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Gradually, one soft caress at a time, Rosa coaxes me back into my right mind.

Outside the rain still pelted down but the main fury of the storm had moved on.  How long had I been like this?  Long enough for Rosa’s penis to go soft, I could see it out of the corner of my eye.  I stare up at the ceiling stewing in my self focused disappointment.  Rosa’s attentions helped, they helped a lot, but I couldn’t shake the fact that I had let her down.  I turn my face away to look at the far wall.  I couldn’t bear her attentive gaze.  I didn’t deserve it.

“Don’t pout now.”  She boops my nose with the tip of her finger.  “I don’t think I could bear seeing you sulk.”

My brows furrow with annoyance.  Not at her but at myself.  “I messed it all up.  We were having fun, weren’t we?”

“Oh Quin, fun isn’t even the right word.  You were incredible.”

“No I wasn’t.”  I frown.  “You did it all.  I couldn’t even…”  My voice trails off.

“Come here.”  She pulls me up a bit and brings our waterskin to my lips.  “Have a drink.”

I actually was terribly thirsty.  I put my lips to the spout and suck some of the water into my mouth and swallow it down.  She waits then gives me another swig before stoppering it and guiding me back down to rest on her thigh once more.

Bringing the blanket up to my shoulders she asks.  “Are you warm enough?”


Rosa hums a soft song and strokes my hair.  I glance back at her. She looked so serene.  So at peace and content.  If she was secretly disappointed in me she sure was hiding it well.  When she catches me peeking she smiles and blinks her big bright eyes.  She made it very difficult to stay angry.  The minutes pass under the care of her doting patient attention.  It takes time but eventually I start to feel better.

With a sigh I turn to look back up at the ceiling.  After a moment I ask.  “What happened to me?”

“I wish I knew.”  She says.  “As a Lady I’ve seen it in others but never felt it myself.”

“Seen it?”

“Morpheus visited you, yes?  A waking dream.  A feeling of detachment.  Like a blissful numb.”

I ponder a moment.  “Yes, yes exactly like that.  I was here but…I wasn’t.”

“It happens to boys like you, girls too.  Morpheus only bestows it on his chosen ones.  It comes often in bondage.  Often during great pleasure or punishment.  Usually while deep in submission.”

“Morpheus?”  I whisper.  The winged god of dreams and dreamers.  Had he really visited me?  “It was…it was…I can’t even describe it.”

She pats my chest.  “It is your secret to hold.  Mine is a different bliss.”



“Thank you for bringing me back.”

“Of course.”  She says.  “You’ll always find your way back eventually, though having a Lady makes the journey easier.”  Her smile grows.  “I feel so…honored that I could take you there.  You are such a gift Quin.”

“You say such nice things.”

“And I mean them.”  She says.  “How are you feeling?”

“Good.  Very good!”

“Mmm.”  She says.  “You may feel a melancholy take hold of you. It might be soon, it might be in a few hours.  You must tell me if this happens.”


“I mean it Quin.”  She strokes my cheek.  “On this you must obey me.”

“I will.”

“It too will pass.  I’ll be right there with you.”

“I know.”  I look up at my Lady.  “You wanted to play more.  I’m sorry you had to stop.”

“Oh, you think I’m done with you?”  She chuckles as her eyes slowly pan down my body.

Raising my head I see the little tent in the middle of the blanket.  After all that…I was still hard!

“I can’t let you go to sleep like that.  Not after being such a good boy.”  She shifts, pulling me a little higher.  “Come here baby.”  I move under her direction so that my shoulders were now against her thigh and my head held in her left arm.  My cheek rests against her bare breast.  Her right hand slides beneath the blanket, rubbing down my stomach.  I feel her fingers untie my underbreeches.  The excitement in my cock spreads out to the rest of me.  The fact we weren’t done yet fills me with delight.

I look up at her and whisper.  “Let me pleasure you instead Lady.  Please.  I’ll do what you ask.”

“Not yet.”

“But why?”  I ask as her slender hand wraps around my cock.  “Hohhh!”

The gleam in her eye and her crooked grin revealed a bit of the demon in her.  “You have to need it first.”  

She starts to feel my dick.  Not stroke it, just touch it and trace it and explore it with her fingers.  Front, back, sides, tip to base.  Just…feeling it.  Much as she had done earlier with the rest of my body.  The sensation is divine.

“I do need it!”

“Perhaps.  We’ll see.”

“Let me make you feel like this.”

“No.  Not tonight.”

“You wish me to beg.”

“Do I?”

“You said so.”  I say.  “You said I had to beg for it.  I will beg.”

“Shhh.”  She shakes her head.  “Not tonight.”

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh softly and close my eyes.  Two fingers trace up either side of the spongy flue that ran from balls to tip along the underside of my cock then part to glide back down the hard sides of my erection.  In a supplicating voice I plead.  “I want to make you feel good too.”

“You already are.”

“I want to please you…sexually.  Hah!”  She had pulled my foreskin back and gently a fingertip teased along the ridge of my knob as her thumb glided up and down the area just below the hole.  The slick wetness of precum allowed her thumb to slide easily.  “Oh gods!”

“You told me you are a virgin but, has anybody touched you like this before Quin?”


“Has anybody put their mouth on you?”  She gives me two long soft strokes.


“What about the other way.  Have you touched anybody like this, with hand or mouth?”  Two more strokes, her grip tightening.

“Ohhh.  No.”  Her exploring fingers find their way to my balls.  She cups them and fondles them and feels the skin of the scrotum between her fingers.  My body jerks at the unexpected intensity of having someone play with my balls.  It was so much different than doing it myself.  “OH!”  My dick jumps and twitches under its own power in response.  “Oh wow!”

“Mmm, just wait until you feel a mouth.  You won’t believe how good it feels.”  She says.  

“I want to make you feel like that.”  I gaze up at her pleadingly.  “May I put my mouth on you?  I want to make you hard again.”

“You are so needy.”  She pinches my earlobe.  “Enough of those puppy dog eyes. I said no.  Keep this up and no bondage for a week.”

“No!  Oh Lady!  I’m sorry!”

“Shhh.”  She chuckles and leans all the way down put her cheek close to me.  “Give me a kiss.”

My heart lifts on hearing those words.  I kiss her smooth cheek.

“Good boy.”  She grabs my sack and begins a deep firm massage of both my balls and the root of my cock.  It was glorious!  She kept finding new ways to make me feel good.  “You have such a nice manhood Quin.  I’m a lucky Lady.  Moan for me baby, let me hear you.”

“Ohhh.   Ohhhh yesss.  Mmmmm.”

“Good boy.”  She says.  “Have you touched yourself like I’m doing now?  Have you pleasured yourself?”

“Yes.”  I confess.  “Many times.  Almost…every night, if I could find time alone.”

“That’s good.  I like a horny boy.”  Her hand probes in under my testes, pushing up from beneath.  “Have you played with your ass Quin?  Or had others do it?”

On this question I hesitate


“I don’t understand.”

She smiles warmly.  “Yes you do.”  She kisses my forehead.  “Does it scare you?”

“A little.”  I say. 

“Nothing has been inside of you?  Not even a finger?”

I shake my head.  “No.  I only touch there to clean.”

“You do keep it clean?”

“Of course Lady.”

“That’s good.  I want you clean.”  With her two middle fingers she rubs up and down the space between my manhood and my anus.  I open my legs wider to make it easier for her.  She rubs it.  Firmly.  Up and down.  This felt good in still a different way.  My legs spread a little more.

“Atta boy.”  She says proudly.  “Does this feel good?”

“Yes.  Yes it feels very good.”

“Good boy.”  Her left hand pulls playfully at my hair.

“Are you…going to touch me there?”  I ask.  “Are you…going to…be inside of me?”

“I want to.  I want to very much.  Do you want me to?”

As an answer I spread my legs wider, thankfully my underwear was roomy.  “Is it going to hurt?”

“Not so much.  Not with just a finger.”  She nuzzles my hair.  “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes!”  The Quintus from a week ago wouldn’t have recognized the docile boy in this Amazon’s arms, the boy who wanted this woman’s finger in his butt. But the Quintus from a week ago never knew joy like I did.  “I want it.”

“My brave boy.”  

Her hand slips from the blanket.  Shifting to reach for something her soft breast brushes across my face.  Closing my eyes I rock my head back and forth to feel the silky supple flesh pass over my nose and cheeks.  I smile.  I cannot help myself.  Tilting my face up I give it a little kiss.

She sighs.  “Didn’t I say you couldn’t put your mouth on me?”

“Please!”  I beseech her with wide pleading eyes.

“You are too cute!” She exclaims.  “You are going to be a handful outside your bonds, aren’t you?” 

I bat my eyes and mewl softly.  “Mmm?”

“Gah!  Fine!”  She relents.  Petting the side of my head she says.  “Go ahead then.”


“Mmm!” I immediately kiss it again, longer this time.  I didn’t know anything could be so warm and soft and lovely.  I kiss again, a little harder, my lips and nose pressing into the pillowy flesh.  I kiss it over and over, all around the underside of it and even at the edge of the nipple.

“You like my titties?”

“Yes!”  I laugh.  “Oh yes!”  Gaining confidence I kiss it hard, nuzzling deeper.  I open my lips to kiss it again, a wet sucking kiss.  Could there be anything better!?  How could such simple bit of flesh be so…so…wonderful!?  “Mmmm.”  I suck against it again and pull, then release it.  It jubbles back into shape.  “He he he!”  I rummage and wriggle my face over it and into it, glorifying in this incredible feeling.  Honestly, had I known tits were this good I may have been just a bit more bold with the girls of my past.  But as it was I was happy Rosa’s were my first.  I couldn’t believe she was actually letting me play with them!  I was such a lucky boy.  I strain forward to give the other one some kisses too.  “Ha ha ha!  I love them!  I LOVE YOUR BREASTS!”

“Shhh!”  Rosa giggles happily.  She turns her body to smack me across the face with her tit.  “Not so loud.  Silly boy.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”  I squirm and move closer.  In Rosa’s arms I felt so free!  I could laugh and giggle and play and be as silly as I wished.  It was a different thrill from the bondage but just as uplifting.

She laughs with me and rolls her eyes.  “You are so silly.”

“Mmmm!”  I switch back to the close one and lick it…giggle…and lick it again.  I liked how it bounced.  I nose it just to see it jiggle.  My left hand comes up to hover over the other.  When I see that I had permission I touch it I do…carefully.  Soft, so soft, so squishy yet firm.  I push my palm into it.  I feel its weight and texture.  I very gently squeeze it.  As incredible as it felt, even better was the soft hum of pleasure that comes from my Lady.

“Mmm, that’s nice.”  She tells me.  Knowing something I had done felt nice to her…ohhhh!  My heart skips a beat and my hard cock flexes strong.  “So you’re a breast guy huh?”  She says.  “So many boys are.  Do you wish they were bigger?”

“No!  No, they’re perfect.”  Joy swells in my heart.  “They’re the best.”

I see movement.  Straining my eyes left I notice her hand moving to go back under the cover, her middle finger now glistened with oil.  This was happening.  A blend of trepidation and heady excitement fills me.  I bury my face in Rosa’s breast and close my eyes.  My hand rests gently on her other one and lightly hold to it.  I spread my legs a little wider and go still as I await what she was about to do to me.  My heart was beating heavy but with a pair of boobs to cuddle against I felt I could endure anything.

Chapter 25 


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