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I finally released the full version of my game! After releasing the beta version, I reflected the feedback I received and fixed the bugs.

Major changes:

- Added English and Japanese language selection buttons to the main screen.

- Reduced unnatural movement by adjusting the physical force and torque values.

- Fixed a bug that made the game impossible to progress due to increased stats. Fixed STR stats not reflecting properly, and mitigated the character being stunned before giving up. Also, if the girl is stunned, she will automatically give up.

- Fixed handcuff physics, now girls wear handcuffs in Dry (Control) training.

- Added credits to the ending.

- Fixed a lot of other big and small things. (Actually, I forgot what I fixed.)

Thanks to your interest, I was able to finish the game better. I will also come to you with good games in the future. Thank you for enjoying my game.






Much better. Thanks for updating it so quickly


Thank you very much! You have done so many improved, I did not expect. Namely, the physics movement in water is greatly improved. And, the fatigue stattus of the girl is communicated by her facial expression in the lobby. It is another masterpiece. You genius!


I think a free mode to play any scene could be nice...


(Oh, 1000 chars limit discomforts me…) Firstly, now I want to say how good this game is: – Smooth camera motion, it feels very accurate. – Cute movements of girl's limbs, it gives interesting poses sometimes! https://imgur.com/a/tFV1Huw – Good subtle connections between state variables reflected in animation, as always. – Ability to abort any training, which somehow effects gained states and taken Stress, which gives one more "actual" gameplay-controlling action. Though I don't think it plays all of its potential here in current implementation, but still. Also adding posters of your other games is a clever turn. And the unique per-girl dance after winning the game was surprising! …


… Secondly, a few improvements may be: – In underwater scenes, the mechanism could lower the girl not to the very bottom, but to the middle of the pool. This way it will be possible to place the camera under her and take shots from below the girl. – How exactly do they "give up" in underwater competition? Literally nothing happens. Shouldn't the gave-up girl be released and lifted to the surface on they own automatically? Like after pressing Space at the end of UW-training. – The game feels easier now (since failing requires an obvious error like miscalculating the number of spare days), so it will be reasonable to enforce a fair amount of Stress after each Competition too. …


… – Don't you think that in this game all girls are too tough in breath holding? For example, in Drowning Dream she faints after 1:20-1:30 being submerged; in Hanging Dream she faints right at 0:50-0:55; in Strangling Manami she loses consciousness after just 15 seconds by bloodstream or at 1:10 by suffocation (if keeping 70%-80% Power). But here – with initial stats we have give-up at 2:10-2:20 and faint at as long as 3:20! (Dry-control after winning competition in the very first day). For me, it should be one minute less… – Your games don't Save anything. Maybe now it's your chance to store Game Clear for each of 5 girls to reward the player then, with for example "free mode" (set states, chose girls and compete). Without local saves it will be unwise, since this game is longer than your previous projects. …


… And some questions about new gameplay states: – https://imgur.com/a/OH1EHeY – She died even after I've already pressed Space? That was unexpected (forcing 100 Stress by death). Fairly speaking, I put the camera above her and held Ctrl to not let her surface… Anyway, this mechanics feels awkward, since pressing Space twice instantly ends the stage with success otherwise. Like, I think the good outcome should be possible only when the girl is safe. But sometimes she never is... Maybe you'll make that steel bar go up (optionally, via E key?) much above the surface to force the girl to be out of the water? – The girl named White never blinks her eyes, isn't she? That's weird! – Girl is expelling bubbles (with corresponding sound) even when it's clear that she is above the surface, breathing with joy. Looks like a small bug. – https://imgur.com/a/71qOVVX – When girl named Dark dies, she will have blue-tinted face even on title screen. Is that really intentional? …


… – It is possible to do nothing after winning the first underwater competition, not pressing Space. Both girls will "die", but game still count this as success. Then, any next training (even simple Dry) will force a full game over at the end, even after resting from 0 stress! https://imgur.com/a/qu3qMQI – Is Health/blue-face is carried from round during the entire game or what? Did you delete/replace or otherwise hide the previous beta-version of this game? I think it is not right (especially for indie games), since some players might enjoy it how it was before the update. For example, Drowning Dream 1.0 feels different from 1.1 and had "bugs" that were interesting on they own. Just as previous beta of Breath Holding Competition, which un-playability might be specifically challenging for somebody! I suggest you to put older release at least in your previous Fanbox post if possible. …


… As for future games, I could give you few ideas: – Suffocation with a plastic bag on her head. The girl might be tied to a chair or something. Such game will perfectly fit in your collection, and I'm sure you'll figure out the necessary details. – Controllable hanging with manual change the rope length or floor height. This requires the girl to reasonably stand up on the footing to reduce the pressure on her neck (which you should calculate somehow). This will be more challenging for you to code and design! – Learning to swim, starring a younger girl. With more active gameplay, where the player needs to mash buttons, making her perform arms and legs motions to dive, swim and float on the surface. You would need to design a power/stress/muscle tiredness system and bind limbs animation to it, taking float forces into account. Personally, if I would be making a game like that, it will be based on fixed pre-made animations rather than ragdoll; but you have skills to make it procedural!


This game is incredible! I don't believe the girls are too strong at breath-holding. The times the girls achieve are quite realistic. If you follow amateur free-divers, you often see them start off with 2 minute breath-holds then progress to 4 minutes or more. This is exactly what your game does, so it's perfect. The graphics and animations are very good -- a massive improvement from the beta version. The struggles are nice, as are the underwater sound effects. Also, I like how the expression of the character changes depending on how stressed she is -- nice touch!


(1/2) Suggested improvements: A custom mode (After the player wins the game, it would be nice to be able to do a custom match between different characters, with the ability to set the location -- UW, dry, etc. Also, the ability to save the game after winning, so you can jump straight into the "custom mode") The bathtub from Drowning Dream (This could be an intermediate step between the dry and pool locations) More swimsuits (A one-piece, multiple colors, etc.) More sounds (grunts, whimpers, UW screams -- especially after the girl gives up. This would greatly enhance the game)


(2/2) The final suggestion I have might be too much for the current version. I'm not a programmer, so I've no idea how feasible any of these suggestions are. That said, the ability to cut/undo the chains and have the girl swim up to the surface would be amazing. This could be made better by giving the player the ability to stop her before she reaches the surface, holding her ankle, etc. Again, these are just suggestions. I really, REALLY love what you've done, Heazhan! No one has ever done anything like this, and your game puts to shame every other underwater game I've ever played. I cannot wait to see what you do next!!!


I'm going to keep the difficulty level so it's not too hard. I hope people enjoy it casually. Although the length of the game is longer than before, I thought it was still short, so I didn't make it because I thought saving would be unnecessary. Blinking, bubbles, and out-of-game facial color changes are definitely bugs. I'll have to fix it. Thanks for letting me know! I also want to thank you for your suggestions and ideas for my game. Thank you for always. Additionally, the character limit is really inconvenient. It would be nice to have a community where opinions can be exchanged publicly more conveniently. I'll have to think of a solution.


A custom mod is currently under development. I am also looking for sound effects suitable for my game. I'm glad you might like my game. There don't seem to be many games that use physics animations for characters this way. However, when developing, the process of finding the right physics figures is quite arduous. Nevertheless, there are people who enjoy my game, so I am motivated to develop it. Thank you very much.


Is everything all right there? We're all miss you!


Would love to see tge previous games updated with new characters!