit from my thighs so that I could reach back over her wide hips and pull the hose down lower over her huge pillowy ass.  Shifting back to the front I tug them down as much as I could to give access to the panties beneath.  I grin as I notice the waist band of the panties pull free from the skin from the pressure within.  I am still getting the panty hose in place when I suddenly punched across the face by turgid flesh.

“Hah!”  She gasps as her rock hard cock spring up and out from it’s cloth restraints to make thudding contact against my face.  Without the panty hose to hold it down her frilly panties stood no chance of containing her erection.

“He he he!”  I giggle as I rub my cheek where it had clubbed me.  “Good thing I don’t have a glass jaw!  Damn Ma!”

“Oh my God.”  She lets out a hot hiss, as surprised as I was by her dick popping free with such force.  “I can’t believe how hard you make me!”  She touches my cheek.  “Are you okay my sweet…”

I glance up with a naughty boy look hot enough to melt steel.  Her eyes widen and her breath catches mid sentence as she sees the lust within me.  If this was anybody else I would have went wild from the fires burning inside of me, but this was…her.  You don’t treat a Mommy like any common girl.  At least not this Mommy.  I knew how she liked it.  Soft and slow and full of feeling.  She had even demonstrated it down in the basement this very morning.

In this position, had she been a mere man, I would have had to hunch in half to reach her cock but with her towering member it would be no trouble at all for me to reach it with my mouth.  I look down on it, its swollen tip aimed up at me and teeny gooey glint of precum sparkling around the hole.  I just loved how her dick came up so high that it nestled so snugly in her creamy soft cleavage.  I can’t help myself.  Cupping a big tit in each hand I push them together and watch her knob disappear by the warm and squishy enveloping breasts.  Playfully I roll her breasts back and forth and giggle at how the shaft went back and forth like a stout metronome as the head rocked with her moving breasts.

“I’m sorry they’re so saggy my prince.”  She whispers as she watches me play.  “If you could have seen me when I was…oh my sweet young man.  I’m old and…they’re just so heavy baby.  I…”

“Stop.”  I lean into her to smooch the top of her breasts.  “They’re perfect.  They are absolutely perfect.”  I kiss again and again across the vast supple expanse of fair flesh.  “You are not old.  You are not saggy.  You are perfect.  You are my beautiful angel.  I love your body so much.  I dream about you Mum, you know that I do.  Not anybody else but you.”  

“Ohhh.”  She pets my hair.  “Thank you baby.”

With a few more kisses I let her tits go to hang naturally and refocus on the organ between them.  With a feather light touch I gently place my hands around the colossal girth of her smooth soft shaft and pull it in against my naked chest to give it a nice hug before I gave it a prolonged kiss.

Chapter 40 


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