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Ave senators!

See the links for V0.22.1 of No escape: Game edition! See the changelog for all of the changes, but in a nutshell the first part (all the way up to the cybercity VR-world’s boss) of the factory has been added in this update!

To start the new content just enter the factory through the side entrance, should be pretty clear where to head from that point on. ;3

Hope you guys will enjoy this update and be sure to let me know your thoughts as always! ^^


Bugfix version is out, download from here instead!:









Found a little bug when I transfered my saved file over with the desert gear. I went to the pawn shop to sell and it bugged out selling the suit threads back. If I can replicate the bug I’ll let you know more. Other than that. Nothing else so far that I noticed. I just made it into the factory.


Yeah it's a bug that's caused by having multiple gear upgrades in a ported a save from before V0.21.1. There's not much I can do about that, but luckily you can keep playing the game without issues; as long as you don't sell those multiple gear upgrades or hit the "optimize" button in the equip window. To permanently get rid of the bug you'd have to start a fresh save. I'm very sorry about the hassle, but as described above you can just keep using your save whilst jumping through those minor hoops mentioned above. However if you want I can provide you with a (clean) quick-start save that starts at the beginning of the factory; if you want it hit me up in the PMs or here! ;) 🦾


Just finished outside the Boss room. Awesome! I loved every bit of it so far. I think I found every ending I could. I play tested it out for the past 8 hrs with breaks. Pretty solid!!


Glad to hear you liked it, and 8 hours with breaks? That's a pretty intensive Sunday I'd say! ;3 ^^


Nah it’s all good I have already played through the game a few times I don’t mind fresh starts. It’s fun!😊. Thank you though.


Lol I explored everything I could think of. With every outcome. I can’t wait to see the rest.


That was a great update. Really a ton of stuff to experiment with. Love the snarky antagonist. I experimented with the upgrades for the first time and found out they're great! I found "something" like a bug regarding the fight capture sequences. After checking the raw images, I think it's just how it works, but just to be safe - when the security drone catches Kat by the neck and then glows green (healing), Kat disappears. Then when the healing is done, Kat reappears back in her hand. I think it's just a slightly awkward sequence of pictures that couldn't be avoided, but just in case it's not intentional, there you go. Other than that, everything looks super smooth. Thanks for another great update!


Hrmm I did not run into that bug. I’ll run through the game again. I keep several saves for testing. Is that the security drone inside the factory? I agree pretty darn smooth!


Oh wow, now you mention it that's actually possible when the enemy is under a "bleed" effect (damage each turn). The "specials" are linked to its hp so they fire no matter what, but it's an easy fix by adding an exception if Kat's in a grab. Good spot Chris; thanks for reporting! ^^


@Aldaira Yes. It's the security drone that appears afterwards when you trip the laser in the office.