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“Nnngh.”  I groan as I slowly come to.  My head is pounding like a Dwarven war drum and I could feel my bottom lip had split at the right tusk.  “Fucking little pieces of…”  Ready to tear someone’s head off I open my eyes, but as I go to move I hear the rattle of chains and feel the snug fit of manacles around my wrists and ankles.  “What the fuck!?”  I start to thrash only to quickly to find that I was well and truly shackled, wrists and ankles all bound together and then chained to a…wooden floor?  Where the hell was I?

I blink my eyes, clearing them of the fog, and look around.  I was in some sort of busted up hovel.  The door and the single shuttered window were both busted in leaving the shack open to the hot dry plains wind.  What basic furniture there was was mostly smashed to pieces, a char mark darkened the back wall where a flame arrow had hit but failed to fully catch the building into flames for whatever reason, and there were three dark stains in the rough wooden floor where a lot of blood had just recently soaked in.  At one of these stains knelt the blue haired Sisu where he had stopped mid scrub.  He had found himself a shirt, a woman’s tunic by the look of it, and he had a white kerchief wrapped over his head.  In his hands was a stiff bristled cleaning brush, a wet rag hung over the edge of a bucket full of soapy water.  The other two Catboys were nowhere to be seen or heard.

He stares at me with wide eyes.  “M-m-master…”

“Don’t fucking call me that.”  I yank hard against my bonds.  “Let me go!”

“I c-c-can’t M-master.  Y-y-you’ll try to esc-c-cape.”  He says fearfully.  “B-b-besides, I d-d-don’t have the k-k-key.”

“You little shit!”  I yell.  “I’m going to fucking kill you!  All three of you conniving little bastards!”  Once more I try to burst my chains but instead I just end up tipping over onto my side.  Had my wrists not been attached to my ankles, with properly forged and designed slave shackles no less, I was sure I could rip up the floorboard eventually but being trussed up better than a rodeo calf I could get enough leverage to do much of anything but hop on my butt and wriggle.  Laying on my side I glare at him as he stares back at me in terror.  “Don’t just fucking sit there!”  I bellow.  “Help me up!”

“Y-y-yes Master!”  He scurries forward and uses what feeble strength he had to help me back up to a sitting position.  I slump back against the wall, still staring daggers at the Catboy.  “W-w-water?”  He asks.  “W-w-we have a w-w-well.”

“Where are we?  How did I get here?”

“Th-this was one of th-th-the f-farms the orcs r-r-ransacked.”  He stutters while trying really hard not to.  “T-T-Tiku found a ho-orse th-that esc-c-caped the c-c-caravan d-d-during…”

“The attack.”  I finish for him.  He nods confirmation.  “You three lifted me onto a horse and brought me here?”

He nods and bats his big blue eyes, looking up at me expectantly.

I look about the empty hovel.  “Where are the other two?”


“Town?  They left us?  Took their freedom when they could get it after all?”

He shakes his head no.  “T-T-Tiku has t-t-taken the p-papers to th-th-the…”

“Would you stop fucking stuttering!”

He flinches.  He swallows and takes a breath.  “Y-”  He stops and shakes his head. “Y-y-yes…”  Sisu face grimaces with effort as his ears go flat to the sides and he lets out a cute little mewing snort of frustration.  “Y-y-y…”

I roll my eyes.  “Don’t worry about it.  Just tell me.”

He shakes his head, angry at himself, but continues.  “Sheriff!”  He blurts out all at once.

“He took the papers to the Sheriff?  What papers?  Wait, wait a second, the ownership papers?  For you three?”

He nods.

“You fucking crazy little…I never signed nothing!  I never agreed!”

“N-N-Naro found a p-p-paper with y-your s-s-sig…”

“My contract?  He found my contract with the slavers?”

He nods again.  “H-h-he m-m-made it look the s-s-same.”

“A forger, great.  Just great.”  I huff.  “When he said skills I thought he meant bedroom skills.  Where is he anyway?  He went to town too you said?”

Sisu nods.  “M-m-make m-m-money for us.  F-f-for M-m-master.”

“Make money?”  

“H-h-he said it w-w-wouldn’t take l-l-long.”

I could only think of one way a pleasure slave that hot would make any sort of money in a short space of time.  So as one Catboy went to the law to hand in forged papers, with my full name all over them, the other was probably sucking some dude’s cock, prostituting himself in behind the tavern or something to that effect.  “Greeeeat.”

“I w-w-was left t-t-to look after y-y-you.”

“Look after me?  You can kiss my fucking quarter Orc asshole, bitch.”

He eyes bulge and a bright blush makes his face go pink.  “Uh…oh…um…y-y-yes…M-m-master.”  His blue eyes shift down toward my bottom.

“I was fucking joking!”


I can’t help but laugh.  “You would have done it, wouldn’t you?”

He nods.

“You have to do what I say.”

“Y-y-you are M-m-master.  I am C-C-Catboy.  I w-w-would die for m-m-my…”

“Enough.”  I cut him off.  “Alright then, seriously.  Let me fucking go.”

“I c-c-can’t.”

“I know that’s bullshit Sisu.  Stop fucking lying to me.  Go get the keys, NOW!”


“You’re afraid of Tiku and Naro, but you ought to be afraid of me!”  My deep voice booms.  “Do it!  Bring me the key.”


“Get me out of here RIGHT FUCKING NOW!”

The fur on his head and tail puff up at my raised voice as he startles back.  He looks left and right in confusion then scampers down to feet.  Grabbing the chains in his slender hands the little idiot begins to tug and yank at the steel as if he had a hope in hells of breaking them with his bare hands.  Having him there gives me an opportunity though.  Rocking back I bring my hands and feet up toward and grab him around his scrawny neck with both hands.

“GLRRK!”  He gurgles as my big strong hands squeeze his delicate neck.

Staring him in the eyes I growl.  “The keys!”

“…grrllglle…”  His blue eyes bug out and gradually begin to dim as my choking cuts off blood from his brain.  I could kill him so easily right now, which would accomplish absolutely nothing.

“Fuck.”  My grip loosens.

The moment my hands had let him go he scurries back to the furthest corner of the house and balls up in fear.

I sigh as I watch the harmless young man tremble in fear of me.  “Gods damn it.”  I mutter.  I look at the pitiful Catboy across the room.  “Hey.”

From around on his slender arms a big blue eyes peeks out at me.

“Hey, sorry about that.”  I say.  “I know it’s not your fault.”

Just a few kind words were all it took.  Already I could see him beginning to relax.

“And…thanks.  Thanks for trying to warn me.”  I say.  “You tried to warn me about Tiku coming up behind me while Naro distracted me, don’t think I didn’t notice that.”

He sits up and smiles, a rather pretty smile for a man.  “I w-w-wanted to h-h-help.”

“I know, and I appreciate it.”  I give him a quick up and down with my eyes.  “What the?  You have tits!”

His eyes widen yet again and once more that rosy blush brightens his face.  “M-m-master!”

“I see’em there.  So that’s why you kept hiding your body.”  I say bluntly with a nod to his chest, which he was now covering with both hands.  “I didn’t think your race had women.”

He shrinks down and lowers his head in shame, his tail tucking and his ears drooping.  “I-I-I am d-d-defective.”

“Ha!  You got a pecker or a pussy down there?”

The more I spoke the more he blushed and made kitteny mewling noises.  It was fucking adorable.  “Mrreowww.  P-p-penis.”

“Tits and a pecker, huh.  That’s a new one on me.”  I say.  “Can I see’em?”


“Show me your tits.  I want to see them.”

I didn’t think his face could get any redder, I was wrong.   “Y-y-yes M-m-master.”  Obediently he stands up and lifts the tunic to expose his soft slim body.  Indeed, there on his chest, a lovely little pair of perky titties.

“Niiiice dude!”


“Hell yeah.   Fuck, I might just keep you.”

“K-k-keep me!?”  He grins from ear to ear, exposing his cute fangs.

“Why not?”  I shrug.  “I didn’t want a slave but fuck…if Lady Fate is going to hand me one on a silver fucking platter who the hell am I to refuse?”

“Oh Master!”  He peeps happily.

“You get me that key when the others get back and I promise, I’ll keep you for my own.”  

“Yes M-m-master!”

It was a lie of course.  I was just taking advantage his gullibility and inborn obedience to gain my freedom.  Although…after seeing those sweet tits…I couldn’t deny being just the tiniest bit tempted.

“Now go get me some water slave.  My mouth is fucking parched.”

“Y-y-yes M-m-master!”  He lets the tunic fall back down and hurries to find a pitcher then darts out the door.

Sisu feeds me some water and makes sure I am comfortable before returning to his scrubbing.  I notice that while furniture was smashed and the place overturned the corner behind Sisu, where the small kitchen was, was spotless and organized.  He had gathered what usable items he could and stacked them neatly.  It was clear that he had started in that corner and was slowly working his way out from there to make the house presentable again, despite the fact we were only squatting her for the moment.  I think about my own hut, not so different from this one and about as messy.  Little Sisu would have that place neat and tidy in just a day or two.  I cannot help but smirk to think about what grandpa would do if I rolled into the village with a Catboy or three tagging along behind me.  Ha!  Yeah right.  That would be the day.

I bide my time and plot my escape.  I was thinking that once the others returned I would create some sort of distraction to let Sisu get the key and bring it to me.  I would play it by ear though and seize whatever opportunity presented itself.  It is maybe an hour later when I hear the approach of a galloping hooves.  It was just a single horse, not the returning horde thank the gods, I had to assume it was the other two.  My assumption is confirmed when a few moments later Tiku and Naro rush into the hut at a full sprint.

“It worked!”  Naro sings with ebullient joy.  “We’re his!”

“OH!”  Sisu chirps.

Tiku, papers in his hands, shows them to Sisu.  “Look, look.  They accepted the papers.  It’s official…we’re property!”

The three of them come together in a way very at odds with how they were interacting before.  They hug each other and meow and trill and cheer and even share a few kisses, all the while all three tails are wagging.  They were so…happy.

“Happy Thrallday!”  Tiku laughs.

“Happy Thrallday!”  Naro claps.

“M-m-me too?”  Sisu is crying!  Literally crying with joy!  “I h-h-have a real M-m-master!?”

“You too Sisu!  All of us!  We are of his house now.  All before the harvest moon of our twenty first year.  Recorded and legal and everything.  We are blessed.”

“H-h-happy Thrallday, everyone.”  Sisu weeps as he stares down at his own ownership paper all stamped, signed and legal.  For second I wonder what the strange new rumbling sound was and then I realize it was them, all purring loudly.  “This is th-th-the h-h-happiest day of m-m-my life!”

“For all of us.”  The beautiful Naro, now wearing a flowing green robe, points back over his shoulder.  “I brought food and wine to celebrate.”  He turns to me, all smiles. “If the Master allows.”

With the mention of me the golden haired Tiku, now in a simple tunic and swordbelt, falls to his hands and knees and kisses my foot.  “Forgive me Sir.  Please forgive me.  I shall never strike you again for as long as I live.”

I look down at him, still processing the insanity that was happening around me right now.

“The M-m-master wants the k-k-key.”

“Of course, of course, right away Sir.”  Tiku grovels before leaping to his feet.  “I shall free you at once Sir.”

With that he rushes out the door.  He was going to free me just like that?  Well, that was easy.

The pink haired Naro takes Sisu around the shoulders and kisses his fluffy blue head as if they’d always been beloved brothers.  What happened to the bickering and rivalry?  “Come on Sisu.”  He says in that honeyed voice of his.  “Come help me bring in the supplies.”  Before they leave he sets a small leather purse beside me and opens it up.   “You have five gold and seventeen silver remaining Master.  I hope you do not mind that I spent some of it.”  He bows low then gets up and hurries out the door with Sisu.

I sit there, dumbfounded, looking down at the coin purse.  That was nearly as much as I had hired onto the caravan for!  And it was now mine?  As I sit befuddled the three of them hurry in and out of the hut.  Tiku brings me my weapons and belt, the metal parts polished to a bright gleam and the leather parts freshly oiled.  He tells me my horse is saddled and hitched out front.  Without pause he uses the keys to free me from my bonds.  He prostrates himself immediately afterward, ready and waiting for whatever punishment awaited him.  Across the room Naro and Sisu are in a celebratory mood as they pile fruit, vegetables, cured meats, wine and more on the clean counter.

Money, a horse, food and wine aplenty, and three doting slaves.  My net worth had just grown a hundredfold in the blink of an eye!

“I w-w-will cook us a f-f-feast!”  Sisu giggles excitedly.  “Mew!”

“I bought a lot.”  Naro purrs.  “Master Kalimac is a man of great appetites, I can tell.”  He peers over at me with a sultry grin.  “We must see to all of his appetites Sisu.”

“I l-l-love my M-m-master.  Mew, mreow.”

“I love Sir too.”  Tiku says without lifting his head, though his tufted cat ears had perked up.  “I love my Master.”

“We all love him.”  Naro says.  “We love you Master Kalimac.”

Love me!?  What was happening here?  This couldn’t be real.  This had to be a dream.  I must still be laying unconscious back on that road.  Or perhaps I hadn’t survived that attack after all and this was part of some sort of afterlife, but was this the heavens or the hells?


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