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Thank you so much for enjoying my game. And thank you so much to those who support me. I would like to share information about my development plan.

The next game I will develop will probably have a much larger volume than the games I've made so far. So, before I get into the project, I'm going to do some big or small updates to existing games first. Please look forward to.

Next, I am thinking about the genre of the next game project between two.

1. 3D open world hunting, taming, construction game. The story is for the player to enjoy life on a planet inhabited by human-like aliens.

2. 3D side view platformer game. It's about escaping from an evil organization. If caught by the villains, the character faces harsh punishment.

Detailed information on the above games will be presented in a long blog post soon. Your suggestions are always welcome, so please feel free to tell me. thank you!

私のゲームを楽しんでいただきありがとうございます。 そして私を後援してくださる方々にも本当に感謝します。 私の開発計画に関する情報を共有しようとしています。

次に、開発するゲームは、おそらく私が今まで作ったゲームよりもはるかに大きいと予想しています。 そのため、プロジェクトに入る前に、既存のゲームの大規模または小規模のアップデートを先に進めます。 期待してください。


1. 3Dオープンワールド型狩猟、テイミング、建設ゲーム。 内容は、プレイヤーが人間のように見えるエイリアンが生息している惑星で人生を楽しむことです。

2. 3Dサイドビュープラットフォーマーゲーム。 悪の組織から脱出する内容です。 悪役に捕まえれば、キャラクターは過酷な処罰を受ける。

上記のゲームの詳細については、近いうちにブログを通じて長文でお見せします。 皆さんのご提案はいつも歓迎しておりますので、お気軽に教えてください。 ありがとうございます!



I like the idea 1. 3D open world hunting, taming, construction game. The story is for the player to enjoy life on a planet inhabited by human-like aliens. Although this is certainly more difficult to do than the second one, Unlike the second idea, this time the player takes on the role of a master who captures other slaves, Personally, I enjoy persecuting other people and watching them suffer more than I enjoy my own characters being suffer. I really like the physics dynamics you did, the best I've ever seen. I made something before in fallout4, somekind like the idea 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_daw8STKYg&t Maybe you will interest.


I've played Fallout 4, but I didn't know you could enjoy it that way. I think it will be a good reference. The hanging video is very impressive. thank you! I also want to develop the game of Case 1, but I'm worried about the lack of technical skills. I'm still trying things out with the Unity engine, but I'll post it after thinking about it a bit more.


May I suggest you to look at two other Unity games that I found once? As I understand, these games are unfinished and abandoned, but they're still cute! I downloaded them from site https://rtdat.com/download.html Comments here can be only 1000 characters long, so I have to split my message. First one ("pow_Win64") is a shooter, introducing a girl whose appearance, clothes and colors can be changed in Profile menu (top-right corner of the first screen!) As I understood, the game has only two playable locations: Debug Field and a trailer (the latter being a lone room without anything except graphics). …


… The sole game zone consists of initial room with weapons and some other rooms with obstacles. There are enemy and ally AI-controlled solders than can shoot at each other. Player can pick up weapons and shoot too. The unique feature of this game is an advanced health system: the girl has breath, heartbeat and blood pressure. When she injures, her limbs may bleed or even disembody! The zone has a deadly deep pit and explosive mine bomb (near to respawn point), which causes nearly instant death by lack of blood. When the girl loses consciousness, her movement is controlled by ragdoll algorithm, while enemies are trying to grab and arrest her. Unfortunately, this game has no healing items - so it is not possible to restore blood level, fix broken limbs or wake up after a shock (but sometimes her faint state isn't permanent though). …


… Second game ("UW_Win32") features a girl in swimsuit that can dive underwater holding her breath. The first location is big and looks complete: there are sunken ships (with medusas that can bite; the first ship has one trap, the second ship is not reachable), long underwater caves (those mazes are the most stressful part; the entrance is located between big boulders near to the rocks along the beach - so it's very easy to miss it!), and a forest that will teleport the player to the next location. Unfortunately, the second location is clearly unfinished: it is small, featuring a lake (with different lighting and sound ambience). There is a pipe in the lake that transfers player to the third location: underwater corridors. Sadly, that zone is not finished: there is nothing to do except for moving a box and swimming through a whirl to a large cave where you can build a bridge by moving more boxes (that lead to nothing). I believe those games might inspire you for some new ideas!


I've played "UW_Win32" before. The movement of swimming in the free direction was impressive. I've never played "pow_Win64", but the hard feel looks interesting. The game I'm going to make will probably follow that pattern as well. It doesn't really follow the above games, but many 3D indie games follow this method (third person view, stage format), and I think the difficulty of development is actually relatively easy. (if the system is simple) Thanks for sharing your information and experiences.