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Lady luck continues to smile on Rosa as it is only an hour later, as evening gave way to another clear night, that we notice a line of dense green foliage running parallel to the road.  A few small campfires could be seen here and there at the edge of the greenery, other travelers camping along the banks of whatever river that was.  I set Rosa down and we follow a well worn trail toward the area.

Walking along the bank we are greeted by a few of the groups though others just watch us pass by with hard suspicious eyes.  Moving past the rest we find our own quiet little area under the wide boughs of an old gnarled carob tree.  I set the pack down and rub the shoulder that had carried its weight throughout the long day.

“Do you want me to massage it?”  Rosa asks.

“I’m okay.”  I sit down and lean back against the trunk of the tree.  Letting out a long breath I let my fatigued muscles relax.  Rosa kneels by my feet and removes my sandals without asking.  I don’t try to fight her on it.  Before I get too comfortable I ask.  “Do you want a fire tonight Rosa?”

“No.”  She says as she sits back and pulls her slippers off then rubs one of her sore feet.  “I just want to wash those sweaty clothes of yours and get them drying, then get some shut eye.  The moonlight will be enough for that.”

“Don’t worry about…”  I start to say, only to be interrupted.

“Don’t say it.  I am too tired to argue about this.  I want you out of those stinky clothes.”  She crawls over and opens up the pack.  Pulling out the folded up blanket she passes it over to me.  “Here.  Get under this and get naked.”

“Are you usually this bossy?”  I quip.

She smirks.  “You have no idea.”

Despite my brave facade I was tired too and didn’t wish to spar with her over this, and it was difficult to disagree with her anyway.  While I had tried to keep myself clean and presentable I hadn’t properly given my garments a rinse since even before arriving at Rome.  Unfurling the blanket over my body I wriggle and twist, being extra careful not to show anything despite the dim light, to get out of my tunic and breeches.  I push the clothes out from under the blanket toward her.

She scoops them up.  “Under britches too.”

I roll my eyes.  “I’m getting there.”

Out they go too.  With my clothes rolled together under an arm Rosa heads off toward the sound of the burbling water.  Thankfully, after moving a couple of pesky stones and branches, the dry earth beneath me is relatively smooth.  Keeping the blanket tucked tight around me I settle down the trunk until I am laying flat.  Staring up through the dark branches I feel the night breeze and listen to crackle of fire and low voices from the camp nearest to us.  My the tightness of my muscles and joints gradually fade away.  I knew it wouldn’t take me long to fall asleep tonight.

Just minutes later I lift my head to watch as my slave returns from washing my clothes.

“Gods!”  She gasps as I see the outline of her limber form tip-toe through the bushes with a big bundle of wet clothes in her arms.  Watching her lean silhouette move against the dim moonlit landscape it takes me a second to realize…she was naked!  “I’m f-freezing.”  She chatters.  “Heat I can handle, the cold I am not so good with.”  Hurriedly she hangs one garment after another over the lower branches of the tree.

“You bathed?”  I exclaim, then notice it wasn’t just my wet clothes she was hanging.  “Wait…you washed your clothes too?”  I ask.  “I thought you’d do yours in the morning.  You don’t have anything dry to sleep in.”

“I guess you’ll have to let me under your blanket, we only have the one.  You won’t leave me shivering out here will you?”


“Besides, I hate sleeping alone.”  She says through her chattering teeth.  “Especially out here.”

“Rosa, Rosa no.”  I mutter.  I was naked.  She was naked.  And she wanted crawl in under here with me!  My blanket was meant for one, there wasn’t exactly a lot of space under here.  Hindsight being clear, I now wished I had traded that wine for another blanket.  I scramble for a solution but none was presenting itself.

She hangs her shorts, the last of the garments, then scampers back toward me.  “Lemme in, lemme in.  Brrrr!”  The next thing I knew my naked slave was knelt beside me and tugging at the edge of my cover.  “Lemme in!”

With no other option I relent and let her under the blanket with me.  I try to make room but Rosa was on me immediately.  She actually climbs on top of me, straddling my legs,  and presses her chest into mine.  She clings to me, maximizing skin to skin contact and trying to absorb my heat into her shivering little body.  “Ahhhh.”  She sighs as the warmth of my body and the blanket settle into her.

I lay frozen in place.  I couldn’t see a thing but I felt…everything.  Chest to chest.  Belly to belly.  Her knees at my sides and her  inner thighs pressing in on my hips.  Her supple skin was warm and still damp from the river.  Her small breasts were so soft yet her nipples stiff from the cool.   And most unnerving of all…her dick and balls, tight and shrunken from her cold bath, are mashed directly against my own.

“Mmmm.” She sighs happily.  “Isn’t this nice?”


Her body relaxes into mine, my own body was taut as drum.  “Shhh.  Be calm.  It’s okay.”  She says.

“R-Rosa…w-we can’t…”

“I know.”  She whispers.  “Don’t worry Quin.  I know we can’t make love.  I understand you can’t do that with someone like me.  I’m not expecting that.  Please…just relax.  Feel how nice this is.  Enjoy it.  It’s going to be okay.”

“Rosa…I c-c-can’t…”  I try to control it but my breathing was rapid and shallow as the instinct of fight or flight seizes hold of me.

“You’re safe Quin.  Shhhh.  I’m not going to do anything you don’t want.  Shhhh.”  She turns her head and rests it against my chest, her freshly pointed horn scrapes briefly across my chin sending ripples of tingles out from spot it touched.  She pets me and soothes me.  “It’s okay.  Everything is okay.”

“No…no it’s not okay.  I’ll…I’ll sleep in my wet clothes.”

“And catch a cold.  No you will not.  Be calm, be still.”

My cheeks burn with a furious blush as between us, completely beyond my control, my manhood began to respond to the feelings of the beautiful woman pressed and moving against me.  “Rosa.  I…I…”

“Quin.”  She says in a calm smooth voice.  “Listen to me.  Listen to my voice.”

“I-I can hear you.”

“Good, now shhhh.  Breathe.  Relax.  Close your eyes.  Everything is going to be okay, I promise.”


Rising up off of my chest she grips my shoulders in her hands and leans her weight into them, pinning me to the ground with all the strength she had.  The cool night air rushes in between our bodies.  Such was the dark I could only see her shape but I knew her vibrant magenta eyes were staring down at me intensely.  “Quin.”  Her voice is firm now, full of confidence and authority.  “Listen!”

“Yes!”  I gasp.

“Slow down.  Breathe.  Close your eyes.”

“Okay….okay.”  All those feelings of shame and pride I had during the day were but vague memories now.  I seize onto her controlled assured tone like a rope thrown to a drowning man.  Though I knew I’d regret it in the morning I had no will nor desire to resist my slave’s commands.  My only instinct was to obey.  Rosa had me now and she was going to make everything okay.  Closing my eyes I focus everything on slowing my panting breath.

“Are your eyes closed?”


“Good boy.”  She says more gently, yet still with that same stern authority.  “That’s good.  Keep focusing on your breathing.  Atta boy.  Just like that.  You’re doing so good.”  

“Breathe.  Calm.”

After giving me a moment she continues.  “Now, I want you to tuck your hands in under your butt Quin.”


“Do it.”  She whispers.

“Yes.”  Keeping my eyes closed I lift my bottom up off of the ground and slide my hands beneath my butt.  I slowly let my weight back down again, my firm buttocks presses hard down into my flattened hands.  I could easily pull them free but my hands were now pinned under me with both our weight on top of them.  “I did it.”

“Good.”  She says approvingly.  “That’s it.  You listen so well.  You’re such a good boy.”

She goes quiet, her hands still pushing down on my shoulders, and waits.  Crazy as it was…these things really were having an incredible effect.  I felt so much better.  About everything.  My heartbeat was slowing and my breath was returning to normal.  The stress in both body and mind melting away to disappear into the dark night.

“Are your eyes still closed?”

“Yes.”  I whisper.

“Good.”  She says as she lays back down on top of me and I welcome the weight on top of me.  Her hot breath washes over the side of my neck.  “Now I want you to use your imagination.  Can you do that for me?”


“Good.  I want you imagine that your wrists are bound behind your back.  I want you to imagine your ankles are tied together.”  Unconsciously my feet come together so my ankles touched.  I could actually feel the ropes binding my ankles and my wrists as keenly as the earth beneath my body.  “I have you tied down.  I am lying with you tonight.  You have no control, no choice.  I am doing it whether you want it or not.”  Her voice is so soft yet I hear each word with perfect clarity.  “I want you to imagine you are completely helpless.  You cannot escape.  You are at my mercy Quin.”

My cock surges.  “I’m sorry.”  I peep meekly.

“You’re getting hard.  That’s okay.  It’s natural.”  She says.  “I’ll probably get hard too.  It’s nothing to be ashamed of.  It’s a beautiful thing.”

I take in a deep breath, hold it, and then as I release it so to do I release every anxious bit of worry and shame I had been holding onto.  I am calm.  A type of deep calmness I’d never felt before.  My breath is deep and slow, my muscles slack, and a strange type of peace descends over me.  All my life women had made me so unsure of myself and nervous, yet here I was with a gorgeous naked girl on top of me feeling completely at peace.  Miraculously, in just a matter of minutes, Rosa had lifted every care in the world off of my soul.  The only part of me not in a state of calm was my now raging hard-on that flexed against her soft belly.

“This feels…good.”  I whisper.  Letting out another long breath I cannot help but smile.  “This feels so good.”

“Yes.  It does.”  Rosa replies.  Alongside my rock hard cock I could feel Rosa’s dick swelling as well.

Chapter 17 



So good.


Very well written! I was wondering how the domination was going to work into this one, the gentleness of it so far has been really enjoyable. Firm but loving!