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I'm trying to make war games with girls. Girls use modern warfare weapons and fight under the command of the player.

The opponents are robots that have invaded from space, and the girl's body is torn to pieces if hit, shot, or bombarded by them.

I plan to develop in the 3D third person shooter genre, and I want to improve my skills while developing this game because I will be making a lot of games in this genre in the future.

First of all, it's normal for my game to have cute girls. All the games I make will be games where girls find themselves in certain situations. Of course, these are all adults and soldiers.

Robots appearing are basically over 3m tall. There will be a scene in which dozens of girls' body pieces are blown away by the machine gun of an enemy robot. In order to terrorize humans, they would publicly execute girls, or even hang their bodies.

The development period for this game is thought to be about 2-3 months, and there is a possibility that it will be longer depending on the situation. I will post development news again soon. thank you.



3D 3人称シュータージャンルで開発する予定で、今後このジャンルのゲームをたくさん作るので、このゲームを開発して実力を積みたいと思います。






So it will be more like rtdat's Prisoner of War rather than UW_Win32 ? Personally, I was thinking about creating a game like the latter myself, but with an expanded world and abilities. Something like a big forest summer camp with other AI-controlled girls that can be interacted with (for example, they might save you from drowning; or might be killed by you). Such game in 3D will take a lot of time to develop, and I don't feel up to start it (especially because I don't have much experience in making games like that). Hey, do you know games from FoxEye? ( https://foxeye.squares.net/ ) I tried a few and they are pretty cute! Now after completing "holdover" I even thinking about making 2D game instead...


You're right. I thought it would be simple, but there were quite a few things to pay attention to when making a 3D game than I thought. Among FoxEye's games, I played BLUE GUARDIAN:Margaret. I think it's a game that contains a lot of sincerity from the developer. The scene where the character is captured by the enemy and publicly drowned was the most impressive. I hope to be able to make a game like this too.


Wow, thanks for suggesting BG:Margaret, looks like this is the only paid FoxEye's game that I successfully found cracked/pirated ('cause I started from his free games). Nice, it feels like his Holdover+SacrificeGirl! I also played "そこに海があるからだ / sokoumi / finally, I've reached the sea!" and "くノ一っ娘に訊け!! / kunoichi girls" by Aoi Kurage, both are made with RPGMaker. (Kunoichi is a pure simple drowning torture, while Sokoumi is 5-hour underwater exploration story). Personally, I dreamed to make my own games on the topic, but actually I have made only one water minigame, without any graphics whatsoever (because I'm not an artist), since I just tested flooding mechanic in Game Maker. All of my other ideas were left unimplemented. Maybe, making several "simple" minigames rather than one "perfect" big game is way to go, especially when there isn't a lot of free time.


I've been trying to make a game that mimics "Kunoich Girls" using Game Maker: Studio before. (Development stopped in the middle) Maybe that's when I started making these kinds of games. If you ever make more games, I'd love to try it.


> make a game that mimics "Kunoich Girls" using Game Maker: Studio Me too! With Game Maker 8. I started from inventing breath gauge mechanics: I had lungs total size, and air amount + water amount: inhaling is faster when lungs are empty (and slower when almost full) and exhaling is faster when lungs are full (further slowers till no less 1/4 of current total capacity). When underwater, inhaling causes filling the lungs with water (shrinking useful capacity rapidly) but also fills with some air, but much slower. Exhaling underwater removes water slowly, while exhaling in the air removes it faster. Also there is oxygen percentage in lungs (proportion of current air amount) and oxygen in blood (actual health): when oxygen in lungs is high, the blood health is rising, and vice-versa. When health drops to zero – it's fail. A character can inhale or exhale at will, even when underwater state was changed in-between. Perk: exhaling rises health quickly, which is important. ...


... Then I tried to make an AI for this game, so it could control the character breathing. It works by weighing current state and trying to start inhaling/exhaling in several random future points in time, instantly evaluating "life" of the character; then picking the action that gave most scores after a few tries. It keeps doing the chosen action for a random period and the repeats. This way I had a "breathing" AI that can hold its breath underwater, even convulsing at lower oxygen because exhaling temporary rises health while inhaling underwater still gives some air (by cost of more water in lungs). Last thing was "power" system, when a character can either rest (recovering strength), or attack/defense: lowing or rising water level (to drown opponent or making air for self). Then a human player can breathe and control water level, while AI also tries to control water level and breathes (it's like both characters in one tub drowning each other together). ...


… This system was complicated but still fun (when you understand how to control it). Unfortunately, it wasn't a "game" with graphics, it was just 5 colored rectangle gauges! I didn't finish something playable from it (but I still can show you .gmk if you like). Now, by looking at FoxEye air indicators, I have another idea of character gauges (for underwater exploration game, not for water torture as before), but I'm afraid I won't make a playable game this time too. > Thanks for your suggestion. Another thing: please, add a pause to your games! It's not like "the drowning could be stopped only by lowering water level", it a simple usability of the application itself: sometimes I want to pause it and temporary switch to another window, not hearing any game sounds and not losing state where I was.