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Ash's Story

It is nearly dark when Huali at last returns.  I hear approach the door and pause a moment before opening it.  Her long athletic silhouette fills the doorway.

With my wrists bound behind my back I struggle to get up to a kneeling position.

“Huali.”  I whisper.  She says nothing.  I swallow hard.  “Huali.”

She sighs and steps into her hut and swings the door closed.  For a moment she disappears in the shadows of the corner of the room, but my eyes were already adjusted to the low light and soon I see her standing there.  She had something in her hands, something wrapped in a large leaf.

“I brought you food.”  She says in a monotone voice.

“Thank you.”  My voice quivers.  “Huali...Huali, I'm scared.  I'm so scared.”

I see her tense shoulders stiffen up more then quickly relax.  She crosses the room in two great strides and kneels down beside me.  “Shhh, do not be scared Ashley.”

The tears that were meant to be false and manipulative immediately stream from my eyes in honest vulnerable fear.  Huali's mighty presence and soft words brought something real out in me.  I sniffle and try to wipe my wet cheeks with my shoulders.

“Are you crying?”  There was as much confusion as tenderness in her whispered voice.  She reaches up and feels the tears on my cheeks.  “Ashley, do not cry.  I brought you food.  I have water.  You are loved, you are safe.”

I shudder.  “How can I believe you?  My husband is ill, possibly dying, and you won't let me see him.  You tie me up.  Your family threatens me.  YOU threaten me not to escape.  You Huali.  After all the words you said to me at the pool.  I'm not safe at all!  I am not loved here!  I...I...”  I sob.  “I hate you!  I hate all of you!”  I crumple down and bury my face in the blankets as I weep.

Huali is quiet for a long time.  She settles down onto both knees and watches me cry.

She then says in a strange, almost detached, voice.  “Women from outside...they are not like us.  You cry as Marama would.  You are...weak.  You shed your tears openly.”  She sits a moment longer.  “Father told me of the lies you would tell me.  The corruption you would try to cause.  You already made me sin today with your sweet words of temptation.  Miru tells me you are a witch.  You are small and will be a poor worker.  I have no reason to desire you.  No reason at all.”

I lay down and turn away from her.  “Leave me alone.  Just...leave me alone.”

“I cannot.  I must stay with you.”  I feel Huali's hand very gently pet my hair as real emotion returns to her deep yet feminine voice.  “Do not hate me Ashley.  Please do not bring hate here.  It would hurt my heart if I knew you hated me.  I meant what I said...at the pool, though...I don't understand why.”

I sniffle.  “I don't hate you.  I'm just...I'm so fuckin scared Huali.  You can't know how scared I am.”

“This is my fault.”

“No, it is your father's.”

She is quiet again for a time.  She lets out a long sigh.  “Please, take some food and water.  I was not supposed to bring you this.  Please eat.”

That tiny act of rebellion brought hope back into my heart.  Cormac's control of his daughters had likely never been tested before and I was encouraged by this disobedience.  Also...I was truly touched she would do this for me.  I knew this was not small thing for her.  I gather my emotions and get back to my knees, this time with Huali's aid.

“I'm sorry I said I hate you.”  We face each other as Huali unfurls the the tightly wrapped leaf.  The incredible smell of roast tuna and yams soon fills the air.

“I am sorry I suggested I might hurt you.  I will not hurt you Ashley.  I swear that to you.  Tomorrow night...you will not be bound, not by me...no matter what Father says.”  She takes a pasty chunk of yam and brings it to my lips.  I hadn't realized she intended on feeding me but I wasn't going to argue.  I take the food and chew it.  Despite the lack of butter or pepper it was absolutely delicious!  My ravenous hunger roars to life.

I eat quietly and swallow.  “Mmm.”  She tears a chunk of tuna away and brings that to my lips.  I take it hungrily.  This was even better!  “Mmmm.”  As I swallow again I whisper.  “Water?”  I am provided with a sip.  We sit in silence as bit by bit Huali brings the food to my mouth and I eagerly consume it.  As the final mouthful is taken I suck Huali's fingers and thumb clean in order to get every last bit of much needed sustenance that I could.  She watches me with intense interest as I do so, even moving her fingers so I might suckle ever bit of fish fat from her long digits.  I take another long drink of water to wash it all down.

The simple and caring act of feeding me as attentively as she had had drained all of the negativity from between us.  The fact she did so against her father's wishes making it even more significant.

“Thank you.”  I say softly, feeling a heck of a lot better about everything.

My roommate for the night wraps the leaves together and gets to her feet.  She tosses the refuse out of the window then returns to the bed.  “We should sleep.  Father insists that you work hard tomorrow.”

With food in my belly and my thirst quenched I was feeling much more myself again.  My plan to destabilize this island family is firmly in my mind as I ask.  “Do you promise not to...er...breed with me against my will?”

She nods.  “Of course.”

“No funny business?”

“If you mean what I think you mean, yes.  No funny business.”

“Good.”  I nod.  “Could you help me off with this dress then please?”

Even in the dark of the room I see the whites of Huali's eyes go wider.

“It is a lovely dress but not comfortable for sleeping in.”

I barely get the words out of my mouth before Huali is at my side helping me to my feet.  I hope and wobble as I try to keep my balance with bound ankles, Huali was there to support me.  Without another word my dress is loosened and pulled  down my body.  Wrapping a single arm around my waist she lifts me from the bed and pulls the dress away then gently sets me back down again.  I then see the whites of her teeth as she smiles wide.

“I could look at your body all day and all night!”  She exclaims boldly.  I ought to be creeped out by her overly intense interest in my naked body, but I found I was flattered instead.  I wished Tony looked at me like that a little more often.

“Huali, remember, no funny business.”

“I do not see why it would be funny, but I gave you my word.  You are safe my friend.”

I smile back at her.  “Friend, I like that.  I like that a lot.”

She starts to untie her own skirt.  “I may make myself feel good again, like at the pool.  Would this be okay?”

She'd just discovered masturbation, I suspected she'd be doing it a lot in the near future!  I nod.  “It's your hut.  If you don't mind me watching I don't mind at all.”  I pause a beat before adding.  “And I will be watching.”

“I would like that very much!”

She pulls her skirt down and kicks it to the side, she then stretches her long arms.  We both stood there a moment, naked, before she helps me back down to lie in the bed again.  She takes her place beside me, both of us still on top of the covers.  She boldly starts straight into stroking herself and she lets out a breathy sigh.

“Um...shouldn't you close the windows...in case someone comes.”

Huali shakes her head.  “I want light to see you with.  It will be fully dark soon.  But, if you hear anyone coming, we must cover up.”

I give her a little grin.  “Okay Huali.”  I shift a bit as best I can to stay in what little light there was.  “Can you see me okay?”  Her eyes drank me in with every bit as much lust and desire as earlier in the day but I could tell darkness hid most my body from her.

“Mrmmm.”  She lets out a soft growl as her cock rapidly hardens in her hand.

I bite my lips, trying to hold in a suggestion I knew to be crossing a line.  Maybe not THE line, but definitely a line.  The ends will justify the means I tell myself, though in my heart I knew my true motivations were becoming increasingly muddled.



“You can't see.  Here...”  I hesitate a moment more before bringing my knees up and then turning them to my side while my shoulders remained nearly flat on the bed.  “...come...come kneel here.”  I motion to the area my legs had just vacated.  “You'll see better.”

I was taking a hell of a risk here and I knew it.  Inviting this hulk of a woman to kneel right by butt as hormones raged through her...as she stroked her hard cock so close to my bare pussy...as I was tied up and naked in her bed...I was just asking to be raped!  I must be fucking crazy to invite this.  But I trusted Huali, despite everything I truly did.

Being a good pupil Huali hurries to take her new position.  As I hat thought, by her moving away from my side the dim gloaming light is allowed to spill directly over my body and Huali had the best possible vantage point.

She towered over me like a magnificent warrior princess.  The fading light only lighting her from the right side, giving me a tantalizing view of that flank.  Her muscles were outlined by the shadows.  Only half of one breast was visible but her entire long dick stuck out from the darkness into the light.

She stroked long and quick as she raced the light, and as she stroked her body began moving and thrusting in ways driven by instinct.  “Uhhhhhh!”  She groaned suddenly as the lust grew inside of her.  Her left hand hung at her side as the rest of her body moved with a natural ingrained sexual rhythm.

As I feel my body react to the sight and the sound above me I am bathed in shame.  My pussy was so wet, my flesh was on fire and screamed out to be touched by this powerful creature.  Her raw unabashed desire for me, her groans and her thirsty gaze, her strong body and potent virile energy...it all touched animal appetites deep inside of me.  God...just a slight change in her position...and she'd be sliding right into me!  “Ohhhh.”  I sigh without realizing it.  This was so hot.  The bondage and my utter helplessness only made it hotter.  My higher thought processes did what it could to reason with my primal hunger.

I would not cheat on Tony...but never had I imagined I could be so tempted!  A man never could have brought me to this point, but Huali being a woman somehow helped her slip past my usual defenses.

“Touch my breasts.”  I whisper.

There is no hesitation, as usual she acted with total confidence.  Huali's left hand glides up my leg, over my hips, along my side, then cups my tit.  She hunches over me, her balls and the base of her dick resting now on my one buttock, as she continues to stroke.

Her hand...is surprisingly tender!  I'd expected a slap or a clumsy grab from the virgin.  It then hits me, she was a woman too.  She knew what felt good and what didn't.  She had breasts of her own.  She just naturally knew my body like only another woman could.  She wasn't exactly gentle as she groped and squeezed and massaged one tit and then the other, but she knew just the right amount of rough to mix with the soft.  Her big hand on me felt...it felt...oh man it felt good!

“Hahhhhh.”  I moan quietly.  I squeeze my legs together hard and instinctively start to gyrate to Huali's movements.

“Hrrrrmmmm.”  Huali echoes back.

I hum and whine and sigh lewdly for her as she huffs and heaves above me.

The light is almost gone completely when I feel her tense up.  She grips my breast firmly and I feel the first long thick rope of cum spatter over my stomach and chest.  The first is followed by another, and another, and another, and another.

“HRRR...HRRR...HRRR!”  She growl, trying valiantly to keep her voice down.

“Hahhhh...yes...that's it...ohhhhh...”  I urge her on in mewling sexual tones.

With a great rumble and a shake...it is over.  I lay there painted with her oozing cum.  I couldn't see much but it felt like I'd been in the center of a four man bukkake.

“Ohhh Huali!”  I sigh.

“Ashley...”  She whispers.

It then gets very quiet.  The hand is removed from my breast and in complete silence Huali cleans me off with my towel that she wet with some drinking water.  I lay there as I must, bound by wrist and ankle, and watch the dark shape clean my soiled body of her seed.

I had to be careful here.  My attraction to this woman I'd only met today was quickly getting out of hand.  Had she really pressed me...I'm not sure I would have rebuffed her.  I bring an image of my devoted and long time husband to my mind in order to remind myself...

I see hard accusing blue eyes.  The image that springs unbidden is Tony's annoyed expression back in the dinghy as he said the two words the shook me to my core.  “Who cares.”  The words that brought to light in an instant years of selfish deceit.

I shake my head.  NO!  This wasn't the time for these doubts.  I had to stay strong.

With me cleaned and dried Huali carefully tucks me in under the blankets.  She crawls in her side and lays there with her hands behind her head staring at the ceiling.  Still not a word had been spoken since the immediate aftermath of her orgasm though I could tell she was holding back.

I knew well what she was feeling just then.  The need to bond and to be touched post-coitus was universal.  I decided to make it easy for her.

“Huali...if you don't mind, could you hold me?”  I shift closer to her.

“Hold...you?”  She says.

“Mmm.”  I nod.  “It would make me feel better.  It would make me feel...loved...safe.”

She turns and brings me into her encompassing embrace.  A girl could get used to a hug like this.  It truly did make me feel safe and loved.  As I feel her firm yet yielding warm flesh relax into me and around me I close my eyes and hum happily.  “Mmmm.  Thank you Huali.  That's much better.”

I knew she wanted to kiss me again, I could just sense it in her.  She was waiting, hoping, for me to look up toward her.  But I was not willing to test myself further tonight.  I nuzzle into her chest and point my head away from her face.  “Good night Huali.”

“Good night Ashley.”  She breathes.

A warm wind wafts through he open windows and the whirring sounds of our jungle surroundings slowly fade as pale moonlight replaces dusk.  I was spent, my body and spirit utterly exhausted.  Held securely in my new friend's strong arms I fall hard and quick into a deep sleep.


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