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Last month we had the last alpha test of DSS (Dream Select Studio) on FANBOX. I'm currently working on bug fixes, physics adjustments, and new swimming animations. I think it's still too early for a beta release this month, and it's scheduled to be released in June.

So, this month I want to show you my new content. Since DSS is being developed as a commercial game, there are many limitations. However, it is different in video production using DSS's physics engine.

This is absolutely not a game. It is an audiovisual work with a little storyline, and in some sections, the movement of the character applied with DSS's physics engine is shown.

As a commercial game, DSS will continue to develop in the direction I want. However, this new video content has the advantage of being able to focus more on what you want. Because this content is a video, not a game, I can use better quality booth models and costumes that do not violate the Terms of Use.

The pilot video will be pre-released on FANBOX on the 23rd of this month. And from next month, supporters of the 1000 Yen Plan will have the right to watch the adult version of the video. Please look forward to it!

Additionally, DSS's crowdfunding plan has some problems, but I'm trying to solve it. I'll be back next month with more news and beta updates about DSS!

先月、ファンボックスでDSS(ドリームセレクトスタジオ)の最後のアルファテストが行われました。 現在のバグ修正と、物理調整、新しい水泳アニメ制作中です。 ベータ公開は今月はまだ早いと思い、6月に公開になる予定です。

したがって、今月は私の新しいコンテンツを見せたいと思います。 DSSは商用ゲームとして開発されているため、様々な制限事項が多いです。 しかし、DSSの物理エンジンを活用した映像物制作では異なります。

これは絶対ゲームではありません。 多少のストーリーラインを持つ視聴作品で、一部の区間でDSSの物理エンジンが適用されたキャラクターの動きを披露します。

DSSは商業ゲームとして私が望む方向に進化し続けます。 しかし、この新しいビデオコンテンツには、あなたが望むものにさらに焦点を当てることができるという利点があります。 このコンテンツはゲームではなく映像であるため、私は利用規約に違反しない、より良いクオリティのブースモデルと衣装を使用できるようになります。

今月23日にパイロット映像をファンボックスで先制公開します。 そして来月から1000円プレンのスポンサーは大人版映像を見る権限ができます。 たくさん期待してください!

さらにDSSのクラウドファンディング計画には少し問題がありますが、私はそれを解決するために努力中です。 私は来月にDSSに関するより多くのニュースとベータアップデートを持って戻ります。




Oh, the video content? I like that! Actually, it is how I found your games in the first place: I accidentally found one of uwmmmdd's (aaa aaa's) underwater videos reposted on random porn-site, then I sought his Twitter and started to explore what he retweets (and further to other similar-themed user profiles), and eventually stumbled upon Manami games ^^ As I said once, I wanted to create something similar to what uwmmmdd is doing: a smooth 3D video with a plot and detailed animations. But I didn't like MMD software (too much efforts for too simple animations until you master it, which would take for too long), and I started to look for alternatives. At first I found Autodesk Maya, but then I found out DAZ 3D, which feels great and just perfect! I wrote several text scenarios about my future videos, while learning DAZ 3D software. But then Stable Diffusion came out. And I did nothing from that day… Generating various stuff from then on instead.


I love your games/softwares and I'm excited to see that dream select studio is getting updates! What do you think of a KO system? Characters going into an unconscious state when hit in the head with enough force, with the projectile ball for example! Also, when the actor is in the gallows, if their head is put under enough stress it causes the neck snap. Is it possible to add this neck snap feature to an actor which isn't in any devices. For example if you throw the actor into a wall with force then their neck could snap from the impact, or maybe other bones, like an arm? This could be a check box that you could tick to enable the actors to take this kind of damage, so the people who don't like it can turn it off. Any plans for character adding sound? Sounds, like in 'Strangling Manami,' greatly enhance the game experience. These are some suggestions I've come up with while playing around with the games. Thanks for your dedicated effort! <3

Super Onahole

I love your work! Any plans for oxygen mask play?