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“Down…my pants?”

“You heard me.”

I swallow.  “Yes my Lady.”

Holding the magical hoop between my outstretched fingers and thumb I pull my arm into my tunic and start to rummage it downward.  Rosa stands at the mouth of of the cave holding her half up in front of her, watching as hairs, fabric, and the odd glimpse of skin peek through the portal as I move it along my body.  Oh, this is weird.  She has the stern Lady look about her but her amusement and curiosity were peeking through the facade as she watches intently.

I might have protested or asked questions but disobedience was the thing I was being punished for so I didn’t want to push my luck.  My hand slips into my underbreeches.  I try to avoid the obvious but Rosa was a step ahead.

“Now place it over your manhood.”

I take a deep breath.  “Yes my Lady.”

I hesitate a moment…then spread my legs and fit the bracelet around my twig and berries.  Both Rosa’s eyes and my own widen as we watch the tip of my flaccid dick slowly emerge upward followed soon after by the rest of it along with my hairy balls.  The sensation of the gravity shift alone on just my junk is…indescribable, to say nothing of the feeling of the breeze and open air against it while I was still fully dressed.  It sort of slumps to the side and Rosa giggles.

“Well hello there.”  She says to it with a cute blink of her eyes as if it were a pet mouse or bird.

Words cannot express the surreal moment.  At my groin my hand held the hoop flat against my body.  Where I ought to have been feeling my cock and balls I felt…nothing.  Just flat…featureless…nothing.  And there, across the cave, looking rather paltry and comical hovering there, was my humble manhood held in my Lady’s palm.

A big grin spreads across Rosa’s face.  “Wow.”  She looks to me.   “Do we need to stop?  Are you okay?”

I nod yes to continue before I even think about it.  The less I really thought about this the better I felt.

“Good.”  She turns it upside down and my slumped junk swings around to hanging freely in the air.

I take in a breath at the dizzying sensation.  “Oh!”

Rosa titters as she jiggles it in front of her.  “What a pretty toy I’ve found.”  She says.  “Turn around my boy and Kneel, keep your one hand where it is.”

“Yes my Lady.”  I take one last look at my Lady and my dangling penis then turn around and do as she says.  I enter a Kneel but with my right hand kept tight against my groin.  I settle down into the position and wait.  Behind me I hear Rosa making silly cooing and kissy noises toward her new “toy”.

“Stay there.”  She says at last.  “Look straight ahead.  Do not move.”

“Yes my Lady.”

It then goes quiet.  I strain to listen but the burbling of the water echoing off of the rock walls made detail difficult to hear.  I do hear a stone from just beyond the cave click against another, but that’s about it.  Down below however I could feel movement.  A bobbing, a bit of jiggling, and the breeze wafting across my exposed private bits.  My cock had just gone for a walk with my Lady, leaving the rest of me behind.  My other hand grips my leg.  This is so fucking WEIRD!

I feel…something touch the tip of my penis.  Wood?  Stone?  I couldn’t tell.  It was hard and rough is all I knew.  It tilts then very gently it drags across my knob, the abrasive surface against my most tender of places makes me freeze up in place.  It lasts but a moment followed by nothing.  Gods, she literally had me in the palm of her hand here.

Next…something light, delicate, and fine.  It tickled as she ran over my suspended scrotum.  A feather?  She runs the length of the object over and around my testes then uses just the tip to tickle the underside.  Definitely a feather.  I shift and let out a shuddering breath as caresses the feather around and down the length of my shaft.  She told me not to move but it was tough as she teases and tickles.

Next…sharp!  “Ah!”  I flinch.  So sharp, like a needle or a…thorn?  I had seem some thorny twigs out there from rose bushes.  My Lady is oh so very careful as she touches my skin with the points of the thorns, never enough to pierce skin but enough to feel it.  My breath is ragged I sit there, perfectly still, and trust my Lady not to hurt me.  She tilts me, allowing my cock to hang down free, and very slowly runs the thorns around the circumference of my shaft.

Not being bound meant I had to dig much deeper for my bravery, but I manage it.  My Lady would never hurt me.  Never.  I refocus and savor these amazing new sensations she was treating me to.  I try my best not to picture her wandering around the crevice with my dick in her hand.  Too weird!

Next comes a feeling I knew right away.  Soft, silky, strands of hair encompass my nether bits.  It flows over and around, wafting this way and that.  I feel skin against my balls and hear a giggle from beyond the cave.  I realize she is holding me against her forehead like a floppy unicorn horn.  I grin.  What a silly Lady I had.

After this comes something altogether different.  I am bounced and shaken then I slightly lurch as I feel my cock and balls, and only my cock and balls, in a peculiar state of free fall or…something.  Damned if I knew what this was.  Was she spinning it around?  I could feel the wind zipping by and the weight of my manhood pulled differently but…wow!  I am wobbled and jiggled and jostled in ways otherwise impossible without magic being involved.

“Whoooo.”  I blink and focus on keeping my position.

After a brief pause there comes a brush of something so soft I wasn’t even sure I felt it at first.  Something delicate and incredibly supple.  A flower petal?  What it is it brushes lightly down and around my penis, stopping to tickle my very tip for a time.  With this object my Lady takes her time.  Sweeping up and down and around my penis.  So wonderfully tantalizing yet so frustratingly soft that it could only tease at being fully arousing.  Eventually however the attention is noticed and my cock begins to swell with excitement.  This funishment was just that, fun!

Then, all at once, COLD!

“HAHHH!”  I gasp and jolt as my whole manhood is plunged into frigid flowing water.

Rosa had walked to the water and dipped me into the cold mountain stream.  There…she holds it.

“Hnnnngh!”  My hand grips tighter onto my leg as the fresh cold water flows around my package.  My other keeps the hoop pressed tight though I don’t know how.  I could feel a bit of the water wetting my skin around the edges.  It was a reminder that I could end this at any time, though that wasn’t going to happen.  I grit my teeth and stare straight ahead as the shocking cold goes on and on and on.  “Rrrrrrngh!”  My manhood shrivels and does what it can to retreat back through the magical portal.  My body is screaming but I hold my position.  From supple flower petal to harsh icy cold waters the sudden shift rocks me.  This experience was so much more intense than the rest of it!  “Ohhhh fuuuuck!”  I groan under my breath.

“Can you feel that?”  Rosa asks from not far away from the cave.

“YES!”  I gasp. “Yes my Lady!”

“Mmmm, very refreshing.”

“Yes!  R-r-refreshing.”  I squirm.  By the gods it was cold!  The contrast with the rest of my warm body only made it that much more jolting and difficult to adapt to.  “Lady!”



“Ohhh, I bet it is.”  She says, a bit of steel in her voice.  “Let’s hope a fish doesn’t mistake it for bait and swim by to give it a nibble.”


She waits a few long agonizing moments more before saying.  “You will not disrespect your Lady like that again.”

“No my Lady!”

“You will not disobey your Lady in front of others of our kind.”

“N-no my Lady!”

“You will not disobey your Lady period.”

“I w-will obey you!”  My soft meek voice echoes off the stone and back toward my Lady.

“Yes you will my boy.”  She says.  “Whose boy are you?”

“Your boy!”

“Whom do you worship?”

“YOU!  Only you!”

“Very good.  Now thank me.”

“Thank you.”  I puff.

“Like you mean it.”

“Thank you!  Thank you my Lady!”

“Good boy.”  With that, at last, my private parts are pulled from the flowing stream.

“Ohhhhh!”  I sigh in relief.

“Ohhhhh!”  Rosa’s excited voice squeals.  “It’s so CUUUUTE!”  I feel a warm kiss to my balls.  “It’s all snugged up and wrinkly!  He he he he!  Gods it is adorable!”  My shrunken manhood is peppered with light kisses.  “This is my favorite thing ever.”  The way she was going on about it told me this would not be the first time I experienced this.  That magical bracelet was certainly going to make our lives interesting.

“Hahhhh.”  I let out long breath as my penis and scrotum make gentle contact with what I guess is one of the smooth sun warmed stones along the bank.  The sudden cold to warm makes it actually feel hot, but not uncomfortably so.  The heat radiates into my separated organ and warms it quickly.  She leaves it like that for a time before I feel movement again.  Then I feel something else even warmer, and far softer.  I could only guess but I am pretty confident it is one of her breasts.  This was muuuuch nicer.

I hear her enter the cave.  “Poor little fella. Gonna catch his death of cold out there.”  

A shirtless Rosa comes to sit facing me, her back resting back against the rounded slope of the wall, just to my left.  Indeed, as I suspected, Rosa had my penis cradled up to her breast as if she were nursing it.  It did look laughably shrunken, my knob completely drawn up into the wrinkly foreskin.  She flicks it against her nipple.  The strangeness of this experience continues as I see it happen just out of arm’s reach but also feel it at the exact same time.  She then brings it her pink lips to give a warm tender caring kiss.

“Isn’t it lovely?”  She whispers, her eyes gazing into mine.

“Yes my Lady.”

“Isn’t it precious?”  She kisses it again.

“Yes my Lady.”

“Isn’t it just…smoochable?”  Kiss, kiss, kiss.

“Yes my Lady.”  I bow my head.

Her lips curl into a wicked little grin.  “I am glad to hear you think so.”  She holds my shrunken flaccid separated manhood out and offers it to me.  “Show me.”

Chapter 60 



I wonder if the bracelet might allow exchange of parts. in the future if there is another magic device maybe a temporary exchange of bodies would let Rosa show her master what a slave's live could be as a girl.


To be fair, her "slave life" is pretty chill. You are waited on hand and foot by a shy doting himbo who considers sucking your horse-humbling fist thick penis the zenith of his existence. Also you are an impossibly beautiful demi-human wizard. In all honesty though, unless the bracelet full on has/acquires new abilities, which maybe it would, a full body swap doesn't really seem in the cards.