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Laying beneath the old carob tree, arms pinned beneath me, I settle into a wonderful state of tranquility.  Honestly, the only thing that could have made it better were if the ropes I was imagining around my wrists and ankles were actually there.  Tranquil as I was though, by the gods I had never been harder!  Passion burned through my veins.

“Rosa.”  I whisper.

“No.”  She says firmly, seeming to read my mind.


“Cupid has you under his spell.”  She says.  “I will not have you feeling bad about yourself all day tomorrow for a moment of pleasure tonight.  I learned that lesson after our first night together.”


“No.”  She says again in a tone that told me there would be no argument.  “We need to find peace between us and you need to come to grips with a few things before I pleasure you again.”

She was right of course.  When the morning light shone and the eyes of the gods and the world could see me again, those feelings of guilt and shame would come flooding back.  My will might have been as weak as a frayed thread but Rosa’s was rock solid.  As much as I wanted relief I was so thankful for her strength and her care for my well being.  Her denial made me feel like I was in safe hands.  

“Thank you.”  I say.

“You’re welcome.”  She says.  As we lay there her dick slowly grows alongside mine, her balls rest on mine.  “Mmmm.  Now that you’re relaxed, isn’t this nice?”

“Oh yes.  So nice.”  I confess.  Having a woman’s soft body pressed against mine, even an Amazon woman, was…well…it was simply wonderful.  My imaginary bondage giving me no choice but to relax and accept my situation I found there was nothing I didn’t like about this embrace.  She felt good, she smelled good, everything was good.  “Rosa, can I tell you something?”


“I’m…I’m a virgin.”

“Mmm.”  She hugs me tight.  “I know.  I figured that out.  But thank you for telling me.”

“It was that obvious?”


“I’m sorry.”

She chuckles and gives me playful pinch.  “For what?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Mmm, just relax my boy.”  She coos as she kisses my neck.  “I’ve got you now.  Nobody can see us here.  It’s just you and me.  You don’t need to feel self conscious or embarrassed.  You can be yourself.  I’ve got you Quin.”

She had me.  Her words felt as nice as her weight on top of me.  I pull with my arms just hard enough so that they wouldn’t come free, imagining that it was the bonds Rosa had put on me holding me in place.  I was so helpless, so wonderfully secure in Rosa’s experienced care.  With aching rigidity my dick flexes and presses up into her tummy.

“My goodness you’re excited.”

“I’m sorry!”

“Stop apologizing my boy.  It’s okay.  It’s flattering.  It’s cute!”  She giggles lightly and gives her still growing organ a little flex.  “I’m pretty excited myself.”  She lets out long sigh.  “Having a big strong obedient boy beneath me…mmmmm, it does things for me.”  Her body writhes as her dick lurches and swells some more.  “You feel so damn good.”

“You feel good too!”



“I told you no Quin.”  She says, reading my trepidatious tone.

I let out a frustrated snort.  Gods I was so fucking horny!  “I was going to say, you don’t have to touch me but, if you want to pleasure yourself I…I wouldn’t mind.”

“I bet you wouldn’t.”  She teases.  “No, not tonight.  Tonight I just want to cuddle.”


“Besides, if you want to see me pleasured you’ll have to beg a lot better than that.”


“You heard me.”

“Oh gods!  You want me to beg?  I’ll…”

“Shhhh.”  She shushes me.  “I told you.  We’re just cuddling tonight.  Be still my boy.”

We lay quiet for a long time.  Resting but not yet falling asleep, just enjoying the warmth and feel of each other’s bodies.  Soon Rosa’s member was hard as mine, the two shafts laying parallel against each other between our bellies.  Her right hand slowly and tenderly caresses me.  Feeling the shape of my chest, tracing the muscles of my shoulder and arm, running up the edge of my lean muscled abdomen.

“You have an incredible body.”  She says as if it were a matter of fact.

Not knowing quite how to reply I just say.  “You too.”

“Mmmm.”  She hums as she twists and shifts against me, the sensual thrust of her motions telling me she was every bit as worked up as I was.  As she moves, as her shaft slides along beside mine, I notice something.

“Rosa!”  I gasp at a hush.  “Are you…are you bigger than…!?”

“Shhhh.”  She places a finger on my lips.

I didn’t need her to tell me though.  I could feel the hard throbbing answer pressing against my stomach.  The shaft to left of mine was noticeably fatter.  Our balls were touching and I could feel her further up my belly.  And when she moved I could feel the crease of her foreskin at the edge of her flared knob brush past my exposed tip.  Height wise I towered over her and I outweighed her by probably a good hundred pounds or more, yet down below my petite slave girl was longer, thicker, just plain bigger.

“Nnnngh!”  Again my dick surges with restrained potency.  I could feel a spot of wetness, precum oozing from my tip, touch my body and hers and smear around.  My hips, moving with a mind of their own, begin to thrust.

“Stop.”  She tells me flatly.

I stop but still the pressure builds on its own.  In time with my heartbeat my dick rhythmically bucks and flexes against my will.  “Ohhh.”

“You don’t have permission to cum.”  She tells me.


“You heard me Quin.  I told you already.  You don’t get to cum tonight.”

“If you just let me…AH!”  With one of her sharp little fangs she had nipped my nipple!  The bite stung my sensitive nip and sent a wave of titillating tingles radiating out from it.  It hurt, but in a good way.  I’d never felt that before.  My cock twitches hard.  My steadily dribbling precum now smeared all over the area past my tip.  “Ohhhh!”

“Behave.”  She warns.  “I said no.  Do not cum.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!  Her weight on me, her control of me, my hands pinned under me, that stern tone in her voice and my obedience to it, the hot prickle of pain still on my nipple, the incredible sensation of my hard cock alongside hers sandwiched between her belly and mine, it was all feeling so good.  Her telling me not to cum only made it more likely to happen!

“Oh gods!”  I gasp.

“Don’t cum!”  She hisses.  “You don’t have permission.  You hear me boy?  Don’t you dare cum without me telling you to.”

“Mmmmmm!”  I whimper.  “I want toooo.”

“No!  Control yourself Quin.”  She urges me as she goes very still and clings tight to me.  “Hold it back.  Hold it!”

Pushing back with all I had I am somehow able to keep my orgasm at bay.  After a few breathless moments with Rosa holding everything still the pressure gradually ebbs away.  I let out a long breath and my body relaxes.  “Hohhhh.”

“Good boy!”  She says proudly.

“Good.”  I echo back.

“That was too close.  I think I’d better stop teasing you.”  She shifts to left to lay along my side then lackadaisically traces a finger through the slick precum on my belly.  Her finger glides through the ooze in lazy circles and swirls.  “If you are very good, maybe some night soon I’ll let you bust your nut for me.”  She brings the finger to her lips and sucks the tip clean.  “Would you like that Quin?”

“Yes!”  I say.  “Yes!  I’ll be good.”

“Yes you will.”  She says.  “Because you’re a good boy.”

“Yes.”  My voice is barely a whisper.

“I didn’t hear you Quin.”

I pull my arms again, reminding myself of her power over me.  Gods how I wished I had real ropes holding me.  “Yes.  Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“I’m…I’m…I’m a good boy.”

“Ohhhh.”  She croons happily as she strokes her fingers down my cheek.  “There it is.  You worried me with all that manly man talk earlier.  Yes, you are a good boy.”

“I’m…I’m…”  My voice dies in my throat as tears begin to well up.

“What is it?”  She encourages me.  “What’s wrong?”

I let out a little gulping gasp.  “I’m…ashamed.  I’m ashamed of myself.”

“Noooo.”  She soothes and strokes.  “No, no, no.  Don’t you be ashamed my boy.  Not with me.  Not about this.  With me you don’t have to hide anything.”

“Men…men like my father…”

“Shhhh.”  Crawling up my body she comes to cradle my head between her bare breasts.  She holds me close and combs her fingers through my hair.  “I’ve known my share of soldiers over the years, generals and officers mostly.  Strong, brave, ambitious, responsible, hard fighting men.  In the privacy of my bed chambers their true nature was revealed.  The stronger the man the more he needs a strong woman.”  Her voice is so smooth and exuded such control, I couldn’t believe this incredible woman was also the spunky little cutie I’d been traveling with.  Arms cradling my head close she oh so tenderly pets me and coddles me and nuzzles my hair as one would their own precious child.  My ear against her chest the thrum of her strong steady heartbeat lulls me to a dreamy calm.  I cannot even describe the deep joy this all brings me.  By her contented coos and sighs I sense she was getting as much out of this as I was.  Then, with a warm wet smooch to my forehead, she says.  “Let’s get some sleep.”


“Shhh.  No more talking tonight.”


Her hand slides down over my shoulder to rub my arm.  “How are your arms?  Are your hands going numb?”

“My hands feel fine.”  Not entirely the truth as I did have a few tingles in my fingertips, but not a lie either.  “Please don’t…please, let me stay like this.”

“Okay Quin.  Just a little longer then.”  She yawns and kisses the top of my head.  “When they get uncomfortable you may pull them free.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

She cuddles in closer, her stiff cock jabbing into my armpit, and pulls the blanket up to cover her shoulder.  She doesn’t see my feet poke out from the bottom into the open air, and I don’t say a thing about it.  I didn’t want her to change a thing.  Denied sexual release my body is a bundle of swirling passions yet somehow my mind floats above it.  My eyes closed I drink in every detail as I lay there held in her arms drifting off to sleep.  The babbling of the nearby river, the sigh of the breeze through the branches above us, the smells of dying campfires and green vegetation wafting by, the sounds of our breathing, the cold ground beneath me contrasted with the cozy heat radiating from Rosa, her soft breast against my cheek, the rhythm of her heart…

Chapter 18 



Ooo i do love that shes bigger