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Ash's Story

Huali sits up but doesn't let me go.  She smiles, she lets out a soft giggle, she reaches up and touches my lips with her fingers, and she looks at me as if I was the most precious thing in the world.  It was her first proper afterglow and she was feeling incredible.  I felt so good for her and I was truly glad to have been a part of her sexual awakening.

Looking down over my cum plastered arm and shoulder, then to her messy stomach, I say.  “That was quite a load!  You really should do that more often.  It's not good to hold that in for too long.”   The unmistakable pungent smell of jizz blended with the sweet jungle aromas.

She giggles again and plays with my bangs.  She looked as harmless a big ol' puppy right now.

I titter back, her happiness was infectious.  “Stop it.  Come on, let's clean up.”

“We will do this again?”  She says in a way that was half question and half decree.

“You can do that anytime you want, all by yourself.”

She gazes deeply into my eyes.  “We will do this again.”

I sigh.  “Come on.”  I stand up then reach down to help her to her feet.  Her huge half erect hammer swings down between her legs.

She stands tall and finally looks down at herself.  “There's so much!”

I show her my arm.  “And that's just half of it!  Ha ha ha!”

She looked unsure of how to react to it.  Her arms are held wide as she definitely didn't want to touch the oozing mess.

I chuckle.  “Calm down, it's just cum.”  I swipe a finger across her chiseled abs and show her a blob of jizm.  “You can even eat the stuff.  Perfectly safe.”

With no warning she leans in and licks the jizzy pad of my finger.  Smacking her lips and spreading it around her mouth her face screws up in disgust as she tastes it.

“Ha ha ha ha!  I didn't say to lick it!  Ha ha ha ha!”

“I do not care for it.” She reports, then spits onto the ground.  “Tastes of a pili nut left on the ground too long.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”  I lead her by the arm back to the water's edge.  “It's an acquired taste, you silly woman.”

She bristles.  “Silly?”

“Yeah...”  I square up to her as if I was tough.  “...silly.”  

She cocks an eyebrow...then lifts me up over her head and heaves me into the pool!


Before I knew what was happening I am submerged and scrambling to find my bearings.  I swim to the surface coughing and snorting.  “You bitch!”  I sputter even as I laugh.

She dives in after me, graceful as can be, and glides beneath the surface to come up beside me.  Wrapping her big hand almost all the way around my upper arm she scrubs my skin clean of her spooge.

“I will show you around some of the nearby places.”

“Oh...uh, yeah.  That sounds great.”  Anywhere away from the buildings and the gun toting Cormac sounded good to me.

She then cleans her abs and cock.  “You like this place.”

I look around the stunningly gorgeous tropical hideaway.  “Yes.  It is lovely.”

“I will bring you here tomorrow.”

It is brought to mind again that I was a captive and Huali was my escort.  I shake the thought from my mind, it would do no good to get upset about it.


“Yes Ashley.”

“Will your father...will he actually hurt us if we don't do as he says?”

Huali's pleasant mood darkens and she doesn't answer, though her silence spoke volumes.  She finishes cleaning herself off and turns to swim for shore.  “Come.”

I watch her for a moment then swim to follow.  We each get dressed.  As expected the dress Huali had given me was far too large but I was able to jury rig it so that it stayed on, wrapped around my chest just under my armpits.  On Huali the dress wouldn't have reached to her knees, on me it stretched down almost to my ankles.

“How do I look?”  I jest, knowing I must appear ridiculous.

“Desirable.”  Huali answers straight back.  “Come.”

I fold my towel and bikini into a bundle and follow.  For the next few hours Huali takes me around the well worn trails around the Kane family dwellings.  She shows me her mother's garden where yams, breadfruit, and a variety herbs grew.  She next takes me to a small grove of mulberry trees, Huali tells me that my dress was made by Makea from the bark of these trees.  After that she lead me down a long winding trail that lead to cave where I could hear the crash of ocean waves echo out from.  She tells me this is where she goes fishing and warns me that unless I am a very powerful swimmer that I should never go through here by myself.

“What if I go in here with you?”  I asked.

She smirked.  “Then you would be safe.”

Not much was said as we traveled, Huali was always pushing the pace though for her it was obviously akin to a casual stroll through the park.  I am shown a few places for natural foraging and eventually we come out of the forest on the far side of the lake.  The peak towered above us as did the main falls.  Across the water I can see the group of buildings and to the left of them I can see the top of the falls we bathed at, though the pool was hidden from sight.

By this point it was evening.  Most of the bowl shaped island was in the shadow of its raised Western edge.  Huali began to lead me back around the pond for home.  I did not want to go back there but I knew we had to.  Also, I was absolutely exhausted.  It was time to rest.  I steel myself for the encounter to come.

We merge onto the path that Makea had brought Tony and I back on earlier in the day and are soon approaching the buildings.

I see that Mara's hut had the window shutters down and the door had been barred from the outside.  I wonder what Tony had done to deserve such security precautions.  As we turn around Cormac and his wife's cabin we enter back into the main central area.  The fire is cracking and some of the family was gathered.  Leinani was roasting yams and nuts on a metal grill made from salvage.  The aroma was incredible and only then do I realize that I was absolutely famished.  Cormac sat on the far side with his back to the raised chapel.  His hard sewer green eyes scan up to acknowledge us.  Miru was sliding a small gutted and cleaned tuna onto a pair of skewers and readying it for the fire.  Tony, Marama, and Makea were nowhere to be seen.

“Where you two been?”  Cormac grumbles.  It is then I noticed he now had his pistol tied to a length of rope that hung from one shoulder across to the opposite hip.

“Ashley Butler smelled bad so we bathed, I gave her a change of clothes, and then I showed her some of the island.”  Huali replied straight away.  The change in her body language and tone of voice was subtle but I could tell she held her father in high esteem and gave him deference.

“You bathed?”  Cormac's eyes narrowed.

Miru scoffs.  “I already told you that Father, why are you pretending...”

“QUIET!”  She shouts at his daughter.

“I'm not the one lying.”  Miru snipes back under her breath, before letting it rest.  She places the tuna onto a couple of supports so that it could cook over the flames.

“Yes, we bathed.”  Huali states.  

“Did she look at you with disgust?  Did she shame you?  Did she call you a freak?”

“Of course I didn't!”  I speak up, though he pays me no mind.

“No.”  Huali reports.  “After the bath I showed her the garden and the grove and the cave.”

He nods.  “Good.  Let her know where things are, we can get her to work sooner.”  He motions up toward his youngest child's hut.  “Your husband is sick.  Fever.  You'll have to pull his weight as well until he's better.”

“Tony is sick!”  I gasp, my eyes snap over to Marama's closed hut.  “Please, let me go see him.”

“No.  No point in spreading the illness.  Makea is in her hut until morning in case she has it.”  He looks me up and down with his dispassionate eyes.  “You seem to be fine.”

“I am fine.”  I step forward and plead.  “Cormac, Mr Kane, please let me see my husband.”

He licks his lips then spits.  “Whore.”

“Excuse me!?”

“He ain't your husband, not rightly in the eyes of God.”  He is silent a long moment before he adds.  “You two shouldn't be here.  You're type don't belong here, filthy sinners.  This ain't right.”

I go to protest but Miru suddenly speaks up again, pointedly changing the subject as she addresses her big sister.  “Thank you sister for taking our new friend in your hut tonight.”  Huali stammers a moment as her disobedience is brought to light in front of her parents, Miru continues.  “Your bed is larger and you are a lighter sleeper.  I explained to Father and Mother it was better this way.”  She points at me.  “Do not try to escape Huali tonight, she surely will wake up and kill you.”

“Uh, yeah.  I won't be any trouble.”  I say while at the same time wondering why Miru was covering for what actually happened.

Miru smiles that chilling smile of hers.  “Please don't take it as an insult.  I hope we might become very good friends in the future.”

“Uh...sure.”  I didn't know what else to say.  I was distracted, worried sick about Tony.  He was sick?  Feverish?  That couldn't be good given the circumstances.

“Better tie her up tonight.”  Cormac states, speaking as if I wasn't even there.  “I don't want her loose.”

“Mr Kane, I have nowhere to escape to.  That really isn't necessary.”

“I say it is so shut yer yap.”  This was man not accustomed to having his orders questioned.  “If you're not above taking charity you can join us for supper.”

I glare at him.  Had I not been so hungry I would have refused outright, instead I surprise even myself and hit him with some Leviticus I dredge up from some Sunday school lesson from decades ago.  “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them.  The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native born.  Love them as yourself for you were foreigners in Egypt...”

He stands and bellows.  “The word of God should not be spoken by WHORE'S mouth!”  He looks to Huali.  “Tie her up!  Take her away!  She gets nothing tonight.  She can starve!”

“Father...”  Huali says...before nodding.  “Yes Father.”

“Tony and Ashley come from place of sin and filth and moral rot.  Their words are poison.  They are the devil's tools here to test us.”  He adds ominously.  “It would be better if we were rid of them.”

Huali looks toward me with guilt.

“Yes Father.”  She nods again.

“Huali.”  I say softly.

“Be quiet.”  She snaps, the fearsome warrior coming out in her once more.  As she had done back in Miru's hut she lifts me and carries me over her shoulder.  I do not struggle.

In her hut she is quiet as she ties up my wrists together behind my back, her gaze avoids mine as she refused to look me in the eyes.  She moves on and binds my ankles together with another length of twine.  She ties the knots so they were firm without being too tight.

“Huali...Huali...look at me.”

She refuses.

“Huali, please.”

She stands, turns her back to me, and steps toward the exit.  Her incredible physique framed by the doorway she says without looking back.  “Do not try to escape Ashley Butler.  I...do not wish to...”  The words die in her throat.  She shakes her head and leaves, shutting the door behind her.

I lay in the darkening hut, my stomach growling as I smell the tantalizing aroma of the fire roasted food drift in through the open windows, and pray that Tony was alright.  I didn't know he was sick.  I didn't know he had fever.  I lay listening to the evening birdsong and the distant muffled conversation of the Kane family as the seed of a plan begins to take root in my mind.

Cormac Kane was not a man to be reasoned with.  He was formidable and terrifying and armed but he was only one man.  He was unquestionably in charge here yet I knew his control over his family was not ironclad.  Miru wanted my friendship.  Huali wanted...more.

I wasn't yet sure on exactly what I would do, or what I was willing to do, but I was sure that Tony and I were going to be here for a good long time.  Living under that insane man's brutal tyranny was not an option.


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