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I'm currently aiming to complete the development of a free alpha version that you can play.

The theme of this version 0.1 is "Neck". Neck related simulations such as hanging and strangulation are updated in this version. If you have any other simulation ideas related to the neck, please feel free to let me know.

Version 0.1 alpha will be released to supporters in advance on January 4, 2023, and will be released to everyone for free on January 11, 2023.

I want the finished game to have a huge variety of custom simulations, maps, characters, outfits, and device options. Thanks for reading.


今回の0.1バージョンのテーマは「首」です。 絞首刑、絞首などの首に関連するシミュレーションは、このバージョンで更新されます。 首に関連する他のシミュレーションのアイデアがある場合は、気軽に私に教えてください。


私は完成したゲームで非常に多様なカスタムシミュレーションとマップ、キャラクター、衣装、デバイスオプションを更新できることを願っています。 読んでくれてありがとう。




Can't wait. Thank you for the hard work.


Hey, I know this is super niche and probably not, but, will it be too hard to add VR support? A lot of VR games are made on unity so idk how hard it would be. Amazing work btw, have a good day.


Hello ! Very nice work so far. I really looking forward to it. About the idea, I have one on my mind and it's zip tie around her neck. That's all. Thank you ! ^^


Will it be released to all supporters or only 1000 yen ones?


How about the possibility of breaking the neck? It can happen if use an excess power greater than 100% or other options. Show a warning on the screen if exceed the power. applicable in garrote and strangle.


短いズボンをはいたキャラクターにオーバーニーソックスをはいて。 絶対領域は可能でしょうか?


That's great! Thank you for your developing. In addition, I have some ideas which might be useful for you. ●Lying Garrote: Set a bed which contains a device to garrote, making a girl lie on the bed and to be bound, garroting her. ●Crucifying Garrote: Set a cross that combines with a garroting device, crucifying a girl then garroting her. The cross can be replaced by a stake or other things like that, for sure. ●Lifting Hanging: Hang a girl by lifting instead of dropping. Especially, we can control how lift the rope to control the distance between land and the girl's feet and adjust it all the hanging process. Hope these ideas can help you to make the game more varied. Look forward to your success!


Awesome……!!! Really glad to see the garrote this time! I wonder how much more interesting it would have been if she had started the garrote in more positions, kneeling, or standing, or with a wooden horse between her legs. In addition,I would like to see more restrictive equipment, such as blindfolds, gags, etc. Finally, this scene reminds me of some VR games, and I wonder if it is possible to see VR mode games in the distant future. So happy to see your new game heazhan! Thank u so much for keep working on it. Hope to play it soon!

Excellent work! You mentioned adding more customization in the previous post; will you be adding support for importing vrm files/characters?


Really brilliant work. I could say it is the best hanging stimulation 3D game I have seen for now. It would be better if there could be more kicking animation. Like curl up legs and kick instead of wave in the air. And would there be any plan for more kinky clothing? Like latex or other skintight suit.


When strangled, a person may initially frown to breathe. It would be nice if there was a girl who puts strength on her face and then shows her strength is gradually losing. It is also good that there are differences between girls, such as girls who accept it calmly and girls who resist fiercely.


1. Play by hanging a girl and pulling her tied legs backwards or forwards. 2. Hang the girl, attach a bucket to the end of the rope, and slowly fill in the water. The girl tries to drain her water by hitting the bucket but she can't reach it. 3. Using cable ties. Select the number of cable ties. In one, the girl lives a long time, but in three, she does not live long. 4. Tie a rope around her neck and make her try to untie it. Keep the knife close but out of her reach so that she struggles to get hold of it. 5. One-handed choking or Two-handed choking. It can be lifted, laid down, or selected position. 6. Arm chokehold or Leg chokehold. The girl beats or scratches the opponent's arm.


7. Inserting a needle into the back of the neck to sever only the nerve. Breathing stops, the expression changes, but the body does not move. 8. The state of food stuck in the throat, coughing and trying to get food out. 9. Asthma or allergic conditions that make it difficult to breathe because the airways are narrowed by the use of medications. Depending on the dose of the drug, the airway may be completely blocked or only slightly narrowed. I wrote down several ideas. I hope this helps.


Awesome stuff!




There are some new ideas. Firstly, it is possible that next theme is ''Water'' and the third theme is ''Electronic and Chemical Factors Caused Suffocation''? They might be inspired for you. Secondly, in the strangling, I think that we can replace the hand with a rope as a customization. Lastly...I've forgotten what idea I want to share😂, but it is exist certainly. I'll share it after I recall it. At the last, suffering expressions while suffocation happens, expression changing, bare-feet customization making the game greater is possible probably. Anyway, is developing any realistic graphics (look like the Final Fantasy, the NieR: Automata, or other games with graphics like them, I mean) game of this type in your (nearer or farther) future plan?


Love more animations and look forward to more realistic animations.

ID Kurumi

I'm looking forward to it. It would be nice to have a function like a free view point.


I've recalled them. The girl convulses before she die like the last game you've added whatever way causes her death would make the game better. Besides, I think the colour of the girls' skin is too light, and the girls' movement is overdone –– it look like that the girls haven't their weights. They might make the game perform abnormal and eliminating them would make the game better, I think. All in all, your games are the best games of a type like this! You are the best game-maker in this field, as far as I know. Always support you!


I think it'd be good to add a male(boy or shota) character


Great news! One feature i liked in the previous game was the group hanging, making one of the girls wait her turn while the others suffer through their fate, very exciting stuff! Looking forward to the release.


It's hard for the time being because I don't have a VR device. However, I would like to try VR support in the future.


Surprised myself that I hadn't thought of zip tying the girl. Thank you for the suggestion!


Surprisingly, current 1000 yen plan (Fanbox Supporter++) users have access to some posts a week early... Since this feature has been used sparingly and hasn't been used for a long time, I'm going to pre-release it to them as a reward. But don't worry, after one week everyone will be able to play for free! Also, I always feel grateful to all the supporters.


Neck breaking also seems to be one of the features that need to be added. Thank you!


いいですね。 おそらく、将来的にキャラクターやアウトフィットのうち、その要素を持つことが一つ程度は追加されそうです。


These are all great ideas! I think it would be nice to have as many devices as possible. In the case of lift hanging, it is a feature that I really want to add, but there are many problems in the physics part. I'm still trying to fix it, so please look forward to it.


Yes, I will add as many devices and restraints as possible, so stay tuned! I would like to support VR if possible, but there is no update scheduled for the time being.


This feature is still under consideration. It's a nice feature to have, but I don't know if I can make it work well with the imported VRMs.


I'm working on physics variations, so you'll see various animations like kicks soon. I'm a bit worried as I don't have the skills to design clothes, but adding clothes like latex is definitely a good idea. Thank you!


I'm currently trying to set each character's suicide risk level and weakness device to be different. These will cause differences in behavior depending on the situation.


You gave so many great ideas! Since I want to create as many situations as possible, I will review them carefully. Thank you!


Water and electricity were scheduled as update themes. I'm surprised you got it right! In terms of graphics, I don't have the skills to produce high-quality graphic resources, so I think I'll only develop simple graphic-style games. Currently, there are cases where the girl moves excessively, so I'm still fixing it in the physics part. Convulse should also be added... So much to do right now! Anyway thanks for the suggestion!


As long as the girl's character type and outfits do not overlap, you can create multiple characters!


How about adding neck snapping or breaking?


if you need vr testers Im sure a few will respond! (me included)


I would appreciate it if you can add the following two factors. Both of them are after her lost consciousness. CPR mode; Carry mode of her lifeless form like a rag doll;


I'd like to add a hand around the girl's neck and the ability to pick it up or put it down, similar to the one in the video, and I hope the author can keep it or improve it. Looking forward to your work!


Happy New Year!


Cant wait! can you tell us more about the outfits? will tight leather or latex be available as options? :)


A word of advice, I hope that when strangling a girl, she can grasp the hand or the rope around her neck with her hands, instead of throwing her hands around.


Well, I got an idea for the drowning theme later based on what I saw elsewhere before, because on your last game in the special section there was this forced drowning so I think you might be able to create a water tank where you either put the girl tied up in it and the key to open is inside at the bottom of the the water tank which means she has to free herself from her restraints to avoid drowning and or she is not tied up in the water tank but therefore has 15 keys or so on the bottom with only one is the right one to open the water tank. What I mean is some kind of water tank escape game mod based on time as she has to try each key one by one until she gets the right one or not which means drowning. If possible, maybe you could make this random if she manages to escape or not. I don't know how much is possible for you to create right now but I think your skills get better and better with time based on your new video preview. Happy new year btw!


I'm afraid he cannot yet create dedicated animations for reasonable movement of the girl. All of his simulation games were essentially dynamic ragdoll motions: the code defines forces and torques for each limb joint, and the Unity engine evaluates physics based on it. Yet, heazhan didn't show any "intention" movements (walking, standing, reaching for something) implemented. There were restraints and collision boxes affecting girls, and also direct position changings. But no girl "acts on her own"! His attempt to make TPS shooter game consist of direct animation rather than procedural. And that feels different than his other games. In my comment under "Girls' breath holding competition v1.0 released!" I already proposed several game concepts which require using reasonable movements (standing on footing; float-swimming) along with ragdoll motions. But it's difficult to use both methods together… They don't play nice when animation is simultaneously combined with forces. Right, heazhan?


Ok thanks for the explanation, I don't know much about programming. Of course he is free to pick only the makeable stuff from my and all the other ideas given here (or not, it's up to him to decide what's in the game or not) and of course nobody asks for the impossible. That's why it's just ideas at this point and what doesn't work that doesn't work yet, but can we agree his new video preview looks promising and we are therefore a bit hyped?


Do you plan to add any kind of peril or escape options for the girls so that they can surive? Like an option to cut the rope or loosen the garotte or something? Also, are you planning to add more bondage items like different kinds of restraints, gags, blindfolds etc? These could perhaps be used for suffocation (e.g. tape over the nose and mouth or a plastic bag on the head etc.) or just to muffle the noises the girls make.


Will there be Futanari characters?


GREAT!~ Will you add the feature to open girl's eyelids in this demo?


It would be great if you could add choking sound effects similar to The Strangle Stimulator you made previously.


Amazing work! Can't wait for the finished product!!!


Hanging girl does something similar, but it still needs some tweaking.


These ideas look really fun! Perhaps, after all the basic game functions are completed, it seems really good to create additional content like this. I will work harder as much as you expect. Thanks for the suggestions!


Situations such as survival and escape will be considered once the basic game systems are established. And all the equipment you mentioned will be added, but plastic bags are currently limited graphically.


Unfortunately, it is currently not implemented. It will probably be added in the next version.


I've definitely realized that voice is important. I am preparing to add.


any chance of wire style garrotes being added? Such as the type used by agent 47?

ID Kurumi

Isn't the free version coming out today?


I don't have any neck related ideas aside from neck snapping, but does this game have the ability to strip and play with the characters?


Is it for computer or mobile?


Outfits are limited to choosing from presets. There is no nudity in this game.


I hope their is plenty of girls in ballerina flats or mary-janes keep up the good work =;D


I want a tutorial video on how to play this game in heazhan studio..... YouTube channel


can you make heart beat stethoscope for femles plz