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Dream Select Studio v0.15alpha

Hello everyone.

I urgently moved to another house this month. Currently, it is not an environment in which I can work well. So I worked on another laptop and rushed to create a playable version for you. I wanted to release v0.2 of the "Water" theme in February, but inevitably finished the work with v0.15.

The main changes are:

1. Physics: Once again there has been a big change in physics. By changing the torque to the drive method, the character's movement became more powerful. It also allows you to control your posture without the need to apply unusual forces. It may be hard to understand right now, but it's a big improvement for future development.

In addition, this will allow users to provide tools that allow them to create their own postures and movements of characters. This is the result of ragdoll physics that I have been studying for a long time!

Also, please note that the movements are not yet fully polished due to the new method applied.

2. Water Tank: It's not v0.2 yet, but I put it in for you to experience the function experimentally. Please note that movements and actions are still unnatural.

3. Spawn options: Added spawn options. Here, you can turn on/off various detailed functions or adjust the simulation time scale. The number of options to choose from will gradually increase.

4. UI: Completely improved UI. You will be able to choose from many lists more comfortably.

My computer and desk will be delivered soon. I'm sorry to those who have been frustrated because there is no news, and I'll see you in March with a better game demo.

It has been a month with a lot of regret. When the situation is sorted out to some extent, I will reply to the comments, but I may miss it. If you want a clear reply, please use the pixiv message function.

Thank you!


今月は急いで別の家に引っ越しました。 現在、シームレスな作業ができる環境ではありません。 それで、他のノートパソコンを使って、あなたがプレイ可能なバージョンを急いで作ってみました。 2月に「Water」テーマのv0.2を公開したかったのですが、やむを得ずv0.15で作業を終えました。


1. Physics: 物理部分にもう一度大きな変化がありました。 ドライブ方式でトルクを変更し、キャラクターの動きがより力強くなった。 また、異常な力を加えることなく姿勢を制御できるようになりました。 今はわかりにくいかもしれませんが、今後の開発に大きな改善事項になりましたのでお楽しみください!

また、これにより、ユーザーがキャラクターの姿勢や動作などを直接作成できるツールを提供できるようになる予定です。 私が長時間研究したラグドル物理の成果です!


2. Water tank: まだv0.2ではありませんが、実験的に皆さんが機能を体験してみてくださいと入れました。 まだ動きや行動が不自然な点に注意してください。

3. Spawn options: 生成オプション機能を追加しました。 ここでは、いくつかの詳細機能をオン/オフしたり、シミュレーションタイムスケールを調整したりできます。 選択できるオプションの数はますます増加します。

4. UI:UIを完全に改善しました。 多くのリストをより快適に選択できます。

私のコンピュータと机はおそらくすぐに配信が来るでしょう。 ニュースがなかったので、ご迷惑をおかけした方に申し訳ありません。

残念がたくさん残る一ヶ月でした。ある程度状況が整理されればコメントにも返事を差し上げますが私が見逃すこともあります。 確実な返信が必要な場合は、pixivメッセージ機能を使用してください。





Thanks for the update. Can't wait for the next work. Just take care of yourself first, your health and life matters more.


Thanks for new update, I wish you made more games more often.


Great! Love girls movements and graphics. One small nitpick but when you lock pull and delete the girl before unlocking it green lines stay in the air.


great work I hope that one day he will have the most beautiful outfit for all your daughters so that we can dress them as we want with mods and really make our daughters as we want it would be great to go we are waiting for the rest courage


i love the physics! can you tell me what kind of outfits will be added in future versions?


Looking forward to your next update!


Take your time, don't push too hard.


Great update! Thank you! Anyway, care yourself well! ;)


Like it a lot, you keep getting better and better, the options not available yet look promising too, can't wait for the next update. Keep it up but don't overwork yourself.


And it's good you've added the back button thing too. Even though ESC crashes the game, it's still something nice to have since it isn't easy to close the game without proper interfaces. Maybe you wanna focus on the concepts yourself and get someone else for the finishing touches.


this new update is good. I can't wait for the ziptie but also is there gonna be a cpr lvl?

ID Kurumi

It's been a lot of updates. I feel good about how the game has developed.


Thank you for putting my request. The neck breaking is really nice. If it is easy to implement, would you be able to add it to other devices?


Take care of yourself first and foremost, we're happy with what we have


Take care man! That’s a nice game~ A few suggestions for methods & stuffs here: -aside from hanging, maybe we can break necks by garrotting too hard as well? -(maybe you are planning to make these later but anyway) how did you add the voices in “strangling Manami”? I think strangled noises will make the game so much better~ -it will be very interesting if we can see a character choking another character, have you ever considered that?~ Here are the method suggestions: -plastic bag -smothering (hand/objects like pillow) -a rope garrotte (tightened by hand/machine) -a long drop hanging(that breaks the neck instantly) -a hogtie (basically, the rope is tightened by the character’s own feet) -dunking head in water by hand(probably coming soon I guess?) Welp, that’s all I have in my mind after trying out this demo. Been a fan of yours, but never commented until now :P Keep up the great work! I really wish I can donate, but I just don’t have the right payment method for fanbox :(


The neck snapping should be a toggle, like in racing games where you can enable or disable parts falling of the car on collisions 💥


I've played this! Thank you for the first Water module. > a big change in physics <...> that I have been studying I like your physics, it is smooth and fine. Will it now be possible for the girl to reasonably struggle against the environment, for example pull herself up using hands, stand on the floor, lift her head from the water? > movements and actions are still unnatural Oh, I see: the girls look like they're being strangled, not drowned, hmm. Also you cheated and calculated absolute height of the current water level, but did not check for 2D intersection of the tank itself – so the girl would drown even when dragged outside the water tank. Likewise, any other girl from different machine will not drown nor struggle in the water, despite float physics is applied correctly. I thing you need to grab a nearest tank, test for being inside, and then compare height. Why it is not possible to change location between indoor and outdoor, since you already have a decent indoor one?


I suggest you to force "Reset" anytime a girl falls down the lowest possible height (below the floor when already invisible) > adjust the simulation time scale When I set it to 0 to check will the girl drown (she didn't) and then changed it back to 2 or 10 – she would not drown anymore altogether? Also looks like the girl face red/blue color tint is inherited from her last death state when spawning a new one. > Completely improved UI I like neck breaking mechanics too (despite normally it couldn't break by falling from even bigger height, breaking only on direct pull or physics bugs) I think many players would love similar concept for shoes falling off – for example, after several hits of foot against something (can be even consist of several dangle states!) > My computer and desk will be delivered soon I still have that question: did you played AliceInCradle by hinayua_r18? I suggest you to try it, especially if you have some free time when you can't program or feel tired of it.


Minor bugs in UI: 1) Font letters have gray background 2) Selected tab is not highlighted 3) Pressing left from the first guidebook page somehow changes text paragraphs and quotes in it 4) Spawn should auto-select the new girl 5) Both edit and settings buttons in the corner are doing the same; also, having a shortcut for that menu would be nice 6) Sometimes I cannot spawn a girl even when I deleted everything. No refuse sound, just nothing. Probably somehow related to changing outfit styles. Greater bug: if you fly off the level and spawn something twice with both girls – they will be created on the same default spot at the middle of the location! And then after staring: – On gallows it often will be instant neck break, because the girl will be pushed up away with great force. – On water tank no girl will be able to sink in the x2 dense liquid! Again, I've made some screenshots (with notes!), but images were rearranged at random for some reason: https://imgur.com/a/sJaUXbg


Also the guidebook didn't ends and keep shows the empty page. The key is not so easy to use with movement keys. What about to change bind/unbind pull by r/f, tighten/release by q/e, and hold by either z or x? Neck breaking mechanism is very weird. Normally, the neck is breaking when there is too much force at once, but it seems that constant 150%ish power for some seconds seems already enough for break the neck while 300~500% on a brief of time have nothing to do with this. What about to simply makes the gallows higher? And also, what about to adjust the length of rope? If you want to put the girl higher you could float the chair(since she cannot be pulled at all before kick the chair so it would be fine) or just stack MORE CHAIRS seems enough. What about to decelerate the timer rather than accelerate? For now you can only set the numbers 1 or higher. And is it intended that the girl can't be duplicated?


Asides, what about to release command on the gallows just release the noose from the gallows, rather than entirely removes it? Also what about to show the profile that garrote is set to hold or not? And I am curious that is the power more than 100% on the gallows damages her more faster? Aside the chance to breaking the neck more than 100% have nothing to do with since you couldn't block more than 100% of the carotid artery and/or airway, but I wonder that it does.


(I think that there are some voices of the girls would be better; the long drop which break the girl's neck instantly is also great. )


Ah, an another issue. Will you makes the bounds of the hand of the basic outfit of Kotori visible? The rope on her wrists is buried inside of her sweater so we can't see it at all.


Also I found that increase the scaling number actually decrease the damage dealt to the girls(or it seems so) and in result it increase the total time to end rather than decrease it. For example, the girls are ended at 120sec(2 min) on gallows normally, but with the number of 10 they are still actlvely struggle even after 1200sec(20min) as much as first 30~40sec on number 0 to 1. How it actually does? Still it would be better to check the current status, rather than only shows in progress. So do Carotid artery/oxygen level.


Glad to see that this game doesn't have a story mode. I won't have any worries when executing the sentence.When I play previous games, I always thought that I killed them in person, through the story or they fear of death, they are very pitful.(maybe i thought too much, sorry)


Oh, come o-o-on! The story is what is missing here… That's so cute to see the innocent being killed like that – where ELSE it could be seen other than in a game!


I've been playing this game since the beginning. I don't know what other people will think, but I think there's been a huge improvement. Especially the customization part. Of course, I can't customize it in detail, but it was good enough to say that I've made great progress. Nevertheless, I'll tell you a few things that would be good to add. 1. Male characters I think it would be nice if there was a male character in this game. Not too mature, not too immature... It's like a male character who's 160cm tall who just turned 20 years old. A male character with brown hair and gold eyes, or blond hair and blue eyes, who looks good in shorts. Anyway, I think it would be best to have a male character.


2. Place I'd like to add some places. Of course, I don't think the producer hasn't thought about the location. This game is still an early version. I'd like to have a bedroom and a back alley. Daytime would be better than night in the back alley. It's a concept of doing something in a back alley where no one goes. Next, it would be nice to put in a dressing room, swimming pool, or storage room. 3. Eyes If you look at it now, when the character's life ends, his eyes are in the middle. Here, I think it would be better to make the eyes look up rather than in the center. Or you can fix your eyes in that direction when your life is finally over by making the character look at the viewer throughout the process. That's all I want for now. I hope you make better games!


Speaking of the place in 2, What if the actions that you can do vary depending on the location? You can do anything except drown in the room, you can drown in the bathroom(toilet/bathtub), you can strangle on the street(suffocation of bare hands/asphyxiation in plastic bags), you can hang something in the pool and drown(like in this game)... Something like this. How about this?


Technically this game is a simulator so it doesn't need a story I think.


I agree with the eyes, it is rare to see that they are in the middle and not closed or looking up when the character is supposed to be dead.


Hello! Relax, we understand, take your time to bring us the best. I loved this update like you have no idea.. Fubuki's rabbit outfit is beautiful, the physics really look very cool and everything has improved a bit. I just hope you can correct those things in the interface, considering that he is an alpha, everything is understandable. For example, the gear symbol and the pencil do the same thing: open the menu from where you left off. It seems to me that everything is beautiful and I like it. Only one thing that bothers me is that this happens to me from the old version and that is that I have quite ugly performance problems that do not let me enjoy the game well, I tried to lower the resolution of my screen and it is still just as slow. Could you fix that? I don't know why but other games run pretty well on my PC except this one. Among other news, I also found some rare bugs that could be fixed over time: https://imgur.com/a/gTX5uG4


One other thing, isn't there a way to configure the way girls are pulled? Because when it's time to lift the girls they start to spin and jump as if the pulling tool were a spring and it's very annoying, which greatly damages the experience. I figured out there is a way to use the pull tool multiple times but I have no idea how to do it yet.


I just think if there's a story, what I killed is a real guy. But if no stories, I won't have any sense of guilty.Just like the main character or pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto?


Amazing that you countine to update under these circumstances. The new movements are way better! Some input, for inspiration: - Nice focus mode! Switching between the girls could be made easer, maybe with the arrow keys? ← or → - Using the pull tool, have you tried raising a girls' bound legs behind her back? It looks very good! Could be nice to be able to "fix" her in that position to the gallows - After releasing from the gallows, pulling and raising the girl is very interactive. Maybe allow certain points on the walls to allow the bodies to be fixed to, or a special prop like a post, or an empty gallows. Maybe this helps, but I like where the game is going already! Remember to put your life and health first.


No matter. Good work. :)


I believe it's pulling with the mouse and then pressing Insert key while holding left mouse button. This way, the pull string will stay until Delete would be pressed.


I think heazhan has some fetish/kink on the deadly eyes (and he isn't the only one, I believe uwmmmdd is doing this too) – so when the girl faints, her pupils become large and withered/dim instead of thin and shiny when she was still struggling (and more the tension – the smaller her pupils will be while she's awake). Personally, I don't dislike nor particularly like this (maybe if the eyes would dim more slowly, it'll be more natural), but what I don't like – is a physical burst in the moment when the girl faints: her limbs might raise and her body will budge unnaturally. I think is should be the other way around: struggle at the peak, then start to weaken while losing consciousness, and then finally silent but convulsing feebly.


Ok, silly me - you can do the last 2 things already by hitting the "Insert" key on your keyboard whilst pulling. (And "Delete" key to remove the strings again) All it takes is a little bit of practise on how to move the camera. Also I forgot to mention that carefully pushing the bodies over the edge of the map is fun too, albiet not intentionally implemented. I hope the bottomless pit doesn't get removed entirely in the future.


As far as I can remember, there was a description of incontinence. In the very early version, too. It'll add it someday, but I hope to see it in the next update.


Yes, I noticed shortly after, but that gray outline in the text of the guide book doesn't let me read well, hopefully that will also be fixed soon.T_T


All i have to say is that you did a great job and I'm amazed for this development is incredible, also it will be amazing if you add cpr mode or more torture stuff like that and of course take your time no need to rush things since you're moving so is better if you take your time and make it as you wanted because is amazing how are you doing the work keep doing it :D


Just it would be appreciate that at least pop how's the going. That would be enough in the most times.


I wonder someone already pointed it out but, if you reset or remove the girl, all the fixed pulls already on the girl are stays, and there is no way to remove this - it keep remains, as ver 0.1 where you could fix one with pull+space that have no way to remove.


Heazhan, i think you need to know this, I just tested the game on my personal PC, a Windows 10 with an built-in graphic of 192 MB and the game goes to at least 18 fps. And then I test on another PC that I'm fixing, but it's a Windows 7 with a 2 GB built-in graphic and the game goes at least 50/54 fps stable, but is weird when it hits 60 fps. (APU processor if you want me to be more precise. It seems that Dream Select requires a good graphics card to play it. Do you think you can adapt the game one day to low-resource computers?


I already mentioned this in the comments below but I already saw that this is why you need a good graphics card. Additionally, I noticed that the strangle device can't be stopped once you press K since while it's a button to make the device follow the camera it also initiates the action so sometimes if you press K you can make it stop until the pressure drops as there are times when you press the K and it just follows the camera.


Nice game my bro but I cant interact with the stool under the character' feet.That's weired.My PC is definitely well equipped.


I just want to say thank you for what you've already done with this game! It's phantastic and I've been waiting for a long time for something like this! I'm looking forward very much for the future developments and wish you all the best, Mr. Heazhan!


For now, Gallows does not allows to interact until you kick the chair.


Great job, Heazhan! I'm constantly astonished how your games keep improving. I know this one is only in the alpha stage, but what you've done so far is amazing. I absolutely can't wait to see what version 0.2 looks like! Glad you're doing well, especially with your living situation. I know how hard it is to work when your environment isn't good. Be proud that you're continuing your work! I've played a few other underwater games recently. Many are cheap, some are good, but none are great. Your games are high quality and blow the others out of the water. No one can compete with you when it comes to underwater and breath holding games. You're the master! As always, I eagerly await what you do next!


Great work! The best of luck for you <3

Super Onahole

Im loving this so far! Maybe adding an airless room or a room with too much oxygen would be cool too!


Good game.Can you add more characters,for example Pyra?


I want a tutorial video on how to play this game in heazhan studio..... YouTube channel