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Dream Select Studio v0.2alpha

Hello! This is the v0.2 update. Maybe things will get better with regards to game development in the future. I will develop harder, so please believe and wait!

Major updates in this version:

- Physics: As you know, I'm still working on improving it.

- Friction: The friction between the character and objects such as the floor has been adjusted.

- Added Ziptie: A device for wrapping a zip tie around the character's neck.

- Add CPR tool

- Added water bubbles

- Water Tank: Added 2 types with different shackle positions (Arm, Neck)

- Added school uniforms for Kotori and Fubuki (other types of school uniforms will be added later)

- Added Preferences: You can change gameplay and graphics settings. (Be careful as it is a bit unstable!)

- Fix pull tool bug

And much more has been updated! Hope you enjoy.

Next week, I will write a post to reply to comments, e-mails, and frequently asked questions related to my game. Thank you so much for your attention and love!

こんにちは! v0.2 アップデートです。 おそらく今後のゲーム開発に関しては状況が良くなるようです。 私はもっと一生懸命開発するので、信じて待ってください!


- 物理: ご存知のように、私は継続的に発展させるために努力しています。

- 摩擦力:キャラクターと床などの物体間の摩擦力を調整しました。

- Ziptie追加:キャラクターの首にジッパータイを巻くデバイスです。

- CPRツールの追加

- 水の泡を追加

- ウォータータンク:足鎖の位置が異なる2種類を追加(腕、首)

- KotoriとFubukiに制服を追加する(他のタイプの制服は今後追加予定)

- 環境設定を追加:ゲームプレイとグラフィック設定を変更できます。 (少し不安定なので注意!)

- プルツールのバグ修正

そしてその他など多くのものが更新されました! お楽しみください。

来週、私のゲームに関連するコメントやメール、よくある質問に追いついて返信する投稿を作成します。 多くの関心と愛に感謝!




Hi! Ziptie don't work. There is a bug and the girls fly away XD


What can you tell me about Two hands, tongue out, split and sound?


great as always I can't wait to see the other clothes as well as the other girls but I hope that we can dress them ourselves so with mods you will do it one day I hope thank you and I hope you will listen to your subscribers


Love it, Heazhan! Love it, love it, love it! The bubbles are a great addition, as are the different shackle positions. The new outfits are nice, too. There are a few bugs, of course, but nothing unexpected for an alpha version. I have a couple suggests and requests: Bubbles and scream sounds (like in Girls' Breath Holding Competition) would be great, as would more water environments (bathtub, pool, etc.). The characters are wonderful, so I don't think you need more. But more outfits (one-piece swimsuit, bikini), a nude option, and swim gear (goggles, mask, nose clip) would be amazing! Overall, you've done a great job, Heazhan! As always, I cannot wait to see what's next. Thank you!!!


Thank you for the content


Thank you for the graphic options. Windowed mode was something I've been wanting.


What does the neck break option do?


You pull her down while hanging and her neck breaks. Sometimes it happens when you drop her but that's rare.


Great as always!


Did you change to pull before trying? It's described in the games guide book, just click top right the middle square one and search your way through for the explanation you want of how to do stuff or I just tell you, press 2 and then pull her down with left mouse button until you hear a breaking sound, you can also pull her to any direction you want and if that doesn't work for you, Idk what's the problem with your game and or pc then because everything works fine for me, taking into account that's an alpha version.


Love it! Thank you, Heazhan! (The girls' voices being added in the game would make that better, still, I think. )




I am genuinely impressed in every update your roll out, the progress in each update is amazing, in the next update maybe we can have update we can have other scenarios too or able to block sun (too bright). Maybe be able to choose day or night or a slider of time value? But I am more interested in addition of the other characters and more accessories!! Much love and keep up your good work!!


In this update if you tighten the Garrote too hard it will break the neck or if you pull with ~120% force in gallows it will break the neck!! After that health will rapidly drop and death is inevitable!!


S-HP51 I never saw neck breaking when dropped in 0.15 version, maybe it was updated in this version. It's always been pulling

ID Kurumi

Very good update Someday girls' bare feet manicure & wait for the girls' voice


I'm starting to like this game! Girl's movements for hanging became even more natural. Sadly, she still cannot support herself nor raise her head from the water (if lifted to the surface). https://imgur.com/a/iZMWjwC Thank you for displaying main variables on screen! (So tampering with memory is not needed to watch them anymore). I see BrainOxygenation is calculated from both HeadBlood and LungOxygen, but the former is not relevant in drowning scenarios? Why didn't you include "water-in-lungs" variable also, so the girl would swallow water and spit it out when not being underwater? Currently it is possible to let almost dying girl to breath and then put her underwater again, where she may wake up because full lungs + full brain (on low health)! Naturally, unconscious girl underwater should slowly inhale water instead of just holding her breath. https://imgur.com/a/zXJDL2k


I like your Ziptie mode (though the ziptie itself is hard to see!), since it is feels just like Controlled in your previous game. But why it is one-time? Give a chance to put another ziptie immediately, without resetting! It would be very useful. I didn't understand when (how exactly) the girl stops breathing on her own and requires CPR, but CPR itself is behaving strangely: zeroing breath cycle and gaining oxygen saturation immediately – so it is trivial to spam mouse button to saturate more than 50% and then the girl will start breathing. Also, did you use LungVolume just to increase Saturation on inhaling, but not when decreasing it? So the girl with empty lungs is suffocating just as long as with full lungs? I think empty lungs should desaturate faster; exhaling (bubbles) in the water should decrease volume (and inhaling in the water should increase unexciting "water amount in lungs", probably along with the volume).


Lastly, I see some "Achievements" page you planned to make. Currently, everything there is looking dumb. Like, "do this to get that". In your current game, there is nothing "against what" the player should be performing (just as in your earlier games, but not in Competition game), and cannot win or lose. Many such games, instead of direct achievements, use some kind of internal money and a store, where you can buy stuff, either helpful or purely aesthetical (like new skins/clothing). To earn money, you need to play - either good (more winning) or long (repeated grinding). But the whole system (gaining, spending and prices) should be very balanced to be enjoyable. True "achievements" should sound like "save her live when she almost died" or "brake her neck without pulling" (on garrote) and should not give anything valuable other than the achievement icon itself. Still, while this game is pure sandbox (with "spawning") I can't think of any reasonable storyline.


A shame, but thank you for the info, TwistedFun! Ultimately, my suggestions/requests are just that; suggestions and requests. As they are, these games are wonderful! I'm always looking forward to what's next, regardless of the content.


So I found a small glitch with the water tank. I haven't fully tested it, but if you're drowning a girl in one water tank and you drag her to another one, the game only registers that she isn't in the water tank she started in, and so the new water tank has no effect on her. In addition, although I haven't tested it, I'd have to imagine that only the girls set to the water tanks can drown in them, so you can't for instance, free a girl from her noose, then drop her in the water tank for a death. Just something I wanted to point out that could use improvement. This being said, it is only an alpha, so I'm not expecting it to be well polished. Oh, one thing I would love to see in the full game is the possibility of bodily damage if you drag them up too high and drop them from an insane height. oh and one other glitch to mention... I accidentally spawned the first girl I tried to use a zip tie on in a wall. Anyway, I'm having fun with the game and I look forward to future updates


do you plan to make execute by shooting shoot is so cool!!!!


This version has significant improvement than the older versions. I like it. The Guide Book section still don't have its limit, and you can see the countless blank pages if you keep turn it. Despite the basic setting could be changed to windows, but on the Graphic settings Full Screen is turned on even if you open it while windows mode. I wonder... *Your intention and concept on this game is all about stop or hamper to breathe, right? Personally I don't like bloodshed so it is quite enjoy on this and I am not bothered to expand from it, though, but will your intention is keep it focused on this theme or you will also add the others? *Is it inteded that a girl must not have two or more instance at the same time? The version 0.10 allows this(although they should not share the same outfits) but since 0.15 it wasn't allowed.


*How does the other two girls looks? They are not on the game right now but perhaps you will have the concept for them. *Is it intended that the rope of the different gallows are simply pass through each other? *Which other options of Devices you are currently consider, aside what you provides now? I see 'Ocean' and 'Air Tank' on your in development request options, but since it seems that you will keep the theme of stopping breathe so you don't have much other options and I can't imagine much for this either. So I like to listen what other idea you want to bring.


And what about to consider these? *Change neck break to only care for high power, and don't care for the time. In the reality(well, I do think that it is funny to say 'reality' since if you have 100% pressure on carotid Artery Pressure you would be fainted in a moment, but the mechanism is alright since the game is not a simulated reality at all) it is usually broken when it have high pressure, but on the game even 150% power can break it when you keep it for some seconds. What about to change it to broken when it overs the threshold, and also able to set the threshold as well? For example, set it to 500% while turn on neck break option, then when the power reaches 500% the neck would be broken immediately, and 499% or less power does nothing to the neck regardless how much time you spent to keep. *What about to apply the spawn option immediately, rather than only determined on either spawn or reset?


*What about to sort the same device with different type, same as Characters' outfits? For example, reduce 'Gallows' by only one section, and add <Type A>, and if you click the right > it would be changed to <Type B>. *What about to allows to interact the girl by the pull while not start it for some devices? For example, for now you can't pull the girl on Gallows before kick the chair. *Will you makes the center pointer that is the reference point for spawning the girl more visible? Will it planned to show the silhoulette or translucence shape of the girl and device when they are spawned?


Also are these feature planned, interesting or unlikely? *Adjust the percent of pain suffered by the current power. For example, on gallows, the girl have to suffered around 48% or less to let her Carotid Artery Pressure less than 90%, but the girl suffers less pain as well and you need to push her body up by pull device, so it seems that she struggles less than untouched run. *Will there separated outfit selection for top, bottoms and shoes? So able to pick the basic sweater(for now Kotori Basic), school skirts(School), and bare foot(Homewear) individually, for example. *Will there separated components on each devices? For example, able to change the foothold, say, plain chair/wooden barrel/a plank supported by others on each end/horse cart/horse, while also change the noose by plain noose/hangman's noose/just a string of loop without adjustment(thus it won't tighten every direction of the neck)? The lists are only for the example, though these are not so bad addon either.


*Will it possible to pull the clothes and hair, not just the girl's body? *Is nudity a consideration, or it is off limit? *Will the characters on your other games are added on this game as well? *Allows to change the pose of the girl? For example, kneel, stand, sit on the ground with the buttocks are touch the grounds, as well as knee and the sides of shin of each legs? *What about the expressions of the girls? Such as frightend, tremble, or headshake(as your other game, sure). *What about folding effect of the clothes? For example the rope to bind the writst and ankls for some girls on some outfits are penetrate into the clothes and they are hardly visible. I think that make it would be not so easy, though.


It is added since 0.15, actually. It's on spawn option. For now neck break works if you press about more than 100%(perhaps 150%?) and keep it for a while.


Also I wonder that what's the difference if you keep about 50% level of Carotid Artery Pressure. It seems that keep ziptie at 49% power and water tank doesn't see noticeable difference. Is it only matters if it reaches to the some level or it does no(or at least no noticeable) impact on send lung oxygen to brain? And what lung volume matters? It seems that Lung Volume does nothing - only lung oxygen saturation matters for starting to lost brain oxygenaration.


I agree with regard to the variable of water in the lungs because CPR is also supposed to be used for that, to get the water out of the body if pressure is applied to the abdomen area (if I'm not mistaken), this would be very interesting to see why he could give girls CPR and watch water come out of their mouths.


First of all thanks for listening to my request for graphic settings, I don't have to bother anymore while I'm testing the game :P <3 I love how the game has improved due to the corrected errors and the improved physics because now everything is much more comfortable. Especially the new feature of his lungs and blood pressure because thanks to this and the simulation scale function now someone can adjust the game to look realistic. It's a pity that when you want to read these statistics and the camera has the sky visible, you are forced to lower the camera to read and continue with what you were doing.


I think Heazhan left the guide with those endless pages because there is still so much to write. I just hope you make it look better for the eye by posting pictures of the devices and images of the girls. Other than that, I totally agree with what you propose.


As for the rest, if it comes to mentioning bugs, most of the comments below have already mentioned it, weird stuff like you can't drown a girl who's in a tank that isn't hers. What I did want to mention is something very nonsensical that made me laugh when I saw it, and that is that if you take the ball from the girl with the chain and then try to take the ball to throw it back into the water tank, they begin to magically float in the water like a basketball ball.


In a few words you have to polish the physics well, also for some reason since this update if you throw a girl towards the glass of the water tank from above it will start to make strange movements. (Well, this only happened to me once though.) And why not mention the hair of the girls? Also, something I've always noticed is that, for some reason, girls' breasts are so solid that they don't allow for a satisfying ragdoll physique. Contrary to this, instead of her chest being crushed, the girl will slide off the place you tried to place her because of how solid this body part is to the game. (Will we have jiggle physics soon?) ૮ • ﻌ - ა


> if you take the ball from the girl with the chain and then try to take the ball to throw it back into the water tank, they begin to magically float in the water like a basketball ball I'm pretty sure that's intentional!


> that what's the difference if you keep about 50% level of Carotid Artery Pressure Probably it affects for Head Blood increasing/decreasing ratio. So, if you keep it at 50%, then head blood level won't decrease, but it will not increase either, if it is currently not at 100. Ziptie's unique behavior (unable to lower the pressure) is irrelevant against this mechanics, and thus unable to utilize it fully (because you cannot raise and then lower the pressure; I think it would be cooler to allow resetting the ziptie again once it was removed). > seems that Lung Volume does nothing Looks like currently it just limits time when the girl is able to increase her Saturation: it can be increased only when Volume is increasing, but not when decreasing; while Obstruction limits the speed of changing Volume. But I agree, Volume needs to play a better role overall.


> but on the game even 150% power can break it when you keep it for some seconds Needs to be balanced. Either by randomization ("a chance to break at this power"), or by proper formula which lowers the neck's internal HP depending on power (non-linearly, so much higher pressure will break instantly), Also note than Garrote should still break the neck, so probably lower range of formula should be low enough (at 110% for example), but lower neck HP very slowly. Another though: at high power, neck HP could be lowered by movements of the girl, so the neck will often break when she spasms! > reference point for spawning the girl Currently it spawns at mouse position (screen aim) on the floor, or at the center of the map if the mouse is not pointing at floor surface. > Adjust the percent of pain suffered I think there should be different girls with slightly different constants like this one, but not user-modifiable (unless there would be a girl with completely adjustable properties…)


Testing the game again, I realized that the physics need to be polished since the last changes. Now, if you take the manual strangle and press K to move while you have the girls and you don't do it slowly, you'll see the girl follow the camera but the whole body will be shaking.


Also, I thought of other things that could improve the game; Why not add other tools like punching, rubbing, stroking and other hand actions? I thought of this because I realized that if you throw a girl against a wall with a lot of force or throw the ball at her with her chain, her health will not go down. And why not add other facial expressions? I love the detail that now when the girl wakes up you can see the incredible detail that her eyes stop being empty and immediately see the player and take a quick breath from her mouth. But why doesn't she go further and when they pass out (as they really happens) her eyes slowly close as they look up until they are completely closed? (something like the expression ahegao) Even if the physics improve we could open her eyes doing "eye-check"


Can you make girls' eyes closed after death


Since heazhan is clearly doing this intentionally (maybe he just doesn't like bodies with closed eyes?), the only possible trade-off will be either randomization of eye effect (with a small chance for eyes to end up closed), or addition of new girls with other types of animation behavior (that always close their eyes upon fainting, for example). There are plenty of aesthetic improvements like puffy cheeks underwater, that somebody would like while others don't care much. As for damage by falling, my opinion is that there should be no way to throw the girls like that in the first place! Otherwise it will become a chain of endless requests like "As we can throw girls – let us damage them by falling", then "Girls can hit the floor – let us hit them directly", then "Why only hit, let us shoot them!", then "We can shoot, but the girls don't get wounded?", then "Why only wound, let's cut their limbs!" and so on and on.


amazing!it’s really hard to find such an interactive r18g game. Both the features r18g and interacted highly attract me. I’d like to ask 2 things which are if the character can be replaced by own model from mmd or something and if there’s plan for VR divices


Love this update, keep going!


Unrelated, but do you have any interest in creating some kind of fan group or you're saving it for later>


I would love to have a dedicated Telegram chat with heazhan and other players~


Very cool game, and can i ask that you add underwear as an outfit? We see it under their outfits, it could easily be made into a standalone costume. Also, i haven't actually figured out the controls, how do you release the girls into the water? I just manage it by keyboard smashing till they fall in 😅. And finally, for the water tanks, can you make an option that is the girl just breathholding on her own, so without any weights, and then she automatically goes to the surface after a while, and then give the player an option to block the exit to the air with a glass plate, so that the girl gets trapped under in the water. That would be pretty cool. Maybe make the girl have neutral boyancy, so that she doesn't float up into the glass, but rather just stays there , floating. These are my suggestions, keep it going, your game is amazing ^^ If you give underwear or nude as an option for a paid subscription, I would definitely get that subscription 👁️👁️


Love the idea to make girl struggle on they own with player indirectly controlling only environment! Also the gameplay concept from Manami Yoshikawa's Drowning Dream could be implemented directly as it is. As for keyboard bindings, try to read all the pages of Guide Book (third tab on the spawning form), keys are described there (different for all machines, but generally main action is either K or J, while the opposite action is either R or L).


Thx for new update, new options are cool and i really enjoyed it, by the way can you make some new tools like saw, club, gun, bow and arrows? Suffocation and drowning are fun but i also hope Interaction more directly and violently.


Топово крутая игрушка побрякушка


I want a tutorial video on how to play this game in heazhan studio..... YouTube channel


Guys how to download it pls guys tell me


I hope that the dismemberment system will be updated, as well as the guillotine and other props


have you considered adding necrophilia as a possible scenario? i would love to see it in a later update 😄


I hope the improvement and enhancement of selection of action during the time when girl s are cardiac arrest or almost dead (coma?) status. Conretely, adding to actions to girls' limp body are desirable. My examples are the following. A) Cradle carrying mode. B) Slap to their face to regain her consicousness. C) Worseing of condition (From almost dead to cardiac arrest ) In additon, I would appreciate it if you can add the expression change of eyes and pupils.