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Manami Yoshikawa's Hanging Dream_1.1

Finally finished my hanging game version 1.1. I was adding and changing various elements, so this update took a lot more time than I thought.

Here are the changes:

- Added 2 new characters. You can play in custom mode.

- Completely reworked hanging physics.

- Added realistic ropes and chains (I bought the assets).

- Improved camera movement convenience.

- Added hanging expression, reaction, incontinence.

- Added hide gallows toggle button, add shackles (and remove shackles button).

- Added a button to remove handcuffs and a button to cut rope. (These are still in unstable beta stage.)

- And other minor details have been changed.

Unfortunately, I couldn't add voices this time. (Failed to find suitable voices.)

Thank you for enjoying my game. And I will work on my drowning game update scheduled for the end of March and release it as soon as possible.

Additionally, I have received several reports of someone using videos or photos of my games on other sites. Please clearly include the source and use it for non-commercial purposes.



- 新しいキャラクター2人追加。カスタムモードでプレイできます。

- 絞首刑物理完全再製作。

- リアルなロープ、チェーンを追加(私はアセットを購入しました。)

- カメラの移動方式の利便性改善。

- 絞首刑の表情、反応、失禁追加。

- 絞首台を隠すトグルボタン、足首の追加(そして足首の削除ボタン)追加。

- 手錠除去ボタン、ロープ切りボタン追加。 (これらはまだ不安定なベータ段階です。)

- そして、その他などのマイナーでディテールな事項が変更されました。

残念ながら、今回はボイスを追加できませんでした。 (適切なボイスを見つけることに失敗しました。)






It's a very nice game! I am looking forward to it. I will report one problem. usagi puts her foot on the gallows. Thank you for the great game. https://imgur.com/a/wzhUFAs


What a nice game!Hope to see more ways to die! Looking forward to more updates (Like:Drag body;hand reaction)


I enjoyed it! Thank you! Thank you so much for always healing those who have weird sexual appetites! However, the character's skin color is too white. I could hardly see my nails. So, I think it would be okay to make the character's skin a little darker. I hope there will be a softer hand movement or a gentle grip of the hand from the beginning. I found a bug. If you break the rope without unlocking the handcuffs on the character's hand, the character will tremble and crawl on the floor. Of course, if you remove all the handcuffs first and cut off the rope, the body won't move.


Characters putting their feet on the gallows is a situation that sometimes happened even when I was doing test play. I left it as it is because I didn't think it was necessary to fix it. Thanks for reporting.


As I was trying to create an ideal character, I admit that the character's skin became too white, and I'll try to soften it up a bit next time. I haven't touched the hand part because I don't have time right now, but I'm looking for a way to make it natural. I'll look into the reason for the last point later. Thank you for enjoying my game.


This game displays UI incorrectly when the screen resolution is low (for example, 1366*768), just as your other game. Menu text is too large, third button is barely visible. Story dialogue is clipped: https://imgur.com/a/tGjGbhk It is not much of issue, but maybe you just messed with the scale or display proportions? You might fix it as is, or add an option to run the game in a window (with correct proportions). If not, you could at least make the buttons and text a bit smaller, and move away from the screen corners to avoid clipping.


Currently, all of my games are made based on FHD (1920*1080) resolution. Since it was developed without considering other resolutions, I didn't know if the UI would look too big in small resolutions. I'll fix it soon. Thanks for the report.


Doesn't seem like it's anything needing fixed to me. If they're unbound and that close to the gallows it's natural to assume they might put their foot on the gallows.


Any plans to add more girls, and an optionto cycle who gets hung. The place still has enough room for two more gallows. Usagi is so far my favorite.


This game will end the update after fixing some bugs. But you might be able to find the hanging element in my new games.


Great work! I like your game very much, It's great to be able to open the shackles and shackles. It's also good to cut the rope It is suggested whether the rope can be lifted When the rope is lowered, the suspended girl can stand or sit or lie on the ground to recover her strength, When the rope rose again, the girl was hanged again Friends who give advice on hand movements are also very good, I hope the game is getting better and better. Thank you for your work.


I love this game! The girls are cute, and i low how they try to reach the trapdoor to find some solid ground :3 May i ask askbout possible "skins" in the future? For example, we could hang girls from animes, like Naruto? I'd really like to hang Sakura in a bikini, with Ino and some other girls. Love your content!


It's a nice touch that they try to put their feet on the gallows, it makes them even cuter that they are trying to survive.


I mean, in a way like this: Alainer use this kind of 3d model: https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2021/10/29/10/10/32/93751751_p3_master1200.jpg


Will you ever add nudity?


oh... then here is a link to his profile. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/34118397


The game has really improved and most of our suggestions have been fulfilled so thanks and keep it up👍. I like Azusa's new facial expressions the most but of course the expressions from the other characters are really good too. (I think Azusa's expressions would also fit in MYDD) The only thing which is a pity in my opinion is that the health control is gone now and I liked these features in the previous version but the new version is great so it's ok.


So one bug to report and a few improvements to suggest so far. The bug I've found is when cutting the rope, even after they hit the ground, their health still drains. As for the improvements, When hanging multiple girls, I think that the other girls should react to one of them getting hanged, knowing they might be next. I also feel that the way the levers work when hanging single girls is better, as it gives them time to react in horror before you fully commit, and you can tease them by partially pulling the lever, as opposed to how it's instantanious in the multiple hanging version. Keep up the great work though. I love your games


oh, almost forgot. one thing that would be nice is if when handcuffs were removed, they'd try in vain to grab at the rope around their neck to untie it or maybe grab at the hanging part of the rope to stop the strain around their neck. Would understand if that took too much work.


Can I change my character however I want? So I was wondering if I could touch the file so that I could put my own Vroid Studio character in the game. It doesn't matter if I can't. At least I want to try to change the character, so could you tell me where the character file is?


How to oppen the game aftrd download


Sorry to keep throwing ideas out there. I know I can be overwhelming at times, but thought of one other thing I'd love to see after reading one of your replies to someone else, and this time it both does and doesn't have to do with this game. I think it would be interesting to see these games form a bigger game. I mean, they both seem to be games about dreams Manami has, and those dreams so far seem to be about dying due to asphyxiation, or maybe it could be expanded to just dying in a horrific or torturous way. It feels like there is an overarcing plot connecting these, and as such I think it would be fun to see that plot connect these in a game as well. A game where Manami keeps having nightmares. Just a thought.


oh and a way to exit the custom mode to the title would be nice in both games.


When you unzip the downloaded file, there is a text file named "readme.txt" in the compressed file. Just run the "MYHD.exe" file as written inside.


I couldn't create that part because I couldn't naturally create a situation where the character touches the floor when conscious. I would like to add it if possible.


It's possible inside the development editor, but at the moment I don't have the skills to load and apply models from the game client. I can't seem to add custom models or skin systems yet. It would be fun if possible.


Full nudity is not in the plans for the future. Underwear is allowed, but I'll probably implement it in my next game.


I really wanted to put all the elements you mentioned into the game, but there was a problem of time and technology. It is currently impossible, but as I continue to make the game, I will improve my development skills to the extent that I can add these elements. thank you.


I also think that Azusa's expression is the most satisfyingly made.


You probably won't be able to add the model by editing the file yet. This is because, rather than simply putting in a model, several tasks are performed in the development editor. To make this possible, I have to create a separate editing function, but it is not possible yet.


I'll tell you the story I originally thought of but discarded. Being the nightmare manager's point of view, I was trying to create a game where negative girls could experience suicide in their dreams and change their minds. If this had been done, the development time would have been greatly increased. If I ever make a sequel soon, I think I might consider this story. The ability to return to the menu is very basic, but I forgot to add it. thank you.


Love that story concept. I hope you do decide to implement it in a later game.


Will there be an avatar creator?


Not for games that exist now. I would like to create an avatar editor function later.


Nice work! Thank you so much for the free download!


Will you add a free flying camera so I can get better angles easier?


Mobile supported?


Please accept my deepest gratitude for your work. Can I contribute to improving the game? In the case of unfastened handcuffs, the first instinctive movement of the hanged girls will be to grab the noose.


Android support?


plz add first person view Plz!!!!!!!!!


Would be sweet if we could choose the type of knot on the noose, clothing, and drop height~


Love this game! Is freezing/control character health no longer an option in 1.1, though?


Is it for computer or mobile?


Is it for computer or mobile?


I want a tutorial video on how to play this game in heazhan studio..... YouTube channel