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Manami Yoshikawa's Drowning Dream_1.1

Update details

- Added character: Usagi

- Added custom mod

- Improved character bone flexibility

- Added resistance moves

- Added realistic shackles chain, the position of the shackles can be controlled with a specific key

- Added incontinence element for character

- Fixed a bug that the UI was out of sync at certain resolutions

- And some bug fixes

Thank you for your comments and opinions. I'm a little late in replying, but I haven't slept much lately due to game development and studying, so I'll take a little break before replying.

The two previously announced games (hanging and drowning) have been updated. In the future, it seems that these games will meet with small bug fixes rather than big updates.

Now I have to plan and create a whole new project. I'm trying to make a game that takes about two to three months to develop. In my mind, I want to make an open world game that I have wanted to make for a long time, but I think I need to improve my skills more. After I get some sleep, I'll post about the next game. good night.


- キャラクター追加: Usagi

- カスタムモードを追加

- キャラクターの柔軟性を向上

- 抵抗ムーブセットを追加

- リアルなチェーン追加、チェーンの位置を特定のキーで操縦可能

- キャラクターの失禁要素を追加しました

- 特定の解像度でUIがずれていたバグを修正

- そしていくつかのバグ修正







This was great! Nice work!


Thank you! Great work!


Thank you,my friend,Nice work!!


This is really nice, and I want to know how to use custom mod. :D


Awesome! The resolution error is fixed, but now I see strange physics evaluation of rope/chain on a low-end hardware: it feels like the rope strength is tied to the computer computation speed: https://imgur.com/a/u6k2bF8 – Left images are from a slow PC, right images are from a fast one. Both are made only by moving chain to the far left after picking a character. Also, the girl still can revive from the dead state on her own (you just need to wait long enough), if she had some oxygen left when died. I suggest to change the status to "Almost dead" when at zero health her oxygen is still greater than zero.


Are you sure you don't want to make girls cough out water intensively, instead of slowly regain lungs capacity when idle? I think it will be reasonable to cough, for example, by exhaling rapidly from full lungs at random. Intervals of cough might be dependent on Health value: the less health the girl have, the more likely she will cough to regain lungs capacity. Because at lower heath there is probably a lot of water in the lungs already! Also I suggest you to increase Breath value thresholds (than control chest expanding). Currently you alternate from 1.0 to 3.0, allowing the value go to 0.0 while exhaling underwater. Since the amount of air in the lungs influences the gameplay, it could be made more expressed! For example, by alternating from 1.5 to 5.0, keeping the chest expanding larger. Or you may tie Breath thresholds to Health (lower, 2.0 at max, 0.5 at zero) and Oxygen (upper, 3.5 at max, 5.0 at zero).


Although it says custom mode, there are still only features listed in the UI. I will add features gradually.


The chain misalignment caused by PC performance needs to be fixed. I haven't been able to carefully test the HP increase/decrease part, so I'll fix it this time.


I thought it might look a bit odd if the lung number was too large, so I set it to a small number. I'll try expanding the numbers and consider adding other controls. Thanks for your suggestion.


When the upper limit of the oxygen bar is 0, the girl can't resume breathe again? Hope I can “play” with her longer…


And upper limit of the oxygen bar allways reduce to 0 before she die...even if I let her drown from the beginning and never stopped


The amount of water entering the lungs will be displayed in blue. (from Oxygen bar) When the lungs become 100% water, it is currently made impossible to resuscitate... It is true that there are parts that need to be corrected in a balanced way, so we will update it later.


> upper limit of the oxygen bar allways reduce to 0 before she die This is not true: you could wait until the girl faints and then rise and lower water level to keep her oxygen slightly above zero. Lower the water below her mouth each time she starts to inhale underwater, and then rise it back. If she awakes, drown the girl immediately again. This way it is possible to make her die with some air still in lungs.


Is it for computer or mobile?


Can you add Pyra as a new character ?