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Hey people, Scriptor here with the Sunday news!

Game development

The last renders for the bandit fail-state are done; it totals in at 59 base images (excluding 3 more that will be used in a sideview-port), meaning it’s going to be another image-filed juicy bad end! Next week will be focused on making the renders for the other fail-state (losing the fight against goddess), so you guys can expect some cool teasers about that coming Wednesday! ^^

Since the writing and implementing parts of this update are much easier than those of the previous update (much less variables to take into account) I expect the rest of this update cycle to go pretty quick. As such; I expect to release V0.19.1 on 22 December for Tier III. I can only hope I haven’t jinxed myself by saying this… ;p


The way out! Will Kathleen make it? (shot from the escape sequence inside the bandit camp)

“Alright girls, time to put your goggles on. We all remember what happened to your friend who first stumbled upon the relic inside the pyramid…” (shot from the desert bandit fail-state)

‘Damnit, can this get any worse?’ (Another teaser from the desert bandit fail-state. Spoiler alert; yes it can Kathleen. >;3)

1 year anniversary!

December the 13th marks one year since I’ve uploaded my first work. For those interested you can find it here: https://www.deviantart.com/scriptoromniscius24/art/Cylinder-fun-863314625 and for those who don’t have a DeviantArt account here’s a screencap:

A kinky pod! And it “only” took me 2 days to make it! ;’D

Besides having some glaring issues (the top-part couldn’t physically open for example) the pod itself was… Quite crude. At least it had a nice shine to it right? :p

I thought it a fun challenge (and a way to celebrate one year of making rubber smut) to rebuild the pod, using all the new knowledge I’ve obtained in the last year and to see if I can make something better in less time.

I present to you; the pod mark III!

Looks a bit better right? 😉

Besides having a panel on the top that actually opens this one also has a hole in the bottom (for reasons), comfortable rubber padding, inbuilt lightning and a handy touchscreen to control the pod. Total work-time on this one… 4 hours. ^^

And since I had made the pod I just couldn’t resist making some kinky peril featuring it:

It has a bit less rubber then my usual works, but I hope the rest of the image manages to make up for that. ;3 See the link below for a higher res version of the image together with the raw images used in the side-view ports!

Link: https://mega.nz/file/ojwVUKpQ#IU0wAC1MquYGm8_VvXLesyjowN860aOa-_neTMxbtYs

That’s all for this Sunday dev update; see you all coming Wednesday!






Could be the start of a potential fail state in world 2? ;)


It would be nice if you used these developments with the capsule in the game for a bad ending or fail-state as you call it.


Heh, didn't expect that people would be liking the pod mark III enough for that; I'll keep an open mind about using it in the game! ;3


To be honest that pod was just something quick throw together to show off what I learned in the past year. But if you guys would like to see more of it then sure; I might be able to use it in some sort of trap in No escape. ^^


i need this now , your work is very nice


Good things take time; but rest assured that I'm working in overdrive on the next update! ;3