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Long time no see. It was a busy time with other things, so there were few activities. I have put together my thoughts on my future plans.

1. Girl vs Machine TPS game

This game is being developed step by step. And this game has a different atmosphere from the simulation games I usually make. Since I'm aiming to release this game on Steam, there will be fewer ryona parts so more people can play, but the gore parts will be more emphasized. I'm in the process of going through the Steam release process, and it's due out in August. Later, I will make a beta version and release it to check your opinions.

2. Breath Hold game

This game has a similar atmosphere to the previous games, but I'd like to add more "game-like" parts. You will have the goal of winning the competition, and you will go through the process of growing up by training your girl to beat other contestants. You can focus solely on winning, but you can also enjoy "training in a special way" or custom modes.

The game will be released on DLsite, Booth, and itch.io in mid-July. I will release it at a minimum price because it is not possible to release it for free on DLsite. But on Booth and itch.io I'm releasing it for free. Supports English and Japanese.

3. Integration and release of existing games

I plan to develop a game that integrates the games I have released so far (hanging, drowning, strangling). Existing games are difficult to update because they are poorly made without considering scalability. To add a character or costume, I had to set it up from scratch. Now that my development skills have improved, I can easily add characters and change clothes. And I think it would be better to release each game by integrating it with better quality and story rather than updating each game separately.

This game also aims to release on DLsite, Booth, and itch.io, so I will continue to support future updates.


Currently, my FANBOX is very different from the others. It is operated in a form similar to that of the developer blog, but I am trying to think of a content item that matches the purpose of the pixiv FANBOX. Perhaps I will develop a patched version of the game or a mod that adds characters from other creations.

5. About Koikatsu

I recently noticed that my Vimeo account where I was uploading Koikatsu videos has been deactivated. Previously, my YouTube account had also been deactivated. I probably won't be doing activities using koikatsu in the future. So, I'll be posting all my koikatsu videos and scene data together soon. It will be deleted after a month or so, so please download it within the period.

Thanks for reading this long post. If you have any suggestions, feel free to write in the comments.

1. Girl vs Machine TPS game

このゲームは段階的に開発されています。 そして、このゲームは私が普段作っているシミュレーションゲームとは雰囲気が違います。 このゲームをSteamでリリースすることを目指しているので、リョナの部分が少なくなり、より多くの人がプレイできるようになりますが、残酷な部分がより強調されます。 私はSteamのリリースプロセスを進めており、8月にリリースされる予定です。 後で、ベータ版を作成してリリースし、あなたの意見を確認します。

2. Breath Hold game

このゲームは以前のゲームと似た雰囲気ですが、もっと「ゲームっぽい」部分を追加したいと思います。 あなたは競争に勝つことを目標とし、あなたは他の競技者を打ち負かすためにあなたの女の子を訓練することによって成長するプロセスを経験するでしょう。 勝つことだけに集中できますが、「特別な方法でトレーニングする」またはカスタムモードを楽しむこともできます。

ゲームは7月中旬にDLsite、Booth、itch.ioでリリースされます。 DLsiteでは無料でリリースできないため、最低価格でリリースします。 しかし、Boothとitch.ioでは無料でリリースしています。 英語と日本語をサポートします。

3. Integration and release of existing games

これまでにリリースしたゲーム(首吊り、溺死、首絞め)を統合したゲームを開発する予定です。 既存のゲームは、スケーラビリティを考慮せずに作成されていないため、更新が困難です。 キャラクターやコスチュームを追加するには、最初から設定する必要がありました。 開発スキルが向上したので、キャラクターの追加や着替えが簡単にできます。 そして、各ゲームを個別に更新するよりも、より良い品質とストーリーを統合して各ゲームをリリースする方が良いと思います。



現在、私のFANBOXは他とは大きく異なります。 開発者ブログと同じような形で運営されていますが、pixivFANBOXの目的に合ったコンテンツアイテムを考えています。 おそらく、パッチを当てたバージョンのゲームや、他の作品のキャラクターを追加するmodを開発する予定です。

5. About Koikatsu

最近、コイカツの動画をアップロードしていたVimeoアカウントが無効になっていることに気づきました。 以前、私のYouTubeアカウントも無効にされていました。 今後はコイカツを使った活動はしないと思います。 なので、コイカツの動画とシーンデータをまとめて投稿します。 1ヶ月程度で削除されますので、期間内にダウンロードしてください。

この長い投稿を読んでくれてありがとう。 ご提案がございましたら、コメント欄にご記入ください。





Super Onahole

Maybe a bagging suffocation game too! Or oxygen removal room!


> Long time no see. Yay! > Since I'm aiming to release this game on Steam When I was thinking about releasing stuff on Steam, I was disappointed by their content quality policy: in a way that the publishing ONE single game now costs about 100$! That's EVEN if the game will be free to play, and not a paid one. Since I never want to sell my games, I cannot consider Steam as an appropriate platform, since such high price is ridiculous for simple minigames… > I will release it at a minimum price because it is not possible to release it for free on DLsite. Strange, I saw a lot of free games there. Maybe I am mistaken, I'm not sure. At least, there is often "Play free demo" (that technically could have the same content as the "paid" game, isn't it?) button available. Is that really true that games on DLsite must be always sold? > Currently, my FANBOX is very different from the others. Indeed! I don't know any other artist that have all of his posts "public". Huge respect to you!


In the case of Steam, I have already paid for the launch. After you pay the first $100, subsequent game releases are free. I decided it was worth the pay as I could show the game to more people. In the case of DLsite, I made a Circle for the release, and in the process of entering the release information, it is said that a minimum amount of 100 yen must be entered. However, I did a search and found some games that were released for free. I think I'll have to explore more in this area.


> subsequent game releases are free Releases of the same game ("product"), not of other games? (Because now I double-checked, and its clearly says "you will need to a pay a fee for each product you wish sell on Steam"). Hm-m, this way you can even incorporate all of your mini-games into one big game and just "update" it (from the Steam point of view), if you ever will release them too (though I don't know Steam restrictions about game content genre).


woooohoooo yo i can't wait for the breath holding game!! The preview is realllly hot!!!!!! Clench fists tightly when they struggle may be much better to express the pain


Any potential chance for an underwater element in that breath hold game?


I was getting it wrong. It's different from what I used to know. It is stated that the developer has to pay per product... Thanks for letting me know!


Quintessential ! now im just waiting for the release...


Keep up the great work! Can't wait to play these!


By the way, maybe you know any method to buy games on DLsite anonymously? Without entering your credit card number for them. Any way to pay with cryptocurrency? Or some indirect payment approach, using DLsite virtual wallet – to transfer money via any external service?


Nice work,will you add some interaction with the cropse?like carrying or some other things.It's just an idea,doing it or not is totally up to you. :)


I use PayPal for payment. I'm not sure about anonymous payments or other payment methods...


I think it would be nice to have that feature too, but unfortunately this game won't have it. It will probably be added to the next game (integrated version).


Can't wait to try out the Breath Hold game!


Would buy them all!

