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Rosa swings open the double doors of the master bedroom and leads me inside.  The darkness of the expansive room swallows the meager light of a single lamp.  The bed and furniture cast spooky wavering shadows on the white and red walls.  She leads me to the center of space where a sumptuous rug as wide across as I am tall with a maze like pattern reminiscent of the entrance hall cushions the pressure on my knees.


Needless to say I do so.  Sitting up, my coiled rope still clutched in my teeth, I watch my Lady move to bed and set down the bag she’d brought with us on a small table near the bed.  From it she pulls a bottle of lamp oil and the bundle of wicks we’d purchased in Grumentum and starts to move around the room.  I have to hide a giggle, she looked kinda funny walking around with a big erection bobbing up and down inside of her dress.  One by one she lights the various other lamps lining the walls of the room and before long the light pushes back the shadows and the gloomy atmosphere brightens.  The red of the lower portion of the walls gave the lamp light a warm tint while the glossy white upper portions provided clear illumination right through, allowing us to see in here as clear as if it were day.  Along the way she closes and locks the doors we came in by.

The room revealed to us still echoes with the opulence it would have had in its heyday.  It was dusty, the colors faded and paint cracked here and there, and it had clearly been rifled through during the robbery as the furniture that was here had open drawers and cupboards and had been moved about or knocked over.  In the center of the subtly domed ceiling, which was painted like the heavens transitioning from morning on one side across to deepest night at the other, there protruded a thick iron ring where some sort of chandelier would have hung.  The double doors we entered were behind me with another set directly opposite to the front of me.  Thinking about the layout of the villa I surmise that this other exit must lead out onto a balcony that sat atop the columned terrace at the back.  There were long windows on both side walls, boarded up, along with a shuttered window on each side of the balcony door.  

Dominating the layout of the room is the enormous bed that came up to Rosa’s waist just to my left.  It was actually part of the construction of the room as a sort of raised platform with steps leading up to it from the sides but dropping off to the floor from the foot of it.  At the head of it was a long depression built into the wall with three stout pillars along its length.  The enormous stuffed mattress had been half pulled away revealing the bands of interwoven metal used as support beneath.  I had never seen a bed like it.  It was the type of thing an orgy could be had on, the pair of us were going to be swimming in that extravagantly impractical bed.  The furniture that remained, all of it old but of high quality, had a matching theme with carvings and reliefs of criss-crossing labyrinthine lines paired with symbols here and there of a bulls head.  Whoever commissioned these pieces must have been partial to the legend of Minos.  The knobs and corner accents of the furniture had all been stripped, I guessed they must have been made of some precious metal and pried off by the thieves.  The room certainly didn’t have the decor I would have chosen, it was far too luxurious for a simple man like me, but at least it was mostly in good shape.

With the lamps lit Rosa returns to the table she started at and sets down the one she’d been carrying.  She returns to stand in front of me.

“Drop your rope.” She commands but makes no motion to take it.

With a little jerk of my head I toss it so that it lands at her feet.

“I love your body.”  She says bluntly, her eyes taking me in like a diner about to partake of a sumptuous meal.  “Such a fuckable sexy boy.”

I give her a bashful smile as my cock flexes hard.  “Thank you.”

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you since that very first night outside of Rome.”

“I’m a slutty boy!”  I blurt, my fiery desire momentarily getting the better of me.  “Take me!  Please?  Pleeeease?”

She chuckles.  “Patience my love.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I bow my head.

She invites me to rise.  “Undress me.”

“Yes my Lady.”

I get to me feet but keep my head bowed to show my deference to her.  With shaking hands I untie her rope belt and pull it from her lovely hips.  Treating it like it was made of gold and jewels I carefully fold it over a few times then go to set it the empty wardrobe that hung open.  I return to her, bending low I carefully take the skirt of the single piece garment and lift it.  With her dancer’s fluidity she bring her arms up above her head and allows me to pull the dress right up and off of her fine soft body.  I cannot stop a shuddering sigh from escaping my lips as I look upon her in all of her naked glory.  She still had bruises and scrapes and that cut on her leg from our battle with the monster, but none of it dimmed her sublime beauty in the slightest.  I take in her soft, pale, sumptuous flesh.  A vision of womanly perfection that I could NEVER tire of seeing.  Her pouting breasts with their slightly upturned pink nipples, her shapely legs, slender delicate feet and hands, the points of her horns and ears, a face that could be unbearably adorable one moment and scorchingly erotic the next, luxurious flowing hair, a  peach of a butt, and of course her prodigious cock and balls, all of it boldly on full display for her loyal boy.

“Ohhh, my Lady!”  I whisper.  I felt like I might burst into flames at any second such was the heat of my passion.

“Hurry now.”

I bow.  Again I fold up her dress as if it were the finest silken gown of Cleopatra herself and place it beside the belt, giving her clothes pride of place within the wardrobe.  I would happily use the smaller cubbyholes for my own items.  Outside of these walls I may her master legally but in here, in this room particularly, there was only one true master.  This is my Lady’s domain and long may she reign!

I walk back to her consumed with submissive lust, ready and eager to fulfill her every command.

“Pick up your rope.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I bend down and take my special rope, my heart flutters knowing I would feel it’s soothing bite soon.

“I’ve softened a bit.  Get me hard again sexy boy.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I lower to me knees and without a moment’s hesitation latch onto her and feel that deeply satisfying pleasure of having her cock in my mouth again.  I suck her hard in no time at all.

“Suck my titties.”

“Mmm!  Yes my Lady.”  I kiss up her body and nuzzle into her left breast to suckle and slurp the supple flesh hungrily.  As I do this she reaches down to stroke my marble hard cock.  “MMM!”  I lick across to her other breast and give it the same treatment as my Lady watches me with loving lusty eyes and continues to rub me.  “Hmmmm.”  I hum softly.

“Good boy.  Such a good, good boy.”  She kisses my temple.  “I love my good boy.”

“Mmmmm.”  My heart is aglow.

“I love my good boy so much.”  Her other hand pets my hair then traces her fingers down my back.  “I never, ever wish you my precious boy.”


“But…it’s going to hurt at first.”  She says in such a soft voice.  “I’ll be gentle, I’ll go slowly, but there is no way around it I’m afraid.  Sadly I am too big for this to be easy.”

I let her breast pop from my lips.  “I am ready.  I’m not afraid.  I need you my Lady.”  Fear was the furthest thing from my mind, my ass actually ached to be filled right now.

“If things feel wrong at any point, if the pain is sudden or too much, you must tell your Lady.  You will not disappoint me or leave me wanting.  I will be proud of you either way Quin, so proud.”  She smiles.  “This is a command my boy.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I lap at her nipple.  “I will tell you.”

“Good.  Come along my boy.”  She says with a final tender kiss.  “I cannot wait much longer.”

Still keeping my cock in her grasp she turns and pulls me along behind her toward our grand old bed.

Chapter 83 


Jared Crutchfield

Gah! Blue balled for three chapters…still hooked. That’s a credit to your writing, friend :P


Sorry! I don't mean to but then things get in the way. Next chapter for sure! Well...probably. Well...maybe. Next chapter hopefully? lol Won't be too long now as long as I can find some time write.