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This time, I'm going to focus on the characters in this game.

The characters of DSS were created using VroidStudio. Export the character worked in this program as a .vrm file and import it into the Unity engine. Afterwards, I do post-processing in the Unity engine and the character application is ready.

“How about making a user-created vroid character importable into the game?” questions are posed. However, since the factors to be taken care of, such as the overall height of the character and the size and length of each part, increase significantly, I will consider it again after the game is finished.

Next is the character's emotions. Currently, characters only have physical stats. Soon, the characters' mental stats will be added to make them appear to have emotions.

Facial expressions are also getting a big update. The girls will express more emotions naturally with the added expressions, and you will have tools to freely manipulate the girls' expressions. You can let her look natural to the situation she's in, you can make her laugh when she should be crying, and you can make her eyes close and open or look in a certain direction at will.

The animation is being produced focusing on the method of giving drive and torque to the ragdoll. Spending most of my time on this. I am making ragdoll animations that can respond to various situations through numerous builds and tests, so please look forward to it.

I am not currently working on the voice, but I am preparing by contacting the voice actor. It will take some time for a quality voice to be added, so please be patient.

The outfits will also be prepared to satisfy various people, so please wait. It's just that I can't make the outfits myself, so it just takes time to search for suitable outfits.

Above, I have delivered the overall plan related to the character. There are so many things to work on, but it takes time because I'm not in a situation where I can just focus on my work all day. However, the features I want to make and the features many people want will definitely be completed, so please trust me!

As a reminder, I opened a Discord channel, so if you're interested, please join!


Thanks for reading and see you next time!


DSSのキャラクターはVroidStudioを使って作成されました。 このプログラムで作業されたキャラクターを.vrmファイルにエクスポートし、Unityエンジンにインポートします。 その後、Unityエンジンで私が後処理をしてくれ、キャラクター適用の準備が終わります。

「ユーザーが制作したvroidキャラクターをゲームにインポートできるようにしたらどうですか?」という質問が提示されます。 しかし、キャラクターの全体的な身長、部位別の大きさ、長さなど気にするべき要素が大きく増えるため、私はゲームの発売が終わった後にもう一度検討してみたいと思います。

次にキャラクターの感情です。 現在、キャラクターは物理能力値しか持っていません。 すぐにキャラクターの精神的能力値が追加され、キャラクターが感情を持っているように見えるようになります。

表情も大きなアップデートが行われます。 女の子は追加された表情で自然に多くの感情を表現し、あなたが女の子の表情を自由に操作できるツールを提供します。 あなたは、少女の表情が現在の状況に自然に放っておくこと、泣かなければならない状況に笑わせたり、勝手に目を閉じて浮かせたり、特定の方向を見つめたりすることができます。

アニメはレグドルにドライブ、トルクを与える方式を重点として制作中です。 これにほとんどの時間を費やしています。 私は数多くのビルドとテストを通じてさまざまな状況に対応できるレグドルアニメーションを作っていますのでお楽しみください。

私はボイスに関しては現在作業中ではありませんが、すでに声優と連絡を取り、準備をしています。 質の良い声が追加されるには少し時間が必要なので、忍耐を持ってお待ちください。

衣装も多様な方々がご満足いただけるように準備されるのでお待ちください。 私は自分で衣装を作ることができないので、適切な衣装を見つけるのに時間がかかります。

以上、私はキャラクターに関わる全体的な計画はお届けしました。 仕事をしなければならないことは本当にたくさんありますが、私が一日中仕事だけに没頭できる状況ではないので時間がかかります。 しかし、私が作りたい機能と多くの人が望む機能は必ず完成しているようですので、私を信じてください!







Sounds fantastic! Can't wait to see this game progressing! Thank you very much for this great work!


This is very impressive stuff! The "mental state" aspect is intriguing. I'm curious how this will affect the abilities of the characters. Will the characters be mentally affected by just what happens to them in the game, or will there be preexisting issues? For example: if a character has a water phobia, will it affect her breath holding ability underwater? Will it cause her to panic? Hugely looking forward to your next build, Heazhan. DSS is my new favorite game!


> The animation is being produced focusing on the method of giving drive and torque to the ragdoll. (Duplicating here what I've posted in Discord, for the people who aren't joined yet). You're the only one who mastered it! Other games that use only vertex-based animation (pre-existing tracks) are feeling dull and rough, while yours are so smooth and natural… Putting away the fact that your characters are not using their body for reasonable things – ragdolling arbitrary instead. Still I believe that it is possible to merge both of all worlds somehow (and not by simply turn to ragdoll after death like many famous games are doing, like Dead Space).


I think you need to implement something like "target of motion" and use reverse kinematics to reach it. For now, you seem to be using only forward kinematics: girls may bend their knees at random, which puts their legs at random, but not where the girl "should have want to" put her legs right now. So instead, by using reverse kinematics – you will be able to point girls' feet to reasonable position (with randomizing it slightly) sometimes – and then her knees will turn properly on their own! Maybe you'll even see some physics automatically recalculated, so the neck pressure on the gallows will lower when the girl touches the floor. I don't know how this should be implemented in Unity, but I'm sure there are tutorials on making ragdoll aka stick-man character standing and walking in 3D, keeping his balance.


Well the first devlog sounded big and now controllable facial expressions and mental stats for emotions too, that sounds really great, I hope you can handle all this but as you asked (wrote here), I trust you and wish you success.


Interesting. Well, what about the girl on the post? Is she one of the the new character?


This is all going very well


Maybe add VRoid SDK?

Anglerfish Miho

Loving all of the progress so far! With the custom characters, I'm wondering if it would be easier if there were set limits for the parameters of size and height etc. that way you don't have to use time to worry about that, but people who want custom appearances can change at least hair/clothing/etc. whatever that doesn't effect physical attributes.