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“GAAHHHHHH!!!”  I take a massive gasping breath of air as Evelyn’s crotch lifts from my face.  A moment later light return as she unmounts my head to kneel once more at my side.  I lay there on the floor staring up at the ceiling, face wet, belly coated in cum, and taking in big gulping breaths with a huge smile on my face.  “Wow.”

“Wow indeed.”  Mom coos.  “Goodness, it’s been awhile since I came that hard.  Whooo!”

Somehow my grin gets even bigger.  Turning my head I look at her beaming down on me like a benevolent goddess.  “I did my best.”

“You did SO good!  You are so good with your mouth sweet thing,  mmmm.”  She says.  “Ohhhh damn.”  Her body jiggles.  “I am still shaking baby.  Mmmmm.”  Slowly she looks down.  “I think someone else had a good one too.”  I follow her eyes down to her thick heavy cock resting between her thighs like a third leg.  “Such a big one for your second!”  She says proudly.  “My boy is so virile!”  Just as I had imagined her big dick was was spattered with oozing ropes and globs of thick milky jizz.  She slides an index finger through the man goo then brings the cummy digit to my mouth.  I suck the tip clean without hesitation.  “Donald.”


“You came before I told you to.  It was just a little bit early, wasn’t it?”

My eyes snap back up to hers.  Was that…disappointment in her eyes!?  “I’m sorry!”  I gasp.  “I tried to hold it!”

“Shhh.”  Her warm smile widens.  “It’s okay baby.  You young men get so…excited.  Isn’t that right?”

I nod.  “I’ll do better!  I promise.”

“Shhhh.”  She pets my damp hair.  “We’re just getting started, you and I.  I’ll teach you how to control that.  I’ll teach you to be such a good lover.”  As she stroked my hair tenderly her eyes glaze over as she gives herself over to her fantasies.  “I found you, I found you my baby.  Now I’m gonna look after my boy.  The way a boy ought to be.  You’re gonna make me so proud…so proud.  And…you’re not going to forget about your Mom, are you sweetie?”

“Never.”  I whisper as I shift closer to her.  “I’ll be there for you.”

“You won’t go weeks without calling.  You won’t…forget Mommy’s birthday.  Will you baby?”

Eugene forgot her birthday!?  That a son of a…beautiful, perfect woman!  What the hell dude?  “Is it your birthday Mom?”

She bites her lips, holding back tears, and shakes her head.  “Yesterday.”  She whispers.  “My forty fifth…I’m getting so old.  So old and…fat and…useless.”

“Nooo.”  I say softly.  “You aren’t those things.  You are perfect.”

“Nobody…needs me anymore.”

“That’s not true.  I need you!”

“You are so sweet.”  Stroking my wet cheek her mood brightens again and the tears quickly fade away.  “When I hired you…you were my present to myself.  My special birthday boy.”  She leans down and kisses my temple.  “Turned out to be the best present I ever got.”

Now it was my turn to hold back tears.  “Happy Birthday Mom.”

“Thank you my little prince.”

Little prince!?  Oh my God this woman!  As I stare up at her, completely under her spell, something about that phone call earlier clicks.  “Alan was supposed to take you out tonight, wasn’t he?  For your birthday.”

“Oh…um, yes.”  She sighs.  “But we’re having company instead.  It’s okay…it’s good.”

“It’s not okay.”

“Shhh.”  She puts a finger to my lips.  “Enough feeling sorry for me.  Mom will be fine.  Besides, I’m not quite done with you yet.”

I smile.

She looks back down to her messy dick and in a teasing motherly way says.  “Are you going to clean up your mess young man?”

“Yes Ma’am!”

Rolling toward her I…pause.  Suddenly I was face to tip with a real live penis, one of mammoth proportions no less.  For days I had been telling myself that Evelyn’s was a woman’s cock, that this wasn’t gay, that this was completely different.  But this was the moment of truth.  “Oh.”

She lays a hand on my shoulder.  “If you aren’t ready Donald, that’s okay.”

“No, I’m ready.”

“I don’t want a blowjob.”  She says gently.  “Just clean it.”

“I-I’ll suck it if you…”

“Shhhh.”  She soothes.  “Mom takes a long time to cum baby.  We’ll save that for another time, okay?  Sometime when we can really take our time.”


She rubs my shoulder and strokes her soft hand down my back, not to rush me but simply to let me know she was there.  The cum didn’t scare me anymore, so why should the dick?  I was being ridiculous.  I extend my tongue and lean in to the big fat fleshy knob and…lick.

“Ooo!”  Evelyn chortles.  “He he he!”

“He he he.”  I giggle at her giggle.  I swallow the pungent jizm then go for more.  Lick…lick…lick.  Ohhhhh…oh that’s nice!  The flesh of her glans was so spongy and warm, like nothing I’d felt on a woman’s body before.  Maybe a bit like a clit, but SO much larger.  Lick…lick…lick.   I lap up my milky mess one cute little lick at a time.  Mom very much appreciates the cuteness.  “Mmm, ooomm,  nnnmm.”  Coos and hums start to come along with the happy lapping, not even on purpose.  The sissy sounds just came from me naturally as I cleaned her big dick of my cummy seed.  “Numm, yumm, mmmm.”  Lick…lick…lick.

“That’s a good boy.”

I roll to my stomach, my mouth never leaving her organ, and face her as I shift up to lick along the top of her loooong thick shaft.  “Mmm, mmm, yummm.”  My head nods in time to my small licks.  Already this taste of cum was starting to be associated with her body and I swear it was starting to actually taste better.  Lick…lick…lick.  The skin was soooo smooth and silky and wonderful.  Beneath the soft taut skin was rock hard flesh, engorged with arousal.  It was so fucking big, and it was all mine!  I lick and suck with a boyish glee.  With the tip of my tongue I trace one of the sinuous veins.  Getting close to her the top of my head bumps into her big tits, a lovely reminder that this was a superior female cock I was lavishing with my tongue.  All of my doubts evaporate.  Evelyn was ALL woman, a REAL woman.  Locking my lips to the shaft I stop and suckle on the spot for a time.  

“All clean.”  She says with a head pat.

“Noooo.”  I whine.  “More please.”

“Okay baby, just little more.”

“Mmm, mmm, nnmmmm!”  I start to lick and suck with tongue and lip more and more hungrily, desperate to make the most of the time she was giving me.  “Mmmm!  Mummm!”  I extend my tongue all the way and give a long hard slurp from tip all the way down to the fuzzy base.  Sealing my lips my wet lips at the root along the top I slide back out to the knob.  “Mmmmm!”  And then…I get greedy.  Once at the tip…I open wide and latch on to it.  I gaze up at her, mouth full of her big knob, and begin to suckle.

She gives me one of those Mom looks and taps my nose with her finger.  “No!”

“Mmmmmm.”  I mewl pitifully.

“No sucking I said.”

Reluctantly I let her cock pop from my lips.  “Sorry.”

She pats my cheek.  “Let’s not start something we can’t finish, mmm?”

“Awww, pleeeeease?  I’ll suck it so good!  Pllleeeeaaasssseee!?”

I cringe a bit as I hear myself, hardly believing the words and tone coming from my own mouth.  I was literally begging to suck a cock, I never thought I’d see that, but it was the pleading wimpy tone of my voice that gave me the brief pang of shame.  My own mother might have slapped me had I whined to her like that, but not Evelyn.  Kiki would have laughed at me, but not Evelyn.  Any other woman would have looked at me like a simpering little freak had I sniveled like that, but not Evelyn.  I hadn’t known her long but I already knew, I knew deep down in my core, that Evelyn wouldn’t insult me or berate me or hit me or make me feel small.  Not in a bad sort of way.  With her I felt so incredibly safe.  Safe in a way I never even knew was possible.  That wonderful safety let me open up and really drop my guard for the first time.  It made me feel so…free!

“No baby, not today.”  She says warmly and naturally.  “You did so, so good my boy, but we’ll do that another time.”

“Okay Mom.”  I steal one last smooch of her dick.

She laughs.  “How was it?  Scary?”

“Wonderful!”  I say joyously.  “Such a beautiful dick.  I love it!”

“Happy boy.”  She rubs a thumb across my lips.  “Your smile makes my heart glow.”


“Come on baby, get dressed.  Let’s go back upstairs.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll have you out of those dirty old clothes again soon enough.”  She chuckles.  “You still owe me one more cummie today, remember?”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I grin.  “I remember.”

After two huge loads my nuts must have been running on empty, but as I look up and down Evelyn’s thick voluptuous body I had no doubt I had at least one more in me.


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