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Tony's Story

I sleep deeply for the first few hours, the exhaustion of the day having caught up to me.  I have little memory of the night though I had a hazy yet definite sense of being cared for.  I somehow knew Marama was a constant and doting presence that had given me water, stroked my burning skin with cool wet cloth, and taken the covers on and off of me as the fever would break in sweat soaked flashes only to reassert itself again.  My wound is cleaned and wrapped again though I don't recall it happening.

I wake very early the next morning.  A tiny bit of the dim morning light was able to peek in around the edges of the windows and the doors providing just enough illumination to make out the shapes of the surrounding room.

I felt wrung out but a hell of a lot better.  The chills were gone, the flash sweats were gone, I felt relatively normal.  The fever seemed to have passed, at least for now.  My knee and ankle still throbbed in pain but I knew those would need some time to heal.

I feel a weight at my side and peer down to see Mara still sleeping up against me, her head still resting on my chest and shoulder.  Even in the faint light I can make out her peaceful angelic facial features.  I see the slight dark patch of a bruise on her cheek.

I reach across with my opposite hand and very gently brush her fine cheek across the badge of her father's cruelty.

She shifts slightly and lets out a soft sigh.  “...mmmm...”

I pull my hand back and my gaze away from her and stare into the corner.  I shouldn't be in bed with this woman.  I REALLY shouldn't be in bed with this woman.  Her warm slender body against mine, her thin arm resting over me, gave me powerful urges that were difficult to contain.  Even as worn down as I was I wanted her so bad I could taste it.  I yearned to kiss her now as she slept.  I honestly didn't know they made women this beautiful, and her sweet, innocent, and caring nature took it to a whole new level.

I had to fight the temptation, thankfully genuine fear for your life is a jolting blast of cold water on one's libido.

I close my eyes and take a long deep breath.  I knew what had to be done and I knew it had to be done now.

Simply put I did not trust that I would be alive to see another night if I stayed here.  Cormac Kane was mad and I knew he hated me with a passion.  Also...if I saw him strike Mara again...I honestly didn't know what I would do.  I could not sit by and watch that again.  But I also knew I was in no condition to fight, especially when he was armed and backed up by that giant daughter of his.  

I wasn't about to just lie here and wait for the end.  I had to get out of here.  I needed time to heal up and make a proper plan.

I had seen enough of the island to know it had large swaths of thick forest, cliffs and crags and caves, and a myriad of potential hiding places.  It was large enough that, if I was smart, the Kanes wouldn't be able to find me quickly or easily.  I also knew it was laden with fruit and nut trees for sustenance.  The tropical weather was warm and from what I could tell, having seen no signs in the forest nor furs among the inhabitants, there were no large animals to worry about.

If they caught me they would kill me.  But I'd rather go out that way than here as their prisoner.

I had only two points of hesitation.  Marama and my wife.  Mara would be beat for letting me escape.  That thought tore me up inside.  But I couldn't take her with me.  Not only would she slow me down, the wrath she would feel from Cormac if we got caught...  I shudder to think of it.

Even more troubling was leaving my wife in the clutches of this crazy family.  I'd take her with me but I didn't even know where she was.  Assuming I could even find her I would surely have to contend with that dangerous looking Huali at the very least.  It killed me to leave her here but I didn't see a choice.  She wasn't quick to anger like I was.  She was more yielding to authority and accommodating to other points of view.  If Ash could keep her head down and do as she was told for a while she stood a far greater chance of getting along with these people than I ever would.  I pray I am correct.  But if Cormac touched one hair on her head...

I take another fortifying breath and push down the dark thoughts.  That furious energy would have to be stored for later.

I put my arm around Mara and gently grasp her shoulder.  I wake her with a squeeze.

“Mara, wake up.”

“Mmm?”  She blinks her pale eyes open and rubs them.  “You okay?”

I can't help but smile.  Of course her first concern would be for me.

“Mara, I'm leaving.”  I whisper.

She looks up at me fearfully.  “But...!”

I squeeze her shoulder again.  “Shhhhh.  I'm sorry, but I can't stay here.”

“Did I do something wrong?”  She whispers back.

I chuckle softly.  “Of course not.  You've been...wonderful.  But I have to go.”

“No, please no.”  She strokes my bearded face.  “Father will be angry.”

“I'm sorry.”

“I like...having you here.”

“Sorry Mara, but this is happening.”  I play with tips of her soft hair.  “I hope he doesn't hurt you too bad.”

“I'll...I'll be okay.”  She says in a small voice.

My heart was being torn in two.  I had to do this quickly.

“I'm going to need your help and I don't want you to argue.”

“But I want to argue.  You are going to get hurt...or worse.  Please stay with me Tony, I swear I will do everything I can to stop Father from striking you again.  Don't leave.”

I ignore her pleading words lest I be swayed by them.  “Gather me what you can from your room.  The water pitcher and that vial of oil you rubbed into my wound.  I'll be taking one of these blankets.  If you have any sort of knife or weapon that would be useful.”

“I could scream.”  She warns.  “That would stop you.”

I look down into her luminous blue eyes.  “I'll miss you Mara.  I hope we'll see each other again soon.”

“Don't go...please.”  She pleads from the bottom of her heart.

“Go, do as I ask.”  I say, my voice firming up.

She gazes up at me, searching my eyes for some sign of doubt, before she slumps into me and sighs in defeat.  Turning away she slips from the covers and bends down to pick up her clothes.  I look away to give her privacy as she got dressed.

She pauses a moment with a final backward glance then moves to do as I asked.

I get up and let out a low groan as my weight settles onto my knee and ankle.  I shake off the pain and find my tank top and quickly slip it on.  I needed every minute I could to get a head start.  Folding the top blanket of the bed so that I could use it as a carrying sack I gather my soiled towel, the clay stoppered oil vial, and one of the square cloths Mara had been using to wipe my sweat off my body.  I tie it all up then take the half full pitcher of water.

Mara approaches and hands me a small rudimentary yet impressively sharp stone blade.  “It is all I have.”

“It's perfect.”  I say as I give her a hug.  “I'll see you again if I can.”

“You are loved Tony.”

“You too Mara.  Thank you for all the kindness you've shown me.  Remember you are strong and you are special.  Never forget that.”  I take her soft hand and give it a squeeze.  Her sad wide eyes beg me not to go.

I limp to the window that faced to the front of the hut but out of sight of the main central area.  I open up the storm shutter and peer around.  It was still just barely after first light, the sun still below the horizon, and all was quiet.  There would never be a better time.

Leaning out the window I quietly place my bundle and pitcher outside.  Since I could quite reach I have to drop them the final few inches which immediately causes the pitcher to tip, spilling its contents onto the small porch.  I swear under my breath but carry on.  Heaving myself up onto the sill I lower my arms to the porch then walk myself out a few feet before allowing my legs to drop.

“Guh!”  I grunt in pain as my injured leg flares with pain.  Picking up my stuff I hurry down the path that lead back to the thickest part of the jungle.

I move as fast as my injury would allow, heart beating in my ears as I make my escape.  I glance back over my shoulder to make sure all was still quiet...and I see the willowy Marama only fifty feet behind me.  She had crept out, closed the shuttered window of her hut behind her, and followed me!

“What are you doing!?”  I hiss as quietly as I could.

Using my voice as a guide she rushes up beside me and takes me by the arm.  She is looking at the ground and not saying a word, though she had a strange sort of angry and determined expression on her beautiful face.

“Mara, go back.”

She shakes her head.  “No.”

“Mara, I...I can't take you.  Go back to your hut.”

She obstinately shakes her head again.  “I'm coming.”

“Get back before you are caught out here.  Tell them I escaped and you couldn't stop me.”

“No.  I'm coming with you.”

“Mara!”  I exclaim too loudly.  My head snaps up as just then I thought I heard a noise come from the area of the buildings.  “Shit!”  I let out an exasperated sigh.  We were still standing in plain sight of the settlement.  Anyone so much as glancing this way would see us instantly.  I twist my arm from her grip and push her back a step. I grunt.  “Go back!”

I spin and hurry as best I can for the treeline.  Though I could not hear her I could sense Marama's presence following close behind.


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