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“I…want to.”  My eyes squeezed shut I lean my weight forward into Rosa, she holds me up as she continues stroking my hair.  “I want to say yes.  You make me so…so happy!”

“Then say it.”  She whispers.  “Be my boy Quin.  Let me be your Lady.”

I reach out to hug her but the twine keeps my arms right where they were.  “Ohhh!”  I never knew feeling so helplessness could be so good!  Had it not been Rosa here I might have been afraid.  But in her soft embrace I had never felt safer.  Nothing could touch me here.  I press my cheek into her tummy and she instinctively cradles my head tighter.  “I’m not worthy of a woman like you.”

“You don’t get to decide that.”

“I have nothing to give you.”

“Except yourself.”

“I don’t deserve you!”

“Deserve me?”  She leans down to kiss the top of my head.  “To be deserving of a Lady isn’t something you just are or are not.  It’s a process.  A commitment.  It is work.  Something earned each and every day through obedience and kindness and worship.  It is about having faith in yourself to live up to her expectations.  It is about being strong enough to give yourself to a woman.  It is about being brave enough to let your Lady see that special side of you that is only for her to see.”  She strokes my cheek then traces the tip of her finger around the edge of my ear to make the hairs down my neck stand on end.  “It is a journey, together.  A Lady too must earn her beautiful boy.  A good boy is so fragile, so easily spoiled in this hard cruel world.  She must protect him and mold him, care for him and hold him precious.”

“What if…what if I fall short?”

“You will.  When that happens you will be disciplined then forgiven.”  She replies.  “And we will learn and move forward.”  Again she combs her fingers through my hair. “Don’t be afraid my dear, I will never let you fall too far.  I will always be there to catch you.”

“Ohhh.”  Her words were a cool salve on a fresh burn.  Weeks of fear and stress about my big move away from home, about life on my own, given succor by Rosa’s smooth sure tone and caressing touch.  “But…how can this work?  How can we…be together?  We cannot be married.”

“Married?”  She chuckles softly.  “Oh sweet boy.  This has nothing to do with marriage or even being lovers.  You will eventually have to find a proper wife and you will sire children with her.  You will be the man your parents wanted you to be, it is the way of things.”  Her voice is soft, wistful, wise.  “But what you and I will share, if things work out, goes so much deeper than that.  To be my boy you don’t have to love me Quin, but you do have to need me.”

“Need you?”

“Like air and water and sunshine.”  She croons, her petting hand cupping along my jaw.  “What is a Lady without her boy?  What is a boy without his Lady?  It is something you either understand or you don’t.  Most do not.  But I suspect you do.  Do you understand Quin?”

“I think so.  I think I do.”

“If you do not wish to be my boy, if it is simply sex you want…”

“No!”  I gasp.  Again I try to reach out for her and end up instead feeling the thrill of my bondage stopping me.  The rope holding me firm feeling like another different type of hug from this incredible woman.  “No, I want more.  I want more!  Yes.  YES!  I will be your boy.  Please, let me be your boy.”

The moment felt even more monumental than that decision back at the crossroads.  I had crossed the Rubicon to change the course of future history.  I didn’t know how long this thing might last between us but I knew I would never be the same afterward.  No other woman had made me feel like this.  No other woman could speak words that seemed to be plucked from my own heart.  No other understood me like Rosa.

“Mmmm.”  She hums happily, not unlike a mother cooing a lullaby to her babe.  “Good boy.”  Leaning down she kisses the tender flesh of my neck.  “You’ve made your Lady very happy tonight.”  I feel her cheek brush against my nose.  “Give me a kiss.”

Obediently I kiss her cheek.

“Good boy.”  She says as she stands straight.  “You are my boy now.  I am your Lady.  It is done until we say it isn’t.”

A flood of joy rushes through me.  The joy of connection.  The joy of giving up control.  The joy of finding my true self.  This wasn’t simply Cupid’s sting any longer.  Sure I was horny but this went SO much deeper.  If the gods were watching and judging…so be it.  As far as I was concerned there was only one goddess that reigned in this room.

“Thank you!  Oh thank you Lady.”  I sigh.  “May I…kiss…your…”

“Foot?”  She says as if reading my mind.  “Yes, you may.”  She steps back from me.

Without the use of my arms it is not easy lowering myself to the floor but I manage it.  Getting all the way down I lay face down like a snake, my hard arousal squeezed uncomfortably beneath me.  I open my eyes to see her slender foot before me.  I press my lips hard into it, just above the toes, to give it a long lingering kiss.  The bliss was better than any orgasm.  I worship her foot and lavish it with kisses.  It smelled of leather and sweat and muddy rain but I couldn’t care less.

“You are doing such a good job.”  She whispers, to which I lavish her perfect foot with even more kisses. Open mouthed sucking kisses, even licking it now.  “Good boy.”


“That’s enough for now.”  She orders.  I do as she tells me, after a moment of quiet I start to rise before she stops me by placing her foot on my shoulder and carefully pushing me back down.  It is a gentle reminder for me to await her commands before acting.  I settle into my supplication and relax, my nose hovering just above the wood floor.  Her foot rubs down over my spine.  “You look so good down there.”

“Thank you Lady.”

Her big toe snakes back over my shoulder, down around my neck to under my chin.  With the back of her foot she applies just a hint of upward pressure before pulling it away.  Now I had permission to get off the ground.  Following her cue I start to rise, first struggling to get one knee and then the other under me as my arms pull and twist but remain bound at my sides.  I come to sit my butt between my feet.

Rosa stands in front of me, towering over me like a titan.  The dim light from the stove back lights her, casting shadows over her face and body.  From my low angle the silhouette of her pointed horns and ears accentuates her demonic features.  Her hair glows a lovely purple.  She was fully nude, as she had been on the slave platform, but now she glowed with a confident energy.  She stood, hands on hips, proud of her body.  And by the gods she had a lot to be proud of!  Bound and under her control I, for the first time, find the courage to gaze at her body without embarrassment.  I drink in her soft curving feminine shape from head to toe.  Smooth fair skin.  Willowy shapely limbs.  Small ripe pouting breasts with slightly upturned jutting nipples.  Womanly perfection, Helen of Troy had nothing on Rosa.  Having looked all around it I finally turn my gaze toward her most Amazon feature.

I thought it would look out of place.  I thought it would stand apart like some ungainly extraneous extension.  Perhaps it was my inexperience with the opposite sex but…it was beautiful.  Natural.  It belonged.  It was a part of her as surely as any other.  The same pale skin, the same violet hair fading to pink, it could only belong to her.  I am struck and deeply humbled by the size of it.  At the slave market I noticed package hung a bit low but I’d been so flustered I refused to give it more than the briefest of glances.  Given Rosa’s petite frame, I made certain assumptions.  Very bad assumptions.  I knew from feeling it against me that she was bigger, but actually seeing her half aroused and already longer and fatter than my currently raging hard-on really drove the reality home.


“You’re…beautiful!”  I say with hushed awe.

“Thank you.”  She says brightly.  “I was worried I might scare you.”

“You don’t scare me.”

“Mmm, I’m glad.”

I keep my head respectfully bowed, still avoiding that overwhelming direct eye contact.

“May I pleasure you Lady?”  The words come from my mouth as if on their own.  Virgin that I was I hadn’t a clue what I might do to her but I sure wanted to try.

She smiles and tilts her head.  “No.”

“I beg you.  Please.  I want to make you feel good.”

“Oh sweet child, you already are.”  Her smile grows.  “Tonight I want to spoil my good boy.  You don’t know how long I’ve waited for my very own boy.  Tonight, I want to play.”

I bow my head lower as I accept the fact that tonight I would be her plaything.  “Yes Lady.”

Chapter 23 


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