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Hello. I am very late with my news. There were a lot of things that happened and I had to spend a lot of time thinking about it because there were things I had to decide about my future. I've compiled my thoughts, so if anyone is interested, I'd appreciate it if you could read them.

First, let me tell you about my present life. I'm a college student now, and I'm in my 4th year. I'm preparing for graduation, so I've been busy these days. Graduation preparations are expected to end in December. The problem is after that.

After graduation, I thought a lot about my career path. Normally, I would use my major to get a job, but I thought that I would like to do more of the game development I am currently doing. So, after graduating, I decided to do indie game development for a year or two without getting a job. Then, since it is directly related to my livelihood, I think I will focus on making games that have less erotic elements and are more popular.

If things go well in this way, I plan to make indie game development my main job in the future. On the other hand, if things don't go well, i have no choice but to quit and focus on finding a job.

Second, about the games we are currently making. The first thing I want to say is that the TPS game project is not going well. I'm sorry to those who have been waiting for this game, but I felt the limit in the fun and conflict structure of the game. I thought it was wrong from the planning stage, so I am preparing to develop it again from the beginning.

The Breath Holding game will be updated soon. There were a lot of things I wanted to add in the custom mode, but it's a pity that there are a lot of features that I gave up because there were a lot of bugs and it was difficult to add.

Third, the game engine I use. I'm currently using the Unity engine, but I've been using Unreal Engine 5 for a while. The graphics performance was better and the ragdoll features were more advanced. So, the TPS game I was developing before will also be developed with Unreal Engine 5.

And although I said earlier that I would make a game with less erotic elements, I'm still trying to develop an integrated version of the games I've made. (Using Unreal Engine 5) This is not an official release, only distributed via fanbox. (of course it's free)

Thanks for reading this long and boring post. I am truly grateful to everyone who has always been interested in my game.

こんにちは。 私の投稿がとても遅かった。 いろいろなことが多かったし、私の未来について決めるべきことがあって悩むのに多くの時間を使いました。 とにかく私の考えを整理してみましたので、興味のある方があれば読んでくださったら感謝します。

まず、私の現生について説明します。 私は今大学生で、4年生です。 卒業を準備しているので、最近は忙しかったです。 卒業準備は12月中に終わる予定です。 問題はそれ以来です。

卒業後、私の進路についてたくさん考えてみました。 普通なら専攻を活かして就職しますが、私は今やっているゲーム開発をもっとやってみたいと思いました。 それで卒業後、就職せずにインディーゲーム開発を1~2年程度することにしました。 そうすれば、私の生計と直接的な関係が生まれるので、エロ要素が少なく、もっと大衆性を考慮したゲームを重点的に作ることになりそうです。

こちらで仕事がうまくいけば、未来にもインディーゲーム開発を完全に本業にする予定です。 一方、うまくいかない場合は、やめて就職に集中するしかありません。

第二に、現在作っているゲームについてです。 優先的に申し上げたいのは、TPSゲームプロジェクトがうまく行われていないことです。 このゲームを待っている方には残念ですが、ゲームの楽しさと葛藤構造で限界を感じました。 企画段階から間違っていると思われ、最初から再開発を準備中です。

Breath Holdingゲームはすぐに更新される予定です。 カスタムモードでいろいろ追加したい部分が多かったのですが、バグが多く、追加が難しくてあきらめた機能が多く残念です。

第三に、私が使用するゲームエンジンです。 私は現在Unityエンジンを使用していますが、前回はしばらくUnreal Engine 5を使ってみました。 グラフィックパフォーマンスが優れており、レグドル機能もさらに発展していました。 だから私が以前開発していたTPSゲームもアンリアルエンジン5として開発します。

そして私が先にエロ要素が少ないゲームを作るとは言いましたが、まだ私が作っていたゲームの統合バージョンのゲームを開発しようとしています。 (Unreal Engine 5を使用)これは公式リリースせずにファンボックスを介してのみ配布されます。 (もちろん無料です)

面白くなく長い投稿を読んでくれてありがとう。 いつも私のゲームに興味を持ってくださる皆さんに心から感謝しています。




Thank you for the status update. I'm looking forward to whatever you decide to do next.


I see, thanks for the status update, well your games are special and after a longer time period and more advertising for your games you could get more people interested in them, but they remain fetish games for a certain group of people who like games with Asphyxiation. I hope the plan you described as a game developer with some different games will work out and that this games can become popular enough so that you can become more known through them and make this to your job. If everything goes well, maybe you could develop both types of games in the future but first, I wish you the best for your graduation!


Glad you're back! > Graduation preparations are expected to end in December. I'll share my personal thoughts about life: when you think "now I don't have as much time as I had before, but when I finish these things, I will be free again" – no, you will never be free (at least I didn't, and many other people feel the same). Life will give us less and less time to do what we like, as we grow up. The only way to stay on tune – is doing something regardless of the amount of free time, since it never replenishes as our life becomes faster and faster. > TPS game project is not going well. Told ya. But you just had to try it anyway! So I am happy for you, that now you know how a big project feels like. > I said earlier that I would make a game with less erotic elements If you will be a professional game developer, your games won't be like that. Or you won't be rich ;) But if you'd get a decent job – you won't have time for making good games…


The Breath Holding game will be updated soon OMG MIND BLOWING I'm so looking forward to playing that!!! thx take care


Great to hear from you, Heazhan, and good luck with school! As always, looking forward to your next projects. Take care of yourself, brother. :)

Doll & Death

Hum. Do you not read Japanese comments? Maybe I should translate my previous comment, then delete it. It has been a while. Can I say that we, your fans, have missed you? It is good to hear that you are thinking well about your future instead of neglecting yourself. To celebrate, can you share with you a new idea for a game? You don't have to do it now or in the near future; you can just think about what you want to do with it.

Doll & Death

I call it the "Belly Punch Suffocation" game. Have you heard about the belly punch fetish? It actually relates to suffocation. If a victim is hit deeply enough in the solar plexus, the victim is unable to breathe at all. Let's imagine for a moment. You are standing directly in front of Manami (so close you can hear her breathing). You press SPACE and you throw your fist at Manami's dove tail (a reflex point just below the chest). Manami's eyes widen and she moans in pain. Her body bends in a slight curve, she exhales, and her oxygen meter slowly begins to deplete. After all, as long as the fist sinks into her stomach, she cannot breathe. As Manami's oxygen meter slowly runs out, her entire body shudders and she moans periodically. When the meter is almost empty, her eyes lose their highlights and her pupils dilate. When it finally reaches zero, Manami's body shakes as if electrocuted once, her eyes flutter shut, and her head hangs limply.

Doll & Death

So Manami faints (but if heazhan-san prefers Manami to keep her eyes open and pass out, that's fine too). For an instant KO, you can add an option to push your fist deep into Manami's stomach. This will cause Manami to cough and exhale large amounts of oxygen, thus draining the meter much faster (perhaps 2-4 seconds to empty?). Once Manami passes out, listen to her shallow breathing and decide whether to end the game or reset~. What do you think? I understand if all of these are difficult to create so I will not ask you to create them right away. Maybe after the Breath Holding game? Sorry if this is random. This is, after all, just an idea. I just want to offer you a new idea that I like and congratulate you on your return.


> Do you not read Japanese comments? I'm afraid, he is not reading ANY comments right now. Probably because he is busy with studying. We have no choice but to wait for his next announcements. But I'm sure that heazhan will read everything eventually!


Doll&Deathさんへ 以前に書いた日本語のコメントを確認しましたが、私は実際に返信をするのに慎重な人なので、私が次の活動をするまでコメントにどのように答えるかを考えた後、後で一度に答える傾向があります。 回答がなくて苦しいことを感じたことには申し訳ありません。 あなたが与えたコメントは私が知らない情報でした! (ベリーパンチによる窒息要素)おそらく今は難しいようで、今後作るゲームに反映できるか悩みを増すことになりそうです。 とにかく、私のゲームに興味を持っていたこととアイデアを提案してくれてありがとう!


to pp Thanks for replying on my behalf! I tend to comment later, because I'm careful with my answers... I know it's a bad habit, but it's not easy to fix right now. Anyway, I'm trying to check all the comments, so for now, I'd appreciate it if people could wait a little longer for my reply.

Doll & Death

heazhanさん, せっかちで申し訳ありません。 二度と起こらない、それを約束することができます。 時間をかけて、将来のことを考えてください。 ご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。


Hi. Do you make an update for strangle game?


Oh sorry, I couldn't reply to your last comment. There are no plans to update the game you mentioned... However, all the elements of previous games will be included in the integrated game I will make later. (hanging, drowning, strangling, etc.) It will take time to complete, but it will be developed with improved quality using new development tools.


(You might have to use some translating software to read this text. It could be weird because I can't read Japanese. If somehow you have any spare time even with all this work, you might want to consider a little more fan engagement.) Not sure what to say since it's four months late but your games are going pretty well. It's sad to hear you have many other things and getting out of college isn't the end of it, but this is unfortunately reality. I don't suggest you to start developing games right away. This early on in your development history might not get you any sponsors to keep you going (not sure how much you've gotten through fanbox, since your fans may or may not spare their own resources to help you). Game development is a painstaking task and more so if you are alone, so it will be stuck in development hell for a while. You might want to secure another source of income so you could pay for your development and make the best use of your time. Good luck on your future endeavors.