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Strangling Manami

At first, I was going to make a really simple mini-game, but as I continued to add various functions, it became like this. It's still a small game, but I hope you like it.

It is simply a game to strangle Manami. She will either be unable to breathe properly or her face will blush, depending on how strangled she is. Then when she reached her limit she will beg you to stop and the game is clear. If you mismanage your power before then and strangle her to death, it's game over.

I will keep coming back with good games. Thank you!

最初は本当にシンプルなミニゲームで作ろうとしましたが、いろいろな機能を追加し続けるとこうなりました。 まだ小さなゲームですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします。

単にマナミの首を絞るゲームです。 彼女の首が眠くなる程度に応じて呼吸をしっかりできないか、顔が赤くなるでしょう。 それから限界に達すると、彼女はあなたにやめることを懇願し、ゲームクリアです。 その前にあなたの力調整を間違えて彼女を殺してしまったらゲームオーバーです。

私は今後も良いゲームでやってきます。 ありがとうございます!




All hail Heazhan-sensei




Thanks for the possibility of making the character barefoot




Nice! A version where she is lifted of the ground would be nice.


Love the game and how there are multiple endings.


Thank you, and it is surprisingly developed, even you make it in one week!! The feature is there, that character stop breathing if held tooo long time, but revival is possible with using CPR. You have dedication to provide a completed game.


That's another great game! If feels as nice as Drowning Dream v1.0 (which I really like). Again, perfect attention to details, animations and internal math. Smooth controls and gauge, pretty interpolated camera motions. And this game is not easy to win quickly! At first, I thought that it would be right to make her face tinted blue/purple when she stops breathing and starts to die; but after a few plays I've noticed that she has ever-decrementing Health value, valid for an entire round (which should be surprising for the player, thus being invisible). So, despite this is a great minigame, I still want to suggest a few more improvements (not "wishes", but actual enhancements of current gameplay experience). I will post them in the following reply comments. Thanks for the game! I hope you will continue making such simple ideas in a such responsible way.


1) Hold Spacebar to fast-forward cutscenes. (Not skip the dialogues, but just make it run faster). 2) Free-camera mode. I know, programming a good-looking camera is not easy; but, for example, you can make 1-9 buttons to enter pre-configured angles, while 0 will give full camera control to the user with the mouse (move, rotate). Since sometimes girl's limbs are slightly off-screen and there is no way to adjust the angle currently. 3) More detailed model and texture of her naked feet. Her keds have a good look, but her foot texture is way too simple. (I understand that there is no reason to make additional dedicated animations, I just propose a few details and contrast, that's all). 4) A longer arm of player-controlled character model, since the girl often "grabs air / invisible hand". If this model will be bigger, it needs more details and could be made semi-transparent to not obscure Manami.


5) Additional sounds of breathing (just regular breathes, not gasping). This would be immense! Breathing sound ought to be synchronized with her inhales and exhales (with the volume being proportional to Mental, or Oxygen*breathwayWidth, or whatever you find fit). 6) Also, the sound of her heartbeat! It's volume can reflect bloodwayWidth and bloodFlow (with a clever formula), so in calm state it should be almost silent. The rate of heartbeat sound can differ in two states: when awake, it lerps to Mental value (beats faster when low; if you don't want to spoil it, mix with Pain or Conscious somehow); when faint, it could slowly lerp to Health (beats slower when low), to hint about soon game over. 7) Randomize faint states timer, making her state unpredictable by time. Either by making faintedTimer thresholds variable (with random initialization when not isFainted), or by resetting it to a reasonable random value, rather than zero.


You're a very talented developer, you've done a great job at capturing all the details! I enjoyed this and and Drowning Dreams alot!


Great game, few questions 1. do you plan to add the other two characters like how you did for the other two mini games? 2. do you intend to add blood and oxygen bars to go with the power bar? apart from that loving the detail put into the game, especially the cpr mechanic


Sorry, I forgot one more thing: 8) As an easter-egg, you can add that one-time yellow pee effect, when she loses her Health (for example, lower than 50%). Then, if this round was ended with "Forgive" option, Manami can say something like "Now I need to change~" Also in my previous comment I didn't realize that Mental value is ever-decreasing too (like Health). So it is not sufficient for the proposed effects to use Mental value alone. And when I suggest to randomize faint-phase timers, I mean to decrease a random interval, not increase timeouts (since they already feel longer than needed, when she looks upper for too long constant time).

Doll & Death

After a few sessions of strangling Manami, it seems if she actually stops breathing, she can only be revived once? After that the next time she stops breathing, CPR does not work.


Each time this happens, she starts to lose health, and can be revived only by CPR (press and hold the key) if there is still enough time. The health is not restored afterwards until the end of the round.


Hoping for the other characters to make their appearance too. Great game!


how's progress on the other 2 games coming along? looking forward to breath holding contest.


Cute game, nice work! If only we could have girls in underwear in the hanging game too... keep up doing these, you are the best!


This game is great! Is possible to add other characters maybe with different voices, tongues, faces and body movements? Is possible to add also two hands and a chord? Thank you very much for your games!


Great game! Another question: Can you add tongue out, saliva, split and piss?


This was so cute! I love it! So much detail on how a victim would react to cutting off their air. Are you gonna update it? Throatlift strangle is my favorite. I'd love to see her struggle in the air, you know since finding a real woman with a choke fetish and doing that is extremely risky.


Amazing! Thank you for sharing all of these games with us! A word of advice, if I may: don't include any of the "DontShipItWithYourGame" folders in standalone versions of games.


Hey, wait a minute. Personally, I'm really glad that heazhan includes Managed sources because this way it's a lot easier to read game code (via https://github.com/icsharpcode/ILSpy for example). I like reading the code (without intensions to modify it) of such games. At runtime, object values can be traced with https://github.com/cheat-engine/cheat-engine even without sources, but otherwise getting actual readable code is complicated. So I vote strictly against closing sources. (But, if heazhan will decide to release complete project sources, for example as forever-paid post, – then I will understand and agree that public version is fine without that stuff).


I've read all of your feedback. Thank you so much for your interest in my game. I'm currently working on the next version, and some of the parts you mentioned will be improved.


Characters will be added soon. I'm not going to add bars because I want players to be able to differentiate by their character's state.


All of the things you mentioned are on hold due to technical issues, but they are also elements I would like to add. I'll add it if possible.


I have thought about the lifting function, but as a result of compromise in the technical aspect, I decided that it is difficult to include it at the moment. I would like to add it later if possible.


I'm not familiar with it, so I didn't know the purpose of that folder. I don't think it's time to release the source code yet. However, since the source code will be released later, it seems right to delete the folder until then. Thanks for letting me know!


Hi. Can you create an option for hide the hand (show this invisible) also?


Great game, your other games are great too ! Continue doing the hard work mate !


Amazing! a heartbeat as she goes for these games would be perfect


Hi. Can you add sound effects like a strangling sound effect please


Another amazing game, comrade! Since your games doesn't have nudity, are you planning to post the game outside Pixiv FANBOX? Maybe Itch.io, Steam? If yes, what it would look like? Like, all in one game or you'll post then separately?


I was considering expanding to other sites and was making plans! I just posted about this, so please check it out.


excuse me sir,I don't know how to install it after downloading it


Once you have downloaded the file, unzip it and run "StranglingManami.exe". No additional installation required!


Pretty good, would be better if you had a back button to quit to the main menu and maybe a sandbox. Just a quality of life thing.


Oh yeah, another note, for whatever reason the game never ends despite the description. Manami either never dies or she does not beg you to stop no matter how you control your strength. Maybe I'm not playing it correctly?


Hey there creator of this game please im not able to download it can u please tell me how to download in detail please i really want to try this game and does it work on Android please tell me all the details