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Good evening all, Scriptor here with the Wednesday dev update!

Game development

I’ve been busy making the renders for the fail-state you will get when losing the boss-fight against goddess. It features some kinky fun with the sarcophagus featured in said boss battle, lots of tentacle shenanigans, a transformation sequence into one of those beautiful artworks found inside the throne room and to finish it all off some kinky fun with goddess. ;3 Current amount of new renders (for this fail-state) stands at 13, although I expect that once I’m done building the scenes in DAZ this number will shoot up towards ~35 images.

Besides rendering I’ve also been experimenting with a new feature for one of the struggle mechanics inside the battle system. Currently there are two ways to escape an enemies grab: A struggle in exchange for some stamina, that as a chance to fail and as such is a bit of a gamble. Or the “desperate struggle”, that will always succeed but takes away some of your HP. The issue with the first struggle mechanic (the stamina based one) is that I don’t find it very engaging and it relies too much on the luck of a dice roll.

So how to make it more engaging? Simple, we’ll replace the dice roll with a “simon says” type of QTE.

Above image is just to give an idea of how the aforementioned QTE will look in-game. Basically you will have to press the correct arrow keys in a certain timeframe to escape the enemies grab. Furthermore, this mechanic is also scalable with difficulty, meaning late-game enemies will have tougher QTE’s compared to those found in the early-game. To combat the increase in difficulty the players can just “git gud” (kidding) or buy suit upgrades that will make the QTE events easier. This also adds another layer of depth to the upgrade system; will you get a suit upgrade that boost Kathleen’s defense making her more durable in a fight, or will you opt for the upgrade that makes the QTE’s easier and as such less likely to be unable to escape an enemies grab? And no worries; if you really can’t beat a particular QTE remember that the other struggle mechanic (the one for health) is still in the game, and will always be a viable “last resort” option! ;3


Some of screens of the boss-fight failstate; talk about being in a tight spot... >;3

That’s all for this dev update; have a good week and see you guys this Sunday!






I've been waiting for this fight/fail state to be implemented most since I started playing, more than excited to lose...*ahem* I mean win, yes win, many times, many many times ;)


Hmm. Not really a fan of real-time combat stuff in RPG maker, but this does sound like a good alternative, especially for the areas with a lot of consecutive fights. Then again, losing in this game is fun, so it being partly luck-based wasn't really a problem. But if you think it's worth the development time to implement, it must be an improvement in your eyes so all's good I guess. :)


I get what you mean and considering that I'll do the best of both worlds, and give people the option to switch between "classic" (current struggle mechanic) and QTE mode. This will be easily togglable with the click of a button (in the communicator Jack gives you at the beginning of the game); meaning you'll be able to decide at any point in the game to switch the modes. ;3