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Heya everybody, Scriptor here with the latest news bulletin! :3

Game development

Work on the game has been good the past few days; with work primarily focused on bug-fixing the beta and making small extra (smutty) events. Opting to use the extra time to put even more rubbery smut into the game has been the right call: The extra time has allowed me to experiment with some more new ways to present the rubbery predicaments Kat finds herself in; namely 2D sprite-work that shows Kat struggling in her rubbery peril(s)! It will be featured heavily one of the “extra” events I’ve implemented and I’m pretty happy as to how it came out, so expect these kind of “struggle” sprites to pop up again in the future. ;3

Besides this there really isn’t much to say; V0.22.1 will release somewhere coming weekend, at the latest Sunday evening (17th of July) before 20:00 (Amsterdam time). I’m quite excited to present it to you guys; I hope you all will like it. ;3 ^^


And now the final teasers of this update cycle, of one of the "extra" events: The toy-ball! A new product currently in the testing wing of the factory, Kathleen can have a… “in-depth” experience as to how the product works. >;3

Although it’s hard to show in static snips that sprite of Kathleen is animated, so when she struggles you get to see it happen on the 2D map! Pretty neat huh? ^^

And that’s all for this dev update, see you guys this weekend at the release party of V0.22.1! ;D




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/RzESaUXD2z




Loving the look of these extras you've taken time to extra-implement, even more so than the rest personally! Looking forward to this even more now and look forward to more in future. They always said good things come to those who wait, and I really dont mind waiting when this is the end result! Fantastic work! (as always)


Firstly, can I just say how awesome it is you keep up with these two updates a week? It's great to watch the development unfold. I kind of hate those creators who just go dark for half a year between updates. Even if the updates themselves are great. And secondly, a question - do you maybe plan on adding some of these "small smutty events" retroactively into the first world as well when you have some spare time? It would be a nice addition for those of us who play through the whole game with every major update. In any case thanks! Can't wait for Sunday!. :)


First off thank you Chris, I really appreciate you saying that! ^^ I’m just glad happy people like these updates so much (even though it sometimes feel like I’m only complaining about rpgmaker MV/DAZ/Blender stuff). 😅😋 And to answer your second question; I’m not planning on keeping adding events once a VR-world is considered “finished, but the desert VR-world has some (major) things that I feel are still missing/need to be expanded on… And my personal schedule for August has created a situation where it might be best to do such a “expansion” update. " I’ll hold off on saying anything more before announcing the “official” plans of V0.23.1; but expect some major news about the desert VR-world come Monday. 😉


You don't have to promise anything. When (and if) it's done, it'll be done. But it's great to hear you haven't forgotten about the first world. It's mainly your own fault, you know? The desert world was fine at first, but you've made the cyberpunk world so much more expansive (lots of smaller stuff as well as big propper playable bad ends which I adore) that suddenly the desert world appears inferior. On the other hand, it's kind of a tutorial world of course. So maybe keeping things simple there is a good idea, too. Who knows. You decide. :)


I recently went full memeber because i love what you are doing so far. This type of game and its ideals are right up my ally. I have really enjoyed playing through every content so far. You have been doing an amazing job and I can not wait to test this out and play some more. I really enjoy the parts of the game where Kat is captured or tricked failed and you have to play it out. i would love to see more of this.


I appreciate your kind words Aldaira; thank you! ^^ And you're in luck; those events you've described are planned for the coming two updates... But more about that come ~Monday in the V0.23.1 plans! ;3