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Gay/Femboy warning, if that's not your jam please give this one a pass.  To keep myself reigned in and focused I am stating up front that this story will be NO MORE than 6 chapters.  This WILL be a short god damn it!  lol


“Gods be praised!”

My mouth is dry, my breath panting, and my heart is pounding double quick as I watch the last of the orc bandits ride over a distant hill.  By the gods, how did I just survive that!?  All around the cage-wagon where I still sat in the driver’s seat lay dead bodies; the bodies of my employers, the bodies of the horses that had been pulling this cart, as well as the corpses of my warrior colleagues contracted to protect this slave transport.  The bandits had hit swiftly and brutally.  The sounds of the screams still seemed to echo in the still air as the fresh crimson pools of blood still seeped into the earth.  Had I not been mistaken for a simple driver and had I not been a quarter blood orc and been able to speak their language I had no doubt that I would down there among the fallen myself.

I sit there a moment, stunned.  It was so quiet now, already the birds were chirping again and the insects buzzing.  The feeling was surreal.  It all happened to fast!  One moment we are clattering down the dusty road and the next we are in a bloodbath.  Well…they were in a bloodbath, I just sat here with my hands in the air.  Not from any particular cowardice but a simple recognition that the battle was lost before it even began.  As the terror subsides my only emotion is a sense of relief.  I survived!  I probably should have felt some grief as the grisly death all around me was terrible but, as a new hire to this group, I was not particularly close to any of these men.  And to be blunt, these were not good people.  They’d been even worse than I thought they’d be.  It had not been a proud moment when I hired on with this lot for this one trip but it was legal work and I desperately needed the coin.

I give my cheeks a slap and shake my head to snap back to the moment and assess the situation.  One thing was for sure, I wasn’t going to get paid for this job.  It’s not like the orcs left anything of value in their wake.  Like a pack of hyenas on a carcass the coffer, the coin purses, the jewelry, the magic items, the female slaves, even the finer looking weapons and personal items were picked clean with incredible efficiency and meticulousness.  Everything and anything of value had been carried off by the bandits.

“Help!”  Comes a high pitched whimper.

“Shh!”  Comes another.

“Fuck.”  I mutter.

I close my eyes and rub them in annoyance.  Well, they’d taken almost everything of value.  I turn in my seat to look back over the open cage to the long chain that trailed behind the wagon where most of the slaves we’d been transporting had been secured.  The women were all gone and most of the men lay dead still in their shackles, but wayyyy down at the end three bright haired figures remained.  The only other survivors of this otherwise merciless attack who, like me, were still here because of their race.

Nobody knew why but Orcs have a natural aversion to Catboys.  They avoided them like plague-carriers.  Even interacting with them in a violent manner was taboo among their kind.  According to Orc custom the killing of a Catboy brought with it a curse of ill fortune that would last for the rest of their days.  Everybody knew this, me more than most thanks to my cantankerous old orc grandfather.  If he were here right now he’d be shouting at me to run as fast and as far as my legs could carry me, as if those three small unarmed men were a greater threat than the entire thundering horde that had just swept through here.

To stay on the safe side I had followed my grandpa’s advice thus far in my twenty-five years, giving that race a wide berth whenever possible, but I knew from my human heritage the taboo was just baseless old superstition.  Catboys were, for the most part, completely harmless.  A less violent people you would not find.  They had been a slave race for as long as written history had been recorded.  Century after century, for countless generations, they had been bred for servility, loyalty, and geniality.  They could be a nuisance, no doubt, and they had a reputation for being tricky little buggers, but they were a danger to no one.

Suppressing my inborn aversion I decide to help the remaining slaves.  I had a set of keys for their shackles on me, possibly the last one remaining, and I didn’t feel right about leaving them here in chains at the mercy of the wilds.  I might not have been able to help the poor souls that lay slain but I could at least set these three free before I went on my way.  These dead slavers misfortune would end up being the luckiest day of that trio’s lives.  Funny how fate worked out.  I take a deep breath and ready myself for my first time interacting with their kind.

Hopping down off of the wagon I step over arrows and corpses out to the straw dry grass of the sun-baked rolling plains beyond the road then turn to slowly make my way back toward the group.  All three wore the same combination of loincloth and sandals yet they could not be more different.  As I walk the fifty yards or so I take each of them in in turn.

Closest was a handsome tanned blond shaggy haired, golden eyed man with tufted pointed ears atop his head and a thick fluffy tail.  He stood proudly at attention and faced me directly as I approached, his ears actually perking up as he sees me look at him.  He was the largest of the three, the top of his head about nose height for me, and had a lean muscular physique like that of a female acrobat I once saw perform.  Minus the breasts of course.  Though erect, chest out and chin up, he stood in a way that posed no challenge.  More like a soldier awaiting orders from a superior officer.

The next one in line was far more slender and shapely in a softer sort of way, downright feminine by human standards, with long flowing pink hair and matching pink eyes.  His sinuous rosy tail was long and sleek and his triangular ears looked silky soft.  He was quite a looker, his fine boned features were flawless in shape and proportion.  This was a man bred for good looks.  Surely he was destined to be an entertainer or pleasure slave of some sort.  He stood partially facing away from me, like an exotic veiled dancer, his chin was down but he looked back over his shoulder at me with a sultry gaze.

Last, and certainly least, was the one at the very end of the chain squatted down and huddled up.  He hugged his knees to his chest partially out of fear and partially to cover his body.  I had noted him earlier in the trip asking for something to wear over his torso as if he had something hide.  He had short blue hair, humongous blue eyes, freckles, and cat ears that had a natural forward fold to them.  His blue bobtail was barely more than a six inch stump, though right now it was tucked down over his butt.  Even by Catboy standards he was petite.

Though scared and cowering neither of the other two had moved to console or comfort the small one.  In fact, they barely seem to take notice of each other as all of their attention was focused on me.  They were close to each other but stood as far apart as the chains would allow.  I thought that odd.  Also odd was that, except for the small one, they didn’t seem fazed by the violence that had just taken place.  It was as if I were the one and only thing worth noticing among all of this carnage.  Their pin-point interest was unnerving but I chalk it up to a racial difference, it was a lot less unsettling than the detached timeless gaze of an elf at least.

I approach them, keys in my hand.  “Well, that was something.  Huh?”  I say.  “You fellas alright?”

The first one snaps to.  “I am unharmed Sir.”  He says boldly.  “My name is Tiku, twenty one years old, squire by training.”  His golden eyes flit down to my sword.  “I see you are a warrior.  I could be of great use to a man like you.  I am skilled in keeping weapons, armor, making camp, caring for horses, and even doing a bit of fighting myself.  With me at your back we could have taken down a few of these raiders.”

Before I can respond the pink one speaks.  “And both of you would be dead, fool squire.”  He says in a voice like honey.  “My name is Naro, twenty one years old and pleasure-boy by training.”  His r’s had a seductive purring trill to them.  “Master appears to be a strong man who can take care of himself on the battlefield, and strong men need a warm soft body to hold at nights.  I have skills that any man, or woman, or both, would find…invaluable.”  He nibbles his lip playfully, a flirty gesture wildly out of place here on this field of death.

“Master?”  I say.  “I think you have the wrong guy buddy.”

“M-m-my n-n-name is S-S-Susi, M-M-Master.  T-t-twenty one.”  Says the small one in a tiny voice.  “I am a t-t-trained house m-m-maid…”

“He has no need for a house servant!”  Naro interjects.

“I c-c-can sew and c-c-clean and c-c-cook…p-p-please choose me.”  He pleads through his stuttering.

“Choose you?”  I say.  “What?  I’m not choosing you.”

“Ohhhhh!”  He moans forlornly.

“Pfff!  Sir is clearly a salt of the earth man.”  Says Tiku.  “A proper hard man.  He has no need for your noble house nonsense.  He needs a faithful warrior watching his back.”

“Rrrrwwwrr.”  Naro growls, catlike.  “You call yourself a warrior?  Look at how big and strong Master is, you would only slow him down in battle.  It is the long lonely nights on the road where he’ll really need someone.”

“I could do that too!”


“I c-c-can t-t-try…”

“You!?  Ha ha ha!  Yeah right.”

These three sure were…catty.  Weird that they were all the same age, that couldn’t be a coincidence.

“Calm down.”  I say with a wave.  “I’m not ‘choosing’ anyone.  I am nobody’s master, nor do I want to be.”  

“You just haven’t had the right…”

“Shush!”  I shake the keys.  “I’m settin ya free.”

“Free!?”  They all peep at once as their ears droop and their tails puff up in unison.

“It’s your lucky day boys.  No more slavery for you.  You are free men.”

That has the exact opposite effect I thought it was going to.  The three look at each other confused and fearful then back to me again.  Naro is the first to speak, pointing at the nearby body of a slaver he says.  “He still has my papers.  They are all ready for sale.  All you would have to do is write your name on mine, Naro…it would be so easy…”

“He has my papers as well!”  Tiku steps forward to stand between me and the pink one.  “Tiku is the name, find that one, Tiku, and sign it and you will have a loyal boy at your side…”

“P-p-please d-d-don’t leave me!”  The little one mewls pitifully.

“Duh-duh-duh-duh.”  Naro mocks Susi’s stutter.  “Be quiet.  Master doesn’t need a defective boy.”

“Mmmm!”  Susi balls up tighter, shrinking down further in defeat.

All three then start to talk over each other.

“A free slave!”  Tiku urges me.  “Wouldn’t cost you a single copper.  Think of it.  You could always sell me on later…”

“Or choose me for your forever boy toy.”  Naro winks.  “You won’t WANT to sell me once you…”

“I’ll d-d-do my b-b-best for y-y-youuu…”

“Shut up!”  I shout over them.  “All of you!”  I move forward and unlock Tiku’s wrist shackles.  Like any warrior the first thing he does is find a weapon, in this case the shaft of a broken spear.  “I told you already, I am freeing you.”  I push past the golden one to Naro and unlock his as well.  “The orcs were focused on valuables, there should still be food and waterskins in the supplies.  Maybe a few other things to get you started.”  I motion back.  “If you keep traveling down this road you’ll hit a town.  From there you can start your new life.”  I move on to the little one and free him, his small hands tremble as I uncuff his wrists.  The moment he is free he launches himself at me and hugs me around my chest.  “Get off of me!” I shove him back to the ground.  He scurries away to huddle up defensively once more.

“Master does not like you Sisu…”  Naro begins before I cut him off.

“Master is not a master, you stupid fucking cats.”  I exclaim.  “Listen to me.  There’s nobody left to report three missing slaves.  And I certainly won’t say a thing about this whole debacle.  You’re free.  Free!  Stray cats on the loose!  Happy liberation day.”  I drop the keys and look around at the three stunned faces.  “Don’t all thank me at once.”

“Thank you?”  Naro says, his smooth voice sounding part aghast and part offended.  “Thank you!?”

“You’re welcome.”  I respond sarcastically.

“I…d-d-don’t want to be f-f-free.”

“You don’t want…?”  I shake my head at the ridiculous notion.  “Y’all are crazy.”  I step back brush my hands of them.  “And not my fucking problem.  You are on your own.”  I give them a little salute.  “Have a good life.”

“Wait!”  Tiku says as I go to step away.  “Uh…your name.  Tell us your name.”

“Yes!”  Naro agrees.  “At least let us know the name of our…savior.”

“P-p-please d-d-don’t g-g-go…”

“Shh!”  Naro steps out to stand in front of me, his movement graceful and his slitted eyes fixing me in their feline gaze.  “Please?”  He trills.  “Just a name?  We gave you ours.”

“Fine.”  I say.  “Kalimac, Kalimac Bloodfury, Kal to my friends.”

“Bloodfury!  Oh my!”

“My grandpa’s an Orc.”  I say automatically, quite used to that reaction.  “Now if you’ll…”  I go to move past him but he shifts to stay in front of me, a naughty look in his rosy pink eyes.

He glances toward my crotch.  “Is it true what they say about men with Orc blood?  Mmm?”

I laugh.  “You’ll never know, Catboy.  No Orc-blood would ever lay with you.”

“Awww, don’t be like that Master.”  He pouts.  “Kalimac Bloodfury.  Mmm, yes, a fine name.  A strong name.”  His eyes flash and a grin widens.  “A nice…proper…legal name.”


“MASTER!”  Susi yells, hand outstretched to point behind me.

Too late do I hear Tiku coming up from behind.  “Sorry Sir!”  CRACK!  Pain explodes inward from the back of my head followed by the thud of my face hitting the dry earth.  My vision goes a blinding white before fading into an inky oblivion.  The last thing I hear before slipping from consciousness.  “Quick!  Shackle the Master.”


Meat Toilet

get BONK'd at the end there