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Hello! This time, I'm going to talk about the details of the game.

The title of the game is "Dream Select Studio". It contains the meaning of decorating as desired like a select shop. There were other candidate titles, but I felt that this was the easiest name to remember and suited the game's content. (Titles considered included "Dream Turnkey Studio", "Suicide Chamber", etc.)

The synopsis of the game is as follows. You will start a new business in the dream world. It's a business that heals the mind by inviting the spirit of a girl into your studio while she's sleeping. It is aimed at girls who are experiencing extreme stress for any reason, and uses a method that prevents her condition from deteriorating by giving her a big psychological impact.

With the support of the chairperson and VIPs, you can upgrade your studio to unlock new characters, devices, and maps. To do this you have to fulfill their various requirements.

The final alpha test will be held in April. The last alpha will be released through the fan box as I have done so far.

It goes through beta testing in May-June. Beta version game files will be posted on itch.io during the beta period. I'm thinking of checking various statistics on this site.

After a few months, if the development is completed, the official version will be released. It will be released on PC platform on Steam and DLsite, and Android and IOS versions will be developed later.

I am also considering trying out crowdfunding. Currently, the fanbox reward is only the right to read posts one week in advance. Thankfully, most of the people who support me without compensation just wish the development go well. I would like to give a reward to those who have supported me through crowdfunding. Also, this crowdfunding will cover my insufficient monthly expenses, the cost of booth and Unity assets, and the cost of outsourcing resources.

This time, I will focus on the current devices and deliver information. The devices will have several customization features, and the UI will also be improved to make it easier to choose what you want.

I'm also considering a change from spawning characters and devices at once to spawning them independently of each other.


The gallows are the trademark of this game. The body is basically made of a classic wooden material, and a mechanical device with a lift function will be added.

The type of rope has been added, so you will be able to select the thickness or elasticity. The base height of the columns can also be customized.

This enables various types of hanging simulations. You can use the lift function to switch between dealing damage and recovering, and changing ropes can change the level of damage to the girl's neck, causing her to die faster or break her neck more easily.


Sitting in a chair, lying down, and standing will be added. In some types, the girl will basically have her arms or legs bound to the device.


One-handed, two-handed, back choke, bare hand strangulation, and instrumental strangulation (these may also be made with separate devices)

I'm currently simulating only one hand, but I'm considering spawning the perpetrator character along with it depending on the type.


Simulations can take place in a spectator, bathtub, or large swimming pool. Gimmicks will include a pulling rope and a lock with a timer attached.

Also, I'm making a swimming animation, but it's harder than I thought. It looks like it will take some time.


*Are there plans for the characters to be nude?

No. Characters will appear in at least underwear or swimsuits.

*Are there any plans to release a male character?

Currently none.

*Does it support VR?

I wanted to apply, but I don't have it in mind to focus on my current development. I will consider it again after the official release.

*Do you have a team member developing with you?

Doesn't exist. It is being thoroughly developed by one person. Currently, I am in contact with the voice actors who will do the voices for the game. Also, I plan to outsource the UI and 3D modeling before the official release.

*Do you plan to add other devices or maps?

Content currently planned for addition is as follows:

Electric chair: a device that delivers continuous electric shocks

Free Fall: A simulation of jumping from a high place. Damage estimation for each body part and support for slow motion

Bleeding: Simulation of the death process due to blood loss

New Maps: Room, Pool, Ocean, Shooting Range

In addition, there are various execution and death related simulations under consideration.

*What are your plans to add bondage equipment?

An eye patch, tape or ball gag, nose clip, and plastic bag will be added first. In the future, various equipment according to the era and atmosphere will be added.

As for the selection method, it will be possible to add or remove equipment at any time from the existing method, which was only available when summoning the girl for the first time.

*What are your tools development plans?

There are probably dozens of tools in the full version. Therefore, since the current method of selecting with number keys is inconvenient, the method will be improved to cope with selecting more tools.

Additional tools to be added include:

Stun Gun: Gives a direct electric shock to the character, inflicting momentary pain.

Projectile Tool: Fires several types of projectiles. (balls, arrows, bullets, etc.)

Stethoscope: Can amplify the girl's voice, in addition to being able to hear her heartbeat.

Also, I opened a Discord channel this time. It's the first time I've opened it, so I'm not sure about the features or management methods yet, but if you're interested, please join us!


Next time, I will focus on information related to the character, such as mental state, expression, and internal variables. Thanks for reading this long post!

こんにちは! 今回はゲームに関するディテールな話をしてみようと思います。

ゲームのタイトルは「Dream Select Studio」です。 セレクトショップのように好きなように飾るという意味を込めています。 他の候補タイトルも存在していましたが、これがゲームの内容に合って記憶しやすい名前だと思いました。 (脱落したタイトルには「Dream Turnkey Studio」、「Suicide Chamber」、その他などのものがありました)

ゲームのシノプシスはこうです。 あなたは夢の中で世界の新しいビジネスを始めます。 それは、女の子が寝ているときに女の子の精神をあなたのスタジオに招待して心を癒すビジネスです。 何らかの理由で激しいストレスを受けている女の子を対象としており、精神的に大きな衝撃を与えて彼女の状態悪化を防ぐ方法を使用します。

理事長とVIPの支援を受けながらスタジオをアップグレードして、新しいキャラクター、デバイス、マップを開放することができます。 そのためには、さまざまな要件を達成する必要があります。

4月に最後のアルファテストを行う予定です。 最後のアルファはこれまで私がやってきたようにFanboxを通じて公開します。

5~6月にベータテストを経ます。 ベータ版では、itch.ioにベータ版のゲームファイルが公開されます。 このサイトでいろいろな統計を確認してみようと思います。

その後数ヶ月後に開発が完了すると、フルバージョンがリリースされます。 これはスチーム、DLsiteからPCプラットフォームとしてリリースされ、その後Android、IOSバージョンを開発する予定です。

私はまた、クラウドファンディングの試みを検討しています。 現在、ファンボックスの報酬は、投稿を1週間前に閲覧する権限だけです。 ありがたいことに、現在はただ開発がうまくいくことを願っており、報酬がなくても私を後援してくださる方がほとんどです。 クラウドファンディングを通じて多くのスポンサーをしてくださった方々に何かリワードを差し上げたいと思います。 また、このクラウドファンディングは、不足している私の月額支出、ブースとユニティアセットのコスト、リソースの外注コストなどをカバーします。

今回は、現在お使いのデバイスを集中的に情報をお届けします。 デバイスにはいくつかのカスタマイジング機能があり、必要なものをより均一にするためにUIも改善されます。



絞首台はこのゲームのトレードマークです。 本体は基本的にクラシックな木材でできており、リフト機能のある機械式装置などが追加される予定です。

ロープの種類が追加され、太さや弾性力などを選択できるようになります。 柱の基本高さもカスタマイズ可能です。

これにより、様々な形態の絞首刑シミュレーションが可能になる。 リフト機能を使用してダメージを与えたり回復したりすることができ、ロープを変更すると、女の子の首に与えるダメージのレベルが変わり、より早く生命力が減少したり、簡単に首が壊れることがあります。


椅子に座った姿勢、横姿勢、線姿勢などが追加されます。 いくつかのタイプでは、女の子は基本的に腕や脚などがデバイスに束縛されています。




- Water

観覧型、浴槽型、または広いプールでシミュレーションを行うことができます。 ギミックには、引っ張るロープ、タイマー付きのロックなどが追加されます。

また、私は水泳アニメを制作中ですが、思ったより大変です。 時間がかかるようです。


いいえ。 キャラクターは少なくともアンダーウェアや水着を着たまま登場します。




サポートしたかったのですが、現在の開発に集中することを念頭に置いていません。 私は正式リリース後にもう一度検討します。


ありません。 徹底的に1人開発中です。 現在、私はゲームに出てくる声を引き受ける声優さんと連絡を取り合っています。 また、私は正式リリース前にUIと3Dモデリング関連の外注を任せようとしています。




自由落下:高い場所で投信するシミュレーション。 身体部位別ダメージ推算とスローモーションをサポート





まず、ライニング、テープ、ボールギャグ、鼻クリップ、ビニールバッグが追加されます。 今後の時代、雰囲気に応じた様々な装備が追加される予定です。



おそらく、フルバージョンでは数十以上のツールがあります。 したがって、現在の数字キーで選択する方法が不便であるため、より多くのツールを選択することに対応できるように方法が改善されます。



投写体ツール:さまざまな種類の投写体を発射します。 (ボール、矢、弾丸など)


また、今回はDiscordチャンネルを開設しました。 初めて開設してみて、まだ機能や管理方法がわからないが、一度興味があれば参加してください!


次回は私は精神状態、表情、内部変数などキャラクターに関し集中的に情報をお届けします。 長い記事を読んでくれてありがとう!



ID Kurumi

Well done. Thank you for releasing the game for free. I think it will be more interesting if the girl's voice & modeling are improved. I will wait for the next version.


Great work! Thank you! Always support you!


Whoa, that's quite big plans! Are you sure you will handle it? In this kind of game, the source code can quickly become messed-up, as you add various things and make them work together. Often, the more features are added – the harder is becomes to add each new one… Up to the point when you will think that the only way to fix things up is to rewrite everything from scratch! All your previous finished games had clear and short feature set. But your current game feels never-ending in terms of possible additions. I think you should either define a strict scope of what your will do; or make this game your sole "life time" project, which will be hard if you're the only one coding it. But you already have all skills you need to finish the development of this game!


Will you add the feature which can let players choose to open girl's eyelids?


Even f there is no sound, would love to see a Heartbeat or pulse as the girls health drops! but your work is great as always regardless


That's amazing you got this and keep it going :D you're doing an excellent job


I misread Dream Turnkey Studio as Dream Turkey Studio, lol


Cant wait, sounds cool!


It's very interesting. I have great confidence in the future of your work, but I also want to note you -- as you make more and more systems, more and more complex, don't forget that people will need faster options. For example, I love the way A girl is executed by wearing B clothes and C bindings. I can change my favorite match into a preset key combination (F1~F12), so that when I want the corresponding girl, I just need to look where I need, and then press F1, and I can generate the favorite match in 0.1 seconds.


For me, this is not a game I would play often. It's great, but when I tried everything that I wanted to try, and collected everything it gives (for example, all of 5 endings in previous game) – I have no further interests in playing "this" version. I would rather wait for next update (and try everything again), or continue to use latest version in case it becomes the last/finished version (but anyway, not playing often after I tried everything). So, to keep my attention for playing this game during several days, the game itself should offer something. For example, large achievements system (that is impossible to collect all at once), or some kind of "daily rewards/quests" that deliberately limit what the player can do in a single day (for example, to unlock special costume you need 200 points, and you earn 5 points by each achievement/task, but also 50 points each day just by opening the game). Otherwise, I don't care much for how "convenient" UI is.


I love your game Lift is a feature I've been waiting for. Looking forward to the release.


This sounds amazing, Heazhan! I can't wait!


This game is probably just started and even then a fleshed out one would not have the most features, so don't expect a lot of content. The effort matters, though. (and it feels weird we need things like daily points since this seems like a desktop game you'd play on PC)


Sounds interesting! I'm looking forward to any bondage or drowning type stuff you decide to add. Keep up the good work~


Thank you for the QnA! Glad to hear the idea you have.


I know a few local singleplayer games that relied upon date/time setting, tracking either time of day / calendar date, or amount of time spent in the game – solely for the purpose of easter eggs / achievements. For example, one Halloween-themed game had an achievement for "play this game on Halloween" (which checks for 30 Oct being the current date according to PC clock), which is trivial to cheat (by changing the date manually), but this was really the reason why I replay this game every Halloween! (Often on a new/another computer). Many "surprise-creepy" games have a guard that blocks all actual creepy stuff if current clock is not set to night (mainly because kids might play such game since it's on purpose looks like a children minigame on the first glance). Sometimes games have "spent X hours in game"/"play X times" in achievements too. I like when the most longer/hard achievements are earned when you normally finish the whole game entirely – without specifically grinding them.


I really hope to launch the shooting by gun


Maybe you can make a tool to pose the face expression(to close or open the eyelid / open or close the mouth, change the direction of the eyeballs)


Dang looking forward to the future of the game.