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I'm almost done with my graduation preparations, so I'm giving you news. I am currently developing a sandbox type simulation game. The development goal is to incorporate all the elements of previous games, further improve the quality, and increase the freedom for users to customize.

Development is the Unity engine that was used previously. I tried Unreal Engine, but gave up because my computer's specifications couldn't stand it...

I've been making games so far and getting used to physics, animation, lighting, etc., so I'm working more elaborately.

This time, I'm trying to release the game in as many places as possible. So, I want to release it not only on PC game sites but also on Google Play and App Store as a mobile version. Basically, you can play for free, and a partial payment method is applied.

I will periodically share development news, so feel free to leave feedback!

Finally, I prepared a short video, so please enjoy it. Thank you for always.

私の卒業準備がほぼ終わり、お知らせをお届けします。 私は現在サンドボックス型シミュレーションゲームを開発しています。 開発目標は、以前に作ったゲームの要素をすべて入れ、クオリティをさらに改善し、ユーザーがカスタマイズできる自由度を高めることです。

開発は、従来使用していたUnity Engineです。 Unreal Engineを試してみましたが、私のコンピュータの仕様に耐えられず、あきらめました...


今回、私はできれば多くの場所でゲームをリリースしたいと思います。 そこでPCゲームサイトだけでなく、モバイル版でGoogleプレイ、アプリストアにもリリースしたいと思います。 基本的には無料でプレイでき、部分有料の決済方式が適用されます。


最後に短い映像を一つ用意しましたのでお楽しみ下さい。 いつもありがとうございます。




WHAT A GREAT GAME! It is totally revolutionary. I'm always waiting for your good news and supporting you.


This update came sooner than expected! Good luck with all things in life. Looking forward to your future works.


> a sandbox type simulation game A lot of physics-sandbox type of Unity games are boring and stupid as hell. Heh, now the word "Unity" stands for "lowest possible quality" in a lot of communities )) Because there are so many indie gamedevs who (yet) know nothing about real programming and optimizations, and they, like, "oh, I'll become a Unity game developer, it's so simple!" Another engine with the same reputation is RPGMaker (especially "Japanese RPGMaker game", stands for "trash quality": even variables in source code will be spelled in Japanese…) Also, GameMaker had that reputation too, there were many trash English low-quality "games". Because simple engines quickly attract low-quality developers (who learn and then either ditch out programming; or became professional gamedevs, ditching Unity/RPGMaker/GameMaker). Well, modern "AAA games" made players accustomed to ultra-high-quality large products, and now it's hard to find people who will truly enjoy cute little minigames…


> I tried Unreal Engine, but gave up because my computer's specifications couldn't stand it... I know how it is, since for a very long time I developed solely on single-core 32-bit computer with Windows XP onboard, and many (many!) things just didn't worked there. Also Unreal Engine is actually large and heavy! I believe, it is perfectly fine to stick with Unity, because I saw beautiful Unity games too, which aren't struggling from bad optimization or cheap graphics. Which means, it is possible to make really good games with it, but that requires rather deep knowledge of programming, memory, geometry, mathematics and the engine internal details themselves; learning its documentation and analyzing how to "properly" do every single thing, and not just "somehow". I've made I few simple geometric 3D games with GameMaker, but none with Unity (and I don't want to start, since it will require so much time to learn it properly). But now, for 2D I would rather use JS and plain HTML5 <canvas>


> release it not only on PC game sites but also on Google Play and App Store I have doubts that you would be able to release on iOS without actual Apple device at hand. Though I'm not sure. (Another good thing in Canvas games for browsers – is that they will work on any device anywhere, on any type of phone or computer, without recompilation or special targeting!) > animation, lighting, etc., so I'm working more elaborately. I like your new textures on walls (I hope they won't hurt performance too much). Have you heard of StableDiffusion image generation neural network? I installed it locally and spent a lot of time generating various images, but one thing I can assure you: it is capable of generating seamless textures! (I even planned to create textures for my future games with it). Things like wood, grass, stones – come out really nice. I saw other indie devs in Twitter, who use SD to create assets for their games too. You might try to use it to make your-own unique textures!


> I'm almost done with my graduation preparations Speaking of other games, I wanted to ask you: do you know about "Alice in Cradle" by hinayua_r18 ? It is still developing and unfinished, but it's a cute 2D Unity game (which contains drowning elements too; also spatial puzzles). I enjoyed playing it, and I hope it will be finished someday. Regarding "Cinderella Escape" series, which you recommended: I didn't like them much. They're too rough, too cheap-looking… I still haven't finished them after I downloaded and tried those games for the first time. I also installed "Koikatsu Party" but then I realized that I need plugins for it; installed them too but haven't tried yet. For 3D animation, I thought about MMD, but it is too Japanese-spirited for me. Many MMD-videos are trash, but to make a good one probably I'll have to learn a lot. Then I thought about Autodesk Maya, but ditched it for "DAZ 3D" software, which looks even more promising! But I didn't had time to start learning it…


Will there be other characters besides kotori like your first hanging game?


Cool man and again good luck with your graduation.


That's great! Please Be sure to include the option to tie hands behind her back!


Sería interesante que después de ahorcarla Se pudiera descolgar o sacarla de ahí y empezar a darle rcp parecido como tu anterior juego Intentar salvarla


En una parte del vídeo la mueves Se podrá hacer en el juego final?


this looks good, I hope theres an option to cut her down and give cpr to as well


It's on the list to be added, but it's likely not going to be added if it's hard to make it work continuously in this game.


To ask the question here, will the player be able to interact and pull her limbs like you did in the video?


It would be nice to make a playable version in the browser too! It might be a good idea, so I'll look into extending it.


What is the name of this game? Where can I download it? I think you are very good. Can you share it


Exellent!You DO know what we want in 18g works.😊


This is the game he currently making. When it's done, heazhan will post new announcement here.


Thank you for all the hard work you have done so far. Regardless of what you will be doing in the future, I will support you all the way through.


Thank you for making such a great piece. I'll let you know what I've been looking for articles and several videos to help with game production. Time to fainting: Average 7 to 8 seconds after hanging Onset of convulsions: seconds after fainting Lazarus Sign (elevation of hands and legs): 30 seconds at the earliest, 1 minute at the latest Movement for breathing: Lasts up to 3 to 4 minutes on average Death (a stage in which there is no possibility of resuscitation due to sudden brain death): 3 minutes at the earliest, 5 minutes on average Complete death with no possibility of resuscitation is known as more than 10 minutes.


Great news, Heazhan. Looking forward to your new, exciting project! Happy holidays and congrats on your graduation! Stay safe and healthy.


These are realistic numbers. My game is also pursuing realism, but if the variables are too realistic, the simulation results tend to come out a little disappointing. (In terms of visual satisfaction) Also, I know that there are changes in the situation depending on factors such as the thickness of the rope. Anyway, follow the realistic, but there will be a compromise process to make it look good to some extent. Thank you for your help!


Since you say you want to improve the costmization, is there possibly going to be a nude version of the characters?


Customization of the overall game, such as device placement and option adjustment, map selection, and character assignment, will be improved. Nudity is not in the plan. The characters will appear in at least swimsuits.

ID Kurumi

I really like the free version. I really like the game. It would be nice if more barefoot characters were added. Thank you for developing this kind of game.


Will we be able to tie her hands behind the back?


He already replied "Definitely one of the features to add!" in one of his comments on this page below.


Thanks for the hard work! Wondering would it be possible to add something like heartbeat (or EKG?) to replace the health part? (while you can still hook them and use hidden health value to determine what you show for heartbeat) Which could make this simulation not that "straightforward"?




I'm going to make an equipment item so that I can hear the girl's heartbeat when it's used. (can be toggled) The girl's status UI is also visible to you only when you use a separate item on the targeted girl. In this way, there will be several items that can be used for girls, and this is a way to give players detailed individual options! However, since there are still many functions to be developed first, the heartbeat function will be a low priority for development.


是的,我同意你的看法。 我喜欢虚幻引擎的逼真物理模拟,但现实上很难。 我想我暂时会使用 Unity 引擎。 谢谢你!


Hi there, much thanks in advance for such a great work! Is there a possibility to change the texture of the noose(e.g. scarfs, chains etc.) or the gallow(re-make it into some other objects that might appear in one's room)? Not sure if this could be realized within your incoming updates, but it'd help to add some immersion or fun to this game as well. Thank again and good luck for your graduation!


Sorry for double posting, one more question here: is it possible to interact with the chair/stool (e.g. to step on it) or the noose (to wear it on), so that I could experience a whole process of committing suicide beyond kicking it away only?


As you said, several types will be added for each device. In addition, a first-person tool will be added that allows you to possess a girl and experience that point of view.


so just to make sure can I download this now or no?


Is it for computer or mobile?


Es para móvil o ordenador?


So,how can I dowload it.

