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This was one of those chapters.  I just couldn't get it right.  It just kept bloating and bloating and not getting any better.  I'm going to post it as is so we can move the story along.  I hope it's at least palatable.


I wake up the next morning with my head still nestled into Rosa, using my warm little slave like a pillow.  She was now on her back with me curled up beside her under the nook of her arm.  My hand rests on her opposite hip, her skin was so silky soft.  Her chest slowly rises and falls with her breath.  What a wonderful way to wake up!

I keep my eyes closed, trying to hold onto this lovely hazy half-sleep for as long as I could.  The harder I tried to deny it though the more awake I became.  And with wakefulness comes awareness of where I was, who I was with, and what we were doing.

Was anybody watching us?  I couldn’t hear anything but the nearest other camp was just a stones throw away.  Could they see me curled up in such a submissive pose?  With an Amazon slave no less!  These people would think me twisted.

As sleep evaporates and unwelcome clarity intrudes into my joy I am suddenly hyper conscious of the fact that I was naked.  Rosa was naked.  Both of us nude and touching each other.  Unlike last night, when Rosa talked me down from my panic and made me think I was bound up and under her control, I knew I was free.  That wonderful security of my fantasized bondage and Rosa’s strong confident voice seemed but a dream now.  With freedom came the now familiar waves of crippling shame and doubt and regret.

Worse yet comes recollection.  As I reflect back on everything that happened after Rosa returned from the river the emotions of the memories begin to erode like a castle of sand to the tide.  Warm feelings start to be questioned.  Actions and words seen and heard now with a sober mind.  And then the questions came.  Had she been…mocking me last night?  Toying with me for her own amusement?  Seeing what she could make me do just for sport?  Had she been secretly laughing at my simpering weakness and obedience?  Why had I had gone along with it?  Why did I enjoy it!?  Was she testing me?  If she was I certainly failed.  All my life I’d been taught what a real man was…and those things I did last night were the total opposite of that virtuous ideal.  My mother would have been so disappointed by my weakness.  What my father would have thought of his son touching penis to penis with an Amazon prostitute while also submitting to her without even a fight I dared not even think about.

Speaking of disappointment, did I disappoint Rosa?  Was I too small?  I now knew I was smaller than her, how humiliating!  Did almost cumming like I did make her think less of me?  I imagined that never happened with those great generals and senators she’d been with.  What could a woman like her possibly see in a poor virginal country boy like me?  Was she using me for another end?

I had almost convinced myself of Rosa’s cruel conniving nature, chalking it up to her cursed Amazon blood.  But…what was I really basing that on beyond the prejudices I’d been raised with?  What had she actually done to make me suspect her of being so terrible?  Was I being like that scared hateful farmer’s wife who cast us out?   Such nasty thoughts as the ones I had didn’t seem like the Rosa I knew at all.  She had been nothing but wonderful since the moment I met her.  She told me not to be ashamed and last night I believed her.  Why should I doubt her now?  She held me and soothed me when she didn’t have to.  Why doubt her after the fact?  If it was my debasement she was after she could have made me do so much more last night, I had been completely under her spell, yet all we did was cuddle.

I didn’t know what to think anymore.  Rosa was right.  I needed to make peace with a few things before my spirit was torn into pieces.

Moving very gingerly I slip back and out of from the blanket, being extra careful not to expose Rosa even for an instant.  I get to my hands and knees and cast my nervous eyes about for any onlookers.  I could hear some motion and the crackle of a fresh fire some way off but nothing close by.  I get to my feet and brush the dirt and leaves from my body.  When my hands reach my stomach I feel the flaking crust of dried precum and frantically wipe the shameful evidence off of me.  Quickly and quietly I find my clothes where Rosa had hung them then pad down toward the water for a quick washing up and getting dressed.  Back under the tree Rosa is curled up under the wide boughs of the carob tree sleeping soundly, her peaceful expression looking angelic in the gentle morning light.  I knew I shouldn’t, but I feel bad seeing her like this.  Sleeping on the bare ground out in the open.  I wished I had more to offer her.

Needing something to occupy me I wander down the trail toward the sound of activity.  It was coming from the largest of the various camps, a group traders from the same town traveling together to take their wares to the capital I surmised.  I am greeted as I approach and I greet them back.  After a polite but noticeably cool back and forth I get to why I’d come.

“Say, I was wondering if I could take a bit of your fire.”  I say in a friendly tone.  “I was going to try my luck at some fishing.”  I look around the camp.  “Although, if you folks have something that needs doing I’d happily put in some work for a half dozen of those eggs and a bit of bread.”  I nod over toward the table they had set up to prepare their breakfast.

“Pff!”  A gruff looking heavy set man sitting at the fire picking the meat off of a roast squab scoffs.  “A beggar?  Out here?  What is this Empire coming to?  Everyone expecting a handout.”

I grit my teeth but try to remain polite.  “I’m not begging.  I’m a farmer, I don’t expect anything for free.  I was just asking if you had work that needs doing.”

“Heh!  Nothing you can help us with.”  Popping a wing in his mouth he rolls it around and sucks the meat from the bones.  “Your slave girl though.”  He mumbles with his mouthful.

My whole body tenses up.  “What about her?”

“She’s a pretty little thing.”  He spits the bones into the fire then asks bluntly.  “She don’t look like much use for honest work.  Is she a pleasure slave?”

“Excuse me?”

“A whore.  Is she a whore?   You her pimp?  Me and the boys have been on the road for awhile now and could use a bit of fun.”

“She’s not a…a whore.”

There are a few groans of disappointment among them.  This was clearly something they had talked about.  That realization set me ill at ease and reminded me how vulnerable the pair of us were out here.

“Nah, she’s a whore alright.  Titus there said he only saw one bedroll over there this morning.  I bet she serves her master real good, eh?”  I feel a blush rise as a ripple or laughter runs through the group of men.  Someone had seen us sleeping together!  “Come, come boy.  Don’t be greedy now.  Share some that fine demon pussy with the rest of us.”

As I sputter with indignation one of the other quips.  “I bet her pubes match her hair.  Ha!  Imagine it boys, a purple and pink bush.  I bet she’s a wild one!”

“She’s not a whore!”

“Hrm.”  The man at the fire grunts.  “Would you consider it this once?  We could take up a collection.  Tidy little profit for just an hour or two?  You wouldn’t have to do a thing.”  He chuckles with a creepy leering grin.  “We’d even throw in the eggs and bread for free.”

“Fuck you!”  I give him and the rest a rude gesture.  “To Orcus with all of you!”

There are a few laughs around the camp.  “Hrm.”  He says, not bothered even slightly by my anger.  “Shame that.”  Then, waving me away as if I were some serving boy, he says.  “We don’t need anything.  Be on your way now beggar boy.”

I stand frozen with impotent anger, fists clenched at my sides.  Had this man been by himself I would have throttled the bastard, but he had a crew behind him and I had nobody but Rosa.  And involving Rosa in anything like this was the LAST thing I wanted to do.  I spin on my heel and march back to camp swearing under my breath the whole way.  I had never been so insulted in my life!

Sitting on the grass just beyond the canopy of the tree I stew in my indignation.  I had woken up so happy but it had quickly turned into an absolutely wretched morning.  My shame and doubt on reflecting back to last night, the humiliating encounter with the men, just…everything seemed wrong.  And I was starting to miss home too.  Loved ones, safety, community, knowing what was expected of me, a good roof and a warm bed.  I knew my place there.  The more I looked at our sad little camp beneath the tree only made me more upset.  No wonder that man thought me a beggar.  Look at the state of us!  A shared blanket, no bedroll, no tent, no donkey to carry our load, and just a single pack of meager belongings.  I was indistinguishable from a common vagrant.

With the sky brightening it is not long before my slave rouses from her slumber.  She slowly opens her eyes and spots me sitting about ten feet away.  A lovely smile graces her visage.

“Good morning Master!”  Rosa chirps as she sits up with a big sleepy grin, she is careful to keep the blanket over her body.   She takes a deep breath and rubs her eyes.  Gone was the smooth voiced dominant woman from last night, in her place my cute cheerful slave had returned.  Seeing her usual personality helped to put me at ease, as if what happened last night had been with another woman entirely.  “Not so hot today it seems.”  She says as she looks around.  “A bit cloudy.”

“Uh, yeah.”  I mumble.  “I think it’ll be a good day to travel.”

“Mmmm!”  She stretches and rubs the back of her neck.  “I slept so good, thanks to you.  Thank you for cuddling with me.”

“I slept good too.”  I confess.

“Mmm, I’m glad.”  She says.  “Hey, what’s up?  You seem down.”

“Rosa.”  I say as I stare down at my hands, rubbing them together.  “I…I just…”

“What is it?”

“I promise you.  We won’t always be living like this.  When we get to my land…once we get settled…we’ll have a proper home.  You won’t have to sleep on the ground.  You’ll never have to sleep on the ground again.  I promise.  I’ll get you proper clothes and a proper bed in your own room.  This isn’t who I am Rosa.  None of this.  This isn’t me.”

She looks at me a moment, studying my expression, then says.  “I know that.”  Her bright voice was filled with a resounding optimism, showing faith in me that I did not deserve.  She hadn’t a clue just how out of my depth I really was out here on my own.  “We’re going to look back at these days and laugh.  You’ll see Master.”

I stand and turn away from her so that she could get dressed.  My eyes scan the bushes for any peeping neighbors.  Behind me I can hear Rosa rise, brush herself down, and pull her clothes from the branches.  Soon after she comes up beside me and slips her arm around my waist.

“You’re upset.  What happened?  It isn’t last night, is it?”

“No.”  I stare into distance.  “That camp over there.  Those men.  I thought I might do a bit of work for our breakfast.  They thought I was beggar!  I’ve never begged for anything.”

“Not yet.”  She quips.

“You know what I mean.”

“Yes, of course I do.”

“They thought…they thought I was a p-pimp.  A pimp!”

“You!?”  She giggles.  “A pimp?  That’s hilarious!”

“They wanted you Rosa.”

“Hmmm.”  She hums as if thinking about it.   “That would take care of our money problems for awhile.”


“Did they look wealthy?  How many were there?  Did they want me one at a time or all together?”


“I’m joking.”  She titters as she leans her head in my chest, her sharp horn jabbing my rib.  As I flinch she pulls back.  “Ha!  Sorry, forgot they were sharp.”  She gives me a shake.  “Lighten up Master.  I’m never going back to that life if I can help it.  I’ve got you to look after me now.”

“Yeah.”  I say, doubting my ability to live up to her expectations.  “I’ll try.”

“We’ll be okay.  Have some faith.”

“They saw us.”  I say glumly.  “They saw us lying together.  They saw!  We shouldn’t do that anymore.”

“Aw, don’t say that Master.”

“But they saw!”

“This morning or last night?”

“This morning.”

“Then they only saw us sleeping.  No harm in that.”  Patting my chest she says.  “And who cares what a bunch of horny merchants think?  Don’t let them get to you Master.  We don’t need anything from those people.  We’ve made it this far on our own, right?”

“Yeah…you’re right.”

“Damn right I’m right.  Hey, there’s a bit of bread left.  Let’s eat and get you shaved.  I want to get back on the road!”  She hurries back for the pack to find the crusts of leftover bread.  “The sooner we get home the better.”

“Home.”  I repeat under my breath.  Despite myself I cannot help but grin.  Rosa was such a ray of sunshine it was impossible not to.  The morning didn’t seem nearly so wretched anymore.  We make short work of the bread and soon I am with my back against the trunk of the tree.  Shaving me was one of Rosa’s hard won duties and I wasn’t about to deny her that despite how weird it still felt to be pampered like this.

She straddles my legs and sits down facing me, razor sharpened and at the ready.  We didn’t have a bowl of hot water or towel today but everything else was the same.  She tilts my head up and I rest it back against the tree.  I close my eyes so that I could avoid eye contact, it was getting a bit easier with her but it still made me squirm.  She then rubs the oil into my skin in that oh so nice way she had.

“I can’t believe they thought you were a pimp.”  She chuckles.  “You of all people.  A bit dim, weren’t they?”

“Yeah, probably.  Definitely assholes.”

She brings the razor to my face and deftly scrapes the blade down my stubbly cheek in a smooth even stroke.  “Would have been funny though.”

“What’s that?”

“Seeing their faces.”

“Their faces?”

“Seeing their faces when I whipped my dick out.”


“Sorry boys.  No refunds.”

“Ha ha ha!”

“Don’t laugh!”  She giggles.  “I don’t want to cut you.  Stay still Master.”

“Oh gods, I can imagine it.  You getting them all hot and horny with a dance or something, then…bam.  Out comes your big…thing.  Ha!”

“Quit laughing.”  She shaves along my neck in short controlled motions.  “And please don’t call me big and don’t call it a thing.  It’s rude.  I quite like my lady dick thank you.  I think it’s…elegant.”

“Sorry.  It’s just…bigger than mine.”  Just saying that makes me blush.  It was a new thing for me being able to talk about stuff like this with another person.  “I wasn’t expecting that.”

She pauses the shave.  I open my eyes to see her gazing at me with a funny look about her.  Batting her big magenta eyes she says in a sweet innocent voice.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I’m just a little slave girl.  Master’s cock is so much bigger.”

I furrow my brow, looking at her puzzled.  “Rosa…it was…it was pretty obvious.”

“Yes it was.”  She agrees.  “By the gods you had big fucking cock.  Best you keep it hidden.  Jupiter himself would be jealous!  And we know that never ends well for mortals.”


“My big strong Master has a big beautiful powerful cock.”  She insists, her eyes slowly rise to stare into mine.  “The biggest I’ve ever felt.”  She whispers.  “If I’m honest…it kinda scared me a little.”


“Don’t you believe me Master?”  Her eyes widen and her pointed ears droop low.  “Please believe me.”

“I…I, uh…”  I had no idea why she was lying, but she was absolutely intent about it.  “Okay, if you say so.”

“I do say so.”  She smiles, her ears perk up, and she happily returns to shaving me.  “I know my cocks.”

Crazy as it was, despite knowing the fact of the matter, I almost believed her!

Chapter 19 


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