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There were small bug fixes. I also uploaded a YouTube video about CPR mode!




Whoa! I've just played the main game and made some interesting screenshots, but now you updated the game once more, oh well... Here are my moments, from v1.1: https://imgur.com/a/6VXAMip – Oh, are you tired that badly? I see, take a rest. https://imgur.com/a/2WVnLdj – Wrong? Nothing is wrong with her condition, she is breathing and conscious! https://imgur.com/a/82wIKR0 – Hey, you know it's not fair, right? (When running on low-end PC or under heavy system load – the game lags at speed x3, and then it is possible to hit the girl with your camera when timed between strong lags. But that don't actually affect the competition). https://imgur.com/a/LJSBmXp – Stop staring at me-e-e… And don't screenshot either!


https://imgur.com/a/GgBCKpN – When finishing game for White, the last competition will we against Dark. If Space wasn't pressed in time after winning, then both girls will have blue-tinted face at congratulation screen and main screen. (Aren't you fixed this bug already?) https://imgur.com/a/XHO4s8j – Is that some kind of yoga exercise? Looks pretty dangerous… In case anyone interested: yes, she spawned like that, without any tampering with the game. No, she cannot die right away before starting the training. Yes, she will make that deep inhale underwater, without negative consequences. And yes, she won't be able to surface on her own anymore, I even made a video at her last minutes: https://youtu.be/43UxyYnXTXI


Thank you for CPR video, now it became clear how to win it. But one thing was bugging me… I played a lot, changing girls and their stats to found out, why sometimes I cannot win at all! I even looked at Unity values in memory, but I didn't found the root cause (especially because now you don't ship the Managed folder with decompilable source). I thought that it somehow related to Stats, for example I *think* that setting everything to 5 will make CRP level harder? Also it feels like different girls are revived differently, but I couldn't reproduce it stably, so it's probably just influence from random generator. For example, if you press Escape right at the beginning – the girl will breathe a few times but then instantly faints (by timer?), with the possibility to wake up on her own (since the level is prepared to exit, "Gave up"). But sometimes she either not fainting or not waking up, and this either depends on girl/start, or completely random )) [continue]


Anyway, I'm sure you have a subtle bug in logic, similar to one from the first version, where game can stuck in unwinnable state. Luckily, I've managed to reliably trigger it for you to see. Here is what you have to do: 1) After starting CPR level wait a few seconds, so the girl faints and lies there a little. 2) Press B to make her breathe, but do not release the key! Hold it continuously. 3) Press C to make compressions at speed of 3 hits per seconds (2 is fine too), holding B. 4) There will be a moment where the girl starts flail her arms: her hands will bend in and out without stopping. Why? 5) Note that if you try to release B and press it again – her mouth will not open. Though, her chest will rise like giving breath is working? 6) Try to finish the level to win anyhow. It seems impossible? 7) If you press Escape, then she will wake up if you'll keep mashing C key. No B is needed from now. The state in #4 won't happen during "normal" playthrough. But if it will – you're stuck!


Thank you for analyzing and giving feedback on the game every time! Looking back, I'm ashamed that the game I made had so many flaws. Unfortunately, there will be no updates to previous games for the development of future games... However, as I make more and more games, I feel that my development skills are gradually increasing. I have a lot of things I want to do with my next game, but I'm not a pro yet, so I'm going to keep things quiet for a while and make what I'm best at right now. I just released a demo video of a comprehensive sandbox game of existing games, so please look forward to it!


> giving feedback on the game I just don't want for you to stop making such games… Especially since there are so few comments! Often when I see something I like, and if there are hundreds of comments – I won't leave my own, since it will not weight anything in that mass. But here I feel that my opinion might encourage you to continue! > the game I made had so many flaws Well, it's not too many! The game is still fun. (The problem is that I have no friends who might like it, thus nobody with whom I could discuss it further. Anyway, the funniest joke about you games that I've heard was: "Oh, it's controlled with only one button and one hand, so I don't wanna know what you do with your other hand when you play…") > a lot of things I want to do Then do it while you have time! I thought I will make a lot of games too, but the truth is that I didn't have a chance to write a single line of game code in this entire year… As I am busy with other programming projects for my work and life.