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Originally, the update was already finished and should have been released, but it took a lot of development time because there were a lot of bugs. I hope to release an update within this week.

The contents of this update (version 1.1) are as follows.

- Added 2 characters: Azusa, 1 name undecided

- Added custom mode: You can freely select a character in the custom mode, and you can hang 3 characters at the same time.

- Changed the physics calculation method: improved the fact that the strength of the physics calculation varies according to CPU performance.

- Rope improvement: applied using realistic rope assets.

- Struggle Motion Improvements: Made those motions start smoother, and make them look more varied.

- Changed camera movement method: Adjust the camera angle and zoom with the mouse.

- Added incontinence motion: The character has a certain probability of incontinence. Conditions are different for each character.

- Added expression variation when hanging

Your support leads to my reinvestment to make better games. Thank you so much for your support and thank you for reading!



- キャラクター2人追加:あずさ、名前未定1人

- カスタムモード追加:カスタムモードで自由にキャラクターを選択することができ、3人のキャラクターを同時に絞首刑にすることもできます。

- 物理演算方式変更:CPU性能ごとに物理演算強度が変わる点を改善しました。

- ロープの改善:現実的なロープアセットを使用して適用しました。

- 抵抗モーションの改善:そのモーションをよりスムーズに開始させ、動作がより多様に見えるようにしました。

- カメラ移動方式の変更:マウスでカメラの角度調整とズームをするようにしました。

- 失禁モーション追加:キャラクターが一正確率で失禁をするようにしました。キャラクターによって条件が異なります。

- 絞首刑時の表情バリエーション追加





can change the outfit to long fancy dress or long wedding dress?


I also want to add various outfits, but I'm still researching how to efficiently change outfits inside the game. If possible, I would like to add a lot of different types of clothes, such as modern, casual, minimalistic, classic, etc. (and, of course, fancy dresses too)


By any chance, empty eyes are added in this update? when character fainted or dead.


Can you add the option of nudity? And can you add the option of character voluntary? I mean, don't tie their arms. thank you.


An option for nudity sounds good to me. Voluntarily as an maybe selectable option also sounds okay but not as the only option available. I think tied arms are a must in the game!


Curious about the new expression variation when hanging. Maybe we get a bit more pupil movement in the eyes and or that the pupils roll back into the head when they're dead or something like that would be great. (If it's technically possible?)




Complete nudity is not planned. I tried to make the handcuffs removable while hanging, but I already created the character's physics with handcuffs in mind, so removing the handcuffs makes the movement extremely awkward. So I'm not going to add it.


I'm paying attention to eye processing this time, but the pupil doesn't seem to go up beyond a certain angle. Still working on it.


適度なサウンドがあれば本当に入れたいです。 しかし、絞首刑の詩の声は手に入りにくいようです。


play this game is very nice,I want paly more games like this.


Nice work!One suggestion, but wouldn't it be better if you could take a break by lifting and lowering on the way?Like a your drowning game.


I really want to, but the drowning game was easier to control because the character was lying down. I think it would be too difficult to implement that in a hanging game. It would be weird because the characters would not be able to stand on the floor properly and would just fall over. (with or without consciousness) Currently I'm only using simple animations and physics animations. In the future, if I can create detailed motion animations myself using Blender and mix them, I think it will be possible.


お疲れ様です. もしマナミにオーバーニーソックスを履かせてもらえないでしょうか。


I love both your games and look forward to the update. Like everyone else I do have various suggestions. Some better than others. So I want to start by comparing the systems in the two games. In the drowning game when you saved them from drowning, they were well aware of coming back from being unconcious while in the hanging game it was basically just rewinding time. I feel that if you could put in a system where you could pull the lever back to give them a platform again, you may be able to give the hanging game a similar system to the drowning game... but I do like the rewind and pause time aspect of the hanging game. I just feel like it would be more fun if like in the drowning game they had a reaction to being revived. Another way you could pull this off for the hanging game is if you had a button for the rope to snap, and pressing it again would bring her right back up in a new noose. (Will add more in a reply to this due to lack of space)


Another thing I think would be fun is less clothes when they're being executed. I won't ask for full on nudity. I know not everyone is comfortable drawing that, but like in the ending scene of the drowning game she's only in a bra and panties. That would be fine enough for both games. Sorry if I'm rambling by the way. Just love your games. Do you plan on doing other forms of asphyxiation in later games like vac-bed or bag over head or Garrote? I think Garrote would be a really fun and simple one, as you could tighten and loosen the rope as the two controls. Anyway. Keep up the good work and keep us updated when any new updates drop


When actually hanged, there is a phenomenon called the Lazarus sign, in which the arms and legs move like swimming during brain death after fainting. If this phenomenon is implemented in the game, it will be a much more realistic game.


I also want to make a feature that lowers and raises the character during execution, but it seems difficult for now. I'm researching various things, and I've read your opinions well. I will refer to it when making the next games. Manami in the underwear of the ending uses a different modeling than Manami being hanged. I will try to add the costume change part in the next game. I will also consider the various execution methods you mentioned. thank you.


I really value the realistic reaction of the characters you mentioned. I just spent too much time on this update, so I'll take that into consideration when making my next games. Thanks for your comment.




Is it for computer or mobile?


Is it for computer or mobile?