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Morning all, Scriptor here with the Q3 2022 plans!

Q3 2022 plans!

We’re well underway in the third quarter of this year, and boy is it turning out to be one hot summer huh? Hopefully the recent release of V0.22.1 of No escape is some reason to stay inside and enjoy the cool. For those of you who don’t have an air conditioning at home; my thoughts and prayers are with you! :’[

Anyhow let’s have a chat about the next game update! I’ll be honest with you guys and say that Augustus will be an extremely busy month for me: Since most people are going on a holiday there’s a lot of slack to be picked up on my two side-jobs, and guess who’s going pick up that slack.... (Yes; me.) >;3

However although I’ll be extremely busy I still want to keep development of No escape on schedule. So instead of getting into an overly long update cycle, I’ll instead be doing a sort of “quality of life” update for V0.23.1, focusing mainly on some (long over-due) things in the desert VR-world. Below is a list of things I’m (at least) striving to add in the V0.23.1 update:

“Major” things:

- Turn the bandit fail-state into a playable one. (Plus adding Rose to the bandit camp if she’s sold to them.)

- Expand the golem fail-state with a sex scene after transformation.

- Add a special enemy(?) (or trap) + fail-state as a “reward” for "defeating"/serving Goddess.

- Remake the bandit escape sequence into a sneaking mini-game.

“Minor” things:

- Make custom sprites for kitty Kat (and Rose), the yellow goop statues and the throne room statues.

- Implement a whole new tileset for the desert VR-world (making it just as pretty as the cybercity one).

- Beauty effects, code cleaning and other minor stuff.

It’s a bit of a short list, but then again I’m striving to have this all done before the end of the next month. I believe doing things this way is the best in the long run: It will prevent me from burning out in the next month, take care of some long-standing quality things in the desert VR-world, and pull the desert VR-world up to the new standard set by the cybercity VR-world. Rest assured that update after V0.23.1 will again focus solely on the cybercity VR-world; I’m still aiming to have that VR-world fully finished this year. 😉

No dev update tomorrow since I’ve been doing pre-production stuff/bugfixing V0.22.1, but coming Sunday it will once again be the regular twice-a-week schedule/teasing. >;3

That’s all for these Q-plans, have a good week and see you next time!





Nice to see that finished worlds still get extra polish and ideas implemented. Keep up the good work.


Good solid plan. Don’t burn yourself out! We want more!! Keep your health up first I plan on supporting you for a long time to come. Thank you.


Will I need to start a new game to get to the new content? And how and when could I sell rose to them?


No, the content planned is accessible to the player no matter what path you've chosen in the desert VR-world. ;3 As to your second question; check your PM's in a sec. ^^


Expanding the Golem fail state was my top wish for Lost Sands, so....yay! :D


Great news! I appreciate all your hard work and dedication!!