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“Go ahead baby.”  She whispers.

Hesitantly I reach out with my free hand and take the magical hoop along with what was sticking through it from her.  I stare it, not quite believing it was me I  am staring at.  I’d never myself like this before!  Thanks to the cold dunk I was clean at least, just hint of sweaty musk still.  Little beads of fresh water still glistened in the dark pubes and as I watch one roll down then trickle across my scrotum I feel the tickle of it at the exact same time.  I take a breath then give it a little peck at the base of stubby shaft, again I feel it in real time.

I try to pass it back to her but she holds up a hand.  “Kiss it again.”  Another fast one and I try give it back, once more she refuses.  “Again.”  I give it a proper kiss, again at the base, and still that wasn’t enough.  “In a different place.”  Relaxing back against the wall Rosa’s right hand comes up to rub her breast as the other brushes over her bulge.  She liked what she was seeing.

I look at my manhood and just accept what was about to happen here.  Then, looking back up to make eye contact with my Lady, I give my left testicle a long gentle slightly sucking kiss.  It felt…nice.  Weird, really weird, but nice.  Rosa’s eyes burn with desire.

“That’s good my boy.  Very good.  Show me more.”

“Yes my Lady.”

Kiss, kiss, kiss.  I give and receive three more lingering kisses, feeling them both on my lips as well as my dick at the same time.  Between the warm rock, the warmer bosom, and now these kisses I am warming fast.  Kiss, kiss.  Coming to life I feel myself swell against my nose.

“Suck it.”  She urges, our light wouldn’t even last as long as the magical time limit and she very much wanted to see more.  “Show your Lady how good you can service a cock.”

“Yes my Lady.”

I point myself at…myself.  I hold the hoop half a foot from my face and study my package in detail.  How many men could say they had gotten this up close and personal with their own organ?  The tip of the knob was just starting to poke out from its sheath.  Extending my tongue I give it quick tapping lick.  Then, opening up my lips, I slowly place it inside of my mouth.  My bottom lip slides along under it as my top stays well above.  I wasn’t nearly as big as my Lady and had much more room to play with here.  I feel it glide onto my tongue while at the same time feeling the wet and the warmth down below.  As I let out breath I feel the hot air wash over me.  With Rosa watching with widening eyes I tighten my lips around my cock and suck.

“Hmmmm.”  I moan as I feel it both ways at once.  I pull the ring back, my dick stretches as I keep my lips tight and my mouth sucking hard.  I feel my shaft slide back through my lips.  “Hmmm!”   My brain was having trouble processing it but it definitely liked what was happening.

“Gods, that’s so fucking hot baby.”  My Lady whispers.  “Keep going.”

I go right to the base and envelope my entire penis inside of my warm wet mouth and instantly feel it surge with energy.  Again I suck back toward the tip.  “Mmmm!”  Fuck that feels good!  I do it again, then again, and then again.  With each long suck I grow longer, fatter, and stiffer.  Having my Lady’s exquisite body to look at definitely helped too.  I yearned to feel her supple pouting breasts again.  I knew how soft and silky that smooth skin would feel.  I burned with my need for her and soak in every part of her beauty from the tips of her pointed ears to the fat end of her big cock to her dark horns to her cute little toes.  The pinnacle of female beauty in this humble boy’s opinion.

“You’re doing so good baby, so good.  My sexy boy!”

“Mmm.”  I smile with my mouth full.  I give my cock a flex and feel it harden.  The more I did this the more normal it felt.  Like living dildo I hold my organ by the ring and start to slide it in and out of my sucking lips.  “Hmmmm.”

“I bet that feels good.”

“Mmmm.”  I moan in my soft yielding boy voice.

Rosa strokes herself through her shorts.  “Oh, look at you baby.  You’re doing so good.  Keep going.”

“Mmm.  Mmm.  Mmmmmm.”  I let out meek little hums as I continue to give myself head.  Fully hard now it is feeling better than ever.  My eyes never leave my Lady, seeing her watch me with such intense and desirous interest makes my subby little heart glow with joy.  “Mmmm.  I wish this was yours my Lady.  None can compare to yours.  Mmmm.”

She smiles and releases her cock from her constraining shorts.

“Hmmm!”  I moan with wild arousal.  “Your boy wants his Lady’s cock.  Mmmm!”  I suck myself with rising passion, wanting to show her what I would do if this was her.  I adored being the focus of her attention.  With my audience of one raptly watching I start to perform.  I tilt my head and suck along the side.  I turn it upside down and lap and flick my tongue around the tip.  I hold it above me, facing straight downward, and take my rock hard dick as deeply as I could and hold it there as I hold back the gags.

“Ohhhh fuck baby.”  Rosa strokes her dick as she watches me.  “Ohhh damn, I’m so fucking wet.”  Her other hand slips down under her balls.


Mine is the second cock I had gotten to feel in my mouth, the first being my Lady’s of course, and the difference is significant.  My jaw wasn’t straining.  I could try different angles and different depths.  It didn’t give me the satisfying feeling of inferiority and service that my Lady’s did but it was undeniably easier and, in some ways, funner to play with.  Though a hell of a lot more distracting!  Feeling the pleasure as I gave it is a strain to my focus.  I had to concentrate through the good feelings to the technique.  As I went it dawned on me what an incredible education I was receiving on cock sucking.  I could test things and try things and get immediate feedback.  What feels good, what feels great, what is nice in short bursts and what is nice in a long steady rhythm.  If given time like this my oral skills could become elite.  Nothing compared to Rosa, but she had demonic advantages I couldn’t touch.

Slapping my spit covered manhood across my face I whisper.  “Do I have permission to cum?”


“Yes my Lady.”

I wasn’t close yet but I needed to know how to pace myself.  Holding the bracelet firmly on both ends I sit up nice and start to bob my head forward and back at a steady pace as I mewl and coo happily for her.

“Such a pretty cock sucker.”  She sighs as her slender hand glides slowly up and down her own big member.  “Such a pretty boy.”

I bat my eyes with mock innocence and whimper.  “Mllrmmm!  Ohhh my Lady, I lo…mmmm!”  I jam my dick back into my mouth before the words I wasn’t allowed to say slip out.  They were becoming harder and harder to contain.  “Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm!”

“That’s it.  Suck your cock like a good boy.  That’s my boy.  Ohhhhh.”

I suck and slurp and slobber, just letting the spit dribble freely.  I could feel the pressure down below rising, I could feel my dick tensing both in my mouth and in a mouth.  Damn…I was getting pretty fucking good at this!  I switch to smooching my balls to give myself a breather.  It is crazy how I could respond to things as I felt them.  Whatever I wanted to feel I could just do.

“Tastes good, hmm?”

“Yes…mmmm…my Lady.”

“Gooood boy.”

Because I know the silly side of my Lady would enjoy it, I curl my wet lips over my teeth to sheath them then begin nibbling at my spongy knob with a loud.  “Umumumumum!”

To my great satisfaction Rosa giggles.  Seemingly unable to hold back any longer Rosa sits up and crawls over to me.  Her hands climb my thighs as she leans in to plant a big open mouthed kiss on my lips, with the tip of my cock between us.  Together we kiss and suck and lick over and around my dick from either side.  Her long tongue curls all the way around my shaft then slinks into my open mouth as we continue kissing passionately.  I thrust my dick left and right between our kissing lips and Rosa’s encircling tongue.

“Hnnngh!”  I moan loudly.

My Lady pulls back and lets out a hot breath.  “Hahhhh!”  The fires of her lust burn hot.  She forcefully pulls my tunic apart and pulls it down over my shoulders.  She grabs one of my pecs and squeezes it as her other hand grips my shoulder hard.  Her top lip curls up to bare her small fangs.  She wanted me.  She wanted me bad!

My already high soft voice becomes even more pleading and demure.  “Mm.  Mm.  Ooommm.”  I shrink smaller, I lower my chin, I widen my eyes, and I go into full submission.  My body was hers to do with as she pleased as surely as if it were bound by rope.

Shifting back she sits on the floor and pulls her shorts off, leaving her sexy nubile body completely nude.  She faces me and spreads her legs to give me, for the first time, a view of everything.  Her wispy violet pubes that I’d seen above the root of her cock picked up in the small space under her sack.  Just today I had truly seen a pussy in all of its feminine glory and now I get to see another.  Noticeably smaller, a prettier shade of pink, and a hell of a lot cuter, Rosa’s poon was as different from Aemelia’s as her dick was different from mine.  This was my Lady’s beautiful pussy and, for me, that made it perfection.

She slides two fingers along the moist fleshy petals.  “You are good with a dick my boy, but it’s time we see what you can do with a cunny.”

I pull my dick away from my lips.  “Yes my Lady!”  I say ecstatically.  “Oh yes!”  I go to move but then look at erect penis then down at my crotch, both of my hands were occupied.  “What do I do with this?”  I ask.

A wicked look in her demon eyes she says.  “Oh, I think I know just the place we can put that my boy.”

Chapter 61 


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