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  • Loving_Babysitter_Full_Version4.mp4
  • Kobato_Front_Rear_Clothed.mp4
  • Kobato_POV_Rear_Low_Naked.mp4






-------------説明 / Description--------------------------


Sena was asked to babysit this afternoon. While Sena loves and adores Kobato like a little sister, Sena will not spoil her if she misbehaves.




oh my GOSH, this may have been your best yet, putting together all you seemed to have been practicing in one go! A nice coherent story, great camera angles, wonderful expressions...! I can barely hold back my excitement telling you how sweet this was! Both corner time and the little aftercare rubs as well as snuggles on the lap, I think you might have just hit the jackpot on me and I may completely die happy but refuse to because I won't be able to see more of these animations! It was extremely sweet, very domestic and caring, and gave me a wonderful feeling of 'this is something that happens but it's okay because she cares', if that makes sense. I'm such a sucker for cute scenes like this and seeing one so beautifully animated as well as one so long just to tell a full story makes my heart warm. :) thank you so much, Kana. This was such a wonderful treat to behold and you completely knocked it out of the park on every level. <3 <3 you are absolutely the best!


With each of your work, I have fewer words to admire... It`s a bit hard to me to express my feelings because I almost always need translator to write something in english. This scene is extremely cute <3


Celly just has to chime in to say this is without a doubt your best animation yet. I loved both characters especially now that I know Sena's name instead of referring to her as the babysitter. I agree that this is a heartwarming display of the power of this almost sisterly love and affection for one another wherein the older girl bestowed her discipline from her own wisdom of how to behave. The cuddles and aftercare were especially touching to me as well. Like Miki, I also love domestic scenes and especially cute ones like this. The bathroom scene you made earlier was also in that same theme of cuteness at least to me. As was the elvish mother scene with the paddles and the forgiveness the naughty girl got for her spanking the younger girls. The smoothness of your camera pans are getting better and better and this truly did feel like a coherent, start to finish story, Kana. I can see that this took a lot of your time to put together, but think on that for a moment......


Far too often - myself included - we let these stories or fantasies fester within us without releasing them. You *have* the ability to convey these images in a very beautiful way. You are very lucky you can express them in a way that you can also derive pleasure. Many years ago, I wrote stories on the internet as I possess very few artistic devices of my own. It was the only way I could express them. Good for you that you have found your outlet. I do caution you, however, not to bag off on your bread and butter job. Please don't jeopardize your regular job to pursue these passions ok? I kinda feel bad for my long windedness as of late as I may have helped to encourage you to necessarily lengthen this scene. If I did, I'm sorry. That being said, I'm tickled pink at the outcome :)


I am still of the thinking that Kobato was seeking out attention and may have deliberately left the mess to get some hands-on attention from Sena. It's amazing how you are capable to convey emotions without actual dialogue, Kana. The look on Kobato's eyes in the corner exhibited sheer relief on her part that she underwent this at all. She may, too, have put herself in this position in the first place for the aftercare itself. Even Sena's expressions illustrated her willingness to participate in this ordeal. I think they fed upon one another at an emotional level and this was how it ended up for the both of them. Beyond that, I think it will happen again :)


Ahhh, Thank you, thank you so much! <3 . This took a really long time to make and I had a lot of fun making it. Seeing it all come together was very fulfilling to say the least. Surprisingly the part that took the longest to animate was when I had the babysitter say Kobato's name, I tried mimicking the phonetic sound of her name (Koh-Bah-Toh). After that I decided not to do any more spoken words in the scene but I'm still happy I did it for that scene. I'm really glad you liked it and I hope to continue making more like this in the future, so you can't die yet! ;p


Thank you so much! <3 I still really appreciate your comment! I use both DeepL and Google Translate for translations of my work. DeepL was recommended to me a while back by some of my Japanese followers so feel free to give it a try if it supports your language.


Thank you very much! Domestic scenes remain to be one of my favorites so I have more planned in the future. I'm glad that my camera panning skills are starting to pay off and I think I finally got a good grasp of how to do it smoothly. And yes, I don't plan on calling out of work to animate again ;p . I was just so excited since I was close to finishing this project that I had the urge to continue working on it. I agree and think this duo makes a great pair. Animating and timing the facial reactions, emotions, and mouth movement in Koikatsu is definitely a lot more difficult than it was in my old software. I feel that they are a must when it comes to telling a story especially when there is no sound or dialogue. So I am really happy that my methods of conveying emotions seem to be well received. Thank you <3 .


Takes note that Kana did not *confirm nor deny" that Kobato preplanned the whole affair hehe. I did fail to mention I liked how Sena's mouth moved as she woke up the snoozing brat. I also failed to mention I loved her reaction when she realized she had spanked the brat enough. I still say the mother, even if an asset for her doesn't exist, could show up to find the two of them in their current predicament. I know it's not "canon" but hey I can suspend my disbelief. Much like this deserves a sequel, so many of your works do. I think you know I love the sister spanking from way back when and hey maybe the other sister will end up with a bad grade hehe. So, too, does the rent a girlfriend scene on the beach as it sounds like other young ladies participate in the program. You also teased, at least to me, that Kana herself deserves a spanky for something. This list is actually very long so I won't add it to it now :)


I further recommend DeepL. Whenever I go to iwara or such places, it's my chosen translator. I know some basic conversational Japanese, but it's limited which puts me behind the eight ball on some of my favorite sites.


Pictures Kana looking in the mirror - and we know she likes mirrors hehe - as she sounded out the words and watched her lips move :)


I became a fan for this and didn’t disappoint! Please more kobato!!!