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Heya people, Scriptor here with the exclusive dev update! ^^

Game development

Progress on the bandit fail-state has been very good. It will clock in at around 60 base images, and finish with some sweet cunnilingus featuring “Muffy” and the desert bandit boss. ;3 Besides making the images for the fail-state itself I’ve also made some images that serve as an escape sequence from the desert bandits. It’s in the same vein as with the rubber golems; meaning that getting caught wont immediately trigger the fail-state (unless you’ve submitted during the fight), although it would be best not to get caught too often in a row! >;3

I’ve also made a small image sequence that serves as an epilogue to the story if Kathleen fail-states inside the desert VR-world; wrapping things up in the real-world as well. During the making of this sequence I’ve learned yet another very important thing in Blender; how to model salvia/drool! :D

Tada! :3

Turns out it’s very easy once you know how, but unsurprisingly there are not many tutorials on youtube on how to make this. ;’) It looks pretty good in the renders, although I still need to play around some more with the thickness and materials of the stuff, since it's quite hard to see in some situations. I won't be adding drool-strings to every image I make, but you guys can expect to see it pop up from time to time, since I really feel it adds to some (mostly sex) scenes. ^^


Shot of Kathleen during the escape sequence inside the desert bandits camp.

Teaser of the desert bandit boss having some fun with her new “service kitty”...

Shot of the epilogue; take a veeery close look at that ballgag to see that spit I was taking about! ;3

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys Sunday!






Save the beast of burden bad ending for something later, since it wasn't used for the bandits. :)


Alas; so many good suggestions and not enough time to implement them all... I'm sure it will get a rematch in another poll. ;)