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Version 0.25 Alpha ↓

Dream Select Studio v0.25alpha

* 04 / 23 / 2023

- Fixed a bug where the Toggle Equipments tool could not be applied in the standing animation state. (Also added guide description)

Version 0.251 Alpha ↓

Dream Select Studio v0.251alpha

Hello everyone! This is the final alpha test on Fanbox.

Major updates include:

- New character: Kanako

- Outfit: Added Swimwear, Latex suit

- Equipment: Added Blindfold, Nose clip, Tape

- Tools: Added Projectile, Stun gun, Toggle equipments Tool

- Map: Added Chamber and Pool maps

- Environment: Improved colors and lighting

- Gallows: Added Long drop

- UI: Improved to make selection easier

And many other big and small things have been updated!

From next time, I plan to open the beta test through itch.io.


The deadline could be May or it could be June. I will come back with better quality. Thank you very much!

I will post about future plans soon.

みんなこんにちは! Fanboxで行われる最後のアルファテストです。


- 新しいキャラクター:カナコ

- 衣装:水着、ラテックス追加

- 装備:眼帯、ノーズクリップ、テープ追加

- ツール:投写体、スタンガン、トグル装備ツール追加

- マップ: Chamber, Pool マップを追加

- 環境:色と照明が改善されました

- 絞首刑:ロングドロップを追加

- UI:選択がより簡単に改善されました




期限は5月になることも、6月になることもあります。 私はより良いクオリティに戻ります。 本当にありがとうございました!





Blindfold, Nose clip, Tape are not working


Press the number 9 key and click on the girl while in Toggle Equipments tool state! You will be able to toggle applied equipment.


Thank you very much, I was looking forward to the alpha a lot!


Consider a small donation from me for good work, I could not wait a week!


I would love the option to add a free-standing weight to them for the pool map so we can sink them in the pool


New update! I love it!


Doesn't work if she's on a device like the water tank etc.




Good work but zip tie is bugged


Wow!!! Amazing update, Heazhan. Love the swimsuits, the new pool, and the new character! She is so cute! My favorite character so far is Kotori. The emotion and panic she shows is priceless! The bubble effect is also wonderful, though it doesn't seem to work in the pool. I absolutely cannot wait to see what this is like with underwater sounds! You really stepped up the texture detail, too. Everything from the bricks to the shine on the latex suit looks fantastic! Finally, I love the nose clip! I hope to see more swimming and diving accessories in future updates; they add a lot to the enjoyment of the game. I agree with the comment below about adding weights, so the characters sink. The ball and chain you have for the water tank would work fine. A weight belt would be nice, too. I wish I could send you a million dollars for developing DSS. You deserve it. I know I've said this before, but there is nothing else like your games. Thank you, and I cannot wait to see what is next!


Wonderful game, I can say Hopefully it will have also underwater sounds soon 🫧 The commands are kinda weird to use, I would suggest a more common solution, or give the option to set personalized keybinding. {Bug Report} When you first spawn the girl, it appears lying down stuck in the wall, is a little tricky to remove her everytime (please fix) ❤️


About the bug. What I observed in 0.20 is the girl will spawn at where you looking at. so look at the ground instead of wall should fix that?


While the 0.20 brings quite a bit of improvements, the new version seems even better! Looks like the adjust the length of the rope of Gallows won't work until kick the chair/release the trapdoor. I think that it won't work because Gallows still prevents to interact until trigger it. Could you allow to interact with the girl on the gallows before kick the chair? Also adjust the length of rope won't have much meaning if you only can do this after start it... Also it seems that it is impossible to block the trapdoor of long drop gallows, and it always slide down when it triggers. I tried to block it by the girl with ziptie mode and pull, use the chair of gallows, and the water tank but no avail(although the last one did stop the girl to falling). But is it intended? And when the girls are fall in the water(either tank or pool), even if they are not bounded at all they cannot go above the surface and try to breathe. Both tank and ziptie, and pool and tank, has the same behavior.


Bug reporting: When you use long drop gallows on Chamber, the girls are always violently jerked upwards, and it seems that it's because the roof interferes the rope of the upward(because the gallows' height is long enough to be overlapped with the roof).


Also I have an idea to 'adjust' the power of the gallows - what if we can set the 'gravity' applied on the girls before the drop? Yes touches the actual gravity is off limit, since it also affects the movement of the girls include struggle, but set the percent of gravity affects to the girls when you check the power on the noose seems possible.

ID Kurumi

Appreciate game updates as time goes by I will wait for the day when I can become a manicure for girls


Whoa, this is sick! The pool map is the best by far. New outfits and equipment are pretty too. Thank you for making girls from other machines to react on water! Gallows' rope adjustable length is also cute (looks very realistic when the girl is unconscious, but not so when she is awake since your girls can't stand on they own). I still think that Ziptie and Strangling should be resettable on the same button R as they are terminated (or with K, why not), so you can continue playing. After you’ve added this much different costumes, the logical feature would be to change them on part basis (put on any cloth on any girl), for example choosing the top, bottom and shoes variants – like many other customizable game are doing. (I hope you don't end up with as much models as all possible combinations, though). And then we'll be able to ask for adding nail polish color, pantyhose, gloves, ribbons, etc. – either as achievements or rewards, or even as a possible paid feature of the game.


I like lowering girls in the water by rope of the gallows! Would you create a smaller tank / tub variant with adjustable water level (as in Drowning Dream) as well? https://imgur.com/a/GaqahuE Is the girl actually trying to keep her head above the water!? Or is it just a side-effect of applied physics? Since it is similar in fainted state too: https://imgur.com/a/upvYWjy How about making the buoyancy of the girl respecting her Lung Volume value? For example, making her body sink when it is less than 40 or something. What is the purpose of Stungun? Also is makes the girl "scream" even when she is fainted (but not when dead, of course). It is expected? https://imgur.com/a/HKepqJ5 Shouldn't it, well, I don't know, "block breathing" temporary (maybe if targeted at chest), or make her exhale air from lungs (she is screaming after all), or lower her Health, or otherwise help the girl to regain conscious if she is fainted / not breathing?


The same goes to Projectile. Oh, I have an idea! You can add additional gauge for physical harm, which starts from 0 and slowly lowers automatically if larger. Each harm to the girl would sharply rise it, for example initially when hanged, and when rope is cut and she falls on the floor (depending on speed, including manual dropping), and with Stungun/Projectile (depending on body part). Now, if this gauge is, for example, near to 50 – it gives her additional resistance for fainting or wakes girl up if raised quickly enough (after falling or stungunning) – so the girl may regain conscious if hit on gallows or when the rope cut. Maybe also increasing her breath rate and blood stream normalization speed. But, when this gauge fills near to 100 – the girl will instead faint more easily and breathe poorly (exhausted / wounded). This way, throwing the girl from high enough will make her lost consciousness and possibly stop breathing temporary. This feature could be as optional as neck break!


Hey, you have hanging and stuff, while you put heavy ball on the neck, and also allow dragging things around, so... well... https://imgur.com/a/ZQyil6E – Will you make her struggle because of exactly this? (Making the WaterTank girl actually hanged by her neck when fixing the ball somewhere above). Only Nose Clip + Mouth Tape combination prevents girl from breathing. That raises a question, what to do with clip and tape on they own? For example, with Nose Clip the girl should breathe by always opening her mouth, but this is not the case currently. If you'd had the "water in lungs" gauge, the clip could lower the amount of water inhaled by girl (thus helping her in the water) logically. Probably, Mouth Tape would change the struggle sound when you'd add the voices. I can't find any valid effects from the blindfold yet, though. Also, CPR with clip+tape successfully oxygenates the girl, reviving her! Even if she's clearly not breathing (zero Lung Volume) https://imgur.com/a/XO61UV2


The Water Tank looks strange in Chamber location: the water is gray but only when viewed from the outer side: https://imgur.com/a/n9jGhHw Neck Airway Obstruction and Carotid Artery Pressure is not reset after releasing from Gallows or Garrote placed over the pool: https://imgur.com/a/2zon7Lq – The girl won't regain breath and couldn't be saved with CPR until she is dragged out of the pool rectangle (even above the water). I have 1366*768 screen resolution and the game starts fine, but just when I choose Grachic tab in settings – the screen distorts, lags badly and the resolution jerks up! For me it is resolved to normal only by setting Resolution to 1680*1050 (which does nothing until I uncheck and recheck "Full Screen"). Clearly something buggy is going on here, since sometimes it becomes nice after changing to 1920*1080. Weird, it probably relies solely on aspect ratio... Also "Post Process" and "Light Reflection" stop doing anything for me after changing the map.


so fantastic !! I'm glad I can use noseclip and ducttape on to suffocate her !! I wanna see the girls in this game struggle for longer time like "Girl's breath holding competition" (Can I expect further updates?) And I just wish if Azusa is in this game ... I love her long azure twintail♡


You can adjust Simulation Time Scale at Spawn Options tab: when it is larger than 1.0, time will go slower and girls will hold their breath for longer. Personally, I'll rather decrease it just below 1 since I think that currently it is already too long.


how does one actualy do anything? i cant seem to figure out how to choke out the characters,i try all buttons


Suggestion for the game. The girl should struggle harder, waving their hands, kick around, things like that. Now it feels like they are just barely moving until dead like a doll. And different girl can have different personallity, like some will try to stay calm and some will panic and struggle very hard (and thus die quicker) Also, will we be able to customize the clothing for girls in future? Or at least to remove some part of it. That will be very cool in my opinion.


Best version! Kanako is cute and the new features are great.


After playing this amazing version for about three weeks, I've come up with a few suggestions. Lung volume: I've noticed if a character's lung volume is high when she goes under, she will hold her breath longer. Conversely, if you give her CPR while she's under, her lung volume drops and she starts struggling and drowning a lot sooner. And when you give a girl CPR while she's still submerged and fainted, her lung volume will then slowly increase to 45, indicating inhaled water. This is all realistic and you should expand on it. As the breath hold continues, have the lung volume drop slowly when she loses bubbles. When her lung oxygen saturation drops to 45 and she starts drowning, the drops in lung volume should increase in size until she faints, but it should not drop to 0 yet. After the characters loses consciousness and begins to spasm, she should give a few final large bursts of bubbles before her lung volume reaches 0, and then more spasms as she finally inhales.


Buoyancy: As previously mentioned the addition of weights as equipment is a must. Also, buoyancy should be affected by lung volume. Most people sink in water when they exhale about half their air, so the character should start around there. It would also be interesting if it worked differently depending on which character is underwater; some could be more buoyant than others. Sound: I understand you've got big plans for sound. Awesome! But if the new sound effects aren't ready by the next build, consider adding the bubbles and screams from Girls' Breath Holding Competition, which are already very good. Even in these early builds, DSS is too good not to have sound. Basic underwater noises would be highly appreciated.


Bugs: Spawning in odd places can be an issue (like inside walls), but it's easily fixed by looking at where you want whichever device/girl to appear; i.e. aim the center screen dot at the ground, and that's where the character will spawn. The problems are when you get close to the walls, or if there's an overhead obstruction—like the rafters in the Chamber. Bubbles, too, don't always work. In the Chamber you can sometimes have three girls in the same tank, each blowing bubbles. This doesn't happen as often in the Courtyard, but a solo girl in a tank will still have bubbles. But at the pool, in a tank or in the pool water, bubbles never appear, and it doesn't matter how many characters are on screen.


Final suggestions and thoughts: Below is a comment from 冷伯, suggesting the girls should struggle harder; waving arms and kicking legs. This is a great idea; clearer visual cues about what the girl is feeling. Another visual cue I suggest is skin color changes. You've already made it so faces turn blue after drowning. What about chests turning somewhat red? Doing multiple/long breath holds often makes a person's chest turn a reddish/purple color, so it would add realism. A final suggestion is clearer, more vivid facial expressions. Showing more emotion—relaxed, content, uncomfortable, anxious, fearful and panicked—would do the most to add realism. By the way, do you plan to add characters from other parts of the world? African, European, South American, etc.? More diversity would be wonderful. Best of luck, Heazhan! DSS is a truly awesome game.


I like your ideas! Lung volume indeed should have more importance in the physics, including Buoyancy since it is very logical. Even Manami Yoshikawa's Drowning Dream had more dependent on lung volume (I think it affected how long she could hold) despite it wasn't even displayed on screen and could be deducted only by chest size. The sounds would be nice, but I don't think it is wise to reuse all of effects from previous games just to replace them with updated versions later; and there were not so many sound anyway. Spawning can be fixed just by checks of wall colliders (to push the object away before it becomes visible), but is it needed in currently "sandbox"-styled game? The player/camera can clip through walls freely, and nobody thinks that it should be prevent… So why to prevent spawning inside walls or on one-another? I didn't know about bubbles since I played only on pool stage, but now I agree that there should be more bursts of exhaled bubbles just before fainting underwater.


More struggling motions, yeah! I already said somewhere that currently all girls are looking like they're under sedative. Not sure about facial expressions: heazhan needs either more internal variables (like "fear", "exhaustion" or "hope" – that should be interchanged somehow), or more "aims" for current actions (like in Drowning Dream, where she periodically tried to push her head out of the water) that would be picked randomly (but might be with different probabilities for different characters!) As for different base skins of characters – personally, I think the base model should be improved with more details (especially on feet part); but for different races we either should have different bases with unique body proportions, or just adjustable skin color, body size, etc. – which would mean, the girl will be "created" instead of "picked", so her name and personality would stop making sense! Heazhan clearly wants to have story for each girl, but adding new base models would be great.


Thanks! And you make some very good points. I should've been clearer about the spawning bug. I agree that the location doesn't matter. There's nothing wrong with spawning inside walls, but the bug can sometimes cause the girl to get stuck inside a wall. I just wanted to point out the bug. Yes, I agree that the personalities would stop making sense if you could alter the traits of the girls, lol. I'm actually very interested in the stories for the girls; they should take priority over adding additional characters. New characters can be added later when the main development of the game and story are completed. Best to not become overloaded.


2 requests of mine shoes fall off of some characters with some motions and you should make a spawn option where they are just already dead


Hi, great game so far. I would love for you to consider all of the feedback and suggestions you have received so far. All I request is that the character struggles, contractions, and movements be more realistic. I also hope the audio contains more realistic underwater noises from moans and groans of contractions and such. Thank you for your work and keep it up !


some controll info would be nice, how do you do anything in this game?


I love this game and the new girl looks really beautiful; I appreciate your effort. However, I think that the struggling behavior of girls in Manami hanging game looks better, I really hope you can add these new girls to update the Manami hanging game and add Manami and Usagi to this new game.


I think that girls in Dream Select Studio struggle too calm and quiet, and their struggle cannot show their pain and desperation. I love watching the girls in Mamani hanging game struggle because they struggle more strongly and desperately, and their strong struggle last a long time. I love watching Usagi struggle and hanged to death, and I really hope to see more lovely girls hanged and struggle like that!


I want to know if the game will add vacuum compression bags to suffocate?


お疲れ様です もしかしてかなこというキャラクター 制服スカートをもう少し短くできますか? 正面から見た時、パンツがかろうじて露出しないように可能でしょうか?


Great game! Can CPR adjust the force? I feel like the force is very small, just a little more would be great


Really great game, I'm looking forward to the future releases and am fully planning on purchasing it when it's ready. One request on the Pull tool. When you pull a body part an lock it, could you make those green lines look like a rope or chain? That would make it so that if you pull a wrist or ankle and lock it to something it would look more like a custom bondage position rather than just green lines. Along with that could you make allow the locking and unlocking of individual pulls, rather than unlocking everything when you press Delete? When I want to change the position of a single pull I end up unlocking everything, or at least only unlock the selected girl rather than all girls. Additional suggestion. Add wrist, ankle and neck shackles as "accessories" to the characters. That way if you pull from them and lock them to the wall etc, it looks like a bondage device. Allow locking from one part to another such as wrist to ankle so you could create a hogtie etc.


Very good work! Would you like to develop options that will close the girls' eyes?


Very good suggestion! But you don't want "just" a rope, you need it accurately applied (for example, wrapped around an ankle, rather than directly stick out of it). Which means, all of possible pull application points should be defined specifically. Probably, they already are defined explicitly for character body. The style of such garters might be customizable too! And we need a "default" pull too, to apply it on arbitrary objects like chairs. Hmm, probably it might look like some sticky elastic band to reasonably keep current spring behavior.


They say, spamming Stun gun just as the girl is passing out will make her eyes close forever~


could you pls add skinny blue jeans and white crop top outfit in next version. i have this kink. this game is amazing !

Bloody Blossom 🔞

It's really amazing. In fact, Kanako in the school uniform actually makes me a better way for both long drop and short drop hangings and to play with her body after hanged to death. I also enjoy breaking her neck during the hanging. Moreover, I like gallows the best within the sound effect of the hangman's rope while playing this game.

Super Onahole

I love this! Any plans for oxygen mask play?


Really promising! In addition to what some are mentioning about added detail in breathholding, drowning, lung volume, etc., I also wonder: would it be possible to add one more metric to the girls' status, a CO2 saturation percentage? It could change how the girls struggle, or do other effects like high CO2 does in real life. I think it could be really important for the nose clip breathplay and underwater stuff already in the game, as well as being important if you were to add anything like plastic bag breathplay, gas mask + rebreather bag, or any other stuff like that in the future.


Oh, just realized, it might need to be two metrics: lung CO2 percentage, and blood CO2 saturation, especially if any kind of rebreathing of stale air is to be added in future.


Ooh, additionally, there could be a metric or two regarding the quality of the air being breathed, which would affect all the other metrics; maybe one for how much oxygen and one for how much carbon dioxide? This could be a flexible solution, allowing both for plastic bag breathplay or something like that, that I'd call "closed rebreathing" (where the oxygen quantity in the air would continue going down and the carbon dioxide quantity would continue going up), as well as more mild open rebreathing, where at a certain point the oxygen and carbon dioxide amounts in the breathing air would more or less stabilize, at different amounts depending on the size of the hole (or they could decrease very slowly if it's a small enough hole; or it could then be turned into more of a closed-rebreathing bag breathplay type situation if you were to suddenly plug the hole in the rebreather hood/mask).


like tape gag!! hope more! thank you for game!


I was wondering if there will be sound?


I had thought of all that, but I didn't want to make the request too complicated. To go full into a feature like that, you would have different appearances for the pull lines, so you could apply a rope look or chain look as appropriate. Then you would need appropriate accessories to apply to the model like wrist, ankle, neck, waist shackles, or rope wraps etc. Ideally you would be able to connect each pull point (shackle) to one another and perhaps you could set the length of the connection with the mouse scroll wheel. In addition, having attach points you could apply to the walls, or furniture to attach the pull points too would also be a great help. Playing with the tool as is, I have found it hard to position the ends of the pull points exactly where I want them and having a point that the pull line would snap to would make this a lot easier. Also it could allow the pull points to not be springy, as with locking shackles together, you could just snap the line to the attach ....


point and then set the length of the pull with the mouse wheel. by the end this would pretty much end up being a whole separate tool from the pull tool. So maybe this is a request for a new tool. But as a simple request for launch, just the ability to change the look of the existing green pull line would be nice.


What are the controls? I'm playing it on my laptop and computer, but how do I start a simulation? Like which key on my keyboard is the one that I can start the simulation with?