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現在制作中のアニメーションのクイック・スニーク・ピークです。基本的な設定は、かわいそうな小羽瀬川 小鳩 が作った混乱の中にベビーシッターが入っていくというものです。彼女の悲しいお尻には、それにふさわしいお仕置きが待っています。コーナーのシーンやアフターケアのシーンを追加することも考えていますが、まだ確定していません。約束はできませんが、私の考えをお伝えしたかったのです。この作品はかなり前から制作していて、アニメーションはすでに20秒以上の長さになっています。最低でも30秒のアニメーションにすることを目標にしていますので、楽しみにしていてください。<3

Quick sneak peek of an animation in the works. Basic premise is a babysitter walking in to a mess that poor Kobato made and forgot to clean up. Her sad little bottom will get the spanking it needs. Still thinking about possibly adding a cornertime scene or an aftercare scene but I'm not sure yet. No promises, but just wanted to share my thoughts. I have had this one in the works for quite a while and the animation is already at 20+ seconds long. I am aiming to make it a 30 second animation so I hope you look forward to it. <3

<3 Kana




So I checked my email at lunch and saw your announcement. Being at work, I just could not check it. But I wanted to. A lot. And then more a lot. Then too much for Celly to handle. So I did. I absolutely loved both the babysitter and Kobato as characters and I sincerely hope you use both of them in the future. The scene with the babysitter with her arms crossed under her boobies made me shudder. Truth is I immediately fell into Kobato's eyes at that point and saw it from her perspective. Way to go, Kana! Is it just me or is that a smile on Kobato's face through this? Purty sure it isn't just my wishful thinking. I think she wanted the babysitter's attention. Perhaps she has been planning this for a long time just like you've been keeping this treasure secret from us. 20 seconds already! Oh I hope you might let us sneak a peak at more of these hidden treasures in the making. This is Eldorado Gold, missy, and I need me some loot! I will confess I love the longer.....


animations you make as they tend to play on your greatest vitalities and strengths, Kana. Part of your magnetic draw for me will always be your ability to tell the stories that you do. You don't just focus in on a couple seconds of the real action, but you also have an incredible knack for the leading up to the penultimate moment. Then they get spanked :) You also mentioned a cornertime or aftercare add on. I hope you will put more credence on adding them and I will tell you that it is part of your past. Many of your older stories, sometimes just the collections of pictures but also some of your animations, added an encore. Unique situations for cornertime or aftercare that just added icing to the cake. And who wants cake without dollops of icing? I mean no pressure ever by any of my comments, Kana, but I also like to give you as much advice or support as I can. I'm waiting with bated breath for this one, missy. More than ever. OMG they are adorable. I can almost.....


imagine Kobato straddled on the babysitter's lap as she nuzzles her rosy red (facial) cheeks (hehe) pinkened by all her excitement by her clever ruse to get a spanky from her babysitter just at that moment when the babysitter realizes the machinations of the naughty young lady on her lap. Like you had in your elf mother cut scene you had in last month's unused pictures collections and the nurse mother story from way back when, a stoic expression can certainly be turned to disappointment. And a hand embraced in the small of a back in aftercare can just as easily become an open handed palm. Which can soon find it's rightful place on the brat's bum! As for cornertime, you've been very inventive about this in the past. I still remember that mirror scene with the girls balancing books and the ladies wielding hairbrushes. Or the scene where the girls knelt naked on each side of a tv. Who says cornertime has to be....in a corner......not me! I can envision (which is not meant to


exert pressure or otherwise manipulate much like the rascal Kobato - I promise) that now well spanked brat knelt in the front bay window of the home with the curtains drawn, bare bum on full display waiting for her mommy to come home and see her there naked as the day she was born with a crimson backside. But what if her mommy is equally mad with the babysitter not about the spanking, but that she didn't wait for her? Or she didn't think it was strict enough? Or she didn't get a phone call first about her discipline? Oh gasp the plot sickens :) Hehe not thickens. These sorts of stories make me so happy and excited if you haven't noticed :) Thank you Kana :)


P.S. I appreciate your fan service in tossing in the naked variations of many of your illustrations as you go. I will date myself (omg now I'm going to imagine myself as a clone as a rent-a-girlfriend like another treasure that needs to come back on that beach - but I digress) and say that I've collected spanking artwork since the 90s and it has always been incredibly difficult to find pieces where both the female spanker and female spankee are naked. For me, it is the ultimate expression of top and bottom much like the binary differences of up and down, right and wrong, naughty and good. For neither of them to have clothing, they are at their polar opposites of good and naughty in my humble opinion. Plus....errr.....boobies :)


P.P.S. (again dating me as someone that actually used to write letter for snail mail that actually post scripted things hehe) - Have you considered not only releasing final animations, but also releasing the animations as they are partially complete to us here at fanbox? Or even when complete releasing the constituent images that made up the final product? I also realize that sometimes it's difficult to animate certain things like undressing etc but they might find a home in static pictures though. I know sometimes they end up in your collections of unused pictures, but just an idea. P.P.P.S. I know you've resisted using the hairbrush so far. As I've said before (at least in our private notes), I sincerely believe the brush is the ultimate maternal implement. When you think of a crop, you think mistress. A ruler equates a teacher. A belt equates a daddy figure. But a brush....well I can only imagine that Kobato deserves the brush. Maybe the babysitter too. Which makes me....


...recall an OLD show from reruns in my youth. Wait till your father gets home. Animated 60s or 70s. In this case, when mommy comes home :) And with a brush in her nightstand hehehehehe. Ok I promise I'll stop now. Maybe.


A nice domestic scene with a living room and a couch is a great little change-up of scenery! I love how nicely you go from different scenes from school and outside and a bathroom to now the living room for some cute in-home flair. I'll admit I'm a huge sucker for domestic scenes and there's something rather nice and almost wholesome about a spanking on the couch. The panties to the side are a good touch as well, I've seen you doing that a bit more lately and I definitely enjoy the small details of things like that. Gives more little background things to the scene and it's fun to look around the scene beyond the 'main action' because there's usually a detail or two worth seeing that make it seem less like a stage with dolls and more like an actual place people live in/work at/etc. You do those so well! As for corner time or aftercare, you know already I'm a big sucker for aftercare, but corner time is also a good idea because of the of the panties on the couch. Could be preparation!


Domestic scenes will always be one of my favorites as well. :) There are a lot more maps and assets available for home scenes in this software so I'm planning on doing more. I'm still a little overwhelmed with how many items/props are now available (in a good way) so I'm hopeful that I will be able to add more touches to scenes in the future to help portray the plot.


Both the babysitter (Sena) and Kobato are some of my favorite characters as well. Might explain why I wanted to make a longer animation with them ;p . And I can't confirm or deny that Kobato may have a smirk on her face <3 . I do plan on making more in-depth story animations now that I'm getting more comfortable in Koikatsu. Of course, the story animations take longer to make (2ish weeks) which is why I like to work on them in between shorter animations. Since the amount of girls I want to animate are endless, I will always have both short spanking animations in between and longer animations for personal favorites. Ahh yes! The mirror scene! I remember that one and I am happy to say that there are 2 hairbrush assets in Koikatsu that I plan to use soon. I will most likely release a short test animation in the near future with the hairbrush for practice!


I really like the idea of the mother coming home and seeing Kobato spanked. I would love to have her come home frustrated that that Sena spanked her and have Sena punished for going too far. Sadly I do not have the mother character nor do I think it exists since in the anime series she isn't "present" sadly. I do like this idea and I think it would make a great plot in a future animation possibly with the nurse/daughter or elf family since they are original characters so I can take it in any direction :)


As for releasing partial animations, in my old software it was easier and quicker to make a short .gif for a previews, which I did for my old WIP posts. The reason that it was easier is because I shot all of my old works in stop-motion which meant that I could start recording partial scenes at any point, even when the whole scene was not finished. In Koikatsu I do not use stop-motion anymore and record the whole animation after it is completed which is why I now use screenshots for WIP posts. My workflow in Koikatsu is different as well, I do the animation(movements) first, then work through the facial reactions, then the jiggle mechanics, and lastly the reddening effect in that order since it is more efficient for me which is why I hesitate to do animation sneak peaks for now at least.


I will consider possibly releasing the still images I use in my animations in the future, or maybe chunks of the good scenes. Releasing the whole scene may be a bit much since I shoot at 30FPS now, for context this animation currently clocks in at 2GB+ total with 1,956 frames. So I will need to upgrade my Mega.io drive plan again if I were to start sharing all the stills from all my animations and think through some other hurdles. Will consider though!


Again it's just me frothing at the mouth when I get in one of those moods when I see such an animation, Kana. In the heat of the moment type. Please don't undergo any further expense on our part as my musings are simply that. I like that the way you release things. In perfect honesty, I've never seen another creator release at the pace that you are so I simply can't complain. As for my thematic suggestions, heck I filled your inbox with ideas. It's just how I brainstorm. I"m glad you consider them, but please know they are just Celly being silly :)