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A roar of thunder shakes the earth, the wind howls, and rain pelts against roof and North wall of the shack as if Jupiter himself were trying to erase it from the Earth.  Outside the storm raged but in Rosa and I’s private little sanctum it was warm and calm.

“Get up.”  She says.  “Just to your knees.”

I rise from my sitting position to stand on me knees.

“Mmm.”  She hums approvingly as her eyes slowly scan up and down my body.  “Your body is gorgeous.  Such a lovely shape.”

I lower my head a little, blushing from the random compliment.  “Thank you.”  I say in a small voice.

“You would look good in silk.”

“I…we have no silk.”

“No.  Perhaps someday though.  I can make you garments that will highlight and accentuate.  If you’re comfortable with it.”  She says, her magenta eyes continuing to drink in every part of me.  “Clothes to make you feel beautiful and sexy.”

“I’m just a farmer.”

“You are a beautiful boy and you deserve to feel beautiful.”  She says.  “Do you feel beautiful Quin?”

I hesitate.

“Well you are.”  She insists.  Holding her arms out she turns in a circle, doing a few steps of a dance very slowly.  “And I would like a gown.  A long lovely gown befitting a Lady.  Something nice for when we’re alone.”  She giggles, a bit of the cute daytime Rosa peeking through.  “Something a slave has no right to wear.  A private little act of defiance, hm?”

I could so easily picture her in a luxurious gown fit for a Queen.  Jewelry glittering from her wrists and ears and horns.  I could see her lounging in an opulent villa, being attended to hand and foot.  A woman of her beauty deserved such things.

“I will get you a gown.”  I swear to her.

“Shhh.  We’ll see what happens.  For now…it’s fun to think about.”  Patting her thigh she says.  “Come my side.”  I nod then go to step up but she stops me.  “I didn’t say to get up.”

“Yes Lady.”

Walking on my knees I move up to her left side where she indicated.  I am rewarded with a pet through my hair.  “Stay with me.”

Rosa turns and moves to the stove.  Kneeling down she holds her arms out over it just feel the heat for a time.  Her smile is so pretty.  She then feeds more wood into the fire.  Pulling the open pack a bit closer she brings out a spoon and our vial of oil which we’d gotten refilled back in Capua.  She sets the spoon on the flat top of the stove and pours a bit of oil into it.  I watch but I don’t question.  The oil is put away.  Standing up she pulls my head close and strokes my cheek before moving onto her next task.

Doing my best to keep up I walk on my knees beside her as she takes my wet clothes from where they landed to bring them to the clothes line I had put up.  Shifting her clothes to the side she hangs mine out to dry as well.  Next she brings the pot and the bucket of water to near the stove and moves the bowl off into a corner.  Finally she checks the door to make sure it is secure before leading me back to the center of the room.  

“You stay at my side so well.  Are you sure you haven’t been leash trained?”

“Leash trained?”

She pats my head.  “Well you’re doing great.”

“Thank you.”

“How are your knees?”

“They’re fine.”

“Have the ropes tightened?”

I shake my head.  “They’re fine.”

“Good.”  Leaning down she offers me her cheek.  I smile as I knew what was coming next.  “Give me a kiss.”

I kiss her cheek.

“Good boy.”

Gods I loved that.

“Stay still now.”  She commands.  I straighten up tall and obey.

Walking slowly around me she checks me out from every angle.  Eventually she comes to stand right behind me, her feet stood just on either sides of my calves.  She comes right up against me.  The back of my head touches her chest between her breasts, her stomach makes contact between my shoulder blades, her legs touch along my hips, and her low heavy hanging dick finds a space along my spine.  From there she just starts to…touch me.

With a delicate touch her fingers stroke along my shoulders and up my neck.  Her tracing touch following the contours of my body.  Her left hand strokes along my collarbone then down between my pecs.  Her right hand glides up my neck to find my ear.  She massages the velvety lobe between her finger and thumb.  Her index finger moves along the outer ridge of my ear, gradually working around and in as she feels along every little groove.  The fingers of her other hand spread wide to splay downward toward my abdomen, before turning to drape her arm across my chest to take the meat of one pec into a firm grasp.

I am frozen, completely at the mercy of Rosa’s gentle pleasures.

From my ear her right moves along to my forehead, with just a light touch she has me tilt my head back.  The fingers come down over my eyelids.  With my eyes closed she feels my cheek bones then rubs my temples.  She runs her fingertips over one brow and then the other.  She feels my nose, down the center then along both sides.   She touches around my mouth before circling inward to caress my tender lips.  Nothing is hurried and no detail missed.  She strokes and feels and caresses my face as if I were the most rare and precious thing in the world.

“Ohhhh.” I sigh softly.


Her other hand, with a grip firm but not hard, fondles and massages my chest muscle.  At my face she moves to my chin and strokes back along my jawline then back down my neck.  Another light guiding touch and she has me tilt my head to the left.  Her hand never leaving my skin she rubs it down over my chest to take the place of the other hand while that hand crosses over to grip my other pec.  She gives both pecs a slow squeeze.

“Hahhhh.”  Her hot breath washes over my neck.

Bending down she kisses my shoulder.  She kisses again a bit closer to the neck.  And then closer still.

“Ah!” I gasp as what I expect to be another kiss ends up being a nip of her teeth.  “Ohhhh.”

She immediate soothes the little bite with another gentle kiss.  The kisses continue up my neck before ending with long slow suckle of my earlobe.  

A deafening thunderclap booms so loudly as to rattle the walls of the shack but neither of us even flinch.  We were too lost in each other to take any notice of the outside world.

First the left, then the right, Rosa’s index fingers and thumbs take hold of the nubs of my erect nipples.  Continuing to suckle and tongue my lobe she gradually squeezes my nipples harder.

“Ohhhhh!”  Overwhelmed by pleasure I briefly swoon back into her before catching myself and returning to my position.  “HAH!” I suck a breath in as the slow squeeze of my nipples turns suddenly into a stiff pinch.

“Stay still.”  She tells me again.

“Yes Lady.”  I whisper through panting breaths.

Like the bite she quickly soothes my sore nip by rubbing them softly.  She moves back down my neck again.  This time however instead of kisses she treats me to careful nibbles.  Nibbling all the way back to my shoulder.  Each nipping bite sends tingling waves through my flesh.  She then switches to the other side.  Nuzzling deep into the crook of my neck locks her lips on the tender area to suck and lick and…bite!  Her sharp fangs press against my skin, not enough to draw blood but enough to feel their sting.


“Mmmm!”  She nuzzles up under my ear then takes the soft lobe between her teeth.  Somewhere along the way her chubby half aroused cock had become as hard as my own.  She nibbles and sucks at my ear.  Pulling back she extends her long demon tongue to flick and lick around and into my ear.  Her left arm pulls me tight, her right takes a handful of my ass and squeezes hard.

I whimper and writhe, pulling against my bonds, not from any want of escaping but simply from the overwhelming passion coursing through me.

With the grace of a dancer Rosa weaves around to the front, never letting her lips or hands leave me even for an instant.  She comes to kneel in front of me.  Wrapping her arms around my waist she smooches and licks my stomach, her kisses are wet and sucking.  She bites me again…bliss!  Up across my chest and up into the front of my neck she pecks and sucks.  Every so often giving me sharp nip followed by a healing kiss.  My whole body is glowing like an ember.  I felt as if I was being…carried away…like a feather on a warm summer breeze.  By the time she had worked her way to my nipples I am trembling putty in her arms.

“Let me hear you.”  She whispers.

“Ohhhhhh!”  My voice is high…mewling…submissive.  A most unmanly sound.  I hear it as if at a distance.  “Ohhhhh!”

“Oh gods!”  She moans, her hands reach down to claw into my ass cheeks.  “That’s my boy!”


Her surprisingly strong tongue pushes into my right nipple then twists and twirls.  She sucks on it sending jolts of ecstasy shooting through my body.  She laps and nibbles and sucks some more.  I struggle mightily to stay still.  Wavering and pulling against my ropes.  Ohhhh these wonderful ropes!  Nothing could hurt me here, not in Lady’s ropes.  I couldn’t even feel the ache in my knees anymore.  I was floating on air.  Rosa dashes to the other one and slaps her long tongue across like a whip of flesh, hard enough to produce a wet smack.  Where there ought to be sting I feel only a strange numb pleasure.

“OHHH!”  The next thing I knew I was falling.

I would have fallen straight backward had Rosa not brought her arms up to steady me in an embrace.  “I have you.”  She whispers into my ear as she pulls me close.  “I have you Quin.”

I am panting.  I try to return to position but my body wouldn’t listen to me. I sway and rock but I couldn’t find my bearings.  If not for my Lady’s embrace I would be on the floor.  I try to look at her but…everything is blurry and far away.  Nothing makes sense.  My mind is lost in a haze.  There was only Rosa now.  Her warm skin against mine.

“Hey.”  She says softly as she strokes my suddenly sweaty face.  “Can you talk?  Say something baby.”

“Hnngh!”  I try to form words, I want to obey!  I want so badly to obey my Lady.  “Unnngh!”  All that would come out were desperate whimpers.  I start to cry thought I don’t understand why.

“Ohhh my boy.”  Rosa coos and dabs my tears away.  “Shhhh.  It’s okay.  It’s going to be okay.”

What happens next is fuzzy and confusing.  I wasn’t sure where I was.  There is movement and a soothing voice and I think I can hear…thunder?  Time passes though I can’t tell how long.  I blink my eyes and find myself laying on my back with my head on Rosa’s lap.  The blanket was on me.  When did that happen?  I go to move…and discover my ropes are gone!

I bring a hand up to look down at my wrist, then up at my smiling Lady.  “I’m sorry!”

“Shhhh.”  One of her soft hands plays softly through my hair as the other rubs back and forth across my wide chest.  “Shhhh.  Everything is good.  Everything is wonderful.”

“Nooooo.”  I moan, on the verge of tears once more.  I ruined my Lady’s play!  I failed her.  Never in my life had I felt so low and wretched.

True to her word though, Rosa doesn’t let me fall too far.  Holding back despair with a warm embrace, a soft touch, and gentle soothing words.  “Shhhhh.  You did good Quin.  You did so good.  I am so happy.  I am so proud of my boy.”

Chapter 24 



Damn, the build up of sexual tension is done so well here. That as well as the wonderful character development, I’m absolutely loving it. it’s keeping me coming back for more.


Rosa and Quintus might be my favorite pairing since Jonathan and Charlie. I am REALLY enjoying these two so far. I am glad you are too. :)