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Oh geez!  Son for Hire is absolutely burying A Love So Deep for popularity among the free readers.  Wow.

Speaking of that...welcome to all of you new patrons!  Make yourself comfy and stay awhile.  I hope I can entertain you while you're here.  :)

Okay, enough interlude.  Back to the story.


“Now where we?”  She asks as she sets her phone aside.  Her finger slips from my lips then traces them with the wet tip.


“That’s right.”


“Yeah baby?”

“I’m…sorry he spoke to you like that.”

She chuckles softly.  “Why are you apologizing?”

“I don’t know.”

“Forget your Dad…”

“Ugh.”  I grimace as if I had a bad taste in my mouth.  “Alan, please.”

“Alan.”  She corrects herself.  “Just forget all that.”  With a hard pat to the carpet she says.  “Now lay down like you were.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I kiss her knee and roll back to lay on my back once more. 

“I didn’t say to stop playing with yourself.”  She rubs my chest. 

“Yes Ma’am.”  Once settled I reach down to continue fapping.

“Such a pretty dick.”  She smiles.  “And so hard already!  He he he.  That’s my boy.”

I smile up at her proudly.  With that she rises up to standing kneel and arranges her dress around her so that it was free.  Towering over me she looked a hundred feet tall from my vantage point, larger than life in so many ways.  Lifting the front like a cancan dancer she gives me briefest of glimpses at the pantie clad bounty within…and then all goes dark as she straddles my head and lets the skirt fall down around me like a tent.  Everything else blocked out suddenly my whole world was the space beneath her dress.  Her hands touch my tummy as she settles into a comfortable spot and slowly lowers her weight.

“Okay baby, make Mommy feel good.”

My eyes having had no time to adjust I could not see a thing yet I could sense my horizons closing in.  Her soft inner thighs, still damp from my licking them, press in at the sides of my arms to pin them to my sides.  I feel a big toe tickle against my ear.  The air is close and stuffy and filled with a cornucopia of aromas.  I can smell my own cum, both on my breath and from the amount that soaked into the dress.  I can smell feet as Evelyn’s were just to either side of my head.  I smell something floral from some perfumed product she used.  I smell sweat, specifically ball sweat, from her big testes snug beneath two layers of thin fabric.  Last, and most prominent, I smell pussy.  Good pussy!  Clean, musky sweet, pussy with not a hint of funk or fishiness.  The natural aphrodisiac overwhelms my senses as I take a big deep breath in through my nose.  I am still holding that incredible aroma in when her warm coochie makes contact with my mouth.

She was so wet!  Soaked right through the cotton panties and the nylon pantyhose Mom’s pleasantly pungent nectar told me that her pussy was every bit as aroused as her massive hard cock.  I couldn’t even imagine what that must feel like for her, did she have double the arousal?  A question for another time, I had work to do!  With my nose close to her asshole and her heavy balls resting against my chin I open my mouth wide and begin to suck the succulent dew out of the nylon and cotton that separated us.

“Hohhhh!  Gooood boyyy!”

Verrrry carefully Mom lowers herself onto me, her big beautiful butt cheeks completely engulfing my whole face and most of my head too!  I close my eyes as her plump soft ass covers them anyway to block anything I might have seen.  My ever shrinking world now dwindles from between her legs to just her crotch.  My dick, which I was still stroking, seemed like it was a timezone away as my entire consciousness becomes enveloped by poon, ass, and balls.  From the outside, had she not been wearing a dress, all an observer would have seen was the hair on the top of my head as her fat buttocks are so big they nearly reach the floor themselves.  She lets me feel most of her weight as she sits on my face, crushing my head down into the carpet, yet somehow knows exactly when to stop so as not to hurt me.  

Never, never, never had I experienced something like this.  To have a woman so boldly pin me down and do what she wanted to me.  I felt so…small…insignificant…helpless.  With other women I didn’t like those feelings, they made me feel inadequate and emasculating, but with HER…with Mom…this was something else entirely.  It was okay to feel small and helpless here because she was here to protect me.

“Mmlllmmmm.”  I whimper happily.

“Am I hurting you baby?”

“Mmm mmm.”  I coo a no.

“Gooood.”  She purrs.  “Now you can have your dessert.”

“Mmmmm!”  I root into her and tongue at her vag.  Through the layers I feel the ridges of her fleshy petals and the damp savory crevice down the middle.  As best I can I prod my tongue at her entrance then lick up and down her slit.  “Mrrrmmmm!”  I slurp and lick, the silky wet nylons gliding across my tongue and the lacy frills of the panties giving it texture at the edges as I eat her out the best I am able to. Every nearly impossible breath comes with that incredible aroma of sex and sweat.  I am steeped in her permeating womanly fragrance, quite literally drunk off of it…though a lack of oxygen might have had something to do with my hazy euphoria.  “Hmmmmm!”

I am just about to tap out for a breath when I hear her angelic voice.   “You’re doing soooo good baby boy.  You make Mommy feel sooooo goood!”

FUCK OXYGEN!  “MRRMMMM!”  I nuzzle in, spreading her cunny wider across my lips, desperate for more of her.  I stab my tongue into her, trying to pierce right through the veils that separated us, then even try to bite through with nipping ripping nibbles.

“Oooo!”  Mom jolts.  “Gentle baby!”  She pats my chest.  “Not so hard baby.  Slow down, please baby.”  She begs.  “Mom likes it gentle.  Niiice and gentle.”

Instantly I ease off.  She didn’t like it so hard, this was good to remember.  The women I’d been with had always wanted thing ‘harder, better, faster, stronger’ but not Mom.  Everything about her was slower, gentler, softer.  Well…not everything was softer.  I am reminded of this as a heavy fleshy thud comes between my pecs.  She had at last unleashed her monster!

“Hmmmmm!”  I moan as I kiss her pussy and nibble at with just my lips.

“Ohhh my God…yessss.”  Her hips begin to rock.  Her pussy glides over my hungry mouth, her taint grinds over my nose, her balls roll along my chin, and now her heavy massive cock slides forward and back on my chest.  “Babyyyy.”

“Mmmmmm!”  Giddy with a whole new kind of submissive sexual high I slurp and lick and suck anything that gets near me.  Clit, slit, cheek, inner thigh, balls, taint…I didn’t care.  I’d never done it before but I would eat her ass like a jelly donut in a nanosecond if she positioned it right.  “Lllllrmmm!”  I don’t even know how I was still going.  Somehow in it all I was getting little snatches of breath.  My lungs are screaming for air but that basic need is drowned out by something even more primal than survival.  If today was my day to meet my maker I couldn’t think of a better way to go, although I was pretty sure I was already in heaven.  My face drenched with spit and fresh pussy juice I lap at her like a happy puppy.

I feel as the edge of her skirt glides back toward her, exposing my chest and her dick to the open.  In my mind’s eye I could see her big lady cock laying down over my torso pointed directly at my much, MUCH smaller boy dick.  Due to her prodigious size they weren’t even that far apart.  I loved how warm and lusciously smooth it felt against my skin.  Being a woman I was sure she looked after her pecker with lovely moisturizing lotions and potions only females really understood.

“Ohhhhh.”  She sighs with increasing passion, her hips slowing but grinding into me more powerfully.  “So good, you’re doing so good, ohhhh babyyyy.”


“Ohhhhh, I’m getting close.  Your mouth is so goooood!  Ohhhhh yessss.”

“Nnngh!”  I gasps as I feel my sack touched, held in a feather light grip, by all four fingers and the thumb of one hand.  

“Ohhhh God!  Yesss!”  She gently begins to massage my nuts.  “I want number two sweet thing.  Let me see another big boy load.  Okay baby?  Mmmmm.  I want you to cum with me baby.”

“Mmmmmm!”  I moan into her pussy, not once stopping my oral, and begins to thrust in time with my quickening strokes.  I was not that far off from jizzing again I just had to make sure I got her there as well.  Calling on all of my reserves I redouble my efforts on pleasuring her sweet pussy with my mouth.  “Hnnngh!”

“That’s it!  That’s it!  Ohhhhh that’s it baby!”  She rides me faster, damn near breaking my nose in the process.  Not that I was complaining.  “Ohhhh Donald!”

“GNNNNGHHH!!!”  I groan as her lewd moans send me over the edge.  My head anchored but the rest of my body writhing I am rocked by a second orgasm, every bit as wonderful as the first.  Though I couldn’t see it I knew I was nutting all over her big dick.  “MMMMMM!”

Even as I cum I have a moment’s panic at having cum too soon, but thankfully seeing me climax was the trigger she needed to blast off herself.  Her body shudders above me, her legs press in against me from either side, and everything between her legs suddenly gets super warm and is soaked right through.  Still in my world of darkness, her taste and aroma and the feel of her body engulfing my face still enveloping me, I keep on doing my best.  My dick cumming all over hers, though not vice versa as her orgasm was vagina only, I moan and greedily slurp and suck every precious drop that I could from Evelyn’s wet splurting pussy.

As her pussy cums hard I hear her sing for me, and it is beautiful!  “OHHHHHHHHH!!!”


Meat Toilet

Futa plus mommydom is too strong a combination that's hard to beat!


Futa is always bigger is a rising star fetish, and one of my personal favorites. Mommydom's inclusion and fetish proximity makes it pretty much a guaranteed hit. Still love A Love so Deep, but mainly because the world is interesting and not entirely for fetish reasons.