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“Mmm.  Mmmm.  Mmmm.”  Happy little whimpers escape me as my head bobs forward and back while I give head to my Lady.  Her bulky shaft slides through my wet lips, in and out.  The end of her cock fills my mouth to capacity on each deep stroke.  Whether it was her pussy or her dick being able to pleasure her with my mouth brought such deep satisfaction to my submissive heart.

“Ohhh, that’s a good boy.”  She pets my hair as she gazes down, watching me service her dick with a contentedness equal to my own.  “You look so good down there.  On your knees, making your Lady feel soooo good, doing what a boy is born to do.  If only more men had the courage to surrender to this side of themselves, if only more could find the joy that comes in giving themselves to a woman, if only more women found their inner power and brought their men to their knees and helped them to find this joy and accepted them for the wonderful boys that they are, the world would be a better place I think.”

I slurp off of her tip and whisper between wet kisses.  “I agree my Lady.”  I nuzzle her, wiping her big hard penis across my face just for the pleasure of it.

“Yesss.”  She combs her fingers through my hair and pushes her cock back into my mouth.  Pushing deep, right to my throat and the very border of where I would start to gag.  I let out a soft grunt as I struggle with her size and continue fingering myself, she holds there a long moment then slowly pulls out.  “Worship me.  Kiss my feet.”

Now in the full grips of my obedient euphoria my lips are on the top of her left foot almost before the command had left her mouth.  I smooch and lick and smother her delicate foot with all of my adoration.  One foot and then the other is attended to as I declare my everlasting worship of her feminine superiority.


I snap to attention and sit up in a rock solid Kneel position.  Keeping my head down I look up at her with just my eyes.  From this low angle, her face surrounded by darkness and lit by the flickering yellow light of the stove and the lantern, her tapered ears and sharp horns and pointy fangs made her appear otherworldly.

“You are my everything.”  I whisper.

“And you are mine.”  She says, stepping back and allowing her dress to fall back down.  She gazes down upon me, lovingly and with a deep and abiding joy glowing from deep inside of her.  “Before I take you, I have something for you.”

She finds her pack and pulls from it a bag we had picked up back in town.  Opening it she searches then pulls a long slender ribbon of knitting.  I squint to try to make it out in the dim light.  What it was it was very delicate, a line of lace only as wide as a pinky finger with a bit of string dangling from each end.  When she turns toward me and I can make it out better in the lamp light I instantly recognize that special red color, the same as my rope.

“You do not have to accept it.  I will have tonight either way.”  She kneels down on one knee and spreads over her hands to show me the exquisite bit of lacework.  “I made this for you.”  She says.  “You have more than earned it.  It isn’t much but it was made with love.  Someday, hopefully soon, I will make you a proper collar…”

“Collar!?”  I gasp.  Did she say collar?  She couldn’t have…could she?  Was I worthy of it?  Had I earned it?  Oh gods!  Was this happening?  My heart glows and my eyes fill with tears.

“Do not interrupt.”  She says with gentle firmness.

I bow my head once in understanding as the tears begin to flow.

“You are my boy, my man, my Master, and my soul mate.”  Her voice is full of warmth.  “I don’t think I have to tell you what this represents.  I think you understand already.”

I nod, I sob, I nearly explode with joy as I look at the beautifully intricate lace collar made by Lady’s own hands.  It was the prettiest, most precious, thing I’d ever seen…knitted in secret by the most gorgeous, wonderful, incredible woman in all the wide world….and it was for me!?

“If you accept this freely we will be one.  A Lady and her boy.  A dominant and her submissive.  A bond beyond friendship or kin or even marriage.”  She says in a calm solemn voice.  “Like the threads of this lace our lives have been intermingled by fate, woven together with love and effort, and bound as one.”  She takes a deep breath and takes the collar in her fingers to hold it out between her hands in front of me.  “I would be…so honored if you would wear my collar.  I offer it to you Quintus Quintilianus.  Will you accept?”

“You…made…this?”  I blubber between shallow gasps of breath.

“Shhh.”  She strokes my wet cheek tenderly.  “Yes my boy.  Thankfully you are a sound sleeper.”

“You…made this…for me?”

“Of course.”  The glimmer of tears now in her eyes as well.

Tears roll down my cheeks as the monumental moment utterly overwhelms me.  “I don’t…know what to say.”

“Say yes my boy.”  She kisses my forehead.  “You already have my love Quin, will you wear my collar?  May I collar you?”

“YES!”  I cry out.  “OH YES!”

Rosa beams with love as she bring the collar to my throat.  I hold my head high and proud as she wraps the dainty knitted collar around my neck then ties it off at the back.  It felt so soft against my skin.  The very mild pressure around my neck is Rosa’s dominance itself embodied in the physical world.  It is done.  She pulls back and looks at me sitting so happily in her collar.  I weep openly and uncontrollably from the all consuming happiness that surrounded me and filled me and connected me with this goddess of a woman.

She throws her arms around me and kisses me.

“I am soooo…happyyy!”  I cheer.

“Me too baby.” She says as she kisses me again.  “You’ve made me the happiest Lady in the world.”

We hug and smooch and nuzzle and giggle for a short time, just giving ourselves to the moment not as boy and Lady but simply as two blissful young lovers, before she laughs and wipes my tears then backs away to stand again as my Lady.

She still had huge erection pushing out the skirt of her dress and my own was as hard as the cool kitchen floor it rested against.  Our moment of true love had only heightened our fiery lustful need for each other.

“You have your rope?”  She asks.

“Yes my Lady!” I nod.  “In my pack.”


I get on my hands and knees to assume that position.

“Get your rope and follow me.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I crawl to where I put my pack and open it up.  It does not take me long to find my treasured rope.  Not having been ordered to rise up I pull it from my back then bring to my mouth to bite down on.  With it held in my mouth I return to my Lady.

She grins and ruffles my hair.  “You are adorable.”  In one hand is the lantern, in her other a small sack.  “Follow.”

With that she strolls from the kitchen.  Staying on my hands and knees I follow along just behind her.  She leads me to the stairs up, being very careful to give a wide berth to any of the broken ceramic, and climbs them.  She moves slow so that I could stay with her, occasionally pausing to ask how I was doing.  I make muffled noises to say I was great and on we go.  She takes around the central hall that bordered the atrium and toward the master bedroom.

Chapter 82 


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