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Here's a short I had lying around, I wasn't going to release it but since it is sorta finished I figured what the heck.  Sorry if it's a bit rough in quality.   I realize a lot of you new patrons probably don't know I write in this kink too.  PLEASE, if cuckold stuff isn't your thing just give this one a hard pass.  I am fully aware of how unpopular it is to a lot of folk. If it is your thing hit it with a like so I know how many of y'all like this stuff.

The idea of this one is that it is in 2nd person with as few identifying details as possible to hopefully allow you to put yourself into the shoes of the protagonist.  Not sure if it worked or not.

I will probably release this one on reddit and chyoa as well just to get it out there.

Hope you enjoy!  :)


You sit on your office chair that you had rolled into the bedroom half an hour ago and wait.  That was the arrangement.  You were simply a spectator, a fly on the wall.  You could not say a word or move from this chair until it was all over.  It was the only way he would agree to do it.  He said it would feel too weird having another guy around so you had to do your best to stay out of the way.  That is what she told you anyway as you had never actually met the guy that was about to make love to your wife.

It all started innocently enough just a couple of weeks ago.  You and she were out and had gotten a bit drunk.  You recall she had been extra frisky that whole night, giving you the eyes whenever you looked her way.  That smoldering look that told you she was gonna rock your world the moment you got home.  During the ride home, both of you horny as hell and eager to get there, you began to flirt and tease and even whisper a bit of dirty talk to each other.  The driver of the car tried his best to ignore you but he was clearly uncomfortable with the rising temperature in the back of seat of his car.  Seeing him try awkwardly to ignore the pair of you amused your spouse to no end.  Somewhere along the way he got reeled into the naughty teasing, it was so unlike her but she was on fire that night.  She asked the driver if he found her attractive, if he was open minded, and if he had ever been with a married woman.  It was all in jest but you found yourself as flustered as he was, though for very different reasons.

You leave the driver annoyed but the pair of you were as horny as ever.  After a whirlwind of heavy making out followed by hot passionate sex you and your wife lay in each others arms sweating and out of breath.  During your post-coital pillow talk she quipped that a just dab of jealousy had turned you into an animal and wondered what you would be like if she had flirted for real.  You laughed and told her to behave.  The truth was she wasn’t wrong, and she knew it.

Over the next week she begins stoking those fires just to get a rise out of you.  It started with little comments on how handsome or sexy another man was.  It continued with off-handed comments about ex-lovers.  Things such as laughing at a vulgar joke then saying: “Remember when we…oh wait, that wasn’t you.  Sorry baby.”  And culminating in some very light flirtations with an overly friendly waiter.  You try to play it cool but each instance had gotten your engine revving higher.  That week the pair of you had some of the best sex of your marriage.

After the wild sex that followed the waiter encounter where you fucked her from behind like madman you slapped her ass and said.  “This shit is driving me wild!”

“Wanna see how wild you can get?”  She huffs as she looked back at you over her shoulder, her hair a mess.

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s do it.” Her lips twist into a devilish grin.  “I’ll do it if you want me to.  


“I’ll sleep with another man if you want it.”

Three days pass of you wavering between laughing it off as ridiculous and complete vehement denials.  You remember so vividly how you swore that it would never agree to indecent proposal.  The whole time she was amused at your mortified over the top reaction.  She never made the suggestion again, she didn’t even tease your jealousy anymore, but neither did she retract the initial offer.  Despite all of your initial protests…your wife had planted the seed of the idea that brought you to this chair.  The idea began to push burrowing roots down into your soul and shoots of fresh exciting ideas up into your mind.  Try as you might you simply could not shake it, the longer you tried to ignore it the more vibrant it became.

Long story short, after another round of savage fucking where the only thing that had run through your mind was the image of her in the arms of another man, you relent to the inevitable.  Huffing and puffing on top of her you gasped.  “Fine!”

“Fine?”  She asked, though you swore by the look in her eyes she already knew what you were about to say.

“One time.”  You stated firmly.  “You can fuck another guy one time.”


“BUT…I get to be there for it.”  You insisted.  “I want to be there in case he tries any rough stuff or anything.”

“Plus you want to watch.”  She tittered as she squeezed her creamy cunt around your still buried cock, seeming to know you better than you knew yourself.  “Leave it to me baby, I’ll take care of everything.”

That had happened just four short days ago.  With your blessing your wife had waisted little time getting the ball rolling.  She had found a nice little lounge at a hotel near the airport frequented by business travelers and the past two nights she had gone out on the prowl, hunting for the man who would have her.  She might not be as hot as she once was, by neutral standards, but to your eyes she looked the sexiest bitch in the world each time she went out without you.  The fact she still wore her wedding ring as she did it made it all the more lurid.  You had both decided that there would be no trickery involved, she would lay out the honest truth to the potential target and see where it lead.  You had been left at home so as not to “cramp her style”.  Waiting for her texts as she was out on the make these past few evenings had nearly driven you insane.  The first night she said that she might have found somebody.  According to Amy the guy was a quiet older gentleman from out of town.  A really unassuming and laid back kinda guy just looking for a bit of action while away from home.  Sounded absolutely perfect.  Last night, she met with him again and said that she had him hook, line, and sinker.  And just a half an hour ago she texted saying it was happening tonight!  She said she would bring him to our place and told me his conditions.  Her last text simply said that they were on their way.

Fear, worry, and doubts, so many doubts, race through your lust addled mind as the minutes tick by.  Your rational side told you this could be the biggest mistake of your life but your cock told you this would be the greatest thing ever, between the two there could only be one winner.  And so you sit and wait.

Your heart skips a beat as you hear the slam of a car door in the distance followed soon after by another.  Your mouth is dry, your palms clammy, and after a few long agonizing seconds you hear the front door unlock.  They were here!

“We’ll do it in the bedroom.”  Your wife’s voice filters in from down the hall.

“If that’s what you want.”  An unfamiliar male voice answers, deep and smooth.  “Is that the washroom?  Gimme a sec and I’ll be right there.”

“Okay lover boy.”  She giggles like a naughty school girl.

There are footsteps getting closer.  The sound of the bathroom door being closed.  And a moment later you wife pokes her head in through the door.

“Hey babe.”  Her wide eyes glimmer with excitement.

“Hey.”  You croak dryly.  “It’s…happening?”

“Yeah it’s happening.”  She titters as she steps in, looking so damn fine in that dress.  It was your favorite.  “I didn’t bring him here to play monopoly.”

“You sure about this?”

“I am if you are.”

After a moment…you nod your head.  The flush of the toilet distracts you from what you were about to say next.

“Remember, if you talk or get up from the chair he leaves.”  She whispers.  “Just stay there and be quiet.”  She then winks.  “There was a last minute change of plans, just wait until you see this guy!”

“Wait.  Last minute ch…?”

“Shhh!  Here he comes.”

Change of plans?  What in the hell was she talking about?

Through your bedroom door steps a man who could be Chris Hemsworth’s body double.  Shoulder length wavy blond hair, tanned, and with piercing blue eyes this stranger was not the meek business traveler your wife had described.  For one he was far too young, looking to be around the age of a college undergraduate, and also…he had on a tight fitting black vest, already hanging open, with the symbol of the lounge your wife had gone to stitched into the breast.  She had brought home the fucking waiter!?  He must have overheard her and the original guy talking and somehow gotten involved in the situation.  The dude had to pushing nearly six and a half foot tall with wide strong shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist.  Even through his clothes his hulking physique made it more than obvious the guy didn’t miss many trips to the gym.  He doesn’t make direct eye contact with you as he steps in but subtly acknowledges your presence just in the way he stands.  Seeming to be in a hurry he is already unbuttoning his cuffs.

You sit there stunned at the physical specimen whose presence loomed over the entire room.  You loved your wife, to you she was absolutely beautiful, but bless her heart she was no pin-up girl on her best day.  You hadn’t a clue how she managed to pull an Adonis like this guy.  The answer promptly follows.

“So are you paying me before or after?”  He says as he moves to unbutton his white collared shirt.

“My husband will pay you after.”

“Right, your…husband.”  With an awkward grimace his blue eyes flit your way for just an instant and you feel your cheeks warm with a humiliated blush.

“No judging.”  She says to him.  “You promised Brody.”

Christ, his name was Brody?  For some weird reason that made it worse.

“Right.”  He says as he tries to ignore you.  He pulls his shirt apart to reveal his chiseled physique.

You knew this moment was going to be weird but this was more than just weird.  You had given her carte blanche on choosing a man but there were all sorts of things about this that didn’t feel right.  The sudden change up had caught you off guard.  His youth had knocked you for a loop.  This kid ought to be coming to you about a job not fucking your wife.  His size and build and natural good looks humbled you more than you wanted to admit.  The guy was a fucking stud, the type of guy who could get any girl he wanted.  Also, his awkwardness was contagious.  He was not experienced at this sort of thing, as new to this as we were, and that rose the nervy tension already hanging in the air.  Plus you were suddenly paying for this now?  That part had never been discussed.  This wasn’t at all what you’d imagined.  You were on the verge of standing up and calling a halt to this when your spouse suddenly takes charge of the situation.

“Oh my God!”  She says stepping up to him, her wide eyes ogling his exposed pecs and six pack abs.  “What a body!”

You’re not entirely sure why, probably something to do with to blood surging into your suddenly swelling cock, but your objection goes unspoken and you settle back into the chair mesmerized by your wife’s reaction to this stranger’s perfect body.

He peels his shirt back and off of his shoulders, he has to pause as his tight sleeves get caught up on his bulky biceps.  As he is stripping his shirt and vest off your wife’s hands are all over him.  She gropes his thick pecs and runs her fingers down his tight abdomen.  Everything was shaved, smooth as butter, and she liked it.  Her big awestruck eyes that never once looked away told you that.  Her desirous gaze soaked in his manly form like a parched sponge in a puddle.

“God damn boy!”  She gasps.

Having wriggled from the sleeves of his shirt he lets it drop to the floor behind him.  Brody towers over your wife and looks down at her, it was soooo weird seeing another man standing over her like that.  He takes her shoulders in his large hands and bends down to kiss the top of her head.   “Don’t call me boy.”  His voice didn’t yet have the gravel of age but is still deep and full of authority.

Flustered and flattered she giggles in that way she did when she was horny.  “Yes Sir!”

They had barely begun and your dick was already hard enough to drive nails.  You didn’t really like what was happening here but holy hell was it hot!  The little jealousy play the pair of you had experimented with before this was child’s play compared to seeing an actual man here touching her.  Watching them from the side and only six feet away you had a front row seat to the most erotic show in the world.

She kisses his bare chest.  He runs his hands down her back.  She runs her fingers down his sides.  He reaches down and fills his hands with her ass.  The more they touched the more comfortable they became with each other.  

Still you sit there in rapt attention.  Unable to make a peep or look away you watch it happen.

Standing at the foot of the bed the testing touches grow in confidence and before long they had progressed to heavy petting.  Brody grabs your wifes breasts through her dress and dives down to suck the side of her neck.  “Ohhh fuck!”  She lets out a hot sigh of passion as her fingers claw down the contours of his sculpted back.   He nibbles her ears as she takes a handful of his blond hair and moans.  “Ohhhh!”

Still you sit there apart and forgotten.  They were engrossed in each other now, your presence was the furthest thing from their minds.

Off comes her dress followed quickly by her bra.  Oh Christ, he had her down to just her panties!  He paws her breast and grips it hard as his other hand grabs a handful of her soft ass.  He is all over her.  He grabs her body in his big strong hands.  He sucks and licks her tits like he fucked owned them.  He gropes and kneads her ass, even laying down a sharp spank now and then.  And he rubs her panty clad pussy, a growing spot of dark in the cotton revealing just how wet she is.  He handles her body like only you had done since the pair of you had started going steady all that time ago, and man does she respond.

“Ooohhh!  Fuck yessss!”  She sighs.  “Ohhhh Brody!”

Still you sit there watching your wife being ravished by a younger man.  You don’t even remember doing it but you suddenly find your cock out and in your hand.  Unable to control yourself you lean back and stroke.  Its not like you were being watched anyway.

Your wife’s hands grab onto the young man’s belt and with the impatience of lust unbuckles it.  Your eyes widen, your strokes quicken.  With a brazenness only an alpha could pull off he puts his hand on this hips and looks down watching her desperately scramble for his package.  She undoes the button, zips down the fly of his black slacks, then grabs the waistband of his tight briefs and yanks them down.  Out spills a monster!

Her eyes bulge as Brody’s massive manhood flops out into the open air.  He had a good chub going, not fully flaccid but not hard either, yet his young manhood already dwarfed your own.  You are at standing at full mast yet he must have had two inches on you already with a girth at least twice your own.  Thick protruding veins snaked up the prodigious length and his fat tawny knob looked as big as a tennis ball.

“Ho…ly…shit!”  Wifey exclaims as she bears witness to the biggest dick of her life.  She tentatively takes in her hand, seeming to need to touch it to believe it, not even reaching all the way around her fingers squeeze the fat cock. “You never told me you were hung Brody!  Oh my God!  It’s fucking huge!” 

Your wife had a cock that made yours look utterly pathetic by comparison in her hand right there in front of you!

Your orgasm hits you like a lightning bolt from a clear blue sky, taking you completely by surprise.  It came upon you so swiftly and so uncontrollably you had not chance to grab something to catch it.  You hadn’t planned on doing this so there wasn’t a tissue in reach when it happened.

“Nnnnngh!”  You groan despite yourself as your seed shoots like a geyser up into the air to come splattering back down over your clothes.  “Hnnngh, hnnngh!”  More thick blasts of nut butter follow.

Drawn by the sudden noise you watch in horror as both their heads turn your way in time to witness your VERY premature nut.  In his hard blue eyes, disgust and contempt.  In hers, mirthful amusement and you swear just a dash of pity.  All you can do is sit there under their gaze grunting and bucking and cumming like the two pump chump you were.  Perhaps trying to save your pride, though it was too late for that, she reaches up and turns his head away from you and back to her.  

“Never mind him.”  She whispers.

As you are squeezing the dregs of your nut from your still throbbing average sized dick you were already invisible to them again.  You cheeks burning with shame you sit in your own mess.  Humbled and humiliated you sit quietly and watch.

The trousers fall from his hips to reveal lean muscled thighs.  Your spouse starts to stroke Brody’s schlong.  The shock in her face was quickly transforming into erotic joy.  She had gotten a lot more than she bargained for and she was not complaining.  The anaconda lurches in her grasp as it grew to her touch.  She gazes at it with a sort of hushed reverence.

“God, it’s so heavy.”  She whispers as she feels it and studies it closely.  “How big?”

“Ten inches.”  He answers with confidence.  “Six and half around.”

“Sweet Jesus!”

“Just born this way.  If you’re having second thoughts…”

“NO!”  She shakes her head.  “No, I’m…good.”

Your heart is sinking as your wife’s arousal is rising.

“You’re sure old minuteman there is cool with this?”

“Pfft!  He wanted this.”  She says without even a glance your way, her eyes still glued to the man meat in front of her.  “It’s not like size matters anyway.”  Even as she says that she takes his dick and lightly clubs it against the palm of her other hand, a deep fleshy thud accompanies each hit.  “God almighty!”

“If we’re doing this, let’s do it.”  He says.  “I still got shit to do tonight.”  This may have been a big deal to you and your spouse but to Brody this was just something squeezed in between work and the gym.  God this whole thing had a weird energy to it.

With both hands she continues stroking hin, the ring you put on her finger on your wedding day glinting in the lamp light.  “Alright Brody, I hear ya.”  She says, she seemed antsy with both anticipation as well as a dose of intimidation.  She sits on the bed, her eyes like saucers as she stares face to tip with big white schlong.  Needless to say that was a sight you never expected to see.

Impatiently Brody takes his dick back from her, points it toward her partially open lips, and roughly jams his bulbous knob right on in.

“Mmmph!”  The shocked look on her face would have been comical in another context.

“That’s it.  Suck it slut.”

Were you just going to sit there as this punk called your woman a slut!?  Yes, that answer is yes.  You felt as powerless as the half flaccid spent dick still in your hand.

Brody grabs your wife’s head and starts to thrust.  His meat bends…then slides through her tight lips and stretches as he pulls back again.  Her hands grip his hips as she holds on and lets her mouth be used.  In and out he thrusts in long slow strokes as she sucks him hard.  The stiffer he got the more trouble she was having with him, he was so fucking thick she could barely take him past his glans, but to her credit she does her best.  

“Ahhh yeah, that’s it. Suck my dick you old married slut.”  He hisses.   “Yeahhh, just like that.”

“Mrrrrm!”   She growls lustily as she slurps and smooches his tip.  “God damn boy!  My fucking jaw is…mmmmph!”

He jams his cock back into her mouth mid-sentence.  “Don’t call me boy!”

The slow blow job quickens into quick shallow strokes as the waiter fucks your wife’s mouth.  “Mmm!  Mrrrmmph!  Glllrrmmm!”  Holding on for dear life she moans and groans and gags as she’s used.  Not once does she pull away or make a sound of objection, between her spread legs the spot of dark had grown from seam to seam of the crotch of her panties.  All at once he pulls away.  Streamers of spit stretch out from your woman’s open lips as she gasps for air.  Panting like a dog she looks up at him like he were God himself.  He slaps his now hard and wet cock over her face and she smiles, closing her eyes and relishing the feeling of it.  You’d seen some big cocks in porn videos but seeing it in person was a whole other thing.  Glancing down at your own sad slumping penis you had never felt more inadequate as a man as you did right now.

“Come on.”  He says brusquely.  “Let’s go.”

There was no quip coming back this time.  She knew who was in charge here.  Pulling down her panties she lays back on your bed and spreads her legs for him.  From where you sat you cold see the dew drops of nectar glistening in the pubes around her sopping wet pussy.  He too pushes his undies down and off his of his feet, his socks he leaves on.  Reaching down his lifts her and pull her toward him a bit, so that her ass was right at the edge of the bed.  He handled her like he fucking owned her.  He gropes a tit, he slaps her ass, he then grabs his cock and lines up.

“Spread that pussy slut.”

Reaching down between her legs your spouse uses her fingers to spread her pussy lips wide to show the hot pink of her drooling slit.  She rubs and clubs her clit a few times then smears his knob up and down her pink crevice.  He butts his tip right up against her and she lets out a gasp as he readies to mount her.

You hold your breath, your heart pounding in your ears, and your dick rapidly resurrecting in your grip as Brody looms over your beloved awestruck wife.  His muscular behind flexes as pushes forward.

For a moment nothing happens, you think to yourself that he was just too big to enter her, and then all at once she opens up to him.  In the blink of an eye his fat angry purple knob disappears from sight.

“Ohhhhh fuuuuuck!”  She moans in a slowly rising voice.  He continues, forcing another inch or two into her widening womanhood.  You watch in disbelief as your wife’s pussy takes a cock that made yours look like cocktail weenie.  “OHHHHH!!!”

“Aww shit you’re tight!”  He grunts.

She might have replied had she had been capable of speaking but his pussy stretching girth had her groaning with primal emotion.  “HNNNNNGH!”

Slowwwwwly he sinks deeper as you sit in slack jawed shock as six, seven, eight inches of thick cock penetrates your wife.  He had blown right past the point you could ever reach with a couple of inches to spare!

“HNNNNGH!”  She continues her guttaral noises as her toes curl up tight…just like she did when she…  “CUMMINGGGGGG!!!”  She suddenly gawps before letting out a howl that would be heard two houses away.  “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!”  She bucks and thrashes wildly beneath the young man as she wails like you had NEVER heard before.  “OHHHHHHH!!!”

Your wife had just orgasmed simply from penetration!

Brody chuckles as he watches her writhe and wail beneath him.  “Fuck, you’ve been hungry for a real cock, haven’t you slut?”  He sinks the last two inches into her, letting her feel all ten cunt filling inches of his massive manhood.  How in the hell did it all fit!?

“You’re…fucking…stretchinnnnng…meeeeeeeee!”  She growls between sharp shallow breaths and then…  “GNNNNGHHHH!!!  FUCK!  HAHHHHH!”

Off she goes again!  You didn’t know if was a second climax or just an extension of the first, all you did know is that you had never made her sound like that before.  When she comes down from her high she panting and making the most pathetic little mewling noises.

“Hnngh!  Ohhh!  Ohhh Jesus!”  She whimpers.  “So fucking deep.  Soooo fucking deeeeeep!  Oh my God your filling meeeee!”

He shows her a mercy by giving her a moment to adapt to him, but only a moment.  It looked just as miraculous as the shaft, as thick as her wrist, slowly reemerges.  Her taut cunny lips cling to his manflesh as it slide through…then SLAMS back in again!


“Yeahhhh!”  He chides her.  “Take it slut!  You fucking want it, so fucking take it!”


He continues mocking her, and you,  as his hips move and he gradually builds into a long deep steady thrusting.  “So fucking tight.  Yeahhh.  Your husband’s little pecker can’t fill you up like you need?  Huh?”

“Ohhhh!  Ohhhhhh!”  She moans loudly and lewdly on each deep delving stroke.  With each one her sighs of passion become less frantic and more natural as she slowly adapted to his size.  “Ohhhhh!  Ohhhhh my fucking God!  Ohhhhhh!”  She gazes up at him in wonder, completely under his spell.  “I’ve never felt like this.”  She whispers as if you couldn’t hear her as well as he could.  Hell, by her hazy expression, you weren’t even sure she remembered you were here.  “Ohhhh fuck Brody!  You are so fucking big!  Ohhhhh!”

As he picks up his pace, her sloppy wet poon slurping and sucking as his mighty piston drove in and out and his huge balls repetitively slap against her, he asks.  “Still think size doesn’t matter?”

“No…noooo…NOOOHHHHHH FUUUUCK!”  She cums a third time.  Her legs wrap hard around his waist, her crotch grinding and bucking against him.  “YESSSSS!  I LOVE YOUR BIG FUCKING COOOOOOCK!”

He throws his head back and lets out a bellowing laugh of triumph.

He fucks her hard and fast right through her body wracking orgasm.  She claws as hit sides and starts humping back up into him.  “Yes!  Yes!  Yes baby!  Fucking stretch this married cunt!  Oh my God!  Fuck me like I’ve never been fucked!”

And so he does.  On your own fucking marriage bed, in your own fucking room, fucking your own fucking wife Brody brings the woman out of her again…and again…and again.  You though maybe a young buck like him might pop off quick, you were dead wrong.  The man was god damned machine.  He hammers into her with an almost violent power and speed you would struggle to match and does so tirelessly, his stamina as impressive as his inches.  Their clapping flesh echoes off of the walls as you watch on trying your best to resist jerking your resurgent rock hard dick again.

“HNNNNGH!”  Your wife’s tiring voice sings out yet another song of sexual bliss.  “God!  Ohhhhh God!”

“Yeah!  Take it!  Is this what you wanted you slut?  Is that what you were after?  You need a real man to fuck you right?”

“Yessssss!!!”  She cries out, too engrossed by rapture to feel shame.  “YESSSS!!!”

It was a dagger through your heart, but also a splash of gasoline on your burning lust.  

On he goes, just hard fast merciless pounding.  He never let up, never gave her a break, and forced orgasm after orgasm out of her.  Twenty minutes?  Half an hour?  More?  In your daze you had lost track of time.  Eventually though the end nears.  From the rising urgency of his feral grunts and the quick jerking manner of his balls deep thrusts you knew he was close.

“Fuck!”  You gasp as it only hits you now that he wasn’t wearing a condom!  If they heard your exclamation they give no sign of it.

He fucks her furiously as she begs, literally begs, for his load.  “Please!  Yes!  Gimme your fucking load!  Fill me up with you hot cum!”

He slams into her right to the nuts and you watch his big balls tighten and start to throb like a heartbeat.  “GGGRRRRRRMMMMM!!!”

Your wifes voice joins his baritone growl as she quivers with one final climax of her own.  “OHHHHHHHH!!!”

Their stereo voice reverberate in your ears as you watch his pulsing balls deposit their creamy payload deep, deep, DEEP inside of your woman.  Though you weren’t stroking you have to hold back with everything you had not to nut just from the sight of it, actually having to squeeze the base of your dick in a vice like grip to help you.

“Hohhhh.”  Brody sighs and gives your wife a final slap to the tit.  “Hope you got your money’s worth.”

“…ohhhhhh…”  Her soft weak voice warbles.  Every muscle goes slack as she collapses into human puddle of quivering flesh.   “…yesssss…”

He slowly pulls out of her wrecked pussy, his thick shiny root followed out by a stream of his thick milky man jam.  He wipes himself off on her sweaty stomach and squeezes out the dregs into her muff.  He backs away and, calm as could be, begins to get dressed.

You sit there in stunned silence.  Like waking from a dream you weren’t quite sure if that had actually just happened or not.  Your wife lay on your shared bed, hair a mess, staring up at the ceiling with a cock drunk smile on her glowing face.  Brody turns to you, seeing you sitting there with your cock in your hand and the drying muck of your nut on your clothes he sneers in disgust.

“Listen.  You know where I work.  Just come by and pay me when you’re…”  His voice fades as he shakes his head.  He turns and heads for the door.  “I know where you live cuck.  Don’t make me come back to collect.”  With that he is gone.  A moment later you hear the front door close followed shortly by the starting of an engine which fades off into the distance.

You whisper your wife’s name.  Before you can ask how she’s doing she hits you with one last surprise.

“Come on baby, reclaim your wife.”  She coos.  “Make this pussy yours again baby.”


She beckons you in with a single finger, the rest of her loose body still rag dolled on top of the bedding.

A part of you didn’t want to, but you simply could not resist the call.  You stand and as you walk toward the bed strip from your soiled clothes.  Getting between her legs, where another man had just been a few short minutes ago, you slide your cock into your exhausted wife.

She felt nothing like woman you shared your bed every night.  Holy fuck had he stretched her out!  You meet almost no resistance as you glide into the hot slack creamy cunt right to the hilt.  Even as she tries to squeeze around you she is only a fraction of her usual snug fit.

“Ohhhhh.”  She lets out a long lilting sigh.  “I can barely feel you!”

Those words are like a starting pistol.  Planting your hands to either side of her you start slamming into her cavernous cunny with a wild instinctual need to fuck her better than the other guy.  “Gnngh!  Nnnf!  RRR!”  You grunt like a rutting beast as you give her all you had.

She gazes up at you with a look of gentle patient mirth.  She was hardy in the grips of passion, she was hardly anything at all as you fuck her furiously.  Christ she was so fucking loose!  Brody’s copious load making the already near frictionless experience that much smoother.  It felt so…new!  So…amazing!  As you fuck your wife all you could think about is how much deeper he had gone, how much more he had stretched her, how much longer and harder he could go.  It spurs you on in a frenzy as you pound her poon, giving her every inch you had and trying to delve even deeper.  To just touch those inches inside of her that Brody alone had felt.

“Fuuuck!”  She whispers and tries to grind harder against you, wanting more even though you had no more to give.  “Deeper baby!  Deeperrrr!  Please!  Ohhh, I can barely feel you.”

You give her everything, slamming into her ruined pussy with a desperate fury.  You slip out of her, her loose vagina unable to grip you like you were used to, and frantically jam back into her.  “I’m gonna…fuck you…so good!”

“He stretched me out too much, he filled me like I’ve never been filled baby.  I’m sorry baby, I can’t feel you.”


“Not yet!”  She pleads.  “Make me cum.  Reclaim me!”

“Fuck, fuck, OHHHHHHH!!!”  You try your best but you last maybe a minute, better than your first nut of the night which isn’t to say much, when it hits you in an explosion of erotic euphoria, all of the building lust from the past hour released into a single white hot moment of pure sexual heaven.  You shudder as you shoot your load to mix with the virile creampie of the man who had her before you.  “Ohhhhhhh!”

Your wife strokes your face tenderly as you orgasm, cooing to you sweetly.  “My dear sweet little cuckold, I love you so much.”

Your balls still throbbing, your dick still spurting, you collapse on top of her and moan into her neck.  “I love youuuuu!”

The End



Great story. I much prefer futacuck, but having read this I'm more than confident that if you ever get around to writing a story like that it'd be a gem for me. Regardless, this hits all the right beats. It's humiliating without being totally spiritually poisonous, gives exact penis size, has the wife get really into it, and ends bittersweetly as opposed to either total ruin or terrible avant garde "actually everything that makes cuck compelling is meaningless" reversal. I wasn't that keen on the wife being not so great looking, but as this fact was used to make the husband literally pay someone to fuck his wife, I think it was a pretty clever move. At any rate, can't wait for more of whatever you write.


Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed it. If you haven't yet you might want to check out the Lily-Rae stories if you haven't read them yet. Just look up the Lily-Rae tag here. Might be right your alley.