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Heyooo everybody, Scriptor here with the Sunday dev update!

Game development

Like said in the previous status update work in the past week has been focused on making the desert bandit fail state; it features some kinky rubbery pet-play, and as with most of my content the intro of said fail-state will be in both con and non-con flavors. Why only the intro? Well that’s because the desert bandits have found a special Bastet statue in the pyramid that they want to test on Kathleen: Staring into the statue’s eyes has some pretty interesting effects on the viewer… Let’s say Kathleen will purr to a whole different tune afterwards! >;3

Current amount of new renders stands at 49 for this fail state alone and I expect it will total at around 65 images when it’s fully done. ^^


“OH MY GOD!” (Kathleen realizing she’s in trouble)

“Well, seems our new service kitty is finally awake~” (The desert bandit’s leader, who’s VERY happy to have a new pet!)

“Time to shut you up. Cats don’t speak after all, they mew!~”

That’s all for this Sunday dev update, have a good week and see you guys Wednesday!






So we get some mind control after all. Sweet!